package org.scribble.model; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.scribble.main.RuntimeScribbleException; import org.scribble.main.ScribbleException; import org.scribble.sesstype.kind.ProtocolKind; public abstract class MState< L, // Node label type (cosmetic) A extends MAction<K>, // Edge type S extends MState<L, A, S, K>, // State type K extends ProtocolKind // Global/Local > { private static int count = 0; // FIXME: factor out with ModelAction public final int id; protected final Set<L> labs; // Was RecVar and SubprotocolSigs, now using inlined protocol for FSM building so just RecVar // **: clients should use the pair of getAllAcceptable/getSuccessors for correctness -- getAcceptable/accept don't support non-det //protected final LinkedHashMap<A, S> edges; // Want predictable ordering of entries for e.g. API generation (state enumeration)*/ protected final List<A> actions; protected final List<S> succs; public MState(Set<L> labs) // Immutable singleton node { = MState.count++; this.labs = new HashSet<>(labs); this.actions = new LinkedList<>(); this.succs = new LinkedList<>(); } protected final void addLabel(L lab) { this.labs.add(lab); } public final Set<L> getLabels() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.labs); } // Mutable (can also overwrite edges) //protected final void addEdge(A a, S s) public final void addEdge(A a, S s) // FIXME: currently public for SGraph building -- make a global version of EGraphBuilderUtil { //this.edges.put(a, s); Iterator<A> as = this.actions.iterator(); // Needed?.. Iterator<S> ss = this.succs.iterator(); while (as.hasNext()) // Duplicate edges preemptively pruned here, but could leave to later minimisation { A tmpa =; S tmps =; if (tmpa.equals(a) && tmps.equals(s)) { return; } } // ..needed? this.actions.add(a); this.succs.add(s); } protected final void removeEdge(A a, S s) throws ScribbleException { Iterator<A> ia = this.actions.iterator(); Iterator<S> is = this.succs.iterator(); while (ia.hasNext()) { A tmpa =; S tmps =; if (tmpa.equals(a) && tmps.equals(s)) { ia.remove(); is.remove(); return; } } //throw new RuntimeException("No such transition to remove: " + a + "->" + s); throw new ScribbleException("No such transition to remove: " + a + "->" + s); // Hack? EFSM building on bad-reachability protocols now done before actual reachability check } // The "deterministic" variant, cf., getAllActions public final List<A> getActions() { Set<A> as = new HashSet<>(this.actions); if (as.size() != this.actions.size()) { throw new RuntimeScribbleException("[TODO] Non-deterministic state: " + this.actions + " (Try -minlts if available)"); // This getter checks for determinism -- affects e.g. API generation } //return as; return getAllActions(); } public final List<A> getAllActions() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.actions); } public final boolean hasAction(A a) { return this.actions.contains(a); } public final S getSuccessor(A a) { Set<A> as = new HashSet<>(this.actions); if (as.size() != this.actions.size()) { throw new RuntimeException("FIXME: " + this.actions); } return getSuccessors(a).get(0); } public final List<S> getSuccessors() { Set<A> as = new HashSet<>(this.actions); if (as.size() != this.actions.size()) { throw new RuntimeScribbleException("[TODO] Non-deterministic state: " + this.actions + " (Try -minlts if available)"); // This getter checks for determinism -- affects e.g. API generation } return getAllSuccessors(); } // For non-deterministic actions public final List<S> getSuccessors(A a) { return IntStream.range(0, this.actions.size()) .filter((i) -> this.actions.get(i).equals(a)) .mapToObj((i) -> this.succs.get(i)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public final List<S> getAllSuccessors() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.succs); } public final boolean isTerminal() { return this.actions.isEmpty(); } public static <L, A extends MAction<K>, S extends MState<L, A, S, K>, K extends ProtocolKind> S getTerminal(S start) { if (start.isTerminal()) { return start; } Set<S> terms = MState.getReachableStates(start).stream().filter((s) -> s.isTerminal()).collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (terms.size() > 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + terms); } return (terms.isEmpty()) ? null : terms.iterator().next(); // FIXME: return empty Set instead of null? } public boolean canReach(MState<L, A, S, K> s) { return MState.getReachableStates(this).contains(s); } // Note: doesn't implicitly include start (only if start is explicitly reachable from start, of course) /*public static <A extends ModelAction<K>, S extends ModelState<A, S, K>, K extends ProtocolKind> Set<S> getAllReachable(S start)*/ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <L, A extends MAction<K>, S extends MState<L, A, S, K>, K extends ProtocolKind> Set<S> getReachableStates(MState<L, A, S, K> start) { Map<Integer, S> all = new HashMap<>(); Map<Integer, S> todo = new LinkedHashMap<>(); todo.put(, (S) start); // Suppressed: assumes ModelState subclass correctly instantiates S parameter while (!todo.isEmpty()) { Iterator<S> i = todo.values().iterator(); S next =; todo.remove(; /*if (all.containsKey( { continue; } all.put(, next);*/ for (S s : next.getAllSuccessors()) { /*if (!all.containsKey( && !todo.containsKey( { todo.put(, s); }*/ if (!all.containsKey( { all.put(, s); //if (!todo.containsKey( // Redundant { todo.put(, s); } } } } return new HashSet<>(all.values()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <L, A extends MAction<K>, S extends MState<L, A, S, K>, K extends ProtocolKind> //Set<A> getAllReachableActions(S start) Set<A> getReachableActions(MState<L, A, S, K> start) { Set<S> all = new HashSet<>(); all.add((S) start); // Suppressed: assumes ModelState subclass correctly instantiates S parameter all.addAll(MState.getReachableStates(start)); Set<A> as = new HashSet<>(); for (S s : all) { as.addAll(s.getAllActions()); } return as; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 73; hash = 31 * hash +; // N.B. using state ID only return hash; } // N.B. Based only on state ID @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof MState)) { return false; } return ((MState<?, ?, ?, ?>) o).canEquals(this) && == ((MState<?, ?, ?, ?>) o).id; // Good to use id, due to edge mutability } protected abstract boolean canEquals(MState<?, ?, ?, ?> s); @Override public String toString() { return Integer.toString(; // FIXME -- ? } }