package; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; public class ProxiedSession implements Session { protected final Session delegate; public ProxiedSession(Session target) { if (target == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target session to proxy cannot be null."); } delegate = target; } public Serializable getId() { return delegate.getId(); } public Date getStartTimestamp() { return delegate.getStartTimestamp(); } public Date getLastAccessTime() { return delegate.getLastAccessTime(); } public long getTimeout() throws InvalidSessionException { return delegate.getTimeout(); } public void setTimeout(long maxIdleTimeInMillis) throws InvalidSessionException { delegate.setTimeout(maxIdleTimeInMillis); } public String getHost() { return delegate.getHost(); } public void touch() throws InvalidSessionException { delegate.touch(); } public void stop() throws InvalidSessionException { delegate.stop(); } public Collection<Object> getAttributeKeys() throws InvalidSessionException { return delegate.getAttributeKeys(); } public Object getAttribute(Object key) throws InvalidSessionException { return delegate.getAttribute(key); } public void setAttribute(Object key, Object value) throws InvalidSessionException { delegate.setAttribute(key, value); } public Object removeAttribute(Object key) throws InvalidSessionException { return delegate.removeAttribute(key); } }