package; import java.util.List; import; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import org.scribble.ast.Constants; import org.scribble.ast.Interrupt; import org.scribble.ast.MessageNode; import; import org.scribble.sesstype.kind.Global; public class GInterrupt extends Interrupt implements GSimpleInteractionNode { /*public static final Function<Interrupt, GlobalInterrupt> toGlobalInterrupt = (Interrupt interr) -> (GlobalInterrupt) interr;*/ public GInterrupt(CommonTree source, RoleNode src, List<MessageNode> msgs) { //this(ct, src, msgs, null, null); //this(t, src, msgs, null, null); super(source, src, msgs); } /*// Destination Roles is "type info", not a syntax element -- could wrap in a generic "type info" object //public GlobalInterrupt(CommonTree ct, RoleNode src, List<MessageNode> msgs)//, List<Role> dests) public GlobalInterrupt(CommonTree ct, RoleNode src, List<MessageNode> msgs, GlobalInterruptContext icontext) { //super(ct, src, msgs);//, dests); super(ct, src, msgs, icontext); }*/ /*protected GlobalInterrupt(CommonTree ct, RoleNode src, List<MessageNode> msgs, GlobalInterruptContext icontext, Env env) { //super(ct, src, msgs);//, dests); super(ct, src, msgs, icontext, env); } //@Override // LocalInterrupt has a different signature protected GlobalInterrupt reconstruct(CommonTree ct, RoleNode src, List<MessageNode> msgs, GlobalInterruptContext icontext, Env env) { return new GlobalInterrupt(ct, src, msgs, icontext, env); } @Override public GlobalInterrupt leaveWFChoiceCheck(WellFormedChoiceChecker checker) throws ScribbleException { Role src = this.src.toName(); if (!checker.getEnv().isEnabled(src)) { throw new ScribbleException("Role not enabled: " + src); } return (GlobalInterrupt) super.leaveWFChoiceCheck(checker); /*Interrupt interr = super.leaveWFChoiceCheck(checker); return new GlobalInterrupt(interr.ct, interr.src, interr.msgs, interr.getContext(), interr.getEnv());* / } @Override public GlobalInterrupt leaveProjection(Projector proj) //throws ScribbleException { Role self = proj.peekSelf(); Role srcrole = this.src.toName(); List<Role> destroles = ((GlobalInterruptContext) getContext()).getDestinations(); LocalInterrupt projection = null; if (srcrole.equals(self) || destroles.contains(self)) { RoleNode src = new RoleNode(null, this.src.toName().toString()); // FIXME: project by visiting List<MessageNode> msgs = -> (MessageNode) ((ProjectionEnv) m.getEnv()).getProjection()).collect(Collectors.toList()); List<RoleNode> dests = -> new RoleNode(null, d.toString())).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (srcrole.equals(self)) { projection = new LocalThrows(null, src, msgs, dests); } else if (destroles.contains(self)) { projection = new LocalCatches(null, src, msgs, dests); } } this.setEnv(new ProjectionEnv(proj.getJobContext(), proj.getModuleContext(), projection)); return this; } /*@Override public GlobalInterrupt leaveContextBuilding(Node parent, NodeContextBuilder builder) throws ScribbleException { GlobalInterrupt interr = (GlobalInterrupt) super.leaveContextBuilding(parent, builder); ProtocolBlockContext bcontext = (ProtocolBlockContext) ((GlobalInterruptible) parent).block.getContext(); System.out.println("3: " + bcontext); List<Role> dests = new LinkedList<>(bcontext.getRoles()); // FIXME: also include other interrupt sources? (would be better to do in GlobalInterruptible) dests.remove(this.src.toName()); return new GlobalInterrupt(interr.ct, interr.src, interr.msgs, dests); }*/ /*@Override public GlobalInterrupt substitute(Substitutor subs) throws ScribbleException { Interrupt interr = super.substitute(subs); return new GlobalInterrupt(interr.ct, interr.src, interr.msgs, interr.dests); } @Override public GlobalInterrupt checkWellFormedness(WellFormednessChecker wfc) throws ScribbleException { GlobalInterrupt gi = (GlobalInterrupt) super.checkWellFormedness(wfc); Env env = wfc.getEnv(); Role src = this.src.toName(); if (!env.roles.isRoleEnabled(src)) { throw new ScribbleException("Interrupt role not enabled: " + src); } for (MessageNode msg : this.msgs) { // Duplicated from GlobalMesssageTransfer if (msg.isParameterNode()) { //MessageSignatureParameter param = ((ParameterNode) msg).toMessageSignatureParameter(); Parameter param = ((ParameterNode) msg).toName(); if (!env.params.isParameterDeclared(param)) { throw new ScribbleException("Bad parameter: " + param); } ParameterDecl.Kind pdkind = env.params.getParameterKind(((ParameterNode) msg).toName()); if (!pdkind.equals(ParameterDecl.Kind.SIG)) { throw new ScribbleException("GlobalMessageTransfer type parameter should be of SIG kind, not: " + pdkind); } } } Set<Role> dests = new HashSet<>(); dests.addAll(env.ops.getSources()); dests.addAll(env.ops.getAllDestinations()); dests.remove(this.src.toName()); return new GlobalInterrupt(gi.ct, gi.src, gi.msgs, new LinkedList<>(dests)); } @Override public LocalNode project(Projector proj) { Role role = proj.getRole(); if (this.src.toName().equals(role)) { return new LocalThrows(null, this.src, this.msgs, this.dests); } else if (this.dests.contains(role)) { return new LocalCatches(null, this.src, this.msgs, this.dests); } return null; } @Override public GlobalInterrupt collectRoles(RoleCollector rc) throws ScribbleException { rc.addRole(this.src.toName()); for (Role dest : this.dests) { rc.addRole(dest); } return (GlobalInterrupt) super.collectRoles(rc); }* / @Override public GlobalInterrupt visitChildren(NodeVisitor nv) throws ScribbleException { Interrupt interr = super.visitChildren(nv); //return new GlobalInterrupt(interr.ct, interr.src, interr.msgs); //, interr.dests); //return new GlobalInterrupt(interr.ct, interr.src, interr.msgs, interr.getContext(), interr.getEnv()); return reconstruct(interr.ct, interr.src, interr.msgs, interr.getContext(), interr.getEnv()); }*/ // FIXME: shouldn't be needed, but here due to Eclipse bug @Override public Global getKind() { return GSimpleInteractionNode.super.getKind(); } @Override public String toString() { return this.getMessages().stream().map((msg) -> msg.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + " " + Constants.BY_KW + " " + this.src + ";"; } }