/* Generated By:JJTree&JavaCC: Do not edit this line. SMARTSParserConstants.java */ /* $RCSfile$ * $Author: $ * $Date: $ * $Revision: $ * * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) project * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * (or see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html) */ package org.openscience.cdk.smiles.smarts.parser; /** * * @cdk.module smarts */ public interface SMARTSParserConstants { int EOF = 0; int _WS = 1; int L_AND = 2; int H_AND = 3; int OR = 4; int NOT = 5; int S_BOND = 6; int UP_S_BOND = 7; int DN_S_BOND = 8; int UP_OR_UNSPECIFIED_S_BOND = 9; int DN_OR_UNSPECIFIED_S_BOND = 10; int D_BOND = 11; int T_BOND = 12; int AR_BOND = 13; int ANY_BOND = 14; int R_BOND = 15; int c = 16; int n = 17; int o = 18; int s = 19; int p = 20; int as = 21; int se = 22; int H = 23; int HE = 24; int LI = 25; int BE = 26; int B = 27; int C = 28; int N = 29; int O = 30; int F = 31; int NE = 32; int NA = 33; int MG = 34; int AL = 35; int SI = 36; int P = 37; int S = 38; int CL = 39; int AR = 40; int K = 41; int CA = 42; int SC = 43; int TI = 44; int V = 45; int CR = 46; int MN = 47; int FE = 48; int CO = 49; int NI = 50; int CU = 51; int ZN = 52; int GA = 53; int GE = 54; int AS = 55; int SE = 56; int BR = 57; int KR = 58; int RB = 59; int SR = 60; int Y = 61; int ZR = 62; int NB = 63; int MO = 64; int TC = 65; int RU = 66; int RH = 67; int PD = 68; int AG = 69; int CD = 70; int IN = 71; int SN = 72; int SB = 73; int TE = 74; int I = 75; int XE = 76; int CS = 77; int BA = 78; int LA = 79; int HF = 80; int TA = 81; int W = 82; int RE = 83; int OS = 84; int IR = 85; int PT = 86; int AU = 87; int HG = 88; int TL = 89; int PB = 90; int BI = 91; int PO = 92; int AT = 93; int RN = 94; int FR = 95; int RA = 96; int AC = 97; int TH = 98; int PA = 99; int U = 100; int PU = 101; int AM = 102; int CM = 103; int BK = 104; int CF = 105; int ES = 106; int FM = 107; int MD = 108; int NO = 109; int LR = 110; int NP = 111; int CE = 112; int ND = 113; int PM = 114; int SM = 115; int EU = 116; int GD = 117; int TB = 118; int DY = 119; int HO = 120; int ER = 121; int TM = 122; int YB = 123; int LU = 124; int PR = 125; int WILDCARD = 126; int h = 127; int a = 128; int A = 129; int D = 130; int R = 131; int r = 132; int v = 133; int X = 134; int x = 135; int G = 136; int HX = 137; int CARET = 138; int DOLLAR = 139; int L_PAREN = 140; int R_PAREN = 141; int L_BRACKET = 142; int R_BRACKET = 143; int Q_MARK = 144; int DIGIT = 145; int DEFAULT = 0; String[] tokenImage = { "<EOF>", "<_WS>", "\";\"", "\"&\"", "\",\"", "\"!\"", "\"-\"", "\"/\"", "\"\\\\\"", "\"/?\"", "\"\\\\?\"", "\"=\"", "\"#\"", "\":\"", "\"~\"", "\"@\"", "\"c\"", "\"n\"", "\"o\"", "\"s\"", "\"p\"", "\"as\"", "\"se\"", "\"H\"", "\"He\"", "\"Li\"", "\"Be\"", "\"B\"", "\"C\"", "\"N\"", "\"O\"", "\"F\"", "\"Ne\"", "\"Na\"", "\"Mg\"", "\"Al\"", "\"Si\"", "\"P\"", "\"S\"", "\"Cl\"", "\"Ar\"", "\"K\"", "\"Ca\"", "\"Sc\"", "\"Ti\"", "\"V\"", "\"Cr\"", "\"Mn\"", "\"Fe\"", "\"Co\"", "\"Ni\"", "\"Cu\"", "\"Zn\"", "\"Ga\"", "\"Ge\"", "\"As\"", "\"Se\"", "\"Br\"", "\"Kr\"", "\"Rb\"", "\"Sr\"", "\"Y\"", "\"Zr\"", "\"Nb\"", "\"Mo\"", "\"Tc\"", "\"Ru\"", "\"Rh\"", "\"Pd\"", "\"Ag\"", "\"Cd\"", "\"In\"", "\"Sn\"", "\"Sb\"", "\"Te\"", "\"I\"", "\"Xe\"", "\"Cs\"", "\"Ba\"", "\"La\"", "\"Hf\"", "\"Ta\"", "\"W\"", "\"Re\"", "\"Os\"", "\"Ir\"", "\"Pt\"", "\"Au\"", "\"Hg\"", "\"Tl\"", "\"Pb\"", "\"Bi\"", "\"Po\"", "\"At\"", "\"Rn\"", "\"Fr\"", "\"Ra\"", "\"Ac\"", "\"Th\"", "\"Pa\"", "\"U\"", "\"Pu\"", "\"Am\"", "\"Cm\"", "\"Bk\"", "\"Cf\"", "\"Es\"", "\"Fm\"", "\"Md\"", "\"No\"", "\"Lr\"", "\"Np\"", "\"Ce\"", "\"Nd\"", "\"Pm\"", "\"Sm\"", "\"Eu\"", "\"Gd\"", "\"Tb\"", "\"Dy\"", "\"Ho\"", "\"Er\"", "\"Tm\"", "\"Yb\"", "\"Lu\"", "\"Pr\"", "\"*\"", "\"h\"", "\"a\"", "\"A\"", "\"D\"", "\"R\"", "\"r\"", "\"v\"", "\"X\"", "\"x\"", "\"G\"", "\"#X\"", "\"^\"", "\"$\"", "\"(\"", "\")\"", "\"[\"", "\"]\"", "\"?\"", "<DIGIT>", "\">>\"", "\">\"", "\".\"", "\"+\"", "\"--\"", "\"---\"", "\"----\"", "\"-----\"", "\"------\"", "\"-------\"", "\"--------\"", "\"++\"", "\"+++\"", "\"++++\"", "\"+++++\"", "\"++++++\"", "\"+++++++\"", "\"++++++++\"", "\"@@\"", }; }