package org.apache.commons.codec.binary; import; import; import java.util.Random; /** * This random data was encoded by OpenSSL. Java had nothing to do with it. This data helps us test interop between * Commons-Codec and OpenSSL. Notice that OpenSSL creates 64 character lines instead of the 76 of Commons-Codec. * * @see <a href="">RFC 2045</a> * @version $Id $ * @since 1.4 */ public class Base32TestData { static final String STRING_FIXTURE = "Hello World"; static final String BASE32_FIXTURE = "JBSWY3DPEBLW64TMMQ======\r\n"; private static final int SIZE_KEY = 0; private static final int LAST_READ_KEY = 1; static byte[] streamToBytes(final InputStream in) throws IOException { return Base32TestData.streamToBytes(in, new byte[7]); } static byte[] streamToBytes(final InputStream in, byte[] buf) throws IOException { try { int[] status = Base32TestData.fill(buf, 0, in); int size = status[SIZE_KEY]; int lastRead = status[LAST_READ_KEY]; while (lastRead != (-1)) { buf = Base32TestData.resizeArray(buf); status = Base32TestData.fill(buf, size, in); size = status[SIZE_KEY]; lastRead = status[LAST_READ_KEY]; } if ((buf.length) != size) { final byte[] smallerBuf = new byte[size]; java.lang.System.arraycopy(buf, 0, smallerBuf, 0, size); buf = smallerBuf; } } finally { in.close(); } return buf; } private static int[] fill(final byte[] buf, final int offset, final InputStream in) throws IOException { int read =, offset, ((buf.length) - offset)); int lastRead = read; if (read == (-1)) { read = 0; } while ((lastRead != (-1)) && ((read + offset) < (buf.length))) { lastRead =, (offset + read), (((buf.length) - read) - offset)); if (lastRead != (-1)) { read += lastRead; } } return new int[]{ offset + read , lastRead }; } private static byte[] resizeArray(final byte[] bytes) { final byte[] biggerBytes = new byte[(bytes.length) * 2]; java.lang.System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, biggerBytes, 0, bytes.length); return biggerBytes; } /** * Returns an encoded and decoded copy of the same random data. * * @param codec the codec to use * @param size amount of random data to generate and encode * @return two byte[] arrays: [0] = decoded, [1] = encoded */ static byte[][] randomData(final BaseNCodec codec, final int size) { final Random r = new Random(); final byte[] decoded = new byte[size]; r.nextBytes(decoded); final byte[] encoded = codec.encode(decoded); return new byte[][]{ decoded , encoded }; } /** * Tests the supplied byte[] array to see if it contains the specified byte c. * * @param bytes byte[] array to test * @param c byte to look for * @return true if bytes contains c, false otherwise */ static boolean bytesContain(final byte[] bytes, final byte c) { for (final byte b : bytes) { if (b == c) { return true; } } return false; } }