package com.hwlcn.ldap.ldif; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import com.hwlcn.ldap.asn1.ASN1OctetString; import com.hwlcn.ldap.ldap.sdk.Entry; import com.hwlcn.ldap.util.Base64; import com.hwlcn.ldap.util.LDAPSDKThreadFactory; import com.hwlcn.core.annotation.ThreadSafety; import com.hwlcn.ldap.util.ThreadSafetyLevel; import com.hwlcn.ldap.util.ByteStringBuffer; import com.hwlcn.ldap.util.parallel.ParallelProcessor; import com.hwlcn.ldap.util.parallel.Result; import com.hwlcn.ldap.util.parallel.Processor; import static com.hwlcn.ldap.util.Debug.*; import static com.hwlcn.ldap.util.StaticUtils.*; import static com.hwlcn.ldap.util.Validator.*; /** * This class provides an LDIF writer, which can be used to write entries and * change records in the LDAP Data Interchange Format as per * <A HREF="">RFC 2849</A>. * <BR><BR> * <H2>Example</H2> * The following example performs a search to find all users in the "Sales" * department and then writes their entries to an LDIF file: * <PRE> * SearchResult searchResult = *"dc=example,dc=com", SearchScope.SUB, "(ou=Sales)"); * * LDIFWriter ldifWriter = new LDIFWriter(pathToLDIF); * for (SearchResultEntry entry : searchResult.getSearchEntries()) * { * ldifWriter.writeEntry(entry); * } * * ldifWriter.close(); * </PRE> */ @ThreadSafety(level=ThreadSafetyLevel.NOT_THREADSAFE) public final class LDIFWriter { private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 128 * 1024; private final BufferedOutputStream writer; private final ByteStringBuffer buffer; private final LDIFWriterEntryTranslator entryTranslator; private int wrapColumn = 0; private int wrapColumnMinusTwo = -2; private final ParallelProcessor<LDIFRecord,ByteStringBuffer> toLdifBytesInvoker; public LDIFWriter(final String path) throws IOException { this(new FileOutputStream(path)); } public LDIFWriter(final File file) throws IOException { this(new FileOutputStream(file)); } public LDIFWriter(final OutputStream outputStream) { this(outputStream, 0); } public LDIFWriter(final OutputStream outputStream, final int parallelThreads) { this(outputStream, parallelThreads, null); } public LDIFWriter(final OutputStream outputStream, final int parallelThreads, final LDIFWriterEntryTranslator entryTranslator) { ensureNotNull(outputStream); ensureTrue(parallelThreads >= 0, "LDIFWriter.parallelThreads must not be negative."); this.entryTranslator = entryTranslator; buffer = new ByteStringBuffer(); if (outputStream instanceof BufferedOutputStream) { writer = (BufferedOutputStream) outputStream; } else { writer = new BufferedOutputStream(outputStream, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); } if (parallelThreads == 0) { toLdifBytesInvoker = null; } else { final LDAPSDKThreadFactory threadFactory = new LDAPSDKThreadFactory("LDIFWriter Worker", true, null); toLdifBytesInvoker = new ParallelProcessor<LDIFRecord,ByteStringBuffer>( new Processor<LDIFRecord,ByteStringBuffer>() { public ByteStringBuffer process(final LDIFRecord input) throws IOException { final LDIFRecord r; if ((entryTranslator != null) && (input instanceof Entry)) { r = entryTranslator.translateEntryToWrite((Entry) input); if (r == null) { return null; } } else { r = input; } final ByteStringBuffer b = new ByteStringBuffer(200); r.toLDIF(b, wrapColumn); return b; } }, threadFactory, parallelThreads, 5); } } public void flush() throws IOException { writer.flush(); } public void close() throws IOException { try { if (toLdifBytesInvoker != null) { try { toLdifBytesInvoker.shutdown(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { debugException(e); } } } finally { writer.close(); } } public int getWrapColumn() { return wrapColumn; } public void setWrapColumn(final int wrapColumn) { this.wrapColumn = wrapColumn; wrapColumnMinusTwo = wrapColumn - 2; } public void writeEntry(final Entry entry) throws IOException { writeEntry(entry, null); } public void writeEntry(final Entry entry, final String comment) throws IOException { ensureNotNull(entry); final Entry e; if (entryTranslator == null) { e = entry; } else { e = entryTranslator.translateEntryToWrite(entry); if (e == null) { return; } } if (comment != null) { writeComment(comment, false, false); } debugLDIFWrite(entry); writeLDIF(entry); } public void writeChangeRecord(final LDIFChangeRecord changeRecord) throws IOException { ensureNotNull(changeRecord); debugLDIFWrite(changeRecord); writeLDIF(changeRecord); } public void writeChangeRecord(final LDIFChangeRecord changeRecord, final String comment) throws IOException { ensureNotNull(changeRecord); debugLDIFWrite(changeRecord); if (comment != null) { writeComment(comment, false, false); } writeLDIF(changeRecord); } public void writeLDIFRecord(final LDIFRecord record) throws IOException { writeLDIFRecord(record, null); } public void writeLDIFRecord(final LDIFRecord record, final String comment) throws IOException { ensureNotNull(record); final LDIFRecord r; if ((entryTranslator != null) && (record instanceof Entry)) { r = entryTranslator.translateEntryToWrite((Entry) record); if (r == null) { return; } } else { r = record; } debugLDIFWrite(r); if (comment != null) { writeComment(comment, false, false); } writeLDIF(r); } public void writeLDIFRecords(final List<? extends LDIFRecord> ldifRecords) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (toLdifBytesInvoker == null) { for (final LDIFRecord ldifRecord : ldifRecords) { writeLDIFRecord(ldifRecord); } } else { final List<Result<LDIFRecord,ByteStringBuffer>> results = toLdifBytesInvoker.processAll(ldifRecords); for (final Result<LDIFRecord,ByteStringBuffer> result: results) { rethrow(result.getFailureCause()); final ByteStringBuffer encodedBytes = result.getOutput(); if (encodedBytes != null) { encodedBytes.write(writer); writer.write(EOL_BYTES); } } } } public void writeComment(final String comment, final boolean spaceBefore, final boolean spaceAfter) throws IOException { ensureNotNull(comment); if (spaceBefore) { writer.write(EOL_BYTES); } if (comment.indexOf('\n') < 0) { writeSingleLineComment(comment); } else { final String[] lines = comment.split("\\r?\\n"); for (final String line: lines) { writeSingleLineComment(line); } } if (spaceAfter) { writer.write(EOL_BYTES); } } private void writeSingleLineComment(final String comment) throws IOException { final int commentWrapMinusTwo; if (wrapColumn <= 0) { commentWrapMinusTwo = 77; } else { commentWrapMinusTwo = wrapColumnMinusTwo; } buffer.clear(); final int length = comment.length(); if (length <= commentWrapMinusTwo) { buffer.append("# "); buffer.append(comment); buffer.append(EOL_BYTES); } else { int minPos = 0; while (minPos < length) { if ((length - minPos) <= commentWrapMinusTwo) { buffer.append("# "); buffer.append(comment.substring(minPos)); buffer.append(EOL_BYTES); break; } boolean spaceFound = false; final int pos = minPos + commentWrapMinusTwo; int spacePos = pos; while (spacePos > minPos) { if (comment.charAt(spacePos) == ' ') { spaceFound = true; break; } spacePos--; } if (! spaceFound) { spacePos = pos + 1; while (spacePos < length) { if (comment.charAt(spacePos) == ' ') { spaceFound = true; break; } spacePos++; } if (! spaceFound) { buffer.append("# "); buffer.append(comment.substring(minPos)); buffer.append(EOL_BYTES); break; } } buffer.append("# "); buffer.append(comment.substring(minPos, spacePos)); buffer.append(EOL_BYTES); minPos = spacePos + 1; while ((minPos < length) && (comment.charAt(minPos) == ' ')) { minPos++; } } } buffer.write(writer); } private void writeLDIF(final LDIFRecord record) throws IOException { buffer.clear(); record.toLDIF(buffer, wrapColumn); buffer.append(EOL_BYTES); buffer.write(writer); } public static List<String> wrapLines(final int wrapColumn, final String... ldifLines) { return wrapLines(wrapColumn, Arrays.asList(ldifLines)); } public static List<String> wrapLines(final int wrapColumn, final List<String> ldifLines) { if (wrapColumn <= 2) { return new ArrayList<String>(ldifLines); } final ArrayList<String> newLines = new ArrayList<String>(ldifLines.size()); for (final String s : ldifLines) { final int length = s.length(); if (length <= wrapColumn) { newLines.add(s); continue; } newLines.add(s.substring(0, wrapColumn)); int pos = wrapColumn; while (pos < length) { if ((length - pos + 1) <= wrapColumn) { newLines.add(' ' + s.substring(pos)); break; } else { newLines.add(' ' + s.substring(pos, (pos+wrapColumn-1))); pos += wrapColumn - 1; } } } return newLines; } public static String encodeNameAndValue(final String name, final ASN1OctetString value) { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); encodeNameAndValue(name, value, buffer); return buffer.toString(); } public static void encodeNameAndValue(final String name, final ASN1OctetString value, final StringBuilder buffer) { encodeNameAndValue(name, value, buffer, 0); } public static void encodeNameAndValue(final String name, final ASN1OctetString value, final StringBuilder buffer, final int wrapColumn) { final int bufferStartPos = buffer.length(); try { buffer.append(name); buffer.append(':'); final byte[] valueBytes = value.getValue(); final int length = valueBytes.length; if (length == 0) { buffer.append(' '); return; } switch (valueBytes[0]) { case ' ': case ':': case '<': buffer.append(": "); Base64.encode(valueBytes, buffer); return; } if (valueBytes[length-1] == ' ') { buffer.append(": "); Base64.encode(valueBytes, buffer); return; } for (int i=0; i < length; i++) { if ((valueBytes[i] & 0x7F) != (valueBytes[i] & 0xFF)) { buffer.append(": "); Base64.encode(valueBytes, buffer); return; } switch (valueBytes[i]) { case 0x00: case 0x0A: case 0x0D: buffer.append(": "); Base64.encode(valueBytes, buffer); return; } } buffer.append(' '); buffer.append(value.stringValue()); } finally { if (wrapColumn > 2) { final int length = buffer.length() - bufferStartPos; if (length > wrapColumn) { final String EOL_PLUS_SPACE = EOL + ' '; buffer.insert((bufferStartPos+wrapColumn), EOL_PLUS_SPACE); int pos = bufferStartPos + (2*wrapColumn) + EOL_PLUS_SPACE.length() - 1; while (pos < buffer.length()) { buffer.insert(pos, EOL_PLUS_SPACE); pos += (wrapColumn - 1 + EOL_PLUS_SPACE.length()); } } } } } public static void encodeNameAndValue(final String name, final ASN1OctetString value, final ByteStringBuffer buffer, final int wrapColumn) { final int bufferStartPos = buffer.length(); try { buffer.append(name); buffer.append(':'); final byte[] valueBytes = value.getValue(); final int length = valueBytes.length; if (length == 0) { buffer.append(' '); return; } switch (valueBytes[0]) { case ' ': case ':': case '<': buffer.append(':'); buffer.append(' '); Base64.encode(valueBytes, buffer); return; } if (valueBytes[length-1] == ' ') { buffer.append(':'); buffer.append(' '); Base64.encode(valueBytes, buffer); return; } for (int i=0; i < length; i++) { if ((valueBytes[i] & 0x7F) != (valueBytes[i] & 0xFF)) { buffer.append(':'); buffer.append(' '); Base64.encode(valueBytes, buffer); return; } switch (valueBytes[i]) { case 0x00: case 0x0A: case 0x0D: buffer.append(':'); buffer.append(' '); Base64.encode(valueBytes, buffer); return; } } buffer.append(' '); buffer.append(valueBytes); } finally { if (wrapColumn > 2) { final int length = buffer.length() - bufferStartPos; if (length > wrapColumn) { final byte[] EOL_BYTES_PLUS_SPACE = new byte[EOL_BYTES.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(EOL_BYTES, 0, EOL_BYTES_PLUS_SPACE, 0, EOL_BYTES.length); EOL_BYTES_PLUS_SPACE[EOL_BYTES.length] = ' '; buffer.insert((bufferStartPos+wrapColumn), EOL_BYTES_PLUS_SPACE); int pos = bufferStartPos + (2*wrapColumn) + EOL_BYTES_PLUS_SPACE.length - 1; while (pos < buffer.length()) { buffer.insert(pos, EOL_BYTES_PLUS_SPACE); pos += (wrapColumn - 1 + EOL_BYTES_PLUS_SPACE.length); } } } } } static void rethrow(final Throwable t) throws IOException { if (t == null) { return; } if (t instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) t; } else if (t instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) t; } else if (t instanceof Error) { throw (Error) t; } else { throw new IOException(getExceptionMessage(t)); } } }