package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.EFSM; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.EState; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.EStateKind; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.actions.EAccept; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.actions.EConnect; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.actions.EDisconnect; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.actions.EAction; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.actions.EReceive; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.actions.ESend; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.actions.EWrapClient; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.actions.EWrapServer; import; public class SConfig { //public final Map<Role, EndpointState> states; public final Map<Role, EFSM> efsms; public final SBuffers buffs; //public WFConfig(Map<Role, EndpointState> state, Map<Role, Map<Role, Send>> buff) //public WFConfig(Map<Role, EndpointState> state, WFBuffers buffs) public SConfig(Map<Role, EFSM> state, SBuffers buffs) { this.efsms = Collections.unmodifiableMap(state); //this.buffs = Collections.unmodifiableMap(buff.keySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap((k) -> k, (k) -> Collections.unmodifiableMap(buff.get(k))))); //this.buffs = Collections.unmodifiableMap(buff); this.buffs = buffs; } // FIXME: rename: not just termination, could be unconnected/uninitiated //public boolean isEnd() public boolean isSafeTermination() { //return this.states.values().stream().allMatch((s) -> s.isTerminal()) && this.buffs.isEmpty(); for (Role r : this.efsms.keySet()) { if (!canSafelyTerminate(r)) { return false; } } return true; } // Should work both with and without accept-correlation? public boolean canSafelyTerminate(Role r) { //EndpointState s = this.states.get(r); EFSM s = this.efsms.get(r); //return /*boolean cannotSafelyTerminate = // FIXME: check and cleanup (s.isTerminal() && !this.buffs.isEmpty(r)) || (!s.isTerminal() && //(!(s.getStateKind().equals(Kind.UNARYINPUT) && s.getTakeable().iterator().next().isAccept()) // Accept state now distinguished ( !(s.getStateKind().equals(Kind.ACCEPT) && s.isInitial()) // FIXME: check stable // FIXME: needs initial state check -- although if there is an accept, there should a connect, and waitfor-errors checked via connects) -- this should be OK because connect/accept are sync -- but not fully sufficient by itself, see next // So could be blocked on unary accept part way through the protocol -- but also could be unfolded initial accept ////|| this.states.keySet().stream().anyMatch((rr) -> !r.equals(rr) && this.buffs.isConnected(r, rr)))) //&& this.states.keySet().stream().anyMatch((rr) -> !r.equals(rr) && this.buffs.isConnected(r, rr)) // FIXME: isConnected is not symmetric, and could disconnect all part way through protocol -- but can't happen? // Above assumes initial is not terminal (holds for EFSMs), and doesn't check buffer is empty (i.e. for orphan messages) ) ) || (!s.isTerminal() && this.states.keySet().stream().anyMatch((rr) -> !r.equals(rr) && this.buffs.isConnected(r, rr))) ;*/ //return !cannotSafelyTerminate; boolean canSafelyTerminate = (s.isTerminated() && this.buffs.isEmpty(r)) || (s.getStateKind().equals(EStateKind.ACCEPT) && s.isInitial()) // FIXME: should be empty buffs // FIXME: incorrectly allows stuck accepts? if inactive not initial, should be clone of initial? //|| (s.getStateKind().equals(Kind.ACCEPT) && this.states.keySet().stream().noneMatch((rr) -> !r.equals(rr) && this.buffs.isConnected(r, rr))) ; return canSafelyTerminate; } public List<SConfig> fire(Role r, EAction a) { List<SConfig> res = new LinkedList<>(); //List<EndpointState> succs = this.states.get(r).takeAll(a); List<EFSM> succs = this.efsms.get(r).fireAll(a); //for (EndpointState succ : succs) for (EFSM succ : succs) { //Map<Role, EndpointState> tmp1 = new HashMap<>(this.states); Map<Role, EFSM> tmp1 = new HashMap<>(this.efsms); //Map<Role, Map<Role, Send>> tmp2 = new HashMap<>(this.buffs); tmp1.put(r, succ); /*Map<Role, Send> tmp3 = new HashMap<>(tmp2.get(a.peer)); tmp2.put(a.peer, tmp3);* / Map<Role, Send> tmp3 = tmp2.get(a.peer); if (a.isSend()) { tmp3.put(r, (Send) a); } else { tmp3.put(r, null); }*/ SBuffers tmp2 = a.isSend() ? this.buffs.send(r, (ESend) a) : a.isReceive() ? this.buffs.receive(r, (EReceive) a) : a.isDisconnect() ? this.buffs.disconnect(r, (EDisconnect) a) : null; if (tmp2 == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + a); } res.add(new SConfig(tmp1, tmp2)); } return res; } public List<SConfig> sync(Role r1, EAction a1, Role r2, EAction a2) { List<SConfig> res = new LinkedList<>(); /*List<EndpointState> succs1 = this.states.get(r1).takeAll(a1); List<EndpointState> succs2 = this.states.get(r2).takeAll(a2); for (EndpointState succ1 : succs1)*/ List<EFSM> succs1 = this.efsms.get(r1).fireAll(a1); List<EFSM> succs2 = this.efsms.get(r2).fireAll(a2); for (EFSM succ1 : succs1) { //for (EndpointState succ2 : succs2) for (EFSM succ2 : succs2) { //Map<Role, EndpointState> tmp1 = new HashMap<>(this.states); Map<Role, EFSM> tmp1 = new HashMap<>(this.efsms); tmp1.put(r1, succ1); tmp1.put(r2, succ2); SBuffers tmp2; if (((a1.isConnect() && a2.isAccept()) || (a1.isAccept() && a2.isConnect()))) //&& this.buffs.canConnect(r1, r2)) { tmp2 = this.buffs.connect(r1, r2); } else if (((a1.isWrapClient() && a2.isWrapServer()) || (a1.isWrapServer() && a2.isWrapClient()))) { tmp2 = this.buffs; // OK, immutable? } else { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + a1 + ", " + a2); } res.add(new SConfig(tmp1, tmp2)); } } return res; } // Deadlock from non handle-able messages (reception errors) public Map<Role, EReceive> getStuckMessages() { Map<Role, EReceive> res = new HashMap<>(); for (Role r : this.efsms.keySet()) { //EndpointState s = this.states.get(r); EFSM s = this.efsms.get(r); EStateKind k = s.getStateKind(); if (k == EStateKind.UNARY_INPUT || k == EStateKind.POLY_INPUT) { /*Set<IOAction> duals = this.buffs.get(r).entrySet().stream() .filter((e) -> e.getValue() != null) .map((e) -> e.getValue().toDual(e.getKey())) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); if ( -> s.isAcceptable(a))) { break; }*/ Role peer = s.getAllFireable().iterator().next().peer; ESend send = this.buffs.get(r).get(peer); if (send != null) { EReceive recv = send.toDual(peer); if (!s.hasFireable(recv)) //res.put(r, new IOError(peer)); res.put(r, recv); } } /*else if (k == Kind.ACCEPT) // FIXME: ..and connect { // FIXME: issue is, unlike regular input states, blocked connect/accept may become unblocked later, so queued messages may not be stuck // (if message is queued on the actual blocked connection, it should be orphan message) // so, message is stuck only if connect/accept is genuinely deadlocked, which will be detected as that }*/ } return res; } // Doesn't include locally terminated (single term state does not induce a deadlock cycle) -- i.e. only "bad" deadlocks public Set<Set<Role>> getWaitForErrors() { Set<Set<Role>> res = new HashSet<>(); List<Role> todo = new LinkedList<>(this.efsms.keySet()); /*while (!todo.isEmpty()) { Role r = todo.get(0); todo.remove(r); Set<Role> seen = new HashSet<>(); while (true) { if (seen.contains(r)) { res.add(seen); break; } seen.add(r); Role rr = isInputBlocked(r); if (rr == null) { break; } todo.remove(rr); if (this.states.get(rr).isTerminal()) { seen.add(rr); res.add(seen); break; } r = rr; } }*/ while (!todo.isEmpty()) // FIXME: maybe better to do directly on states, rather than via roles { Role r = todo.remove(0); //Set<Role> cycle = isCycle(new HashSet<>(), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(r))); if (!this.efsms.get(r).isTerminated()) { Set<Role> cycle = isWaitForChain(r); //if (!cycle.isEmpty()) if (cycle != null) { todo.removeAll(cycle); res.add(cycle); } } } return res; } // Includes dependencies from input-blocking, termination and connect-blocking // FIXME: should also include connect? // NB: if this.states.get(orig).isTerminal() then orig is returned as "singleton deadlock" //public Set<Role> isCycle(Set<Role> candidate, Set<Role> todo) public Set<Role> isWaitForChain(Role orig) { /*if (todo.isEmpty()) { return candidate; }*/ /*Set<Role> tmp = new HashSet<Role>(todo); Role r = tmp.iterator().next(); tmp.remove(r); candidate.add(r);*/ Set<Role> candidate = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set<Role> todo = new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(orig)); while (!todo.isEmpty()) { Role r = todo.iterator().next(); todo.remove(r); candidate.add(r); //EndpointState s = this.states.get(r); EFSM s = this.efsms.get(r); if (s == null) { System.out.println("AAA: " + this.efsms + ", " + r); } if (s.getStateKind() == EStateKind.OUTPUT && !s.isConnectOrWrapClientOnly()) // FIXME: includes connect, could still be deadlock? -- no: doesn't include connect any more { // FIXME: move into isWaitingFor return null; } if (s.isTerminated()) { if (todo.isEmpty()) { return candidate; } continue; } Set<Role> blocked = isWaitingFor(r); //if (blocked.isEmpty()) if (blocked == null) { return null; } if (todo.isEmpty() && candidate.containsAll(blocked)) { return candidate; } blocked.forEach((x) -> { if (!candidate.contains(x)) { //candidate.add(x); todo.add(x); } }); } return null; } // Generalised to include connect-blocked roles //private Role isInputBlocked(Role r) private Set<Role> isWaitingFor(Role r) { //EndpointState s = this.states.get(r); EFSM s = this.efsms.get(r); EStateKind k = s.getStateKind(); if (k == EStateKind.UNARY_INPUT || k == EStateKind.POLY_INPUT) { List<EAction> all = s.getAllFireable(); EAction a = all.get(0); // FIXME: assumes single choice subject (OK for current syntax, but should generalise) /*if (a.isAccept()) // Sound? { return null; }*/ /*Role peer = a.peer; if (a.isReceive() && this.buffs.get(r).get(peer) == null) { //return peer; }*/ if (a.isReceive()) { Set<Role> peers = -> x.peer).collect(Collectors.toSet()); if ( -> this.buffs.get(r).get(p) != null)) { return peers; } /*Set<Role> peers = new HashSet<>(); // Debugging AllTest/BadTest bad.efsm.grecursion.unfair.Test01; problem for (EAction ea : all) { peers.add(ea.peer); } boolean tmp = true; for (Role p : peers) { if (this.buffs.get(r).get(p) != null) { tmp = false; break; } } if (tmp) { return peers; }*/ } } else if (k == EStateKind.ACCEPT) { // FIXME TODO: if analysing ACCEPTs, check if s is initial (not "deadlock blocked" if initial) -- no: instead, analysing connects if (!s.isInitial()) { List<EAction> all = s.getAllFireable(); // Should be singleton -- no: not any more /*Set<Role> rs = -> x.peer).collect(Collectors.toSet()); if ( -> this.states.get(x).getAllTakeable().contains(new Connect(r)))) // cf. getTakeable //if (peera.equals(c.toDual(r)) && this.buffs.canConnect(r, c)) { return rs; }*/ Set<Role> res = new HashSet<Role>(); for (EAction a : all) // Accept // FIXME: WrapServer { if (this.efsms.get(a.peer).getAllFireable().contains(a.toDual(r))) { return null; } res.add(a.peer); } if (!res.isEmpty()) { return res; } } } //else if (k == Kind.CONNECTION) else if (k == EStateKind.OUTPUT //|| k == Kind.ACCEPT ..// FIXME: check connects if no available sends ) { //List<IOAction> all = s.getAllAcceptable(); if (s.isConnectOrWrapClientOnly()) { List<EAction> all = s.getAllFireable(); /*Set<Role> peers = -> x.peer).collect(Collectors.toSet()); // Should be singleton by enabling conditions if ( -> this.states.get(p).getAllTakeable().contains(new Accept(r)))) // cf. getTakeable { return peers; }*/ Set<Role> res = new HashSet<Role>(); for (EAction a : all) // Connect or WrapClient { if (this.efsms.get(a.peer).getAllFireable().contains(a.toDual(r))) { return null; } res.add(a.peer); } if (!res.isEmpty()) { return res; } } } return null; //return Collections.emptySet(); } // Generalised to include "unconnected" messages -- should unconnected messages be treated via stuck instead? public Map<Role, Set<ESend>> getOrphanMessages() { Map<Role, Set<ESend>> res = new HashMap<>(); for (Role r : this.efsms.keySet()) { //EndpointState s = this.states.get(r); EFSM s = this.efsms.get(r); if (s.isTerminated()) // Local termination of r, i.e. not necessarily "full deadlock" { Set<ESend> orphs = this.buffs.get(r).values().stream().filter((v) -> v != null).collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (!orphs.isEmpty()) { Set<ESend> tmp = res.get(r); if (tmp == null) { tmp = new HashSet<>(); res.put(r, tmp); } tmp.addAll(orphs); } } else { this.efsms.keySet().forEach((rr) -> { if (!rr.equals(r)) { // Connection direction doesn't matter? -- wrong: matters because of async. disconnect if (!this.buffs.isConnected(r, rr)) { ESend send = this.buffs.get(r).get(rr); if (send != null) { Set<ESend> tmp = res.get(r); if (tmp == null) { tmp = new HashSet<>(); res.put(r, tmp); } tmp.add(send); } } } }); } } return res; } // Not just "unfinished", but also "non-initiated" (accept guarded) -- though could be non-initiated after some previous completions // Maybe not needed -- previously not used (even without accept-correlation check) public Map<Role, EState> getUnfinishedRoles() { Map<Role, EState> res = new HashMap<>(); if (getFireable().isEmpty() && !isSafeTermination()) { for (Role r : this.efsms.keySet()) { if (!canSafelyTerminate(r)) { res.put(r, this.efsms.get(r).curr); } } } return res; } public Map<Role, List<EAction>> getFireable() { Map<Role, List<EAction>> res = new HashMap<>(); for (Role r : this.efsms.keySet()) { //EndpointState s = this.states.get(r); EFSM fsm = this.efsms.get(r); switch (fsm.getStateKind()) // Choice subject enabling needed for non-mixed states (mixed states would be needed for async. permutations though) { case OUTPUT: { List<EAction> as = fsm.getAllFireable(); for (EAction a : as) { if (a.isSend()) { if (this.buffs.canSend(r, (ESend) a)) { List<EAction> tmp = res.get(r); // FIXME: factor out if (tmp == null) { tmp = new LinkedList<>(); res.put(r, tmp); } tmp.add(a); } } else if (a.isConnect()) { // FIXME: factor out EConnect c = (EConnect) a; //EndpointState speer = this.states.get(c.peer); EFSM speer = this.efsms.get(c.peer); //if (speer.getStateKind() == Kind.UNARY_INPUT) { List<EAction> peeras = speer.getAllFireable(); for (EAction peera : peeras) { if (peera.equals(c.toDual(r)) && this.buffs.canConnect(r, c)) // Cf. isWaitingFor { List<EAction> tmp = res.get(r); if (tmp == null) { tmp = new LinkedList<>(); res.put(r, tmp); } tmp.add(a); } } } } else if (a.isDisconnect()) { // Duplicated from Send if (this.buffs.canDisconnect(r, (EDisconnect) a)) { List<EAction> tmp = res.get(r); // FIXME: factor out if (tmp == null) { tmp = new LinkedList<>(); res.put(r, tmp); } tmp.add(a); } } else if (a.isWrapClient()) { // FIXME: factor out EWrapClient wc = (EWrapClient) a; EFSM speer = this.efsms.get(wc.peer); List<EAction> peeras = speer.getAllFireable(); for (EAction peera : peeras) { if (peera.equals(wc.toDual(r)) && this.buffs.canWrapClient(r, wc)) // Cf. isWaitingFor { List<EAction> tmp = res.get(r); if (tmp == null) { tmp = new LinkedList<>(); res.put(r, tmp); } tmp.add(a); } } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + a); } } break; } case UNARY_INPUT: case POLY_INPUT: { for (EAction a : this.buffs.inputable(r)) { if (a.isReceive()) { if (fsm.hasFireable(a)) { List<EAction> tmp = res.get(r); if (tmp == null) { tmp = new LinkedList<>(); res.put(r, tmp); } tmp.add(a); } } /*else if (a.isAccept()) { // FIXME: factor out Accept c = (Accept) a; EndpointState speer = this.states.get(c.peer); //if (speer.getStateKind() == Kind.OUTPUT) { List<IOAction> peeras = speer.getAllAcceptable(); for (IOAction peera : peeras) { if (peera.equals(c.toDual(r)) && this.buffs.canAccept(r, c)) { List<IOAction> tmp = res.get(r); if (tmp == null) { tmp = new LinkedList<>(); res.put(r, tmp); } tmp.add(a); //break; // Add all of them } } } }*/ else { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + a); } } break; } case TERMINAL: { break; } /*case CONNECT: { List<IOAction> as = s.getAllTakeable(); for (IOAction a : as) { if (a.isConnect()) ..// FIXME: could be send actions { // FIXME: factor out Connect c = (Connect) a; EndpointState speer = this.states.get(c.peer); //if (speer.getStateKind() == Kind.UNARY_INPUT) { List<IOAction> peeras = speer.getAllTakeable(); for (IOAction peera : peeras) { if (peera.equals(c.toDual(r)) && this.buffs.canConnect(r, c)) { List<IOAction> tmp = res.get(r); if (tmp == null) { tmp = new LinkedList<>(); res.put(r, tmp); } tmp.add(a); } } } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + s); } } break; }*/ case ACCEPT: { for (EAction a : this.buffs.acceptable(r, fsm.curr)) { if (a.isAccept()) { // FIXME: factor out EAccept c = (EAccept) a; //EndpointState speer = this.states.get(c.peer); EFSM speer = this.efsms.get(c.peer); //if (speer.getStateKind() == Kind.OUTPUT) { List<EAction> peeras = speer.getAllFireable(); for (EAction peera : peeras) { if (peera.equals(c.toDual(r)) && this.buffs.canAccept(r, c)) { List<EAction> tmp = res.get(r); if (tmp == null) { tmp = new LinkedList<>(); res.put(r, tmp); } tmp.add(a); //break; // Add all of them } } } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + a); } } break; } case WRAP_SERVER: { for (EAction a : this.buffs.wrapable(r)) { if (a.isWrapServer()) { EWrapServer ws = (EWrapServer) a; EFSM speer = this.efsms.get(ws.peer); { List<EAction> peeras = speer.getAllFireable(); for (EAction peera : peeras) { if (peera.equals(ws.toDual(r)) && this.buffs.canWrapServer(r, ws)) { List<EAction> tmp = res.get(r); if (tmp == null) { tmp = new LinkedList<>(); res.put(r, tmp); } tmp.add(a); } } } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + a); } } break; } default: { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + fsm); } } } return res; } @Override public final int hashCode() { int hash = 71; hash = 31 * hash + this.efsms.hashCode(); hash = 31 * hash + this.buffs.hashCode(); return hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof SConfig)) { return false; } SConfig c = (SConfig) o; return this.efsms.equals(c.efsms) && this.buffs.equals(c.buffs); } @Override public String toString() { return "(" + this.efsms + ", " + this.buffs + ")"; } }