package fr.inria.diversify.ut.diversification; import fr.inria.diversify.diversification.InputConfiguration; import fr.inria.diversify.diversification.InputProgram; import fr.inria.diversify.diversification.accessors.SourceAccesor; import fr.inria.diversify.ut.MockInputProgram; import fr.inria.diversify.ut.SpoonMetaFactoryTest; import org.junit.Test; import spoon.reflect.factory.Factory; import; import; import; import static fr.inria.diversify.ut.SpoonMetaFactoryTest.PROBABLE_FAIL_CAUSE; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Created by marodrig on 19/01/2015. */ public class InputProgramTest { /** * Test the getCodeFragment method with different levels of threshold by line or value */ @Test public void testGetCodeFragment() { //********************************************************************************* //REMEMBER: MockInput program extract the fragments from FakeFragmentProcessor!!!!! //********************************************************************************* InputProgram inputProgram = new MockInputProgram(); inputProgram.processCodeFragments(); //All fragments are extracted from the FakeFragmentProcessor: //Test exact match assertEquals("Exact match failed", inputProgram.getCodeFragment("org.MyClass:1", "return 0"), inputProgram.getCodeFragments().get(0)); //Test soft match by lines assertEquals("Exact soft match by lines failed", inputProgram.getCodeFragments().get(0), inputProgram.getCodeFragment("org.MyClass:3", "return 0")); //Test soft match by search value assertEquals("Exact soft match by value failed", inputProgram.getCodeFragments().get(1), inputProgram.getCodeFragment("org.MyOtherClass:10", "if ( int == 0 )\n int = 10")); //Test soft match by search value and lines assertEquals("Exact soft match by value and lines failed", inputProgram.getCodeFragments().get(1), inputProgram.getCodeFragment("org.MyOtherClass:7", "if ( int == 0 )\n int = 10")); //Test soft match by search value and lines assertNull("Nothing found by lines failed", inputProgram.getCodeFragment("org.MyOtherClass:23", "if ( int == 0 )\n int = 10")); //Test soft match by search value and lines assertNull("Nothing found by value failed", inputProgram.getCodeFragment("org.MyClass:1", "someOtherThing = 0")); } @Test public void testFindFragment() { //********************************************************************************* //REMEMBER: MockInput program extract the fragments from FakeFragmentProcessor!!!!! //********************************************************************************* InputProgram inputProgram = new MockInputProgram(); inputProgram.processCodeFragments(); //Find without line threshold assertEquals("Find without line threshold failed", inputProgram.getCodeFragments().get(1), inputProgram.findCodeFragment("org.MyOtherClass:23", "if ( int == 0 )\n int = 10", new SourceAccesor(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0.85)); //Find without value threshold assertEquals("Find without value threshold failed", inputProgram.getCodeFragments().get(1), inputProgram.findCodeFragment("org.MyOtherClass:10", "booFarMar()", new SourceAccesor(), 5, 0)); //Find without value and line threshold. He will find... something: assertNotNull("Find without value and line threshold failed", inputProgram.findCodeFragment("org.MyOtherClass:500", "booFarMar()", new SourceAccesor(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0)); } /** * Test the proper configuration of the input program */ @Test public void testConfigure() throws IOException { //Input paths to test proper configuration String s = new InputConfigurationTest().crazyPaths().toString(); InputConfiguration configuration = new InputConfiguration(new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes("UTF-8"))); InputProgram p = new InputProgram(); p.configure(configuration); assertEquals(p.getRelativeSourceCodeDir(), configuration.getRelativeSourceCodeDir()); assertEquals(p.getPreviousTransformationsPath(), configuration.getPreviousTransformationPath()); assertEquals(p.getClassesDir(), configuration.getClassesDir()); assertEquals(p.getCoverageDir(), configuration.getCoverageDir()); } /** * Test the real processing of statements. * * This is a regression test to check that the default processing of statements does not change */ @Test public void testDefaultStatementProcessor() throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException, URISyntaxException { Factory f = new SpoonMetaFactoryTest().build(); InputProgram p = new InputProgram(); p.setFactory(f); p.processCodeFragments(); //I don't know how many valid statements are really there. // This is just a regression test to know when something change!!!! assertEquals(PROBABLE_FAIL_CAUSE, 18, p.getCodeFragments().size()); } /** * Regression test for p.getRoots() * * This is a regression test to check that the default processing of statements does not change */ @Test public void testGetRoots() throws Exception { Factory f = new SpoonMetaFactoryTest().build(); InputProgram p = new InputProgram(); p.setFactory(f); p.processCodeFragments(); assertEquals(PROBABLE_FAIL_CAUSE, 1, p.getRoots().size()); } /** * Regression test for p.getRoots() * * This is a regression test to check that the default processing of statements does not change */ /* @Test public void testInlineConstant() throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException, URISyntaxException { Factory f = new SpoonMetaFactoryTest().build(); InputProgram p = new InputProgram(); p.setFactory(f); p.processCodeFragments(); assertEquals(1, p.getInlineConstant().size()); }*/ }