package; import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import junit.framework.TestCase; import; /** * Base class for testcases doing tests with files. */ public abstract class FileBasedTestCase extends TestCase { private static volatile File testDir; public FileBasedTestCase(String name) { super(name); } public static File getTestDirectory() { if ((FileBasedTestCase.testDir) == null) { FileBasedTestCase.testDir = new File("test/io/").getAbsoluteFile(); } FileBasedTestCase.testDir.mkdirs(); return FileBasedTestCase.testDir; } protected void createFile(File file, long size) throws IOException { if (!(file.getParentFile().exists())) { throw new IOException((("Cannot create file " + file) + " as the parent directory does not exist")); } BufferedOutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); try { generateTestData(output, size); } finally {; } } protected byte[] generateTestData(long size) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream baout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); generateTestData(baout, size); return baout.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(("This should never happen: " + (ioe.getMessage()))); } } protected void generateTestData(OutputStream out, long size) throws IOException { for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) { out.write(((byte)((i % 127) + 1))); } } protected void createLineBasedFile(File file, String[] data) throws IOException { if (((file.getParentFile()) != null) && (!(file.getParentFile().exists()))) { throw new IOException((("Cannot create file " + file) + " as the parent directory does not exist")); } PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file) , "UTF-8")); try { for (String element : data) { output.println(element); } } finally {; } } protected File newFile(String filename) throws IOException { File destination = new File(FileBasedTestCase.getTestDirectory() , filename); if (destination.exists()) {; } return destination; } protected void checkFile(File file, File referenceFile) throws Exception { fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1715,file,1714,file.exists()); assertEqualContent(referenceFile, file); } /** * Assert that the content of two files is the same. */ private void assertEqualContent(File f0, File f1) throws IOException { InputStream is0 = new FileInputStream(f0); try { InputStream is1 = new FileInputStream(f1); try { byte[] buf0 = new byte[1024]; byte[] buf1 = new byte[1024]; int n0 = 0; int n1 = 0; while ((-1) != n0) { n0 =; n1 =; fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1709,(((((((("The files " + f0) + " and ") + f1) + " have differing number of bytes available (") + n0) + " vs ") + n1) + ")")); fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1710,(n0 == n1)); fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1711,(((("The files " + f0) + " and ") + f1) + " have different content")); fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1713,null,1712,java.util.Arrays.equals(buf0, buf1)); } } finally { is1.close(); } } finally { is0.close(); } } /** * Assert that the content of a file is equal to that in a byte[]. */ protected void assertEqualContent(byte[] b0, File file) throws IOException { InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); int count = 0; int numRead = 0; byte[] b1 = new byte[b0.length]; try { while ((count < (b0.length)) && (numRead >= 0)) { numRead =, count, b0.length); count += numRead; } fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1699,b0.length); fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1700,count); for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1701,(("byte " + i) + " differs")); fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1702,b0[i]); fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1703,b1[i]); } } finally { is.close(); } } /** * Assert that the content of a file is equal to that in a char[]. */ protected void assertEqualContent(char[] c0, File file) throws IOException { Reader ir = new FileReader(file); int count = 0; int numRead = 0; char[] c1 = new char[c0.length]; try { while ((count < (c0.length)) && (numRead >= 0)) { numRead =, count, c0.length); count += numRead; } fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1704,c0.length); fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1705,count); for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1706,(("char " + i) + " differs")); fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1707,c0[i]); fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1708,c1[i]); } } finally { ir.close(); } } protected void checkWrite(OutputStream output) throws Exception { try { new PrintStream(output).write(0); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new AssertionFailedError((("The copy() method closed the stream " + "when it shouldn\'t have. ") + (t.getMessage()))); } } protected void checkWrite(Writer output) throws Exception { try { new PrintWriter(output).write('a'); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new AssertionFailedError((("The copy() method closed the stream " + "when it shouldn\'t have. ") + (t.getMessage()))); } } protected void deleteFile(File file) throws Exception { if (file.exists()) { fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1716,("Couldn\'t delete file: " + file)); fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.logAssertArgument(Thread.currentThread(),1718,file,1717,file.delete()); } } }