package; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import org.scribble.main.RuntimeScribbleException; import; import; import; @Deprecated public class EndpointInputQueues { // FIXME: factor out individual role queues (with counts and tickets, and bounded cache size?) private final Map<Role, List<ScribMessage>> queues = new HashMap<>(); //private final List<Object> list = new LinkedList<>(); private final Map<Role, Integer> counts = new HashMap<>(); // How many ScribMessages read so far private final Map<Role, Integer> tickets = new HashMap<>(); // Index of the next expected ScribMessage public EndpointInputQueues() { } public synchronized int getTicket(Role peer) { int next = + 1;, next); return next; } public synchronized void register(Role peer) { this.queues.put(peer, new LinkedList<>()); this.counts.put(peer, 0);, 0); } public synchronized void enqueue(Role peer, ScribMessage o) { this.queues.get(peer).add(o); //this.list.add(o); this.counts.put(peer, this.counts.get(peer) + 1); notifyAll(); // FIXME: notify just for each peer } public synchronized void interrupt(Role peer, Throwable t) { enqueue(peer, new ScribInterrupt(t)); } public synchronized boolean isEmpty(Role peer) { return this.queues.get(peer).isEmpty(); } /*public synchronized Object peek(Role src) { return this.queues.get(src).get(0); }*/ // Default CompletableFuture executed by common forkjoin pool -- so all messages that are received/async'd will eventually be pulled from the queue (no manual GC necessary) public synchronized CompletableFuture<ScribMessage> getFuture(Role peer) { // FIXME: better exception handling (integrate with Future interface?) return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> { try { ScribMessage m = dequeue(peer, getTicket(peer)); if (m instanceof ScribInterrupt) // FIXME: hacked in { throw new RuntimeScribbleException((Throwable) ((ScribInterrupt) m).payload[0]); } return m; } catch(IOException e) { throw new RuntimeScribbleException(e); } }); } protected synchronized ScribMessage dequeue(Role peer, int ticket) throws IOException { try { while (this.counts.get(peer) < ticket) { wait(); } List<ScribMessage> queue = this.queues.get(peer); while (queue.isEmpty()) { wait(); } ScribMessage m = queue.remove(0); //this.list.remove(o); return m; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } /*public boolean isEmpty() { return this.list.isEmpty(); }*/ /*public Object dequeue() { Object o = this.list.remove(0); for (List<Object> os : { if (os.contains(o)) { os.remove(o); break; } } return o; }*/ /*// Synchronized against usage in SocketEndpoint public synchronized Object readObject() throws IOException { synchronized (this) { while (isEmpty()) { try { this.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } return dequeue(); } }*/ /*public ScribbleInterrupt checkForInterrupt() { synchronized (this) { for (List<Object> queue : { if (!queue.isEmpty() && (queue.get(0) instanceof ScribbleInterrupt)) { return (ScribbleInterrupt) queue.remove(0); } } } return null; }*/ }