package fr.inria.diversify.sosie.logger.processor; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.Transformation; import spoon.reflect.code.*; import; import; import spoon.reflect.declaration.*; import spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor; import spoon.reflect.visitor.QueryVisitor; import spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.TypeFilter; import; import java.util.*; /** * Adds basic logging before each conditionals (if, loops). * Use basic scope inference (the real one is hard due to the complex semantics of "static" and "final" * (w.r.t. init, anonymous classes, etc.) */ @Deprecated public class VariableLoggingInstrumenter extends AbstractLoggingInstrumenter<CtStatement> { protected int tmpVarCount = 0; public VariableLoggingInstrumenter(List<Transformation> transformations) { super(transformations); } @Override public boolean isToBeProcessed(CtStatement candidate) { if (candidate.getParent(CtCase.class) != null) return false; return (CtIf.class.isAssignableFrom(candidate.getClass()) || CtLoop.class.isAssignableFrom(candidate.getClass())) && !hasLabelAndGoto(candidate) && !containsGoto(candidate); } public boolean hasStaticParent(CtElement el) { if (el instanceof CtModifiable) { if (((CtModifiable) el).getModifiers().contains(ModifierKind.STATIC)) { return true; } } if (el.getParent() != null) { return hasStaticParent(el.getParent()); } return false; } public void process(CtStatement statement) { try { //Now instrument. instruLoopOrIf(statement); } catch (Exception e) { } } /** * Instruments the loop of If * * @param statement Statement to instrument */ private void instruLoopOrIf(CtStatement statement) { boolean inStaticCode = hasStaticParent(statement); String id = idFor(getClass(statement).getQualifiedName() + "." + getMethod(statement).getSignature()); String tmpVar = "tmpVarWrite" + tmpVarCount++; String snippet; if(containsTransformation(statement.getParent(CtExecutable.class))) { snippet = getLogName()+".startLogging(Thread.currentThread(),\""+id+"\");\n\tObject[] " + tmpVar + " = {"; } else { snippet = "Object[] " + tmpVar + " = {"; } int nVisibleVariables = 0; for (CtVariable<?> var : getVariablesInScope(statement)) { boolean isStaticVar = var.getModifiers().contains(ModifierKind.STATIC); // we only add if the code is non static // or if code is static and the variable as well if (!inStaticCode || (inStaticCode && isStaticVar)) { // if the local var is not initialized, it might be a compilation problem // because of "not initialized" if (var instanceof CtLocalVariable) { CtLocalVariable lvar = (CtLocalVariable) var; if (lvar.getDefaultExpression() == null) { continue; } } nVisibleVariables++; // we remove the "final" for solving "may have not been in initialized" in constructor code // this does not work for case statements // var.getModifiers().remove(ModifierKind.FINAL); snippet += "\"" + idForVar(var,statement) + "\"," + var.getSimpleName() + ","; } } snippet = snippet.substring(0, snippet.length() - 1); snippet += "};\n\t" + getLogName() + ".writeVar(" + getCount(statement) + ",Thread.currentThread(),\"" + id + "\"," + tmpVar + ");\n"; if ( nVisibleVariables > 0 // do not add the monitoring if nothing to ignore && // too many variables and too many ifs // may cause the following: // The code of method populateFromBibtex(BibtexEntry) is exceeding the 65535 bytes limit nVisibleVariables < 50 ) { CompilationUnit compileUnit = statement.getPosition().getCompilationUnit(); SourcePosition sp = statement.getPosition(); int index = sp.getSourceStart(); //Check for else if ( ... ) statements to wrap them inside brackets. This is an special case boolean isElseIfSpecialCase = statement instanceof CtIfImpl && statement.getParent() instanceof CtIfImpl && ((CtIfImpl) statement.getParent()).getElseStatement().equals(statement); if (isElseIfSpecialCase) { //Open the bracket at the "else" // compileUnit.addSourceCodeFragment(new SourceCodeFragment(index - 1, "{", 0)); } //Insert the snippet // compileUnit.addSourceCodeFragment(new SourceCodeFragment(index, snippet, 0)); if (isElseIfSpecialCase) { //Close the previously inserted "else" bracket int endIndex = sp.getSourceEnd(); // compileUnit.addSourceCodeFragment(new SourceCodeFragment(endIndex, "}", 0)); } } } protected String idForVar(CtVariable<?> var, CtStatement statement) { String varName; if(var instanceof CtField) { varName = getClass(statement).getQualifiedName() +" "+var.getSimpleName(); } else { varName = getMethod(statement).getSignature()+"."+var.getSimpleName(); } return idFor(varName); } private Collection<CtVariable<?>> getVariablesInScope(final CtElement el) { return _getVariablesInScope(el, new TreeSet()); } /** * Returns all variables in this scope * if el does not define a scope, returns an empty set */ private Collection<CtVariable<?>> _getVariablesInScope(final CtElement el, final Set<CtElement> children) { final Set<CtVariable<?>> variables = new TreeSet<CtVariable<?>>(); // we add all variables in the scope of el variables.addAll(getVariablesInLocalScope(el, children)); // recursion: we collect all variables in this scope // and in the scope of its parent if ( // if we have parent el.getParent() != null // but a package does not define a scope && !CtPackage.class.isAssignableFrom(el.getParent().getClass()) // there are complex compilation rules with final fields // and anonymous classes, skip parents of anonymous classes && !(el instanceof CtNewClass) // constructor and "final" errors && !(el instanceof CtConstructor) // static blocks and "may not have been initialized", skip && !(el instanceof CtAnonymousExecutable) // Cannot refer to a non-final variable initial inside an inner class defined in a different method && !(el instanceof CtType && el.getParent() instanceof CtBlock) ) { // here is the recursion children.add(el); variables.addAll(_getVariablesInScope(el.getParent(), children)); } return variables; } private Collection<CtVariable<?>> getVariablesInLocalScope(final CtElement el, final Set<CtElement> stoppers) { final Set<CtVariable<?>> variables = new TreeSet(); // we will visit some elements children of "el" to add the variables CtAbstractVisitor visitor = new CtAbstractVisitor() { // for a block we add the local variables @Override public <R> void visitCtBlock(CtBlock<R> block) { for (CtStatement stmt : block.getStatements()) { // we can not add variables that are declared after the stoppers if (stoppers.contains(stmt)) { return; } // we only add the new local variables if (stmt instanceof CtLocalVariable) { variables.add((CtVariable<?>) stmt); } } } // for a method we add the parameters @Override public <T> void visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T> m) { for (CtParameter<?> param : m.getParameters()) { variables.add(param); } } // for a class we add the fields @Override public <T> void visitCtClass(CtClass<T> ctClass) { for (CtField<?> field : ctClass.getFields()) { variables.add(field); } } @Override public <T> void visitCtThisAccess(CtThisAccess<T> tCtThisAccess) { } /* @Override public <T> void visitCtCatchVariableReference(CtCatchVariableReference<T> tCtCatchVariableReference) { }*/ }; visitor.scan(el); return variables; } public boolean hasLabelAndGoto(CtStatement stmt) { CtExecutable parent = stmt.getParent(CtExecutable.class); if (parent == null) return false; QueryVisitor query = new QueryVisitor(new TypeFilter(CtContinue.class)); parent.accept(query); return query.getResult().stream() .anyMatch(cnt -> ((CtContinue) cnt).getTargetLabel() != null); } }