package org.junit.runners.model; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.hasItem; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; public class TestClassTest { @Rule public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none(); public static class TwoConstructors { public TwoConstructors() { } public TwoConstructors(int x) { } } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void complainIfMultipleConstructors() { new TestClass(TwoConstructors.class); } public static class SuperclassWithField { @Rule public TestRule x; } public static class SubclassWithField extends SuperclassWithField { @Rule public TestRule x; } @Test public void fieldsOnSubclassesShadowSuperclasses() { assertThat(new TestClass(SubclassWithField.class).getAnnotatedFields( Rule.class).size(), is(1)); } public static class OuterClass { public class NonStaticInnerClass { } } @Test public void identifyNonStaticInnerClass() { assertThat( new TestClass(OuterClass.NonStaticInnerClass.class) .isANonStaticInnerClass(), is(true)); } public static class OuterClass2 { public static class StaticInnerClass { } } @Test public void dontMarkStaticInnerClassAsNonStatic() { assertThat( new TestClass(OuterClass2.StaticInnerClass.class) .isANonStaticInnerClass(), is(false)); } public static class SimpleClass { } @Test public void dontMarkNonInnerClassAsInnerClass() { assertThat(new TestClass(SimpleClass.class).isANonStaticInnerClass(), is(false)); } public static class FieldAnnotated { @Rule public String fieldC= "andromeda"; @Rule public boolean fieldA; @Rule public boolean fieldB; } @Test public void providesAnnotatedFieldsSortedByName() { TestClass tc= new TestClass(FieldAnnotated.class); List<FrameworkField> annotatedFields= tc.getAnnotatedFields(); assertThat("Wrong number of annotated fields.", annotatedFields.size(), is(3)); assertThat("First annotated field is wrong.", annotatedFields .iterator().next().getName(), is("fieldA")); } @Test public void annotatedFieldValues() { TestClass tc = new TestClass(FieldAnnotated.class); List<String> values = tc.getAnnotatedFieldValues(new FieldAnnotated(), Rule.class, String.class); assertThat(values, hasItem("andromeda")); assertThat(values.size(), is(1)); } public static class MethodsAnnotated { @Ignore @Test public int methodC() { return 0; } @Ignore @Test public String methodA() { return "jupiter"; } @Ignore @Test public int methodB() { return 0; } } @Test public void providesAnnotatedMethodsSortedByName() { TestClass tc = new TestClass(MethodsAnnotated.class); List<FrameworkMethod> annotatedMethods = tc.getAnnotatedMethods(); assertThat("Wrong number of annotated methods.", annotatedMethods.size(), is(3)); assertThat("First annotated method is wrong.", annotatedMethods .iterator().next().getName(), is("methodA")); } @Test public void annotatedMethodValues() { TestClass tc = new TestClass(MethodsAnnotated.class); List<String> values = tc.getAnnotatedMethodValues( new MethodsAnnotated(), Ignore.class, String.class); assertThat(values, hasItem("jupiter")); assertThat(values.size(), is(1)); } @Test public void isEqualToTestClassThatWrapsSameJavaClass() { TestClass testClass = new TestClass(DummyClass.class); TestClass testClassThatWrapsSameJavaClass = new TestClass( DummyClass.class); assertTrue(testClass.equals(testClassThatWrapsSameJavaClass)); } @Test public void isEqualToTestClassThatWrapsNoJavaClassToo() { TestClass testClass = new TestClass(null); TestClass testClassThatWrapsNoJavaClassToo = new TestClass(null); assertTrue(testClass.equals(testClassThatWrapsNoJavaClassToo)); } @Test public void isNotEqualToTestClassThatWrapsADifferentJavaClass() { TestClass testClass = new TestClass(DummyClass.class); TestClass testClassThatWrapsADifferentJavaClass = new TestClass( AnotherDummyClass.class); assertFalse(testClass.equals(testClassThatWrapsADifferentJavaClass)); } @Test public void isNotEqualToNull() { TestClass testClass = new TestClass(DummyClass.class); assertFalse(testClass.equals(null)); } private static class DummyClass { } private static class AnotherDummyClass { } @Test public void hasSameHashCodeAsTestClassThatWrapsSameJavaClass() { TestClass testClass = new TestClass(DummyClass.class); TestClass testClassThatWrapsSameJavaClass = new TestClass( DummyClass.class); assertEquals(testClass.hashCode(), testClassThatWrapsSameJavaClass.hashCode()); } @Test public void hasHashCodeWithoutJavaClass() { TestClass testClass = new TestClass(null); testClass.hashCode(); // everything is fine if no exception is thrown. } public static class PublicClass { } @Test public void identifiesPublicModifier() { TestClass tc = new TestClass(PublicClass.class); assertEquals("Wrong flag 'public',", true, tc.isPublic()); } static class NonPublicClass { } @Test public void identifiesNonPublicModifier() { TestClass tc = new TestClass(NonPublicClass.class); assertEquals("Wrong flag 'public',", false, tc.isPublic()); } }