package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.scribble.main.ScribbleException; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.EState; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.actions.EAction; import; import; // Cf. HandlerInterfaceGenerator public class HandleInterfaceGenerator extends IOStateInterfaceGenerator { //private final IOInterfacesGenerator iogen; private final Map<EAction, InterfaceBuilder> caseActions; public HandleInterfaceGenerator(IOInterfacesGenerator iogen, Map<EAction, InterfaceBuilder> actions, EState curr, Map<EAction, InterfaceBuilder> caseActions) { super(iogen.apigen, actions, curr); //this.iogen = iogen; this.caseActions = caseActions; } @Override protected void constructInterface() throws ScribbleException { super.constructInterface(); addHandleMethods(); } @Override protected void addHeader() { GProtocolName gpn = this.apigen.getGProtocolName(); Role self = this.apigen.getSelf(); String packname = IOInterfacesGenerator.getIOInterfacePackageName(gpn, self); String ifname = getHandleInterfaceName(self, this.curr); this.ib.setName(ifname); this.ib.setPackage(packname); this.ib.addModifiers(JavaBuilder.PUBLIC); } @Override protected void addCastField() { } @Override protected void addSuccessorParamsAndActionInterfaces() { //Role self = this.apigen.getSelf(); int i = 1; //for (IOAction a : getHandleInterfaceIOActionParams(this.curr)) // Branch successor state successors, not the "direct" successors // Duplicated from BranchInterfaceGenerator for (EAction a : this.curr.getActions().stream().sorted(IOACTION_COMPARATOR).collect(Collectors.toList())) { this.ib.addParameters("__Succ" + i + " extends " + SuccessorInterfaceGenerator.getSuccessorInterfaceName(a)); this.ib.addInterfaces(this.caseActions.get(a).getName() + "<__Succ" + i + ">"); i++; } /*for (InterfaceBuilder ib : this.succifs) // Already sorted { this.ib.addParameters("__Succ" + i + " extends " + ib.getName()); i++; }*/ } /*// Pre: curr is a branch state private static List<IOAction> getHandleInterfaceIOActionParams(EndpointState curr) { List<IOAction> as = new LinkedList<>(); for (IOAction a : curr.getAcceptable().stream().sorted(IOACTION_COMPARATOR).collect(Collectors.toList())) { EndpointState succ = curr.accept(a); /*InterfaceBuilder iostateif = this.iogen.getIOStateInterface(IOStateInterfaceGenerator.getIOStateInterfaceName(self, succ)); for (String param : iostateif.getParameters()) { this.ib.addParameters("__Succ" + i + " extends " + SuccessorInterfaceGenerator.getSuccessorInterfaceName(this.curr, a)); }* / for (IOAction b : succ.getAcceptable().stream().sorted(IOACTION_COMPARATOR).collect(Collectors.toList())) { //if (!as.contains(b)) { as.add(b); } } } return as; }*/ protected void addHandleMethods() throws ScribbleException { GProtocolName gpn = this.apigen.getGProtocolName(); //Role self = this.apigen.getSelf(); //Set<EAction> as = this.curr.getActions(); List<EAction> as = this.curr.getActions(); this.ib.addImports(SessionApiGenerator.getOpsPackageName(gpn) + ".*"); int i = 1; for (EAction a : { /*EndpointState succ = this.curr.accept(a); MethodBuilder mb = this.ib.newAbstractMethod(); HandlerInterfaceGenerator.setHandleMethodHeaderWithoutParamTypes(this.apigen, mb); i = setHandleMethodSuccessorParam(this.iogen, self, succ, mb, i); HandlerInterfaceGenerator.addHandleMethodOpAndPayloadParams(this.apigen, a, mb);*/ MethodBuilder mb = this.ib.newAbstractMethod(); HandlerInterfaceGenerator.setHandleMethodHeaderWithoutParamTypes(this.apigen, mb); //setHandleMethodSuccessorParam(this.iogen, self, succ, mb); mb.addParameters("__Succ" + i++ + " schan"); HandlerInterfaceGenerator.addHandleMethodOpAndPayloadParams(this.apigen, a, mb); } } //protected static int setHandleMethodSuccessorParam(IOInterfacesGenerator iogen, Role self, EndpointState succ, MethodBuilder mb, int i) protected static void setHandleMethodSuccessorParam(IOInterfacesGenerator iogen, Role self, EState succ, MethodBuilder mb, List<EAction> as, Map<EAction, Integer> count) { if (succ.isTerminal()) { mb.addParameters(ScribSocketGenerator.ENDSOCKET_CLASS + "<?, ?> end"); } else { InterfaceBuilder next = iogen.getIOStateInterface(IOStateInterfaceGenerator.getIOStateInterfaceName(self, succ)); // Select/Receive/Branch String ret = next.getName() + "<"; /*//ret += "<" + next.getParameters().stream().map((p) -> "__Succ" + i++).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + ">"; // FIXME: fragile? boolean first = true; for (String p : next.getParameters()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { ret += ", "; } ret += "__Succ" + i++; } ret += ">"; mb.addParameters(ret + " schan"); // duplicates possible? -- can have repeat continuations, but the branch operation ops themselves will be distinct } return i;*/ //Map<IOAction, Integer> ount = new HashMap<>(); boolean first = true; for (EAction a : succ.getActions().stream().sorted(IOStateInterfaceGenerator.IOACTION_COMPARATOR).collect(Collectors.toList())) { int offset; if (!count.containsKey(a)) { offset = 0; count.put(a, 0); } else { offset = count.get(a) + 1; count.put(a, offset); } //if (count.keySet().size() > 1) if (first) { first = false; } else { ret += ", "; } ret += "__Succ" + (as.indexOf(a) + 1 + offset); } ret += ">"; mb.addParameters(ret + " schan"); } } // Pre: s is a branch state public static String getHandleInterfaceName(Role self, EState s) { // FIXME: factor out (CaseInterfaceGenerator, IOStateInterfaceGenerator.getIOStateInterfaceName) String name = "Handle_" + self + "_" + s.getActions().stream().sorted(IOACTION_COMPARATOR) .map((a) -> ActionInterfaceGenerator.getActionString(a)).collect(Collectors.joining("__")); IOStateInterfaceGenerator.checkIOStateInterfaceNameLength(name); return name; } }