package fr.inria.diversify.transformation.query; import fr.inria.diversify.coverage.ICoverageReport; import fr.inria.diversify.coverage.NullCoverageReport; import fr.inria.diversify.diversification.InputProgram; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.Transformation; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.TransformationJsonParser; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.TransformationParserException; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.ast.ASTTransformation; import fr.inria.diversify.util.Log; import*; import java.util.*; /** * Search for points of known sosies * <p/> * Created by marcel on 6/06/14. */ public class KnownSosieQuery extends TransformationQuery { List<Transformation> transformations; /** * A class containing data and logic to help increase the speed of the search process of a previously found * transformation */ protected class TransformationFoundRecord { //Transformation that incremented by this transformation. //A parent transformation of {1, 2, 3} is for example {1, 2}, {1, 3} or {2, 3} //Formally: Y is parent of X if Y subset of X private TransformationFoundRecord parent = null; //Transformation found just before this one //Used to have a linked list of previously built transformations. private TransformationFoundRecord previous = null; //Index of the transformations taken from the pool of transformations that conforms this multisosie ArrayList<Integer> transformation; private int incrementalSeries; //Known status of this transformation int status = Transformation.SOSIE; int myHashCode = 0; public TransformationFoundRecord(TransformationFoundRecord parent, TransformationFoundRecord previous, int status) { setParentAndPrevious(parent, previous); this.status = status; } public TransformationFoundRecord(Integer[] indexes, TransformationFoundRecord parent, TransformationFoundRecord previous) { transformation = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(indexes)); setParentAndPrevious(parent, previous); } public void setParentAndPrevious(TransformationFoundRecord parent, TransformationFoundRecord previous) { this.setPrevious(previous); this.setParent(parent); } @Override public boolean equals(Object p) { ArrayList<Integer> t = ((TransformationFoundRecord) p).transformation; if (t.size() != transformation.size()) return false; for (Integer ti : t) { if (!transformation.contains(ti)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { if (myHashCode == 0) { if (transformation == null) return 0; for (Integer i : transformation) { myHashCode += i * 17; } myHashCode %= 5009; } return myHashCode; } public void setIncrementalSeries(int incrementalSeries) { if ( getParent() != null && getParent().getIncrementalSeries() != incrementalSeries ) { throw new RuntimeException("the series number mismatch!!"); } this.incrementalSeries = incrementalSeries; } /** * Series number of the transformation found. A redundant data to help improve robustness. */ public int getIncrementalSeries() { return incrementalSeries; } public TransformationFoundRecord getParent() { return parent; } public void setParent(TransformationFoundRecord parent) { this.parent = parent; if ( this.parent != null ) { this.incrementalSeries = this.parent.incrementalSeries; } } public TransformationFoundRecord getPrevious() { return previous; } public void setPrevious(TransformationFoundRecord previous) { this.previous = previous; } } /** * Status of the last transformation found. Querys may use this information to optimize further exploration of * the search space */ private int lastTransformationStatus = Transformation.SOSIE; /** * Multipoint transformations may be (parent/child) related. * * The incremental series number helps to identify parents and childs obtained in different runs */ protected int lastIncrementalSeries = 0; protected HashMap<Integer, HashSet<TransformationFoundRecord>> transformationFounds; public boolean isCleanSeriesOnly() { return cleanSeriesOnly; } public void setCleanSeriesOnly(boolean cleanSeriesOnly) { this.cleanSeriesOnly = cleanSeriesOnly; } /** * An small helper class to order sosies by their coverage */ private class SosieWithCoverage { private List<Integer> coverage; private Transformation transformation; public SosieWithCoverage(Transformation t) { this.transformation = t; coverage = new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Coverage size: " + coverage.size() + " " + this.transformation.toString(); } } /** * Status of the last transformation found. Querys may use this information to optimize further exploration of * the search space */ public int getLastTransformationStatus() { return lastTransformationStatus; } /** * Multipoint transformations may be (parent/child) related. * * The incremental series number helps to identify parents and childs obtained in different runs */ public int getLastIncrementalSeries() { return lastIncrementalSeries; } /* public void setLastIncrementalSeries(int lastIncrementalSeries) { this.lastIncrementalSeries = lastIncrementalSeries; } */ private boolean cleanSeriesOnly = true; /** * Sosies found from the transformation pool passed as paramethers. */ protected Transformation getSosies(int index) { return sosies.get(index).transformation; } private ArrayList<SosieWithCoverage> sosies; //Indicates if the multi-sosies are locate incrementing a the previously found smaller multi-sosie private boolean incrementalSosiefication = true; //Last multisosie found protected TransformationFoundRecord prevRecord = null; //Last size of transformation elements we where ask to executeQuery for. protected int lastTransfSizeNOfElems = 0; //Increment of the last series number private boolean seriesIncrement = true; public void setLastTransformationStatus(int lastTransformationStatus) { this.lastTransformationStatus = lastTransformationStatus; if (prevRecord != null) { prevRecord.status = lastTransformationStatus; } } public KnownSosieQuery(InputProgram inputProgram, ArrayList<Transformation> transf) { super(inputProgram); transformationFounds = new HashMap<>(); extractSosies(transf); } public KnownSosieQuery(InputProgram inputProgram) throws TransformationParserException { super(inputProgram); transformationFounds = new HashMap<>(); TransformationJsonParser parser = new TransformationJsonParser(false, getInputProgram()); File f = new File(getInputProgram().getPreviousTransformationsPath()); Collection<Transformation> ts; if (f.isDirectory()) { ts = parser.parseDir(f.getAbsolutePath()); } else { ts = parser.parseFile(f); } extractSosies(ts); } /** * Extracts the sosies from a transformation list. This method also extract the coverage report and sorts * the sosies by their coverage * * @param transf */ private void extractSosies(Collection<Transformation> transf) { ICoverageReport coverageReport = getInputProgram().getCoverageReport(); boolean coveragePresent = coverageReport != null && !(coverageReport instanceof NullCoverageReport); sosies = new ArrayList<>(); for (Transformation t : transf) { if (t.isSosie()) { SosieWithCoverage c = new SosieWithCoverage(t); if (coveragePresent) { //Distribution of this transformation transplant point //each client creates a jacoco file, each one is assigned an index c.coverage = coverageReport.getCoverageDistribution(((ASTTransformation) t).getTransplantationPoint()); Collections.sort(c.coverage); } //Don't add sosies without coverage in case such coverage exists if (!coveragePresent || c.coverage.size() > 0) { sosies.add(c); } } } //Order the sosies from less covered to more covered. This way we increases the chances that an uniformly //distributed selection covers most of the clients if (coveragePresent) { Collections.sort(sosies, new Comparator<SosieWithCoverage>() { @Override public int compare(SosieWithCoverage o1, SosieWithCoverage o2) { int sizeDiff = o1.coverage.size() - o2.coverage.size(); if (sizeDiff == 0) { int i = 0; while (i < o1.coverage.size() && o1.coverage.get(i) - o1.coverage.get(i) == 0) { i++; } return i >= o1.coverage.size() ? sizeDiff : o1.coverage.get(i) - o1.coverage.get(i); } return sizeDiff; } }); } } /** * Performs the search for transformations * * @throws SeveralTriesUnsuccessful when several unsuccessful attempts have been made to get the transformations */ public void executeQuery() { int max = 100; Exception[] causes = new Exception[max]; int trials = 0; boolean failed = true; while (trials < max && failed) try { //The amount of transformations are given in the executeQuery by the InputProgram transformations = query(getInputProgram().getTransformationPerRun()); failed = false; } catch (QueryException qe) { if ( qe.getReason().equals(QueryException.Reasons.UNABLE_TO_FIND_SOSIE_PARENT) ) { //We cannot recover from this one. No use to try causes[0] = qe; trials = max + 1; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn("Unable to executeQuery: " + e.getMessage()); causes[trials] = e; failed = true; trials++; } if (trials >= max) { throw new SeveralTriesUnsuccessful(causes); } } /** * Tells if a similar transformation has been already found * * @param tf transformation found * @param size Size of transformation asked by the users. * This size may vary from the actual size of the transformation * @return true if already found */ protected boolean alreadyFound(int size, TransformationFoundRecord tf) { if (!transformationFounds.containsKey(size)) { HashSet<TransformationFoundRecord> h = new HashSet<>(); h.add(tf); transformationFounds.put(size, h); return false; } else if (transformationFounds.get(size).contains(tf)) { return true; } else { transformationFounds.get(size).add(tf); return false; } } /** * Returns the list of found transformations a collection of transformations * * @return * @throws Exception */ public Collection<Transformation> getMultiTransformations() { return transformations; } @Override public Transformation query() throws QueryException { return null; } /** * Estimate the max number of multisosie transformations */ private long maxNumberOfTransformations(int nb) { long z = sosies.size(); long max = z; for (int i = 0; i < nb - 1; i++) { z--; long preMax = max * z; //Avoid overflow if (preMax < 0) return Long.MAX_VALUE; max = preMax; } z = nb; for (int i = nb; i > 1; i--) { nb--; z = z * nb; } return max / z; } /** * Finds an sosie transformation to increment (inherit from) * * @param nb Current transformation size * @return An integer array with the index of the single-transformations forming the multi-transformation * @throws QueryException */ private Integer[] initIncrementalTransformation(int nb) throws QueryException { Integer[] indexes = new Integer[nb]; //Create the linked list data structure to allow incremental multisosies if (incrementalSosiefication && prevRecord != null) { ArrayList<Integer> tf = null; do { if (lastTransfSizeNOfElems != nb) { seriesIncrement = false; //This means that we have changed the transformation size and therefore we must use //the previously found multisosie as the parent of the current transformation if (isCleanSeriesOnly() && prevRecord.status != Transformation.SOSIE) { //The last transformation was not a sosie. Create an empty slot and continue search prevRecord = new TransformationFoundRecord( prevRecord, null, prevRecord.status); //Since we create and empty slot we are not longer on the edge lastTransfSizeNOfElems = nb; } else { tf = prevRecord.transformation; } } else if (prevRecord.getParent() != null) { if (prevRecord.getParent().getPrevious() == null) { //Special case when we reach the end of the previous sosie list // and we are still searching for new sosies throw new QueryException(QueryException.Reasons.UNABLE_TO_FIND_SOSIE_PARENT); } //On the other hand we may continue creating multisosies incrementing an existing one int s = prevRecord.getParent().getPrevious().status; if (isCleanSeriesOnly() && s != Transformation.SOSIE) { //The last transformation was not a sosie. Create an empty slot and continue search prevRecord = new TransformationFoundRecord( prevRecord.getParent().getPrevious(), prevRecord, s); } else { tf = prevRecord.getParent().getPrevious().transformation; } } } while (!(tf != null || prevRecord.getParent() == null || prevRecord.getParent().getPrevious() == null)); //We found none... go boom if (tf == null && prevRecord.getParent() != null && prevRecord.getParent().getPrevious() == null) { throw new QueryException(QueryException.Reasons.UNABLE_TO_FIND_SOSIE_PARENT); } //Copy the parent transformations and index in the pool of transformations if (tf != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tf.size(); i++) { transformations.add(getSosies(tf.get(i))); indexes[i] = tf.get(i); } } } return indexes; } /** * Completes the incremental transformation process * * @param nb Current transformation size * @param indexes Indexes of the transformations found * @param tf Transformations found * @param f */ private void completeIncrementalTransformation(int nb, Integer[] indexes, ArrayList<Transformation> tf, TransformationFoundRecord f) { //Linking list mechanism to know the parent of a multisosie if (prevRecord == null) { prevRecord = f; } else if (lastTransfSizeNOfElems != nb) { prevRecord = new TransformationFoundRecord(indexes, prevRecord, null); } else if (prevRecord.getParent() == null) { prevRecord = new TransformationFoundRecord(indexes, null, prevRecord); if (seriesIncrement) { lastIncrementalSeries += 1; } prevRecord.setIncrementalSeries(lastIncrementalSeries); } else { prevRecord = new TransformationFoundRecord(indexes, prevRecord.getParent().getPrevious(), prevRecord); } transformations = tf; //prevRecord.setIncrementalSeries(lastIncrementalSeries); } @Override public List<Transformation> query(int nb) throws QueryException { //Update the incremental series number if (prevRecord == null) lastIncrementalSeries = 0; transformations = new ArrayList(); //Integer[] indexes = new Integer[nb]; Integer[] indexes = initIncrementalTransformation(nb); Random r = new Random(); //Don't create a sosie bigger than the sosie pool. Duh! if (nb > sosies.size()) nb = sosies.size(); long maxTransfNumbers = maxNumberOfTransformations(nb); int transAttempts = 0; boolean found = true; //Try several times searching for a transformation we haven't found before. while (found && transAttempts < maxTransfNumbers) { int attempts = 0; ArrayList<Transformation> tf = new ArrayList<>(transformations); int i = tf.size(); Arrays.fill(indexes, tf.size(), indexes.length, -1); //Build the transformation while (tf.size() < nb && attempts < sosies.size()) { int index = r.nextInt(sosies.size()); Transformation t = getSosies(index); if (canBeMerged(t)) { indexes[i] = index; i++; tf.add(t); } attempts++; } TransformationFoundRecord f = new TransformationFoundRecord(indexes, null, null); //See if the transformation was already found found = alreadyFound(nb, f); if (!found) { completeIncrementalTransformation(nb, indexes, tf, f); //Log the transformation found in the run try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("multisosiesfound.txt", true))); if (transformationFounds.get(nb).size() > 1) { sb.append(" Status: ").append(getLastTransformationStatus()); } sb.append("\n Serie:: ").append(prevRecord.getIncrementalSeries()).append(". Transf::"); for (int k = 0; k < indexes.length && indexes[k] > -1; k++) { sb.append(indexes[k]).append(", "); } out.println(sb.toString()); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //Nothing to do here } } transAttempts++; } if (transAttempts >= maxTransfNumbers) { throw new MaxNumberOfAttemptsReach(maxTransfNumbers, transAttempts); } lastIncrementalSeries = prevRecord.getIncrementalSeries(); lastTransfSizeNOfElems = nb; return transformations; } /** * Indicates if the transformation can be merged with the current ones * * @param t * @return */ protected boolean canBeMerged(Transformation t) { //Avoid sosies already in the transformation boolean result = !transformations.contains(t); //Get the class name of the transformation ASTTransformation ast = (ASTTransformation) t; String classFileT = ast.getTransplantationPoint().getCompilationUnit().getFile().getName(); //Avoid sosies in the same class for (int i = 0; i < transformations.size() && result; i++) { ASTTransformation a = (ASTTransformation) transformations.get(i); String classFileA = a.getTransplantationPoint().getCompilationUnit().getFile().getName(); result = result && !classFileA.equals(classFileT); } return result; } /** * Uses sosies from previous runs */ public boolean getIncrementalSosiefication() { return incrementalSosiefication; } public void setIncrementalSosiefication(boolean incrementalSosiefication) { this.incrementalSosiefication = incrementalSosiefication; } /** * Returns the sosies found from the pool of transformations * * @return */ public ArrayList<Transformation> getSosies() { ArrayList<Transformation> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (SosieWithCoverage s : sosies) { result.add(s.transformation); } return result; } }