/* * Copyright 2013 UnboundID Corp. * All Rights Reserved. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2013 UnboundID Corp. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPLv2 only) * or the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv2.1 only) * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>. */ package com.hwlcn.ldap.asn1; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * This enum defines a set of message keys for messages in the * com.hwlcn.ldap.asn1 package, which correspond to messages in the * ldap-ldapsdk-asn1.properties properties file. * <BR><BR> * This source file was generated from the properties file. * Do not edit it directly. */ enum ASN1Messages { /** * ASN.1 Boolean elements must have a value whose length is exactly one byte. */ ERR_BOOLEAN_INVALID_LENGTH("ASN.1 Boolean elements must have a value whose length is exactly one byte."), /** * Unable to decode the provided byte array as an ASN.1 BER element: {0} */ ERR_ELEMENT_DECODE_EXCEPTION("Unable to decode the provided byte array as an ASN.1 BER element: {0}"), /** * The decoded length of {0,number,0} does not match the number of bytes remaining in the provided array ({1,number,0}). */ ERR_ELEMENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH("The decoded length of {0,number,0} does not match the number of bytes remaining in the provided array ({1,number,0})."), /** * Invalid value length of {0,number,0} for an ASN.1 enumerated element. Enumerated element values must have a length between 1 and 4 bytes. */ ERR_ENUMERATED_INVALID_LENGTH("Invalid value length of {0,number,0} for an ASN.1 enumerated element. Enumerated element values must have a length between 1 and 4 bytes."), /** * Invalid value length of {0,number,0} for an ASN.1 integer element. Integer element values must have a length between 1 and 4 bytes. */ ERR_INTEGER_INVALID_LENGTH("Invalid value length of {0,number,0} for an ASN.1 integer element. Integer element values must have a length between 1 and 4 bytes."), /** * Invalid value length of {0,number,0} for an ASN.1 long element. Long element values must have a length between 1 and 8 bytes. */ ERR_LONG_INVALID_LENGTH("Invalid value length of {0,number,0} for an ASN.1 long element. Long element values must have a length between 1 and 8 bytes."), /** * ASN.1 null elements must not have a value. */ ERR_NULL_HAS_VALUE("ASN.1 null elements must not have a value."), /** * The end of the input stream was reached before the first length byte could be read. */ ERR_READ_END_BEFORE_FIRST_LENGTH("The end of the input stream was reached before the first length byte could be read."), /** * The end of the input stream was reached before the full length could be read. */ ERR_READ_END_BEFORE_LENGTH_END("The end of the input stream was reached before the full length could be read."), /** * The end of the input stream was reached before the full value could be read. */ ERR_READ_END_BEFORE_VALUE_END("The end of the input stream was reached before the full value could be read."), /** * The element indicated that it required {0,number,0} bytes to hold the value, but this is larger than the maximum of {1,number,0} bytes that the client has been configured to accept. */ ERR_READ_LENGTH_EXCEEDS_MAX("The element indicated that it required {0,number,0} bytes to hold the value, but this is larger than the maximum of {1,number,0} bytes that the client has been configured to accept."), /** * The element indicated that it required {0,number,0} bytes to encode the multi-byte length, but multi-byte lengths must be encoded in 1 to 4 bytes. */ ERR_READ_LENGTH_TOO_LONG("The element indicated that it required {0,number,0} bytes to encode the multi-byte length, but multi-byte lengths must be encoded in 1 to 4 bytes."), /** * Unable to decode the provided byte array as a sequence: {0} */ ERR_SEQUENCE_BYTES_DECODE_EXCEPTION("Unable to decode the provided byte array as a sequence: {0}"), /** * Unable to decode the provided byte array as a sequence because the decoded length of an embedded element exceeds the number of bytes remaining. */ ERR_SEQUENCE_BYTES_DECODE_LENGTH_EXCEEDS_AVAILABLE("Unable to decode the provided byte array as a sequence because the decoded length of an embedded element exceeds the number of bytes remaining."), /** * Unable to decode the provided ASN.1 element {0} as a sequence: {1} */ ERR_SEQUENCE_DECODE_EXCEPTION("Unable to decode the provided ASN.1 element {0} as a sequence: {1}"), /** * Unable to decode the provided ASN.1 element {0} as a sequence because the decoded length of an embedded element exceeds the number of bytes remaining. */ ERR_SEQUENCE_DECODE_LENGTH_EXCEEDS_AVAILABLE("Unable to decode the provided ASN.1 element {0} as a sequence because the decoded length of an embedded element exceeds the number of bytes remaining."), /** * Unable to decode the provided byte array as a set: {0} */ ERR_SET_BYTES_DECODE_EXCEPTION("Unable to decode the provided byte array as a set: {0}"), /** * Unable to decode the provided byte array as a set because the decoded length of an embedded element exceeds the number of bytes remaining. */ ERR_SET_BYTES_DECODE_LENGTH_EXCEEDS_AVAILABLE("Unable to decode the provided byte array as a set because the decoded length of an embedded element exceeds the number of bytes remaining."), /** * Unable to decode the provided ASN.1 element {0} as a set: {1} */ ERR_SET_DECODE_EXCEPTION("Unable to decode the provided ASN.1 element {0} as a set: {1}"), /** * Unable to decode the provided ASN.1 element {0} as a set because the decoded length of an embedded element exceeds the number of bytes remaining. */ ERR_SET_DECODE_LENGTH_EXCEEDS_AVAILABLE("Unable to decode the provided ASN.1 element {0} as a set because the decoded length of an embedded element exceeds the number of bytes remaining."), /** * The ASN.1 stream reader has already read beyond the end of this sequence (expected sequence of length {0} to end at {1} bytes into the stream, but {2} bytes have already been read from the stream). */ ERR_STREAM_READER_SEQUENCE_READ_PAST_END("The ASN.1 stream reader has already read beyond the end of this sequence (expected sequence of length {0} to end at {1} bytes into the stream, but {2} bytes have already been read from the stream)."), /** * The ASN.1 stream reader has already read beyond the end of this set (expected set of length {0} to end at {1} bytes into the stream, but {2} bytes have already been read from the stream). */ ERR_STREAM_READER_SET_READ_PAST_END("The ASN.1 stream reader has already read beyond the end of this set (expected set of length {0} to end at {1} bytes into the stream, but {2} bytes have already been read from the stream)."); /** * The resource bundle that will be used to load the properties file. */ private static final ResourceBundle RESOURCE_BUNDLE; static { ResourceBundle rb = null; try { rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("ldap-ldapsdk-asn1"); } catch (Exception e) {} RESOURCE_BUNDLE = rb; } /** * The map that will be used to hold the unformatted message strings, indexed by property name. */ private static final ConcurrentHashMap<ASN1Messages,String> MESSAGE_STRINGS = new ConcurrentHashMap<ASN1Messages,String>(); /** * The map that will be used to hold the message format objects, indexed by property name. */ private static final ConcurrentHashMap<ASN1Messages,MessageFormat> MESSAGES = new ConcurrentHashMap<ASN1Messages,MessageFormat>(); private final String defaultText; /** * Creates a new message key. */ private ASN1Messages(final String defaultText) { this.defaultText = defaultText; } /** * Retrieves a localized version of the message. * This method should only be used for messages which do not take any arguments. * * @return A localized version of the message. */ public String get() { String s = MESSAGE_STRINGS.get(this); if (s == null) { if (RESOURCE_BUNDLE == null) { return defaultText; } else { try { s = RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString(name()); } catch (final Exception e) { s = defaultText; } MESSAGE_STRINGS.putIfAbsent(this, s); } } return s; } /** * Retrieves a localized version of the message. * * @param args The arguments to use to format the message. * * @return A localized version of the message. */ public String get(final Object... args) { MessageFormat f = MESSAGES.get(this); if (f == null) { if (RESOURCE_BUNDLE == null) { f = new MessageFormat(defaultText); } else { try { f = new MessageFormat(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString(name())); } catch (final Exception e) { f = new MessageFormat(defaultText); } } MESSAGES.putIfAbsent(this, f); } synchronized (f) { return f.format(args); } } /** * Retrieves a string representation of this message key. * * @return A string representation of this message key. */ @Override() public String toString() { return get(); } }