package; import; import*; public abstract class CodecSupport { public static final String PREFERRED_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; public static byte[] toBytes(char[] chars) { return toBytes(new String(chars), PREFERRED_ENCODING); } public static byte[] toBytes(char[] chars, String encoding) throws CodecException { return toBytes(new String(chars), encoding); } public static byte[] toBytes(String source) { return toBytes(source, PREFERRED_ENCODING); } public static byte[] toBytes(String source, String encoding) throws CodecException { try { return source.getBytes(encoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { String msg = "Unable to convert source [" + source + "] to byte array using " + "encoding '" + encoding + "'"; throw new CodecException(msg, e); } } public static String toString(byte[] bytes) { return toString(bytes, PREFERRED_ENCODING); } public static String toString(byte[] bytes, String encoding) throws CodecException { try { return new String(bytes, encoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { String msg = "Unable to convert byte array to String with encoding '" + encoding + "'."; throw new CodecException(msg, e); } } public static char[] toChars(byte[] bytes) { return toChars(bytes, PREFERRED_ENCODING); } public static char[] toChars(byte[] bytes, String encoding) throws CodecException { return toString(bytes, encoding).toCharArray(); } protected boolean isByteSource(Object o) { return o instanceof byte[] || o instanceof char[] || o instanceof String || o instanceof ByteSource || o instanceof File || o instanceof InputStream; } protected byte[] toBytes(Object o) { if (o == null) { String msg = "Argument for byte conversion cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (o instanceof byte[]) { return (byte[]) o; } else if (o instanceof ByteSource) { return ((ByteSource) o).getBytes(); } else if (o instanceof char[]) { return toBytes((char[]) o); } else if (o instanceof String) { return toBytes((String) o); } else if (o instanceof File) { return toBytes((File) o); } else if (o instanceof InputStream) { return toBytes((InputStream) o); } else { return objectToBytes(o); } } protected String toString(Object o) { if (o == null) { String msg = "Argument for String conversion cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (o instanceof byte[]) { return toString((byte[]) o); } else if (o instanceof char[]) { return new String((char[]) o); } else if (o instanceof String) { return (String) o; } else { return objectToString(o); } } protected byte[] toBytes(File file) { if (file == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("File argument cannot be null."); } try { return toBytes(new FileInputStream(file)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { String msg = "Unable to acquire InputStream for file [" + file + "]"; throw new CodecException(msg, e); } } protected byte[] toBytes(InputStream in) { if (in == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("InputStream argument cannot be null."); } final int BUFFER_SIZE = 512; ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(BUFFER_SIZE); byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; int bytesRead; try { while ((bytesRead = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } return out.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new CodecException(ioe); } finally { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } } protected byte[] objectToBytes(Object o) { String msg = "The " + getClass().getName() + " implementation only supports conversion to " + "byte[] if the source is of type byte[], char[], String, " + ByteSource.class.getName() + " File or InputStream. The instance provided as a method " + "argument is of type [" + o.getClass().getName() + "]. If you would like to convert " + "this argument type to a byte[], you can 1) convert the argument to one of the supported types " + "yourself and then use that as the method argument or 2) subclass " + getClass().getName() + "and override the objectToBytes(Object o) method."; throw new CodecException(msg); } protected String objectToString(Object o) { return o.toString(); } }