package com.hwlcn.ldap.ldap.sdk.persist; import com.hwlcn.core.annotation.NotMutable; import com.hwlcn.core.annotation.ThreadSafety; import com.hwlcn.ldap.asn1.ASN1OctetString; import com.hwlcn.ldap.ldap.sdk.*; import com.hwlcn.ldap.ldap.sdk.schema.ObjectClassDefinition; import com.hwlcn.ldap.ldap.sdk.schema.ObjectClassType; import com.hwlcn.ldap.util.ThreadSafetyLevel; import; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import static com.hwlcn.ldap.ldap.sdk.persist.PersistMessages.*; import static com.hwlcn.ldap.util.Debug.debugException; import static com.hwlcn.ldap.util.StaticUtils.*; @NotMutable() @ThreadSafety(level = ThreadSafetyLevel.COMPLETELY_THREADSAFE) public final class LDAPObjectHandler<T> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1480360011153517161L; private final Attribute objectClassAttribute; private final Class<T> type; private final Constructor<T> constructor; private final DN defaultParentDN; private final Field dnField; private final Field entryField; private final LDAPObject ldapObject; private final LDAPObjectHandler<? super T> superclassHandler; private final List<FieldInfo> alwaysAllowedFilterFields; private final List<FieldInfo> conditionallyAllowedFilterFields; private final List<FieldInfo> requiredFilterFields; private final List<FieldInfo> rdnFields; private final List<GetterInfo> alwaysAllowedFilterGetters; private final List<GetterInfo> conditionallyAllowedFilterGetters; private final List<GetterInfo> requiredFilterGetters; private final List<GetterInfo> rdnGetters; private final Map<String, FieldInfo> fieldMap; private final Map<String, GetterInfo> getterMap; private final Map<String, SetterInfo> setterMap; private final Method postDecodeMethod; private final Method postEncodeMethod; private final String structuralClass; private final String[] attributesToRequest; private final String[] auxiliaryClasses; private final String[] lazilyLoadedAttributes; private final String[] superiorClasses; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") LDAPObjectHandler(final Class<T> type) throws LDAPPersistException { this.type = type; final Class<? super T> superclassType = type.getSuperclass(); if (superclassType == null) { superclassHandler = null; } else { final LDAPObject superclassAnnotation = superclassType.getAnnotation(LDAPObject.class); if (superclassAnnotation == null) { superclassHandler = null; } else { superclassHandler = new LDAPObjectHandler(superclassType); } } final TreeMap<String, FieldInfo> fields = new TreeMap<String, FieldInfo>(); final TreeMap<String, GetterInfo> getters = new TreeMap<String, GetterInfo>(); final TreeMap<String, SetterInfo> setters = new TreeMap<String, SetterInfo>(); ldapObject = type.getAnnotation(LDAPObject.class); if (ldapObject == null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_OBJECT_NOT_ANNOTATED.get(type.getName())); } final LinkedHashMap<String, String> objectClasses = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(10); final String oc = ldapObject.structuralClass(); if (oc.length() == 0) { structuralClass = getUnqualifiedClassName(type); } else { structuralClass = oc; } final StringBuilder invalidReason = new StringBuilder(); if (PersistUtils.isValidLDAPName(structuralClass, invalidReason)) { objectClasses.put(toLowerCase(structuralClass), structuralClass); } else { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_INVALID_STRUCTURAL_CLASS.get(type.getName(), structuralClass, invalidReason.toString())); } auxiliaryClasses = ldapObject.auxiliaryClass(); for (final String auxiliaryClass : auxiliaryClasses) { if (PersistUtils.isValidLDAPName(auxiliaryClass, invalidReason)) { objectClasses.put(toLowerCase(auxiliaryClass), auxiliaryClass); } else { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_INVALID_AUXILIARY_CLASS.get(type.getName(), auxiliaryClass, invalidReason.toString())); } } superiorClasses = ldapObject.superiorClass(); for (final String superiorClass : superiorClasses) { if (PersistUtils.isValidLDAPName(superiorClass, invalidReason)) { objectClasses.put(toLowerCase(superiorClass), superiorClass); } else { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_INVALID_SUPERIOR_CLASS.get(type.getName(), superiorClass, invalidReason.toString())); } } if (superclassHandler != null) { for (final String s : superclassHandler.objectClassAttribute.getValues()) { objectClasses.put(toLowerCase(s), s); } } objectClassAttribute = new Attribute("objectClass", objectClasses.values()); final String parentDNStr = ldapObject.defaultParentDN(); try { defaultParentDN = new DN(parentDNStr); } catch (LDAPException le) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_INVALID_DEFAULT_PARENT.get(type.getName(), parentDNStr, le.getMessage()), le); } final String postDecodeMethodName = ldapObject.postDecodeMethod(); if (postDecodeMethodName.length() > 0) { try { postDecodeMethod = type.getDeclaredMethod(postDecodeMethodName); postDecodeMethod.setAccessible(true); } catch (Exception e) { debugException(e); throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_INVALID_POST_DECODE_METHOD.get(type.getName(), postDecodeMethodName, getExceptionMessage(e)), e); } } else { postDecodeMethod = null; } final String postEncodeMethodName = ldapObject.postEncodeMethod(); if (postEncodeMethodName.length() > 0) { try { postEncodeMethod = type.getDeclaredMethod(postEncodeMethodName, Entry.class); postEncodeMethod.setAccessible(true); } catch (Exception e) { debugException(e); throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_INVALID_POST_ENCODE_METHOD.get(type.getName(), postEncodeMethodName, getExceptionMessage(e)), e); } } else { postEncodeMethod = null; } try { constructor = type.getDeclaredConstructor(); constructor.setAccessible(true); } catch (Exception e) { debugException(e); throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_NO_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR.get(type.getName()), e); } Field tmpDNField = null; Field tmpEntryField = null; final LinkedList<FieldInfo> tmpRFilterFields = new LinkedList<FieldInfo>(); final LinkedList<FieldInfo> tmpAAFilterFields = new LinkedList<FieldInfo>(); final LinkedList<FieldInfo> tmpCAFilterFields = new LinkedList<FieldInfo>(); final LinkedList<FieldInfo> tmpRDNFields = new LinkedList<FieldInfo>(); for (final Field f : type.getDeclaredFields()) { final LDAPField fieldAnnotation = f.getAnnotation(LDAPField.class); final LDAPDNField dnFieldAnnotation = f.getAnnotation(LDAPDNField.class); final LDAPEntryField entryFieldAnnotation = f.getAnnotation(LDAPEntryField.class); if (fieldAnnotation != null) { f.setAccessible(true); final FieldInfo fieldInfo = new FieldInfo(f, type); final String attrName = toLowerCase(fieldInfo.getAttributeName()); if (fields.containsKey(attrName)) { throw new LDAPPersistException(ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_ATTR_CONFLICT.get( type.getName(), fieldInfo.getAttributeName())); } else { fields.put(attrName, fieldInfo); } switch (fieldInfo.getFilterUsage()) { case REQUIRED: tmpRFilterFields.add(fieldInfo); break; case ALWAYS_ALLOWED: tmpAAFilterFields.add(fieldInfo); break; case CONDITIONALLY_ALLOWED: tmpCAFilterFields.add(fieldInfo); break; case EXCLUDED: default: break; } if (fieldInfo.includeInRDN()) { tmpRDNFields.add(fieldInfo); } } if (dnFieldAnnotation != null) { f.setAccessible(true); if (fieldAnnotation != null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_CONFLICTING_FIELD_ANNOTATIONS.get( type.getName(), "LDAPField", "LDAPDNField", f.getName())); } if (tmpDNField != null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_MULTIPLE_DN_FIELDS.get(type.getName())); } final int modifiers = f.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isFinal(modifiers)) { throw new LDAPPersistException(ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_DN_FIELD_FINAL.get( f.getName(), type.getName())); } else if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) { throw new LDAPPersistException(ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_DN_FIELD_STATIC.get( f.getName(), type.getName())); } final Class<?> fieldType = f.getType(); if (fieldType.equals(String.class)) { tmpDNField = f; } else { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_INVALID_DN_FIELD_TYPE.get(type.getName(), f.getName(), fieldType.getName())); } } if (entryFieldAnnotation != null) { f.setAccessible(true); if (fieldAnnotation != null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_CONFLICTING_FIELD_ANNOTATIONS.get( type.getName(), "LDAPField", "LDAPEntryField", f.getName())); } if (tmpEntryField != null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_MULTIPLE_ENTRY_FIELDS.get(type.getName())); } final int modifiers = f.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isFinal(modifiers)) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_ENTRY_FIELD_FINAL.get(f.getName(), type.getName())); } else if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_ENTRY_FIELD_STATIC.get(f.getName(), type.getName())); } final Class<?> fieldType = f.getType(); if (fieldType.equals(ReadOnlyEntry.class)) { tmpEntryField = f; } else { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_INVALID_ENTRY_FIELD_TYPE.get(type.getName(), f.getName(), fieldType.getName())); } } } dnField = tmpDNField; entryField = tmpEntryField; requiredFilterFields = Collections.unmodifiableList(tmpRFilterFields); alwaysAllowedFilterFields = Collections.unmodifiableList(tmpAAFilterFields); conditionallyAllowedFilterFields = Collections.unmodifiableList(tmpCAFilterFields); rdnFields = Collections.unmodifiableList(tmpRDNFields); final LinkedList<GetterInfo> tmpRFilterGetters = new LinkedList<GetterInfo>(); final LinkedList<GetterInfo> tmpAAFilterGetters = new LinkedList<GetterInfo>(); final LinkedList<GetterInfo> tmpCAFilterGetters = new LinkedList<GetterInfo>(); final LinkedList<GetterInfo> tmpRDNGetters = new LinkedList<GetterInfo>(); for (final Method m : type.getDeclaredMethods()) { final LDAPGetter getter = m.getAnnotation(LDAPGetter.class); final LDAPSetter setter = m.getAnnotation(LDAPSetter.class); if (getter != null) { m.setAccessible(true); if (setter != null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_CONFLICTING_METHOD_ANNOTATIONS.get( type.getName(), "LDAPGetter", "LDAPSetter", m.getName())); } final GetterInfo methodInfo = new GetterInfo(m, type); final String attrName = toLowerCase(methodInfo.getAttributeName()); if (fields.containsKey(attrName) || getters.containsKey(attrName)) { throw new LDAPPersistException(ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_ATTR_CONFLICT.get( type.getName(), methodInfo.getAttributeName())); } else { getters.put(attrName, methodInfo); } switch (methodInfo.getFilterUsage()) { case REQUIRED: tmpRFilterGetters.add(methodInfo); break; case ALWAYS_ALLOWED: tmpAAFilterGetters.add(methodInfo); break; case CONDITIONALLY_ALLOWED: tmpCAFilterGetters.add(methodInfo); break; case EXCLUDED: default: // No action required. break; } if (methodInfo.includeInRDN()) { tmpRDNGetters.add(methodInfo); } } if (setter != null) { m.setAccessible(true); final SetterInfo methodInfo = new SetterInfo(m, type); final String attrName = toLowerCase(methodInfo.getAttributeName()); if (fields.containsKey(attrName) || setters.containsKey(attrName)) { throw new LDAPPersistException(ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_ATTR_CONFLICT.get( type.getName(), methodInfo.getAttributeName())); } else { setters.put(attrName, methodInfo); } } } requiredFilterGetters = Collections.unmodifiableList(tmpRFilterGetters); alwaysAllowedFilterGetters = Collections.unmodifiableList(tmpAAFilterGetters); conditionallyAllowedFilterGetters = Collections.unmodifiableList(tmpCAFilterGetters); rdnGetters = Collections.unmodifiableList(tmpRDNGetters); if (rdnFields.isEmpty() && rdnGetters.isEmpty()) { throw new LDAPPersistException(ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_NO_RDN_DEFINED.get( type.getName())); } fieldMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(fields); getterMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(getters); setterMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(setters); final TreeSet<String> attrSet = new TreeSet<String>(); final TreeSet<String> lazySet = new TreeSet<String>(); if (ldapObject.requestAllAttributes()) { attrSet.add("*"); attrSet.add("+"); } else { for (final FieldInfo i : fields.values()) { if (i.lazilyLoad()) { lazySet.add(i.getAttributeName()); } else { attrSet.add(i.getAttributeName()); } } for (final SetterInfo i : setters.values()) { attrSet.add(i.getAttributeName()); } } attributesToRequest = new String[attrSet.size()]; attrSet.toArray(attributesToRequest); lazilyLoadedAttributes = new String[lazySet.size()]; lazySet.toArray(lazilyLoadedAttributes); } private static <T> LDAPObjectHandler<T> getHandler(final Class<T> type) throws LDAPPersistException { return new LDAPObjectHandler<T>(type); } public Class<T> getType() { return type; } public LDAPObjectHandler<?> getSuperclassHandler() { return superclassHandler; } public LDAPObject getLDAPObjectAnnotation() { return ldapObject; } public Constructor<T> getConstructor() { return constructor; } public Field getDNField() { return dnField; } public Field getEntryField() { return entryField; } public DN getDefaultParentDN() { return defaultParentDN; } public String getStructuralClass() { return structuralClass; } public String[] getAuxiliaryClasses() { return auxiliaryClasses; } public String[] getSuperiorClasses() { return superiorClasses; } public String[] getAttributesToRequest() { return attributesToRequest; } public String[] getLazilyLoadedAttributes() { return lazilyLoadedAttributes; } public String getEntryDN(final T o) throws LDAPPersistException { if (dnField != null) { try { final Object dnObject = dnField.get(o); if (dnObject != null) { return String.valueOf(dnObject); } } catch (Exception e) { debugException(e); throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_ERROR_ACCESSING_DN_FIELD.get(dnField.getName(), type.getName(), getExceptionMessage(e)), e); } } final ReadOnlyEntry entry = getEntry(o); if (entry != null) { return entry.getDN(); } return null; } public ReadOnlyEntry getEntry(final T o) throws LDAPPersistException { if (entryField != null) { try { final Object entryObject = entryField.get(o); if (entryObject != null) { return (ReadOnlyEntry) entryObject; } } catch (Exception e) { debugException(e); throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_ERROR_ACCESSING_ENTRY_FIELD.get( entryField.getName(), type.getName(), getExceptionMessage(e)), e); } } return null; } public Map<String, FieldInfo> getFields() { return fieldMap; } public Map<String, GetterInfo> getGetters() { return getterMap; } public Map<String, SetterInfo> getSetters() { return setterMap; } List<ObjectClassDefinition> constructObjectClasses(final OIDAllocator a) throws LDAPPersistException { final LinkedHashMap<String, ObjectClassDefinition> ocMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, ObjectClassDefinition>( 1 + auxiliaryClasses.length); if (superclassHandler != null) { for (final ObjectClassDefinition d : superclassHandler.constructObjectClasses(a)) { ocMap.put(toLowerCase(d.getNameOrOID()), d); } } final String lowerStructuralClass = toLowerCase(structuralClass); if (!ocMap.containsKey(lowerStructuralClass)) { if (superclassHandler == null) { ocMap.put(lowerStructuralClass, constructObjectClass(structuralClass, "top", ObjectClassType.STRUCTURAL, a)); } else { ocMap.put(lowerStructuralClass, constructObjectClass(structuralClass, superclassHandler.getStructuralClass(), ObjectClassType.STRUCTURAL, a)); } } for (final String s : auxiliaryClasses) { final String lowerName = toLowerCase(s); if (!ocMap.containsKey(lowerName)) { ocMap.put(lowerName, constructObjectClass(s, "top", ObjectClassType.AUXILIARY, a)); } } return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<ObjectClassDefinition>( ocMap.values())); } ObjectClassDefinition constructObjectClass(final String name, final String sup, final ObjectClassType type, final OIDAllocator a) { final TreeMap<String, String> requiredAttrs = new TreeMap<String, String>(); final TreeMap<String, String> optionalAttrs = new TreeMap<String, String>(); for (final FieldInfo i : fieldMap.values()) { boolean found = false; for (final String s : i.getObjectClasses()) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { continue; } final String attrName = i.getAttributeName(); final String lowerName = toLowerCase(attrName); if (i.includeInRDN() || (i.isRequiredForDecode() && i.isRequiredForEncode())) { requiredAttrs.put(lowerName, attrName); } else { optionalAttrs.put(lowerName, attrName); } } for (final GetterInfo i : getterMap.values()) { boolean found = false; for (final String s : i.getObjectClasses()) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { continue; } final String attrName = i.getAttributeName(); final String lowerName = toLowerCase(attrName); if (i.includeInRDN()) { requiredAttrs.put(lowerName, attrName); } else { optionalAttrs.put(lowerName, attrName); } } if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(structuralClass)) { for (final SetterInfo i : setterMap.values()) { final String attrName = i.getAttributeName(); final String lowerName = toLowerCase(attrName); if (requiredAttrs.containsKey(lowerName) || optionalAttrs.containsKey(lowerName)) { continue; } optionalAttrs.put(lowerName, attrName); } } final String[] reqArray = new String[requiredAttrs.size()]; requiredAttrs.values().toArray(reqArray); final String[] optArray = new String[optionalAttrs.size()]; optionalAttrs.values().toArray(optArray); return new ObjectClassDefinition(a.allocateObjectClassOID(name), new String[]{name}, null, false, new String[]{sup}, type, reqArray, optArray, null); } T decode(final Entry e) throws LDAPPersistException { final T o; try { o = constructor.newInstance(); } catch (Throwable t) { debugException(t); if (t instanceof InvocationTargetException) { t = ((InvocationTargetException) t).getTargetException(); } throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_ERROR_INVOKING_CONSTRUCTOR.get(type.getName(), getExceptionMessage(t)), t); } decode(o, e); return o; } void decode(final T o, final Entry e) throws LDAPPersistException { if (superclassHandler != null) { superclassHandler.decode(o, e); } setDNAndEntryFields(o, e); final ArrayList<String> failureReasons = new ArrayList<String>(5); boolean successful = true; for (final FieldInfo i : fieldMap.values()) { successful &= i.decode(o, e, failureReasons); } for (final SetterInfo i : setterMap.values()) { successful &= i.invokeSetter(o, e, failureReasons); } Throwable cause = null; if (postDecodeMethod != null) { try { postDecodeMethod.invoke(o); } catch (final Throwable t) { debugException(t); if (t instanceof InvocationTargetException) { cause = ((InvocationTargetException) t).getTargetException(); } else { cause = t; } successful = false; failureReasons.add( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_ERROR_INVOKING_POST_DECODE_METHOD.get( postDecodeMethod.getName(), type.getName(), getExceptionMessage(t))); } } if (!successful) { throw new LDAPPersistException(concatenateStrings(failureReasons), o, cause); } } Entry encode(final T o, final String parentDN) throws LDAPPersistException { // Get the attributes that should be included in the entry. final LinkedHashMap<String, Attribute> attrMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Attribute>(); attrMap.put("objectClass", objectClassAttribute); for (final Map.Entry<String, FieldInfo> e : fieldMap.entrySet()) { final FieldInfo i = e.getValue(); if (!i.includeInAdd()) { continue; } final Attribute a = i.encode(o, false); if (a != null) { attrMap.put(e.getKey(), a); } } for (final Map.Entry<String, GetterInfo> e : getterMap.entrySet()) { final GetterInfo i = e.getValue(); if (!i.includeInAdd()) { continue; } final Attribute a = i.encode(o); if (a != null) { attrMap.put(e.getKey(), a); } } final String dn = constructDN(o, parentDN, attrMap); final Entry entry = new Entry(dn, attrMap.values()); if (postEncodeMethod != null) { try { postEncodeMethod.invoke(o, entry); } catch (Throwable t) { debugException(t); if (t instanceof InvocationTargetException) { t = ((InvocationTargetException) t).getTargetException(); } throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_ERROR_INVOKING_POST_ENCODE_METHOD.get( postEncodeMethod.getName(), type.getName(), getExceptionMessage(t)), t); } } setDNAndEntryFields(o, entry); if (superclassHandler != null) { final Entry e = superclassHandler.encode(o, parentDN); for (final Attribute a : e.getAttributes()) { entry.addAttribute(a); } } return entry; } private void setDNAndEntryFields(final T o, final Entry e) throws LDAPPersistException { if (dnField != null) { try { dnField.set(o, e.getDN()); } catch (Exception ex) { debugException(ex); throw new LDAPPersistException(ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_ERROR_SETTING_DN.get( type.getName(), e.getDN(), dnField.getName(), getExceptionMessage(ex)), ex); } } if (entryField != null) { try { entryField.set(o, new ReadOnlyEntry(e)); } catch (Exception ex) { debugException(ex); throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_ERROR_SETTING_ENTRY.get(type.getName(), entryField.getName(), getExceptionMessage(ex)), ex); } } } public String constructDN(final T o, final String parentDN) throws LDAPPersistException { final String existingDN = getEntryDN(o); if (existingDN != null) { return existingDN; } final LinkedHashMap<String, Attribute> attrMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Attribute>(1); for (final FieldInfo i : rdnFields) { final Attribute a = i.encode(o, true); if (a == null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_RDN_FIELD_MISSING_VALUE.get(type.getName(), i.getField().getName())); } attrMap.put(toLowerCase(i.getAttributeName()), a); } for (final GetterInfo i : rdnGetters) { final Attribute a = i.encode(o); if (a == null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_RDN_GETTER_MISSING_VALUE.get(type.getName(), i.getMethod().getName())); } attrMap.put(toLowerCase(i.getAttributeName()), a); } return constructDN(o, parentDN, attrMap); } String constructDN(final T o, final String parentDN, final Map<String, Attribute> attrMap) throws LDAPPersistException { final String existingDN = getEntryDN(o); if (existingDN != null) { return existingDN; } final ArrayList<String> rdnNameList = new ArrayList<String>(1); final ArrayList<byte[]> rdnValueList = new ArrayList<byte[]>(1); for (final FieldInfo i : rdnFields) { final Attribute a = attrMap.get(toLowerCase(i.getAttributeName())); if (a == null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_RDN_FIELD_MISSING_VALUE.get(type.getName(), i.getField().getName())); } rdnNameList.add(a.getName()); rdnValueList.add(a.getValueByteArray()); } for (final GetterInfo i : rdnGetters) { final Attribute a = attrMap.get(toLowerCase(i.getAttributeName())); if (a == null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_RDN_GETTER_MISSING_VALUE.get(type.getName(), i.getMethod().getName())); } rdnNameList.add(a.getName()); rdnValueList.add(a.getValueByteArray()); } final String[] rdnNames = new String[rdnNameList.size()]; rdnNameList.toArray(rdnNames); final byte[][] rdnValues = new byte[rdnNames.length][]; rdnValueList.toArray(rdnValues); final RDN rdn = new RDN(rdnNames, rdnValues); if (parentDN == null) { return new DN(rdn, defaultParentDN).toString(); } else { try { final DN parsedParentDN = new DN(parentDN); return new DN(rdn, parsedParentDN).toString(); } catch (LDAPException le) { debugException(le); throw new LDAPPersistException(ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_INVALID_PARENT_DN.get( type.getName(), parentDN, le.getMessage()), le); } } } List<Modification> getModifications(final T o, final boolean deleteNullValues, final String... attributes) throws LDAPPersistException { final ReadOnlyEntry originalEntry; if (entryField != null) { originalEntry = getEntry(o); } else { originalEntry = null; } if (originalEntry != null) { try { final T decodedOrig = decode(originalEntry); final Entry reEncodedOriginal = encode(decodedOrig, originalEntry.getParentDNString()); final Entry newEntry = encode(o, originalEntry.getParentDNString()); final List<Modification> mods = Entry.diff(reEncodedOriginal, newEntry, true, false, attributes); if (!deleteNullValues) { final Iterator<Modification> iterator = mods.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Modification m =; if (m.getRawValues().length == 0) { iterator.remove(); } } } HashSet<String> stripAttrs = null; for (final FieldInfo i : fieldMap.values()) { if (!i.includeInModify()) { if (stripAttrs == null) { stripAttrs = new HashSet<String>(10); } stripAttrs.add(toLowerCase(i.getAttributeName())); } } for (final GetterInfo i : getterMap.values()) { if (!i.includeInModify()) { if (stripAttrs == null) { stripAttrs = new HashSet<String>(10); } stripAttrs.add(toLowerCase(i.getAttributeName())); } } if (stripAttrs != null) { final Iterator<Modification> iterator = mods.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Modification m =; if (stripAttrs.contains(toLowerCase(m.getAttributeName()))) { iterator.remove(); } } } return mods; } catch (final Exception e) { debugException(e); } finally { setDNAndEntryFields(o, originalEntry); } } final HashSet<String> attrSet; if ((attributes == null) || (attributes.length == 0)) { attrSet = null; } else { attrSet = new HashSet<String>(attributes.length); for (final String s : attributes) { attrSet.add(toLowerCase(s)); } } final ArrayList<Modification> mods = new ArrayList<Modification>(5); for (final Map.Entry<String, FieldInfo> e : fieldMap.entrySet()) { final String attrName = toLowerCase(e.getKey()); if ((attrSet != null) && (!attrSet.contains(attrName))) { continue; } final FieldInfo i = e.getValue(); if (!i.includeInModify()) { continue; } final Attribute a = i.encode(o, false); if (a == null) { if (!deleteNullValues) { continue; } if ((originalEntry != null) && (!originalEntry.hasAttribute(attrName))) { continue; } mods.add(new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE, i.getAttributeName())); continue; } if (originalEntry != null) { final Attribute originalAttr = originalEntry.getAttribute(attrName); if ((originalAttr != null) && originalAttr.equals(a)) { continue; } } mods.add(new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE, i.getAttributeName(), a.getRawValues())); } for (final Map.Entry<String, GetterInfo> e : getterMap.entrySet()) { final String attrName = toLowerCase(e.getKey()); if ((attrSet != null) && (!attrSet.contains(attrName))) { continue; } final GetterInfo i = e.getValue(); if (!i.includeInModify()) { continue; } final Attribute a = i.encode(o); if (a == null) { if (!deleteNullValues) { continue; } if ((originalEntry != null) && (!originalEntry.hasAttribute(attrName))) { continue; } mods.add(new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE, i.getAttributeName())); continue; } if (originalEntry != null) { final Attribute originalAttr = originalEntry.getAttribute(attrName); if ((originalAttr != null) && originalAttr.equals(a)) { continue; } } mods.add(new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE, i.getAttributeName(), a.getRawValues())); } if (superclassHandler != null) { final List<Modification> superMods = superclassHandler.getModifications(o, deleteNullValues, attributes); final ArrayList<Modification> modsToAdd = new ArrayList<Modification>(superMods.size()); for (final Modification sm : superMods) { boolean add = true; for (final Modification m : mods) { if (m.getAttributeName().equalsIgnoreCase(sm.getAttributeName())) { add = false; break; } } if (add) { modsToAdd.add(sm); } } mods.addAll(modsToAdd); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(mods); } public Filter createBaseFilter() { if (auxiliaryClasses.length == 0) { return Filter.createEqualityFilter("objectClass", structuralClass); } else { final ArrayList<Filter> comps = new ArrayList<Filter>(1 + auxiliaryClasses.length); comps.add(Filter.createEqualityFilter("objectClass", structuralClass)); for (final String s : auxiliaryClasses) { comps.add(Filter.createEqualityFilter("objectClass", s)); } return Filter.createANDFilter(comps); } } public Filter createFilter(final T o) throws LDAPPersistException { final AtomicBoolean addedRequiredOrAllowed = new AtomicBoolean(false); final Filter f = createFilter(o, addedRequiredOrAllowed); if (!addedRequiredOrAllowed.get()) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_FILTER_MISSING_REQUIRED_OR_ALLOWED.get()); } return f; } private Filter createFilter(final T o, final AtomicBoolean addedRequiredOrAllowed) throws LDAPPersistException { final ArrayList<Attribute> attrs = new ArrayList<Attribute>(5); attrs.add(objectClassAttribute); for (final FieldInfo i : requiredFilterFields) { final Attribute a = i.encode(o, true); if (a == null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_FILTER_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD.get( i.getField().getName())); } else { attrs.add(a); addedRequiredOrAllowed.set(true); } } for (final GetterInfo i : requiredFilterGetters) { final Attribute a = i.encode(o); if (a == null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_FILTER_MISSING_REQUIRED_GETTER.get( i.getMethod().getName())); } else { attrs.add(a); addedRequiredOrAllowed.set(true); } } for (final FieldInfo i : alwaysAllowedFilterFields) { final Attribute a = i.encode(o, true); if (a != null) { attrs.add(a); addedRequiredOrAllowed.set(true); } } for (final GetterInfo i : alwaysAllowedFilterGetters) { final Attribute a = i.encode(o); if (a != null) { attrs.add(a); addedRequiredOrAllowed.set(true); } } for (final FieldInfo i : conditionallyAllowedFilterFields) { final Attribute a = i.encode(o, true); if (a != null) { attrs.add(a); } } for (final GetterInfo i : conditionallyAllowedFilterGetters) { final Attribute a = i.encode(o); if (a != null) { attrs.add(a); } } final ArrayList<Filter> comps = new ArrayList<Filter>(attrs.size()); for (final Attribute a : attrs) { for (final ASN1OctetString v : a.getRawValues()) { comps.add(Filter.createEqualityFilter(a.getName(), v.getValue())); } } if (superclassHandler != null) { final Filter f = superclassHandler.createFilter(o, addedRequiredOrAllowed); if (f.getFilterType() == Filter.FILTER_TYPE_AND) { comps.addAll(Arrays.asList(f.getComponents())); } else { comps.add(f); } } return Filter.createANDFilter(comps); } }