package com.hwlcn.ldap.ldap.sdk; import; import com.hwlcn.core.annotation.NotMutable; import com.hwlcn.core.annotation.ThreadSafety; import com.hwlcn.ldap.util.ThreadSafetyLevel; import static com.hwlcn.ldap.util.Debug.*; import static com.hwlcn.ldap.util.Validator.*; /** * This class provides a server set implementation that will use a round-robin * algorithm to select the server to which the connection should be established. * Any number of servers may be included in this server set, and each request * will attempt to retrieve a connection to the next server in the list, * circling back to the beginning of the list as necessary. If a server is * unavailable when an attempt is made to establish a connection to it, then * the connection will be established to the next available server in the set. * <BR><BR> * <H2>Example</H2> * The following example demonstrates the process for creating a round-robin * server set that may be used to establish connections to either of two * servers. When using the server set to attempt to create a connection, it * will first try one of the servers, but will fail over to the other if the * first one attempted is not available: * <PRE> * String[] addresses = * { * "", * "", * }; * int[] ports = * { * 389, * 389 * }; * RoundRobinServerSet roundRobinSet = * new RoundRobinServerSet(addresses, ports); * </PRE> */ @NotMutable() @ThreadSafety(level=ThreadSafetyLevel.COMPLETELY_THREADSAFE) public final class RoundRobinServerSet extends ServerSet { private final int[] ports; private final LDAPConnectionOptions connectionOptions; private final SocketFactory socketFactory; private final String[] addresses; private int nextSlot; public RoundRobinServerSet(final String[] addresses, final int[] ports) { this(addresses, ports, null, null); } public RoundRobinServerSet(final String[] addresses, final int[] ports, final LDAPConnectionOptions connectionOptions) { this(addresses, ports, null, connectionOptions); } public RoundRobinServerSet(final String[] addresses, final int[] ports, final SocketFactory socketFactory) { this(addresses, ports, socketFactory, null); } public RoundRobinServerSet(final String[] addresses, final int[] ports, final SocketFactory socketFactory, final LDAPConnectionOptions connectionOptions) { ensureNotNull(addresses, ports); ensureTrue(addresses.length > 0, "RoundRobinServerSet.addresses must not be empty."); ensureTrue(addresses.length == ports.length, "RoundRobinServerSet addresses and ports arrays must be the " + "same size."); this.addresses = addresses; this.ports = ports; if (socketFactory == null) { this.socketFactory = SocketFactory.getDefault(); } else { this.socketFactory = socketFactory; } if (connectionOptions == null) { this.connectionOptions = new LDAPConnectionOptions(); } else { this.connectionOptions = connectionOptions; } nextSlot = 0; } public String[] getAddresses() { return addresses; } public int[] getPorts() { return ports; } public SocketFactory getSocketFactory() { return socketFactory; } public LDAPConnectionOptions getConnectionOptions() { return connectionOptions; } @Override() public LDAPConnection getConnection() throws LDAPException { return getConnection(null); } @Override() public synchronized LDAPConnection getConnection( final LDAPConnectionPoolHealthCheck healthCheck) throws LDAPException { final int initialSlotNumber = nextSlot++; if (nextSlot >= addresses.length) { nextSlot = 0; } try { final LDAPConnection c = new LDAPConnection(socketFactory, connectionOptions, addresses[initialSlotNumber], ports[initialSlotNumber]); if (healthCheck != null) { try { healthCheck.ensureNewConnectionValid(c); } catch (LDAPException le) { c.close(); throw le; } } return c; } catch (LDAPException le) { debugException(le); LDAPException lastException = le; while (nextSlot != initialSlotNumber) { final int slotNumber = nextSlot++; if (nextSlot >= addresses.length) { nextSlot = 0; } try { final LDAPConnection c = new LDAPConnection(socketFactory, connectionOptions, addresses[slotNumber], ports[slotNumber]); if (healthCheck != null) { try { healthCheck.ensureNewConnectionValid(c); } catch (LDAPException le2) { c.close(); throw le2; } } return c; } catch (LDAPException le2) { debugException(le2); lastException = le2; } } throw lastException; } } @Override() public void toString(final StringBuilder buffer) { buffer.append("RoundRobinServerSet(servers={"); for (int i=0; i < addresses.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { buffer.append(", "); } buffer.append(addresses[i]); buffer.append(':'); buffer.append(ports[i]); } buffer.append("})"); } }