package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import org.scribble.main.Job; import org.scribble.main.ScribbleException; import org.scribble.model.MPrettyPrint; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.EFSM; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.EGraph; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.EStateKind; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.actions.EAction; import; import; import; public class SGraph implements MPrettyPrint { public final GProtocolName proto; //private final Map<Role, EGraph> efsms; //private final boolean fair; public final SState init; public Map<Integer, SState> states; // State ID -> GMState private Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> reach; // State ID -> reachable states (not reflexive) private Set<Set<Integer>> termSets; protected SGraph(GProtocolName proto, Map<Integer, SState> states, SState init) { this.proto = proto; this.init = init; this.states = Collections.unmodifiableMap(states); this.reach = getReachabilityMap(); } public SModel toModel() { return new SModel(this); } public Set<Set<Integer>> getTerminalSets() { if (this.termSets != null) { return this.termSets; } Set<Set<Integer>> termSets = new HashSet<>(); Set<Set<Integer>> checked = new HashSet<>(); for (Integer i : reach.keySet()) { SState s = this.states.get(i); Set<Integer> rs = this.reach.get(; if (!checked.contains(rs) && rs.contains( { checked.add(rs); if (isTerminalSetMember(s)) { termSets.add(rs); } } } this.termSets = Collections.unmodifiableSet(termSets); return this.termSets; } private boolean isTerminalSetMember(SState s) { Set<Integer> rs = this.reach.get(; Set<Integer> tmp = new HashSet<>(rs); tmp.remove(; for (Integer r : tmp) { if (!this.reach.containsKey(r) || !this.reach.get(r).equals(rs)) { return false; } } return true; } // Pre: reach.get(start).contains(end) // FIXME: will return null if initial // state is error public List<SAction> getTrace(SState start, SState end) { SortedMap<Integer, Set<Integer>> candidates = new TreeMap<>(); Set<Integer> dis0 = new HashSet<Integer>(); dis0.add(; candidates.put(0, dis0); Set<Integer> seen = new HashSet<>(); seen.add(; return getTraceAux(new LinkedList<>(), seen, candidates, end); } // Djikstra's private List<SAction> getTraceAux(List<SAction> trace, Set<Integer> seen, SortedMap<Integer, Set<Integer>> candidates, SState end) { Integer dis = candidates.keySet().iterator().next(); Set<Integer> cs = candidates.get(dis); Iterator<Integer> it = cs.iterator(); Integer currid =; it.remove(); if (cs.isEmpty()) { candidates.remove(dis); } SState curr = this.states.get(currid); Iterator<SAction> as = curr.getAllActions().iterator(); Iterator<SState> ss = curr.getAllSuccessors().iterator(); while (as.hasNext()) { SAction a =; SState s =; if ( == { trace.add(a); return trace; } if (!seen.contains( && this.reach.containsKey( && this.reach.get( { seen.add(; Set<Integer> tmp1 = candidates.get(dis + 1); if (tmp1 == null) { tmp1 = new HashSet<>(); candidates.put(dis + 1, tmp1); } tmp1.add(; List<SAction> tmp2 = new LinkedList<>(trace); tmp2.add(a); List<SAction> res = getTraceAux(tmp2, seen, candidates, end); if (res != null) { return res; } } } return null; } // Not reflexive public Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> getReachabilityMap() { if (this.reach != null) { return this.reach; } Map<Integer, Integer> idToIndex = new HashMap<>(); // state ID -> array // index Map<Integer, Integer> indexToId = new HashMap<>(); // array index -> state // ID int i = 0; for (SState s : this.states.values()) { idToIndex.put(, i); indexToId.put(i,; i++; } this.reach = getReachabilityAux(idToIndex, indexToId); return this.reach; } private Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> getReachabilityAux( Map<Integer, Integer> idToIndex, Map<Integer, Integer> indexToId) { int size = idToIndex.keySet().size(); boolean[][] reach = new boolean[size][size]; for (Integer s1id : idToIndex.keySet()) { for (SState s2 : this.states.get(s1id).getAllSuccessors()) { reach[idToIndex.get(s1id)][idToIndex.get(] = true; } } for (boolean again = true; again;) { again = false; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { if (reach[i][j]) { for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) { if (reach[j][k] && !reach[i][k]) { reach[i][k] = true; again = true; } } } } } } Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> res = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Set<Integer> tmp = res.get(indexToId.get(i)); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { if (reach[i][j]) { if (tmp == null) { tmp = new HashSet<>(); res.put(indexToId.get(i), tmp); } tmp.add(indexToId.get(j)); } } } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(res); } @Override public String toDot() { return this.init.toDot(); } @Override public String toAut() { return this.init.toAut(); } @Override public String toString() { return this.init.toString(); } // Factory method: not fully integrated with SGraph constructor because of Job arg (debug printing) // Also checks for non-deterministic payloads // Maybe refactor into an SGraph builder util; cf., EGraphBuilderUtil -- but not Visitor (cf., EndpointGraphBuilder), this isn't an AST algorithm public static SGraph buildSGraph(Map<Role, EGraph> egraphs, boolean explicit, Job job, GProtocolName fullname) throws ScribbleException { for (Role r : egraphs.keySet()) { job.debugPrintln("(" + fullname + ") Building global model using EFSM for " + r + ":\n" + egraphs.get(r).init.toDot()); } Map<Role, EFSM> efsms = egraphs.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap((e) -> e.getKey(), (e) -> e.getValue().toFsm())); SBuffers b0 = new SBuffers(efsms.keySet(), !explicit); SConfig c0 = new SConfig(efsms, b0); SState init = new SState(c0); Map<Integer, SState> seen = new HashMap<>(); LinkedHashSet<SState> todo = new LinkedHashSet<>(); todo.add(init); // FIXME: factor out model building and integrate with getAllNodes (seen == all) int count = 0; while (!todo.isEmpty()) { Iterator<SState> i = todo.iterator(); SState curr =; i.remove(); seen.put(, curr); if (job.debug) { count++; if (count % 50 == 0) { job.debugPrintln("(" + fullname + ") Building global states: " + count); } } Map<Role, List<EAction>> fireable = curr.getFireable(); //job.debugPrintln("Acceptable at (" + + "): " + acceptable); for (Role r : fireable.keySet()) { List<EAction> fireable_r = fireable.get(r); // Hacky? // FIXME: factor out and make more robust (e.g. for new state kinds) -- e.g. "hasPayload" in IOAction //EndpointState currstate = curr.config.states.get(r); EFSM currfsm = curr.config.efsms.get(r); EStateKind k = currfsm.getStateKind(); if (k == EStateKind.OUTPUT) { for (EAction a : fireable_r) // Connect implicitly has no payload (also accept, so skip) { if ( -> !a.equals(x) && a.peer.equals(x.peer) && a.mid.equals(x.mid) && !a.payload.equals(x.payload))) { throw new ScribbleException("Bad non-deterministic action payloads: " + fireable_r); } } } else if (k == EStateKind.UNARY_INPUT || k == EStateKind.POLY_INPUT || k == EStateKind.ACCEPT) { for (EAction a : fireable_r) { if (currfsm.getAllFireable().stream().anyMatch((x) -> !a.equals(x) && a.peer.equals(x.peer) && a.mid.equals(x.mid) && !a.payload.equals(x.payload))) { throw new ScribbleException("Bad non-deterministic action payloads: " + currfsm.getAllFireable()); } } } } // Need to do all action payload checking before next building step, because doing sync actions will also remove peer's actions from takeable set for (Role r : fireable.keySet()) { List<EAction> fireable_r = fireable.get(r); for (EAction a : fireable_r) { if (a.isSend() || a.isReceive() || a.isDisconnect()) { getNextStates(todo, seen, curr, a.toGlobal(r),, a)); } else if (a.isAccept() || a.isConnect()) { List<EAction> as = fireable.get(a.peer); EAction d = a.toDual(r); if (as != null && as.contains(d)) { as.remove(d); // Removes one occurrence //getNextStates(seen, todo, curr.sync(r, a, a.peer, d)); SAction g = (a.isConnect()) ? a.toGlobal(r) : d.toGlobal(a.peer); // Edge will be drawn as the connect, but should be read as the sync. of both -- something like "r1, r2: sync" may be more consistent (or take a set of actions as the edge label) getNextStates(todo, seen, curr, g, curr.sync(r, a, a.peer, d)); } } else if (a.isWrapClient() || a.isWrapServer()) { List<EAction> as = fireable.get(a.peer); EAction w = a.toDual(r); if (as != null && as.contains(w)) { as.remove(w); // Removes one occurrence SAction g = (a.isConnect()) ? a.toGlobal(r) : w.toGlobal(a.peer); getNextStates(todo, seen, curr, g, curr.sync(r, a, a.peer, w)); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + a); } } } } SGraph graph = new SGraph(fullname, seen, init); job.debugPrintln("(" + fullname + ") Built global model..\n" + graph.init.toDot() + "\n(" + fullname + ") .." + graph.states.size() + " states"); return graph; } private static void getNextStates(LinkedHashSet<SState> todo, Map<Integer, SState> seen, SState curr, SAction a, List<SConfig> nexts) { for (SConfig next : nexts) { SState news = new SState(next); SState succ = null; //if (seen.contains(succ)) // FIXME: make a SGraph builder /*if (seen.containsValue(succ)) { for (WFState tmp : seen) { if (tmp.equals(succ)) { succ = tmp; } } }*/ for (SState tmp : seen.values()) // Key point: checking "semantically" if model state already created { if (tmp.equals(news)) { succ = tmp; } } if (succ == null) { for (SState tmp : todo) // If state created but not "seen" yet, then it will be "todo" { if (tmp.equals(news)) { succ = tmp; } } } if (succ == null) { succ = news; todo.add(succ); } //curr.addEdge(a.toGlobal(r), succ); curr.addEdge(a, succ); // FIXME: make a Builder util, cf. EGraphBuilderUtil //if (!seen.contains(succ) && !todo.contains(succ)) /*if (!seen.containsKey( && !todo.contains(succ)) { todo.add(succ); }*/ } } }