package http.shortvers.message; import http.shortvers.message.client.Request; import http.shortvers.message.server.Response; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; public class HttpShortMessageFormatter implements ScribMessageFormatter { public static final Charset cs = Charset.forName("UTF8"); //private static CharsetDecoder cd = cs.newDecoder(); public HttpShortMessageFormatter() { } @Override public byte[] toBytes(ScribMessage m) throws IOException { return ((HttpShortMessage) m).toBytes(); } @Override public ScribMessage fromBytes(ByteBuffer bb) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { bb.flip(); int rem = bb.remaining(); if (rem < 2) { bb.compact(); return null; } String curr = new String(Arrays.copyOf(bb.array(), bb.remaining()), HttpShortMessageFormatter.cs); String endOfHeaders = HttpShortMessage.CRLF + HttpShortMessage.CRLF; if (!curr.contains(endOfHeaders)) { bb.compact(); return null; } if (curr.contains(Response.CONTENT_LENGTH)) { int eoh = curr.indexOf(endOfHeaders); if (eoh == -1) { bb.compact(); return null; } String contentLenSplit = curr.substring(curr.indexOf(Response.CONTENT_LENGTH)); int len = Integer.parseInt(contentLenSplit.substring(Response.CONTENT_LENGTH.length()+2, contentLenSplit.indexOf('\r')).trim()); if (curr.length() < eoh+4) { bb.compact(); return null; } String body = curr.substring(eoh+4); if (body.getBytes(HttpShortMessageFormatter.cs).length < len) { bb.compact(); return null; } byte[] bs = new byte[bb.remaining()]; // FIXME: hardcoded Response parsing based on presence of Content-Length bb.get(bs); bb.compact(); return parseResponse(new String(bs, HttpShortMessageFormatter.cs)); } else { byte[] bs = new byte[bb.remaining()]; bb.get(bs); bb.compact(); return parseRequest(new String(bs, HttpShortMessageFormatter.cs)); // FIXME: assuming empty-body Request if no Content-Length } } // Assumes no body private static HttpShortMessage parseRequest(String msg) { String get = null; String http = null; String host = null; String userA = null; String accept = null; String acceptL = null; String acceptE = null; String dnt = null; String connection = null; String upgradeIR = null; for (boolean eoh = false; !eoh; ) { //if (msg.startsWith(HttpMessage.CRLF + HttpMessage.CRLF)) if (msg.startsWith(HttpShortMessage.CRLF)) // First CRLF already trimmed after last header { eoh = true; //msg = msg.substring(4); msg = msg.substring(2); break; } msg = msg.replace("\\A\\s+", ""); int i = msg.indexOf(":"); if (i == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + msg); } if (msg.startsWith(HttpShortMessage.GET)) // FIXME { int j = msg.indexOf(' '); get = msg.substring(j+1, msg.indexOf(' ', j+1)).trim(); j = msg.indexOf('\r'); http = msg.substring(msg.indexOf('/')+1, j).trim(); msg = msg.substring(j+2); } else { String header = msg.substring(0, i); int j = msg.indexOf("\r"); switch (header) // FIXME: duplicates not checked { case Request.HOST: host = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Request.USER_AGENT: userA = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Request.ACCEPT: accept = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Request.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: acceptL = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Request.ACCEPT_ENCODING: acceptE = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Request.DO_NOT_TRACK: dnt = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Request.CONNECTION: connection = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Request.UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS: upgradeIR = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Cannot parse header field: " + msg.substring(0, j)); } msg = msg.substring(j+2); } } if (!msg.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + msg); } return new Request(get, http, host, userA, accept, acceptL, acceptE, dnt, connection, upgradeIR); } private static HttpShortMessage parseResponse(String msg) { String httpv = null; String ack = null; String date = null; String server = null; String strictTS = null; String lastMod = null; String eTag = null; String acceptR = null; String contentL = null; String vary = null; String contentT = null; String via = null; String body = null; for (boolean eoh = false; !eoh; ) { //if (msg.startsWith(HttpMessage.CRLF + HttpMessage.CRLF)) if (msg.startsWith(HttpShortMessage.CRLF)) // First CRLF already trimmed after last header { eoh = true; //msg = msg.substring(4); msg = msg.substring(2); break; } msg = msg.trim(); int i = msg.indexOf(":"); if (i == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + msg); } if (msg.startsWith(HttpShortMessage.HTTP)) // FIXME { int j = msg.indexOf(' '); httpv = msg.substring(msg.indexOf('/')+1, j); int k = msg.indexOf('\r'); ack = msg.substring(j+1, k); /*if (!ack.equals("200 OK")) { if (!ack.startsWith("404")) { throw new RuntimeException("[TODO]: " + msg); } } ack = "OK"; // Hardcoded*/ msg = msg.substring(k+2); } else { String header = msg.substring(0, i); int j = msg.indexOf("\r"); switch (header) { case Response.DATE: date = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Response.SERVER: server = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Response.STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY: strictTS = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Response.LAST_MODIFIED: lastMod = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Response.ETAG: eTag = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Response.ACCEPT_RANGES: acceptR = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Response.CONTENT_LENGTH: contentL = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Response.VARY: vary = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Response.CONTENT_TYPE: contentT = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; case Response.VIA: via = msg.substring(i+1, j).trim(); break; default: //throw new RuntimeException("Cannot parse header field: " + msg.substring(0, msg.indexOf('\r'))); System.err.println("[Warning] Attempting to skip over response field: " + header + "\n" + msg.substring(i+1, j).trim()); } msg = msg.substring(j+2); } } body = msg; return new Response(httpv, ack, date, server, strictTS, lastMod, eTag, acceptR, contentL, vary, contentT, via, body); } // FIXME: delete @Deprecated @Override public void writeMessage(DataOutputStream dos, ScribMessage m) throws IOException { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + m); } @Deprecated @Override public ScribMessage readMessage(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: "); } }