package; import java.util.List; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import org.scribble.ast.Interruptible; import org.scribble.ast.ProtocolBlock; import org.scribble.ast.ScribNodeBase; import; import org.scribble.sesstype.kind.Global; import org.scribble.sesstype.kind.ScopeKind; import; //public class GlobalInterruptible extends Interruptible<GlobalProtocolBlock, GlobalInterrupt> implements GlobalInteractionNode public class GInterruptible extends Interruptible<Global> implements GCompoundInteractionNode { /*public static final Function<Interrupt, GlobalInterrupt> toGlobalInterrupt = (Interrupt interr) -> (GlobalInterrupt) interr; public static final Function<List<? extends Interrupt>, List<GlobalInterrupt>> toGlobalInterruptList = (List<? extends Interrupt> interrs) ->;*/ //public GlobalInterruptible(GlobalProtocolBlock block, List<GlobalInterrupt> interrs) public GInterruptible(CommonTree source, ProtocolBlock<Global> block, List<GInterrupt> interrs) { //this(null, block, interrs, null, null); this(source, null, block, interrs); } //public GlobalInterruptible(ScopeNode scope, GlobalProtocolBlock block, List<GlobalInterrupt> interrs) public GInterruptible(CommonTree source, ScopeNode scope, ProtocolBlock<Global> block, List<GInterrupt> interrs) { //this(ct, scope, block, interrs, null, null); super(source, scope, block, interrs); } @Override protected ScribNodeBase copy() { throw new RuntimeException("TODO: " + this); } @Override public GInterruptible clone() { throw new RuntimeException("TODO: " + this); } @Override public boolean isEmptyScope() { throw new RuntimeException("TODO: " + this); } @Override public Name<ScopeKind> getScopeElement() { throw new RuntimeException("TODO: " + this); } // FIXME: shouldn't be needed, but here due to Eclipse bug @Override public Global getKind() { return GCompoundInteractionNode.super.getKind(); } /*protected GlobalInterruptible(CommonTree ct, ScopeNode scope, GlobalProtocolBlock block, List<GlobalInterrupt> interrs, CompoundInteractionNodeContext icontext) { super(ct, scope, block, interrs, icontext); }* / protected GlobalInterruptible(CommonTree ct, ScopeNode scope, GlobalProtocolBlock block, List<GlobalInterrupt> interrs, CompoundInteractionNodeContext icontext, Env env) { super(ct, scope, block, interrs, icontext, env); } @Override protected GlobalInterruptible reconstruct(CommonTree ct, ScopeNode scope, GlobalProtocolBlock block, List<GlobalInterrupt> interrs, CompoundInteractionNodeContext icontext, Env env) { return new GlobalInterruptible(ct, scope, block, interrs, icontext, env); } @Override public GlobalInterruptible leaveDisambiguation(NameDisambiguator disamb) throws ScribbleException { ScopeNode scope = this.scope; if (scope == null) { scope = disamb.getFreshScope(); } //return new GlobalInterruptible(this.ct, scope, this.block, this.interrs); return reconstruct(this.ct, scope, this.block, this.interrs, getContext(), getEnv()); } @Override public GlobalInterruptible leaveContextBuilding(NodeContextBuilder builder) throws ScribbleException { Interruptible<GlobalProtocolBlock, GlobalInterrupt> intt = super.leaveContextBuilding(builder); ProtocolBlockContext bcontext = intt.block.getContext(); // Interrupt dests building done here (in the parent) because visitor pattern for context building doesn't easily allow children (block and interrupts) to see each other's contexts List<GlobalInterrupt> interrs = new LinkedList<GlobalInterrupt>(); //ProtocolDeclContext pdcontext = builder.getProtocolDeclContext(); for (GlobalInterrupt interr : intt.interrs) { Role src = interr.src.toName(); List<Role> dests = new LinkedList<>(bcontext.getRoles()); // FIXME: also include other interrupt sources? dests.remove(src); GlobalInterruptContext icontext = new GlobalInterruptContext(dests); interrs.add(new GlobalInterrupt(interr.ct, interr.src, interr.msgs, icontext, interr.getEnv())); CompoundInteractionContext cicontext = (CompoundInteractionContext) builder.peekContext(); for (Role dest : dests) // Cannot do in super Interruptible because dest info not available yet { for (MessageNode mn : interr.msgs) { Message msg = mn.toMessage(); //((CompoundInteractionContext) builder.peekContext()).addInterrupt(src, dest, msg); //builder.replaceContext(((CompoundInteractionContext) builder.peekContext()).addInterrupt(src, dest, msg)); cicontext = cicontext.addInterrupt(src, dest, msg); } } builder.replaceContext(cicontext); } //return new GlobalInterruptible(intt.ct, intt.scope, intt.block, interrs, intt.getContext()); return reconstruct(intt.ct, intt.scope, intt.block, interrs, intt.getContext(), getEnv()); } @Override public GlobalInterruptible leaveProjection(Projector proj) //throws ScribbleException { ScopeNode scope = new ScopeNode(null, this.scope.toName().toString()); // Inconsistent to copy role nodes manually, but do via children visiting for other children LocalProtocolBlock block = (LocalProtocolBlock) ((ProjectionEnv) this.block.getEnv()).getProjection(); /*List<LocalInterrupt> interrs = -> (LocalInterrupt) ((ProjectionEnv) .getEnv()).getProjection()).collect(Collectors.toList());* / LocalThrows thro = null; List<LocalCatches> cats = new LinkedList<>(); for (GlobalInterrupt gi : this.interrs) { LocalInterrupt li = (LocalInterrupt) ((ProjectionEnv) gi.getEnv()).getProjection(); if (li != null) { if (li instanceof LocalThrows) { thro = (LocalThrows) li; } else { cats.add((LocalCatches) li); } } } LocalInterruptible projection = null; if (!block.isEmpty() || thro != null) { projection = new LocalInterruptible(ct, scope, block, thro, cats); } this.setEnv(new ProjectionEnv(proj.getJobContext(), proj.getModuleContext(), projection)); return this; } /*@Override public GlobalInterruptible leaveWFChoiceCheck(WellFormedChoiceChecker checker) throws ScribbleException { Interruptible<GlobalProtocolBlock, GlobalInterrupt> intt = super.leaveWFChoiceCheck(checker); return new GlobalInterruptible(intt.ct, intt.scope, intt.block, intt.interrs, intt.getContext(), intt.getEnv()); }*/ /*@Override public Env enter(EnvVisitor nv) throws ScribbleException { Env env = nv.getEnv(); if (nv instanceof WellFormednessChecker) // Hacky { Scope scope = this.scope.toName(); if (env.scopes.getScopes().contains(scope)) { throw new ScribbleException("Duplicate scope: " + scope); } } return super.enter(nv); } @Override public GlobalInterruptible checkWellFormedness(WellFormednessChecker wfc) throws ScribbleException { GlobalInterruptible gi = (GlobalInterruptible) super.checkWellFormedness(wfc); // visitChildren Env env = gi.block.getEnv(); Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<>(); for (Interrupt interr : gi.interrs) { //GlobalInterrupt interr = (GlobalInterrupt) foo; Role src = interr.src.toName(); if (roles.contains(src)) { throw new ScribbleException("Duplicate interrupt source role: " + src); } roles.add(src); if (env.ops.getSources().contains(src)) { Set<Operator> ops = new HashSet<>(env.ops.getAll(src)); List<Operator> tmp = interr.getOperators(env); ops.retainAll(tmp); if (!ops.isEmpty()) { throw new ScribbleException("Bad interrupt operators: " + tmp); } } } return gi; } @Override public LocalInterruptible project(Projector proj) throws ScribbleException { // Not calling super method (doing child visiting manually) LocalProtocolBlock block = (LocalProtocolBlock) proj.visit(this.block); LocalThrows thro = null; List<LocalCatches> cats = new LinkedList<>(); for (Interrupt interr : this.interrs) { if (!interr.dests.isEmpty()) // HACK: make more proper -- if no one to throw interr to, cannot throw (so don't project) { LocalNode ln = (LocalNode) proj.visit(interr); if (ln != null) { if (block == null) { LocalInteractionSequence lis = new LocalInteractionSequence(null, Collections.<LocalInteraction>emptyList()); block = new LocalProtocolBlock(null, lis); } if (ln instanceof LocalThrows) { if (thro != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + this); } thro = (LocalThrows) ln; } else { cats.add((LocalCatches) ln); } } } } if (block == null && thro == null && cats.isEmpty()) { return null; } return new LocalInterruptible(null, this.scope, block, thro, cats); }*/ /*@Override public GlobalInterruptible visitChildren(NodeVisitor nv) throws ScribbleException { Interruptible<GlobalProtocolBlock, GlobalInterrupt> intt = super.visitChildren(nv); //List<GlobalInterrupt> interrs = GlobalInterruptible.toGlobalInterruptList.apply(intt.interrs); return new GlobalInterruptible(intt.ct, intt.scope, intt.block, intt.interrs, intt.getContext(), intt.getEnv()); }*/ }