package fr.inria.diversify.transformation.query; import fr.inria.diversify.codeFragment.CodeFragment; import fr.inria.diversify.codeFragment.Statement; import fr.inria.diversify.diversification.InputProgram; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.Transformation; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.ast.ASTAdd; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.ast.ASTDelete; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.ast.ASTReplace; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.ast.ASTTransformation; import spoon.reflect.code.CtLocalVariable; import spoon.reflect.code.CtReturn; import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement; import spoon.reflect.factory.Factory; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction; import; /** * A transformation executeQuery over the AST * <p> * User: Simon * Modified: Marcelino * Date: 7/9/13 * Time: 10:02 AM */ public class ADRTransformationQuery extends TransformationQuery { /** * Class of the code fragment. Defaults to Statement */ protected Class codeFragmentClass = Statement.class; /** * Indicates if we do solely simple transformations. Defaults to the simple ones */ protected boolean stupid = true; /** * Indicates if variable matching used sub type */ protected boolean subType = true; protected ToDoubleFunction<Transformation> evalFunction; /** * Short constructor assuming the fragment class to be statement and the transformation to be stupid * * @param inputProgram Input program over the queries are going to be made */ public ADRTransformationQuery(InputProgram inputProgram) { //This we assume be defect super(inputProgram); codeFragmentClass = Statement.class; } /** * Long constructor assuming nothing * @param inputProgram Input Input program over the queries are going to be made * @param fragmentClass Class of the fragments * @param isStupid Is this a stupid transformation? */ public ADRTransformationQuery(InputProgram inputProgram, Class fragmentClass, boolean subType, boolean isStupid) { super(inputProgram); codeFragmentClass = fragmentClass; stupid = isStupid; this.subType = subType; } @Override public Transformation query() throws QueryException { if(evalFunction == null) { return pQuery(); } else { return query(evalFunction); } } public Transformation pQuery() throws QueryException { try { Random r = new Random(); ASTTransformation t = null; int i = r.nextInt(stupid ? 15 : 5); switch (i) { case 0: case 1: case 2: t = replace(subType); break; case 3: t = add(subType); break; case 4: t = delete(); break; case 5: case 6: case 7: t = replaceRandom(); break; case 8: case 9: case 10: t = addRandom(); break; case 11: t = replaceWittgenstein(); break; case 12: t = addWittgenstein(); break; case 13: { t = replace(subType); t.setName("replaceReaction"); break; } case 14: { t = add(subType); t.setName("addReaction"); break; } } t.setInputProgram(getInputProgram()); return t; } catch (Exception e) { throw new QueryException(e); } } protected Transformation query(ToDoubleFunction<Transformation> eval) throws QueryException { try { Set<Transformation> set = new HashSet<>(); while (set.size() < 10) { set.add(pQuery()); } return .sorted((cf1, cf2) ->, eval.applyAsDouble(cf1))) .findFirst() .get(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new QueryException(e); } } /** * * @return * @throws Exception */ protected ASTReplace replace(boolean subType) throws Exception { ASTReplace tf = new ASTReplace(); CodeFragment transplantationPoint = null; CodeFragment transplant = null; while (transplant == null) { transplantationPoint = findRandomFragment(true); transplant = findRandomFragmentCandidate(transplantationPoint, false, subType); } tf.setTransplantationPoint(transplantationPoint); tf.setTransplant(transplant); tf.setSubType(subType); return tf; } protected ASTReplace replaceReaction(CodeFragment transplantationPoint, boolean subType) throws Exception { ASTReplace tf = new ASTReplace(); CodeFragment transplant = findRandomFragmentCandidate(transplantationPoint, false, subType); if (transplant == null) throw new Exception("pas de candidat pour " + transplant); tf.setTransplantationPoint(transplantationPoint); tf.setTransplant(transplant); tf.setName("replaceReaction"); tf.setSubType(subType); return tf; } protected ASTReplace replaceWittgenstein() throws Exception { ASTReplace tf = new ASTReplace(); CodeFragment transplant = null; CodeFragment transplantationPoint = null; while (transplantationPoint == null) { transplant = findRandomFragment(true); transplantationPoint = findRandomFragmentCandidate(transplant, true, false); } tf.setName("replaceWittgenstein"); tf.setTransplantationPoint(transplantationPoint); tf.setTransplant(transplant); tf.setSubType(subType); return tf; } protected ASTReplace replaceRandom() throws Exception { ASTReplace tf = new ASTReplace(); tf.setTransplantationPoint(findRandomFragment(true)); tf.setTransplant(findRandomFragment(false)); tf.setName("replaceRandom"); tf.setSubType(subType); return tf; } protected ASTAdd addRandom() throws Exception { ASTAdd tf = new ASTAdd(); tf.setTransplantationPoint(findRandomFragment(true)); tf.setTransplant(findRandomFragment(false)); tf.setName("addRandom"); tf.setSubType(subType); return tf; } protected ASTReplace replace(CodeFragment transplantationPoint, boolean varNameMatch, boolean subType) throws Exception { ASTReplace tf = new ASTReplace(); CodeFragment cfReplacedBy = findRandomFragmentCandidate(transplantationPoint, varNameMatch, subType); if (cfReplacedBy == null) throw new Exception("pas de candidat pour " + transplantationPoint); tf.setTransplantationPoint(transplantationPoint); tf.setTransplant(cfReplacedBy); tf.setSubType(subType); return tf; } protected ASTAdd addWittgenstein() throws Exception { ASTAdd tf = new ASTAdd(); CodeFragment transplantationPoint = null; CodeFragment transplant = null; while (transplant == null) { transplantationPoint = findRandomFragment(true); transplant = findRandomFragmentCandidate(transplantationPoint, true, false); } tf.setTransplantationPoint(transplantationPoint); tf.setTransplant(transplant); tf.setName("addWittgenstein"); tf.setSubType(subType); return tf; } protected ASTAdd add(boolean subType) throws Exception { ASTAdd tf = new ASTAdd(); CodeFragment transplantationPoint = null; CodeFragment transplant = null; while (transplant == null) { transplantationPoint = findRandomFragment(true); transplant = findRandomFragmentCandidate(transplantationPoint, false, subType); } tf.setTransplantationPoint(transplantationPoint); tf.setTransplant(transplant); tf.setSubType(subType); return tf; } protected ASTAdd addReaction(CodeFragment transplantationPoint, boolean subType) throws Exception { ASTAdd tf = new ASTAdd(); CodeFragment transplant = findRandomFragmentCandidate(transplantationPoint, false, subType); if (transplant == null) throw new Exception("pas de candidat pour " + transplant); tf.setTransplantationPoint(transplantationPoint); tf.setTransplant(transplant); tf.setName("addReaction"); tf.setSubType(subType); return tf; } protected ASTAdd add(CodeFragment transplantationPoint, boolean varNameMatch, boolean subType) throws Exception { ASTAdd tf = new ASTAdd(); CodeFragment transplant = findRandomFragmentCandidate(transplantationPoint, varNameMatch, subType); if (transplant == null) throw new Exception("pas de candidat pour " + transplantationPoint); tf.setTransplantationPoint(transplantationPoint); tf.setTransplant(transplant); tf.setSubType(subType); return tf; } protected ASTDelete delete() throws Exception { ASTDelete tf = new ASTDelete(); CodeFragment transplantationPoint = null; while (transplantationPoint == null) { transplantationPoint = findRandomFragment(true); if (transplantationPoint.getCtCodeFragment() instanceof CtReturn || transplantationPoint.getCtCodeFragment() instanceof CtLocalVariable) transplantationPoint = null; } tf.setTransplantationPoint(transplantationPoint); return tf; } protected ASTDelete delete(CodeFragment transplantationPoint) throws Exception { ASTDelete tf = new ASTDelete(); tf.setTransplantationPoint(transplantationPoint); return tf; } /** * Find code fragments to replace, i.e, transplantation points * * @param withCoverage Indicates if the transplantation points must have coverage by the test suite. * @return */ protected CodeFragment findRandomFragment(boolean withCoverage) { Random r = new Random(); int size = getInputProgram().getCodeFragments().size(); CodeFragment stmt = getInputProgram().getCodeFragments().get(r.nextInt(size)); while (withCoverage && getInputProgram().getCoverageReport().codeFragmentCoverage(stmt) == 0) { stmt = getInputProgram().getCodeFragments().get(r.nextInt(size)); } return stmt; } /** * Find a random code fragment candidate to replace * * * @param cf * @param varNameMatch * @return * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException */ protected CodeFragment findRandomFragmentCandidate(CodeFragment cf, boolean varNameMatch, boolean subType) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { String cfString = cf.equalString(); for(CodeFragment codeFragment : getAllUniqueCodeFragments()) { if(cf.isReplaceableBy(codeFragment, varNameMatch, subType) && !codeFragment.equalString().equals(cfString)) { return codeFragment; } } return null; } protected CtElement copyElem(CtElement elem) { Factory factory = elem.getFactory(); CtElement tmp = factory.Core().clone(elem); tmp.setParent(elem.getParent()); return tmp; } protected List<CodeFragment> getAllUniqueCodeFragments() { List<CodeFragment> list = new ArrayList<>(getInputProgram().getCodeFragments().getUniqueCodeFragmentList()); Collections.shuffle(list); return list; } public Collection<Transformation> isstaTransformation(int nb) throws Exception { List<Transformation> transformations = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i = 0; i< nb; i++) { ASTReplace replace = replace(subType); transformations.add(replace); try { ASTReplace replaceW = replace(replace.getTransplantationPoint(), true, subType); replaceW.setName("replaceWittgenstein"); transformations.add(replaceW); } catch (Exception e) {} try { ASTReplace replaceReaction = replaceReaction(replace.getTransplantationPoint(), subType); transformations.add(replaceReaction); } catch (Exception e) {} try { ASTReplace replaceRandom = new ASTReplace(); replaceRandom.setTransplantationPoint(replace.getTransplantationPoint()); replaceRandom.setTransplant(findRandomFragment(false)); replaceRandom.setName("replaceRandom"); transformations.add(replaceRandom); } catch (Exception e) {} try { ASTAdd add = add(replace.getTransplantationPoint(), false, subType); transformations.add(add); } catch (Exception e) {} try { ASTAdd addW = add(replace.getTransplantationPoint(), true, false); addW.setName("addWittgenstein"); transformations.add(addW); } catch (Exception e) {} try { ASTAdd addReaction = addReaction(replace.getTransplantationPoint(),subType); transformations.add(addReaction); } catch (Exception e) {} try { ASTAdd addRandom = new ASTAdd(); addRandom.setTransplantationPoint(replace.getTransplantationPoint()); addRandom.setTransplant(findRandomFragment(false)); addRandom.setName("addRandom"); transformations.add(addRandom); } catch (Exception e) {} try { ASTDelete delete = new ASTDelete(); delete.setTransplantationPoint(replace.getTransplantationPoint()); transformations.add(delete); } catch (Exception e) {} } return transformations; } public void setEvalFunction(ToDoubleFunction<Transformation> evalFunction) { this.evalFunction = evalFunction; } }