package fr.inria.diversify.processor.test; import fr.inria.diversify.processor.ProcessorUtil; import spoon.reflect.code.*; import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement; import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMethod; import spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind; import spoon.reflect.visitor.Query; import spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.TypeFilter; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class TestCaseProcessor extends TestProcessor { protected String testDir; public static int monitorPointCount = 0; protected boolean logAssert; /* * This processor removes all the assertions from a test case * For future version: * - we should validate first whether the assertion contains a call to a method under test. If yes, we should extract it. * */ public TestCaseProcessor(String testDir, boolean logAssert) { this.testDir = testDir; this.logAssert = logAssert; } public boolean isToBeProcessed(CtMethod candidate) { return candidate.getPosition().toString().contains(testDir); } @Override public void process(CtMethod method) { List<CtInvocation> stmts = Query.getElements(method, new TypeFilter(CtInvocation.class)); for(CtInvocation invocation: stmts){ try { if (isAssert(invocation)) { if(invocation.getParent() instanceof CtCase) { CtCase ctCase = (CtCase) invocation.getParent(); int index = ctCase.getStatements().indexOf(invocation); getArgs(invocation).stream() .forEach(arg -> { if(logAssert && !isArrayAccess(arg)) { ctCase.getStatements().add(index, buildLogStatement(arg)); } else { if(!(arg instanceof CtVariableAccess) && !(arg instanceof CtFieldAccess)) { ctCase.getStatements().add(index, buildVarStatement(arg)); } } }); ctCase.getStatements().remove(invocation); } else { CtBlock block = (CtBlock) invocation.getParent(); getArgs(invocation).stream() .forEach(arg -> { if(logAssert && !isArrayAccess(arg)) { invocation.insertBefore(buildLogStatement(arg)); } else { if(!(arg instanceof CtVariableAccess) && !(arg instanceof CtFieldAccess)) { invocation.insertBefore(buildVarStatement(arg)); } } }); block.removeStatement(invocation); } } } catch (Exception e) {} } if(logAssert) { if (!method.getModifiers().contains(ModifierKind.STATIC)) { List<CtAssignment> assignments = Query.getElements(method, new TypeFilter(CtAssignment.class)); for (CtAssignment assignment : assignments) { if (!(assignment.getParent() instanceof CtLoop) && !isArrayAccess(assignment.getAssigned())) { try { assignment.insertAfter(logAssignment(assignment.getAssigned())); } catch (Exception e) { } } } List<CtLocalVariable> vars = Query.getElements(method, new TypeFilter(CtLocalVariable.class)); for (CtLocalVariable var : vars) { if (var.getDefaultExpression() != null && !(var.getParent() instanceof CtLoop)) { var.insertAfter(logLocalVar(var)); } } } } } protected CtCodeSnippetStatement buildVarStatement(CtElement arg) { CtCodeSnippetStatement stmt = new CtCodeSnippetStatementImpl(); stmt.setValue("Object o" + monitorPointCount + " = " + arg.toString()); monitorPointCount++; return stmt; } protected CtCodeSnippetStatement logLocalVar(CtLocalVariable var) { int id = ProcessorUtil.idFor(var.getPosition().getLine() + "_" + var.getReference()); return buildSnippet(id, var.getSimpleName()); } protected CtCodeSnippetStatement logAssignment(CtElement expression) { int id = ProcessorUtil.idFor(expression.getPosition().getLine() + "_" + expression.toString()); return buildSnippet(id, expression.toString()); } protected CtCodeSnippetStatement buildSnippet(int id, String expression) { monitorPointCount++; CtCodeSnippetStatement stmt = new CtCodeSnippetStatementImpl(); String snippet = getLogName() + ".logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread()," + id + ","+ expression + ")"; stmt.setValue(snippet); return stmt; } protected List<CtElement> getArgs(CtInvocation invocation) { List<CtElement> list = new ArrayList<>(); for(Object arg : invocation.getArguments()) { if(!(arg instanceof CtLiteral)) { CtElement i = (CtElement)arg; list.add(i); } } return list; } protected boolean isArrayAccess(CtElement element) { return element instanceof CtArrayAccess; } protected CtCodeSnippetStatement buildLogStatement(CtElement arg) { int id = ProcessorUtil.idFor(arg.getPosition().getLine() + "_" + arg.toString()); return buildSnippet(id, arg.toString()); } }