package com.hwlcn.ldap.ldap.sdk.schema; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; enum SchemaMessages { /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute syntax because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string. */ ERR_ATTRSYNTAX_DECODE_CLOSE_NOT_AT_END("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute syntax because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute syntax because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension. */ ERR_ATTRSYNTAX_DECODE_DUP_EXT("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute syntax because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension."), /** * An empty string cannot be decoded as an attribute syntax. */ ERR_ATTRSYNTAX_DECODE_EMPTY("An empty string cannot be decoded as an attribute syntax."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute syntax because it included multiple DESC elements. */ ERR_ATTRSYNTAX_DECODE_MULTIPLE_DESC("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute syntax because it included multiple DESC elements."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute syntax definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis. */ ERR_ATTRSYNTAX_DECODE_NO_OPENING_PAREN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute syntax definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute syntax because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''. */ ERR_ATTRSYNTAX_DECODE_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute syntax because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute type because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string. */ ERR_ATTRTYPE_DECODE_CLOSE_NOT_AT_END("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute type because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute type because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension. */ ERR_ATTRTYPE_DECODE_DUP_EXT("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute type because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension."), /** * An empty string cannot be decoded as an attribute type. */ ERR_ATTRTYPE_DECODE_EMPTY("An empty string cannot be decoded as an attribute type."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute type because it included an invalid attribute usage of ''{1}''. */ ERR_ATTRTYPE_DECODE_INVALID_USAGE("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute type because it included an invalid attribute usage of ''{1}''."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute type because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element. */ ERR_ATTRTYPE_DECODE_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute type because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute type definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis. */ ERR_ATTRTYPE_DECODE_NO_OPENING_PAREN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute type definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute type because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''. */ ERR_ATTRTYPE_DECODE_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an attribute type because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT content rule because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string. */ ERR_DCR_DECODE_CLOSE_NOT_AT_END("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT content rule because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT content rule because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension. */ ERR_DCR_DECODE_DUP_EXT("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT content rule because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension."), /** * An empty string cannot be decoded as a DIT content rule. */ ERR_DCR_DECODE_EMPTY("An empty string cannot be decoded as a DIT content rule."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT content rule because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element. */ ERR_DCR_DECODE_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT content rule because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT content rule definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis. */ ERR_DCR_DECODE_NO_OPENING_PAREN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT content rule definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string. */ ERR_DSR_DECODE_CLOSE_NOT_AT_END("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension. */ ERR_DSR_DECODE_DUP_EXT("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension."), /** * An empty string cannot be decoded as a DIT structure rule. */ ERR_DSR_DECODE_EMPTY("An empty string cannot be decoded as a DIT structure rule."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element. */ ERR_DSR_DECODE_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because dit not include the required FORM element. */ ERR_DSR_DECODE_NO_FORM("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because dit not include the required FORM element."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis. */ ERR_DSR_DECODE_NO_OPENING_PAREN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because the rule ID could not be parsed as an integer. */ ERR_DSR_DECODE_RULE_ID_NOT_INT("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because the rule ID could not be parsed as an integer."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because one of the superior rule IDs could not be parsed as an integer. */ ERR_DSR_DECODE_SUP_ID_NOT_INT("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because one of the superior rule IDs could not be parsed as an integer."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''. */ ERR_DSR_DECODE_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a DIT structure rule because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''."), /** * The entry contains multiple values for attribute {0} which is defined as single-valued in the schema. */ ERR_ENTRY_ATTR_HAS_MULTIPLE_VALUES("The entry contains multiple values for attribute {0} which is defined as single-valued in the schema."), /** * The entry contains value ''{0}'' for attribute {1} which violates the constraints of the associated attribute syntax: {2} */ ERR_ENTRY_ATTR_INVALID_SYNTAX("The entry contains value ''{0}'' for attribute {1} which violates the constraints of the associated attribute syntax: {2}"), /** * The entry contains attribute {0} which is not allowed by its object classes and/or DIT content rule. */ ERR_ENTRY_ATTR_NOT_ALLOWED("The entry contains attribute {0} which is not allowed by its object classes and/or DIT content rule."), /** * The entry contains auxiliary object class {0} which is not allowed by the associated DIT content rule. */ ERR_ENTRY_AUX_CLASS_NOT_ALLOWED("The entry contains auxiliary object class {0} which is not allowed by the associated DIT content rule."), /** * The entry contains abstract object class {0} that is not subclassed by any of the structural or auxiliary object classes included in the entry. */ ERR_ENTRY_INVALID_ABSTRACT_CLASS("The entry contains abstract object class {0} that is not subclassed by any of the structural or auxiliary object classes included in the entry."), /** * The entry contains a malformed DN: {0} */ ERR_ENTRY_MALFORMED_DN("The entry contains a malformed DN: {0}"), /** * The entry is missing required attribute {0}. */ ERR_ENTRY_MISSING_REQUIRED_ATTR("The entry is missing required attribute {0}."), /** * The entry is missing object class {0} which is the superior class for the {1} object class. Many servers will allow this when adding or importing data, but it may cause problems in other servers. */ ERR_ENTRY_MISSING_SUP_OC("The entry is missing object class {0} which is the superior class for the {1} object class. Many servers will allow this when adding or importing data, but it may cause problems in other servers."), /** * The entry has more than one structural object class ({0}). */ ERR_ENTRY_MULTIPLE_STRUCTURAL_CLASSES("The entry has more than one structural object class ({0})."), /** * The entry does not have any object classes. */ ERR_ENTRY_NO_OCS("The entry does not have any object classes."), /** * The entry does not have a structural object class. */ ERR_ENTRY_NO_STRUCTURAL_CLASS("The entry does not have a structural object class."), /** * The entry''s RDN contains attribute {0} which is not allowed by the associated name form. */ ERR_ENTRY_RDN_ATTR_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_NF("The entry''s RDN contains attribute {0} which is not allowed by the associated name form."), /** * The entry''s RDN contains attribute {0} which is not allowed to be included in the entry. */ ERR_ENTRY_RDN_ATTR_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_ENTRY("The entry''s RDN contains attribute {0} which is not allowed to be included in the entry."), /** * The entry''s RDN contains attribute {0} which is not defined in the schema. */ ERR_ENTRY_RDN_ATTR_NOT_DEFINED("The entry''s RDN contains attribute {0} which is not defined in the schema."), /** * The entry''s RDN does not contain attribute {0} which is required by the associated name form. */ ERR_ENTRY_RDN_MISSING_REQUIRED_ATTR("The entry''s RDN does not contain attribute {0} which is required by the associated name form."), /** * The entry contains attribute {0} which is not defined in the schema. */ ERR_ENTRY_UNDEFINED_ATTR("The entry contains attribute {0} which is not defined in the schema."), /** * The entry contains object class {0} which is not defined in the schema. */ ERR_ENTRY_UNDEFINED_OC("The entry contains object class {0} which is not defined in the schema."), /** * Object class {0} references superior class {1} which is not defined in the schema. */ ERR_ENTRY_UNDEFINED_SUP_OC("Object class {0} references superior class {1} which is not defined in the schema."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule use because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string. */ ERR_MRU_DECODE_CLOSE_NOT_AT_END("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule use because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule use because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension. */ ERR_MRU_DECODE_DUP_EXT("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule use because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension."), /** * An empty string cannot be decoded as a matching rule use. */ ERR_MRU_DECODE_EMPTY("An empty string cannot be decoded as a matching rule use."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule use because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element. */ ERR_MRU_DECODE_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule use because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule use because it did not include any applicable attribute types. */ ERR_MRU_DECODE_NO_APPLIES("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule use because it did not include any applicable attribute types."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule use definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis. */ ERR_MRU_DECODE_NO_OPENING_PAREN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule use definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule use because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''. */ ERR_MRU_DECODE_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule use because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string. */ ERR_MR_DECODE_CLOSE_NOT_AT_END("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension. */ ERR_MR_DECODE_DUP_EXT("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension."), /** * An empty string cannot be decoded as a matching rule. */ ERR_MR_DECODE_EMPTY("An empty string cannot be decoded as a matching rule."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element. */ ERR_MR_DECODE_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis. */ ERR_MR_DECODE_NO_OPENING_PAREN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule because it did not include a syntax OID. */ ERR_MR_DECODE_NO_SYNTAX("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule because it did not include a syntax OID."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''. */ ERR_MR_DECODE_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a matching rule because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string. */ ERR_NF_DECODE_CLOSE_NOT_AT_END("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension. */ ERR_NF_DECODE_DUP_EXT("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension."), /** * An empty string cannot be decoded as a name form. */ ERR_NF_DECODE_EMPTY("An empty string cannot be decoded as a name form."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element. */ ERR_NF_DECODE_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form because it did not include any required attributes. */ ERR_NF_DECODE_NO_MUST("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form because it did not include any required attributes."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form because it did not include a structural object class. */ ERR_NF_DECODE_NO_OC("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form because it did not include a structural object class."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis. */ ERR_NF_DECODE_NO_OPENING_PAREN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''. */ ERR_NF_DECODE_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as a name form because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an object class because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string. */ ERR_OC_DECODE_CLOSE_NOT_AT_END("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an object class because the closing parenthesis was not at the end of the string."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an object class because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension. */ ERR_OC_DECODE_DUP_EXT("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an object class because it included multiple occurrences of the ''{1}'' extension."), /** * An empty string cannot be decoded as an object class. */ ERR_OC_DECODE_EMPTY("An empty string cannot be decoded as an object class."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an object class because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element. */ ERR_OC_DECODE_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an object class because it included multiple occurrences of the {1} element."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an object class because it included multiple object class type elements. */ ERR_OC_DECODE_MULTIPLE_OC_TYPES("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an object class because it included multiple object class type elements."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an object class definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis. */ ERR_OC_DECODE_NO_OPENING_PAREN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an object class definition because it does not start with an opening parenthesis."), /** * Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an object class because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''. */ ERR_OC_DECODE_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN("Unable to decode the provided string ''{0}'' as an object class because it included an unexpected token ''{1}''."), /** * An error occurred while attempting to load or parse a default set of standard schema elements: {0} */ ERR_SCHEMA_CANNOT_LOAD_DEFAULT_DEFINITIONS("An error occurred while attempting to load or parse a default set of standard schema elements: {0}"), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because an empty string was founded where a schema element name or OID was expected. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_EMPTY_OID("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because an empty string was founded where a schema element name or OID was expected."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because it contained an empty OID list. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_EMPTY_OID_LIST("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because it contained an empty OID list."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because it contained an empty quoted string. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_EMPTY_QUOTES("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because it contained an empty quoted string."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because it contained an empty quoted-string list. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_EMPTY_STRING_LIST("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because it contained an empty quoted-string list."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because the string ended with a backslash. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_ENDS_WITH_BACKSLASH("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because the string ended with a backslash."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because either a single quote or a closing parenthesis was expected at position {1,number,0}. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_EXPECTED_QUOTE_OR_PAREN("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because either a single quote or a closing parenthesis was expected at position {1,number,0}."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because a single quote was expected at position {1,number,0}. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_EXPECTED_SINGLE_QUOTE("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because a single quote was expected at position {1,number,0}."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because it contained an invalid hex character ''{1}'' at position {2,number,0}. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_INVALID_HEX_CHAR("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because it contained an invalid hex character ''{1}'' at position {2,number,0}."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because two hex digits were expected after a backslash but only one was found. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_MISSING_HEX_CHAR("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because two hex digits were expected after a backslash but only one was found."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because the end of the string was reached without finding an expected space after a closing single quote. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_NO_CLOSING_PAREN("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because the end of the string was reached without finding an expected space after a closing single quote."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because the end of the string was reached before finding a space to mark the end of an element name or OID. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_NO_SPACE_AFTER_OID("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because the end of the string was reached before finding a space to mark the end of an element name or OID."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because the end of the string was reached without finding an expected space after an OID list. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_NO_SPACE_AFTER_OID_LIST("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because the end of the string was reached without finding an expected space after an OID list."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because the end of the string was reached without finding an expected space after a closing single quote. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_NO_SPACE_AFTER_QUOTE("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because the end of the string was reached without finding an expected space after a closing single quote."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because the end of the string was reached while skipping over spaces and not finding a closing parenthesis. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_SKIP_SPACES_NO_CLOSE_PAREN("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because the end of the string was reached while skipping over spaces and not finding a closing parenthesis."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because an unexpected character was found at position {1,number,0} while attempting to read an element name or OID. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_UNEXPECTED_CHAR_IN_OID("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because an unexpected character was found at position {1,number,0} while attempting to read an element name or OID."), /** * Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because it contained an unexpected character at position {1,number,0} in an OID list. */ ERR_SCHEMA_ELEM_UNEXPECTED_CHAR_IN_OID_LIST("Unable to parse string ''{0}'' as a schema element because it contained an unexpected character at position {1,number,0} in an OID list."), /** * {0,number,0} of {1,number,0} entries ({2,number,0} percent) were found to be invalid. */ INFO_ENTRY_INVALID_ENTRY_COUNT("{0,number,0} of {1,number,0} entries ({2,number,0} percent) were found to be invalid."), /** * {0,number,0} of {1,number,0} entries ({2,number,0} percent) had malformed DNs. */ INFO_ENTRY_MALFORMED_DN_COUNT("{0,number,0} of {1,number,0} entries ({2,number,0} percent) had malformed DNs."), /** * {0,number,0} required attributes were missing from entries. */ INFO_ENTRY_MISSING_ATTR_COUNT("{0,number,0} required attributes were missing from entries."), /** * Required attribute {0} was found to be missing {1,number,0} times. */ INFO_ENTRY_MISSING_ATTR_NAME_COUNT("Required attribute {0} was found to be missing {1,number,0} times."), /** * {0,number,0} missing superior object classes were found in entries. */ INFO_ENTRY_MISSING_SUPERIOR_OC_COUNT("{0,number,0} missing superior object classes were found in entries."), /** * {0,number,0} of {1,number,0} entries ({2,number,0} percent) had multiple structural object classes. */ INFO_ENTRY_MULTIPLE_STRUCTURAL_OCS_COUNT("{0,number,0} of {1,number,0} entries ({2,number,0} percent) had multiple structural object classes."), /** * {0,number,0} of {1,number,0} entries ({2,number,0} percent) had RDNs which violated the associated name form. */ INFO_ENTRY_NF_VIOLATION_COUNT("{0,number,0} of {1,number,0} entries ({2,number,0} percent) had RDNs which violated the associated name form."), /** * {0,number,0} of {1,number,0} entries ({2,number,0} percent) did not have any object classes. */ INFO_ENTRY_NO_OC_COUNT("{0,number,0} of {1,number,0} entries ({2,number,0} percent) did not have any object classes."), /** * {0,number,0} of {1,number,0} entries ({2,number,0} percent) did not have a structural object class. */ INFO_ENTRY_NO_STRUCTURAL_OC_COUNT("{0,number,0} of {1,number,0} entries ({2,number,0} percent) did not have a structural object class."), /** * {0,number,0} prohibited attributes were found in entries. */ INFO_ENTRY_PROHIBITED_ATTR_COUNT("{0,number,0} prohibited attributes were found in entries."), /** * Prohibited attribute {0} was encountered {1,number,0} times. */ INFO_ENTRY_PROHIBITED_ATTR_NAME_COUNT("Prohibited attribute {0} was encountered {1,number,0} times."), /** * {0,number,0} prohibited object classes were found in entries. */ INFO_ENTRY_PROHIBITED_OC_COUNT("{0,number,0} prohibited object classes were found in entries."), /** * Prohibited object class {0} was encountered {1,number,0} times. */ INFO_ENTRY_PROHIBITED_OC_NAME_COUNT("Prohibited object class {0} was encountered {1,number,0} times."), /** * {0,number,0} single-valued attributes were found with multiple values. */ INFO_ENTRY_SINGLE_VALUE_VIOLATION_COUNT("{0,number,0} single-valued attributes were found with multiple values."), /** * Single-valued attribute {0} was found to have multiple values in {1,number,0} entries. */ INFO_ENTRY_SINGLE_VALUE_VIOLATION_NAME_COUNT("Single-valued attribute {0} was found to have multiple values in {1,number,0} entries."), /** * {0,number,0} attribute values were found which violated the associated attribute syntax. */ INFO_ENTRY_SYNTAX_VIOLATION_COUNT("{0,number,0} attribute values were found which violated the associated attribute syntax."), /** * Attribute {0} was found to have {1,number,0} invalid values. */ INFO_ENTRY_SYNTAX_VIOLATION_NAME_COUNT("Attribute {0} was found to have {1,number,0} invalid values."), /** * {0,number,0} undefined attributes were encountered. */ INFO_ENTRY_UNDEFINED_ATTR_COUNT("{0,number,0} undefined attributes were encountered."), /** * Undefined attribute {0} was encountered {1,number,0} times. */ INFO_ENTRY_UNDEFINED_ATTR_NAME_COUNT("Undefined attribute {0} was encountered {1,number,0} times."), /** * {0,number,0} undefined object classes were encountered. */ INFO_ENTRY_UNDEFINED_OC_COUNT("{0,number,0} undefined object classes were encountered."), /** * Undefined object class {0} was encountered {1,number,0} times. */ INFO_ENTRY_UNDEFINED_OC_NAME_COUNT("Undefined object class {0} was encountered {1,number,0} times."); /** * The resource bundle that will be used to load the properties file. */ private static final ResourceBundle RESOURCE_BUNDLE; static { ResourceBundle rb = null; try { rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("ldap-ldapsdk-schema"); } catch (Exception e) {} RESOURCE_BUNDLE = rb; } /** * The map that will be used to hold the unformatted message strings, indexed by property name. */ private static final ConcurrentHashMap<SchemaMessages,String> MESSAGE_STRINGS = new ConcurrentHashMap<SchemaMessages,String>(); /** * The map that will be used to hold the message format objects, indexed by property name. */ private static final ConcurrentHashMap<SchemaMessages,MessageFormat> MESSAGES = new ConcurrentHashMap<SchemaMessages,MessageFormat>(); // The default text for this message private final String defaultText; /** * Creates a new message key. */ private SchemaMessages(final String defaultText) { this.defaultText = defaultText; } /** * Retrieves a localized version of the message. * This method should only be used for messages which do not take any arguments. * * @return A localized version of the message. */ public String get() { String s = MESSAGE_STRINGS.get(this); if (s == null) { if (RESOURCE_BUNDLE == null) { return defaultText; } else { try { s = RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString(name()); } catch (final Exception e) { s = defaultText; } MESSAGE_STRINGS.putIfAbsent(this, s); } } return s; } /** * Retrieves a localized version of the message. * * @param args The arguments to use to format the message. * * @return A localized version of the message. */ public String get(final Object... args) { MessageFormat f = MESSAGES.get(this); if (f == null) { if (RESOURCE_BUNDLE == null) { f = new MessageFormat(defaultText); } else { try { f = new MessageFormat(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString(name())); } catch (final Exception e) { f = new MessageFormat(defaultText); } } MESSAGES.putIfAbsent(this, f); } synchronized (f) { return f.format(args); } } /** * Retrieves a string representation of this message key. * * @return A string representation of this message key. */ @Override() public String toString() { return get(); } }