package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.scribble.ast.Module; import; import; import org.scribble.main.Job; import org.scribble.main.JobContext; import org.scribble.main.ScribbleException; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.EState; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.actions.EAction; import; import; import; import org.scribble.visit.context.Projector; // TODO: "wildcard" unary async: op doesn't matter -- for branch-receive op "still needed" to cast to correct branch state // TODO: "functional state interfaces", e.g. for smtp ehlo and quit actions // FIXME: selector(?) hanging on runtimeexception (from message formatter) // FIXME: consume futures before wrap/reconnect public class StateChannelApiGenerator extends ApiGenerator { public static final String SCRIBMESSAGE_CLASS = ""; public static final String SCRIBBLERUNTIMEEXCEPTION_CLASS = "org.scribble.main.ScribbleRuntimeException"; public static final String RECEIVE_OP_PARAM = "op"; public static final String SCRIBMESSAGE_OP_FIELD = "op"; private final Role self; private final LProtocolName lpn; private final EState init; //private final String root; protected final boolean skipIOInterfacesGeneration; private int counter = 1; private Map<EState, String> classNames = new HashMap<>(); // Doesn't include terminal states private Map<String, TypeBuilder> types = new HashMap<>(); // class/iface name key public StateChannelApiGenerator(Job job, GProtocolName fullname, Role self) throws ScribbleException // FIXME: APIGenerationException? { super(job, fullname); this.self = self; this.lpn = Projector.projectFullProtocolName(fullname, self); //this.init = job.getContext().getEndpointGraph(fullname, self).init; JobContext jc = job.getContext(); this.init = job.minEfsm ? jc.getMinimisedEGraph(fullname, self).init : jc.getEGraph(fullname, self).init; this.skipIOInterfacesGeneration = skipIOInterfacesGeneration(this.init); generateClassNames(this.init); //this.root = this.classNames.get(this.init); constructClasses(this.init); //EndpointState term = EndpointState.findTerminalState(new HashSet<>(), this.init); EState term = EState.getTerminal(this.init); if (term != null) { ClassBuilder cb = new EndSocketGenerator(this, term).generateType(); this.types.put(cb.getName(), cb); } } // Cf. IOInterfacesGenerator constructor private static boolean skipIOInterfacesGeneration(EState init) { Set<EAction> as = EState.getReachableActions(init); if ( -> !a.isSend() && !a.isReceive())) // HACK FIXME (connect/disconnect) { return true; } return false; } // Return: key (package and Java class file path) -> val (Java class source) @Override public Map<String, String> generateApi() { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); // FIXME: factor out with ScribSocketBuilder.getPackageName String prefix = SessionApiGenerator.getEndpointApiRootPackageName(this.gpn).replace('.', '/') + "/channels/" + this.self + "/" ; for (String s : this.types.keySet()) { String path = prefix + s + ".java"; map.put(path, this.types.get(s).build()); } return map; } private void generateClassNames(EState ps) { if (this.classNames.containsKey(ps)) { return; } if (ps.isTerminal()) { //this.classNames.put(ps, ENDSOCKET_CLASS); // FIXME: add generic parameters? or don't record? return; } this.classNames.put(ps, newSocketClassName()); for (EState succ : ps.getAllSuccessors()) { generateClassNames(succ); } } private String newSocketClassName() { return this.lpn.getSimpleName().toString() + "_" + this.counter++; } private void constructClasses(EState curr) throws ScribbleException { if (curr.isTerminal()) { return; // Generic EndSocket for terminal states } String className = this.classNames.get(curr); if (this.types.containsKey(className)) { return; } this.types.put(className, constructClass(curr)); for (EState succ : curr.getAllSuccessors()) { constructClasses(succ); } // Depends on the above being done first (for this.root) /*String init = this.lpn.getSimpleName().toString() + "_" + 0; // FIXME: factor out with newClassName this.classes.put(init, constructInitClass(init));*/ } // Pre: curr is not terminal state private ClassBuilder constructClass(EState curr) throws ScribbleException // FIXME: APIGenerationException? { switch (curr.getStateKind()) { case OUTPUT: { /*Set<IOAction> as = curr.getTakeable(); if ( -> a.isSend()))*/ { return new OutputSocketGenerator(this, curr).generateType(); } //throw new RuntimeException("TODO: " + curr.toLongString()); } case ACCEPT: { return new AcceptSocketGenerator(this, curr).generateType(); } case UNARY_INPUT: { return new ReceiveSocketGenerator(this, curr).generateType(); } case POLY_INPUT: { // Receive only return new BranchSocketGenerator(this, curr).generateType(); } default: { throw new RuntimeException("[TODO] State Channel API generation not supported for: " + curr.getStateKind() + ", " + curr.toLongString()); } } } public GProtocolName getGProtocolName() { return this.gpn; } public Role getSelf() { return this.self; } protected EState getInitialState() { return this.init; } protected Module getMainModule() { return this.job.getContext().getMainModule(); } protected void addTypeDecl(TypeBuilder tb) { this.types.put(tb.getName(), tb); } public String getSocketClassName(EState s) { return this.classNames.get(s); } public TypeBuilder getType(String key) { return this.types.get(key); } }