package; import; import fr.inria.diversify.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Created by Simon on 15/01/15. */ @Deprecated public class LogTestReader { Set<String> testToExclude; Map<String, Test> traceByTest; Map<Integer, String> idToClass; Map<Integer, String[]> getters; private Map<Integer, Object[]> previousValues; static Map<Integer, String> idMap; public Collection<Test> loadLog(String dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir); loadIdMap(dir + "/id"); Log.debug("load trace in directory: {}", file.getAbsolutePath()); for (File f : file.listFiles()) { if (f.isFile() && f.getName().startsWith("logmain")) { try { Log.debug("parse file: {}", f.getAbsoluteFile()); splitByTest(f); } catch (Exception e) { Log.debug("error for: {}", f.getAbsoluteFile()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } Log.debug("number of test: {}",traceByTest.size()); MultiMonitoringPoint.dico.putAll(idToClass); return traceByTest.values(); } int count = 0; protected SingleMonitoringPoint parseMonitoringPoint(String assertLog) { SingleMonitoringPoint monitoringPoint = null; String[] split = assertLog.split(";"); int assertId = Pool.getCanonicalVersion(Integer.parseInt(split[1])); int classId = Pool.getCanonicalVersion(Integer.parseInt(split[2])); String className = Pool.getCanonicalVersion(idToClass.get(classId)); monitoringPoint = new SingleMonitoringPoint(assertId, className, getters.get(classId)); count++; Object[] pValues = previousValues.get(classId); if (split.length != 3) { List<String> tmp = split(assertLog, ":;:"); Object[] values = parseValues(tmp.subList(1, tmp.size())); if (pValues == null) { pValues = values; previousValues.put(classId, pValues); } else { char[] masque = split[3].toCharArray(); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < masque.length - 1; i++) { if (masque[i] == '1') { try { pValues[i] = values[index]; }catch (Exception e) { pValues[i] = ""; } index++; } } } } monitoringPoint.setValues(Arrays.copyOf(pValues, pValues.length)); return monitoringPoint; } protected List<String> split(String toSplit, String by) { List<String> split = new ArrayList<>(); int begin = 0; int end = toSplit.indexOf(by, begin); while (end != -1) { split.add(toSplit.substring(begin, end)); begin = end + by.length(); end = toSplit.indexOf(by, begin); } split.add(toSplit.substring(begin,toSplit.length())); return split; } protected Object[] parseValues(List<String> values) { Object[] parseValues = new Object[values.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { parseValues[i] = parseValue(values.get(i)); } return parseValues; } protected Object parseValue(String value) { //value is a Map if(value.startsWith("{") && value.endsWith("}")) { Set<Object> set = new HashSet<>(); for(String s : value.substring(1,value.length()-1).split(",\\s?")) { set.add(parseValue(s)); } return Pool.getCanonicalVersion(set); } //value is a array or a list or set if(value.startsWith("[") && value.endsWith("]")) { Set<Object> list = new HashSet<>(); for(String s : value.substring(1,value.length()-1).split(",\\s?")) { list.add(parseValue(s)); } return Pool.getCanonicalVersion(list); } //toString() is not define if(value.split("@").length > 1) { return parseValue(value.split("@")[0]); } //toString() is not define if( value.split("\\$").length > 1) { return parseValue(value.split("\\$")[0]); } return Pool.getCanonicalVersion(value); } protected void splitByTest(File file) throws Exception { reset(); List<AbstractMonitoringPoint> monitoringPoint = new LinkedList(); String currentTest = null; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); reader.readLine(); String line = ""; String logEntry = ""; try { while (line != null) { line = reader.readLine(); logEntry = logEntry + line; if (logEntry.endsWith("$$$")) { String type = line.substring(0, 2); logEntry = logEntry.substring(0, logEntry.length() - 3); switch (type) { case "TS" : if (currentTest != null) { testToExclude.add(currentTest); } monitoringPoint = new LinkedList<>(); currentTest = parseTestName(logEntry); break; case "TE" : if(currentTest != null) { addTest(currentTest, monitoringPoint); currentTest = null; } break; case "Cl" : parseClass(logEntry); break; case "Gt" : parseGetters(logEntry); break; default: SingleMonitoringPoint point = parseMonitoringPoint(logEntry); AbstractMonitoringPoint previous = .filter(p -> p.getId() == point.getId()) .findFirst() .orElse(null); if(previous != null) { if(previous instanceof SingleMonitoringPoint) { MultiMonitoringPoint multi = previous.toMulti(); if(point.getValues() != null) { multi.add(point); } monitoringPoint.remove(previous); monitoringPoint.add(multi); } } else { monitoringPoint.add(point); } break; } logEntry = ""; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for(String test: testToExclude) traceByTest.remove(test); } protected void addTest(String testName, List<AbstractMonitoringPoint> assertLogs) { if(!traceByTest.containsKey(testName)) { traceByTest.put(testName, new Test(testName)); } traceByTest.get(testName).addAllMonitoringPoint(assertLogs); } protected void parseGetters(String logEntry) { String[] split = logEntry.split(";"); String[] methods = new String[split.length - 2]; for(int i = 2; i < split.length; i++) { methods[i - 2] = Pool.getCanonicalVersion(split[i]); } getters.put(Integer.parseInt(split[1]), methods); } protected void parseClass(String logEntry) { String[] split = logEntry.split(";"); if(split.length == 4 && split[1].startsWith("[")) { idToClass.put(Integer.parseInt(split[3]), split[1].substring(0,split[1].length() - 1)); } else { idToClass.put(Integer.parseInt(split[2]), split[1]); } } protected String parseTestName(String logEntry) { return logEntry.substring(3, logEntry.length()); } /** * Loads the ID map from file * @param file File to load the ID map from * @return The map * @throws */ protected Map<Integer,String> loadIdMap(String file) throws IOException { if(idMap == null) { idMap = new HashMap<>(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { String[] tmp = line.split(" "); Integer id = Integer.parseInt(tmp[0]); idMap.put(id, line.substring(tmp[0].length(), line.length())); line = reader.readLine(); } } return idMap; } protected void reset() { previousValues = new HashMap<>(); idToClass = new HashMap<>(); getters = new HashMap<>(); traceByTest = new HashMap(); testToExclude = new HashSet(); } }