/* $RCSfile: $ * $Author$ * $Date$ * $Revision$ * * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Egon Willighagen <egonw@users.sf.net> * * Contact: cdk-devel@lists.sourceforge.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * All we ask is that proper credit is given for our work, which includes * - but is not limited to - adding the above copyright notice to the beginning * of your source code files, and to any copyright notice that you may distribute * with programs based on this work. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.openscience.cdk.config; import org.openscience.cdk.Element; import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IElement; import org.openscience.cdk.tools.periodictable.PeriodicTable; /** * List of elements. Data is taken from the Blue Obelisk Data Repository, * version 3. * * @author egonw * @cdk.module extra * @cdk.githash */ public class Elements { public final static IElement DUMMY = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(0), 0); public final static IElement HYDROGEN = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(1), 1); public final static IElement HELIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(2), 2); public final static IElement LITHIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(3), 3); public final static IElement BERYLLIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(4), 4); public final static IElement BORON = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(5), 5); public final static IElement CARBON = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(6), 6); public final static IElement NITROGEN = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(7), 7); public final static IElement OXYGEN = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(8), 8); public final static IElement FLUORINE = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(9), 9); public final static IElement NEON = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(10), 10); public final static IElement SODIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(11), 11); public final static IElement MAGNESIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(12), 12); public final static IElement ALUMINIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(13), 13); public final static IElement SILICON = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(14), 14); public final static IElement PHOSPHORUS = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(15), 15); public final static IElement SULFUR = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(16), 16); public final static IElement CHLORINE = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(17), 17); public final static IElement ARGON = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(18), 18); public final static IElement POTASSIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(19), 19); public final static IElement CALCIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(20), 20); public final static IElement SCANDIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(21), 21); public final static IElement TITANIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(22), 22); public final static IElement VANADIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(23), 23); public final static IElement CHROMIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(24), 24); public final static IElement MANGANESE = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(25), 25); public final static IElement IRON = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(26), 26); public final static IElement COBALT = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(27), 27); public final static IElement NICKEL = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(28), 28); public final static IElement COPPER = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(29), 29); public final static IElement ZINC = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(30), 30); public final static IElement GALLIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(31), 31); public final static IElement GERMANIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(32), 32); public final static IElement ARSENIC = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(33), 33); public final static IElement SELENIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(34), 34); public final static IElement BROMINE = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(35), 35); public final static IElement KRYPTON = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(36), 36); public final static IElement RUBIDIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(37), 37); public final static IElement STRONTIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(38), 38); public final static IElement YTTRIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(39), 39); public final static IElement ZIRCONIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(40), 40); public final static IElement NIOBIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(41), 41); public final static IElement MOLYBDENUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(42), 42); public final static IElement TECHNETIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(43), 43); public final static IElement RUTHENIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(44), 44); public final static IElement RHODIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(45), 45); public final static IElement PALLADIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(46), 46); public final static IElement SILVER = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(47), 47); public final static IElement CADMIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(48), 48); public final static IElement INDIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(49), 49); public final static IElement TIN = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(50), 50); public final static IElement ANTIMONY = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(51), 51); public final static IElement TELLURIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(52), 52); public final static IElement IODINE = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(53), 53); public final static IElement XENON = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(54), 54); public final static IElement CAESIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(55), 55); public final static IElement BARIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(56), 56); public final static IElement LANTHANUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(57), 57); public final static IElement CERIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(58), 58); public final static IElement PRASEODYMIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(59), 59); public final static IElement NEODYMIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(60), 60); public final static IElement PROMETHIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(61), 61); public final static IElement SAMARIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(62), 62); public final static IElement EUROPIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(63), 63); public final static IElement GADOLINIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(64), 64); public final static IElement TERBIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(65), 65); public final static IElement DYSPROSIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(66), 66); public final static IElement HOLMIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(67), 67); public final static IElement ERBIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(68), 68); public final static IElement THULIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(69), 69); public final static IElement YTTERBIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(70), 70); public final static IElement LUTETIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(71), 71); public final static IElement HAFNIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(72), 72); public final static IElement TANTALUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(73), 73); public final static IElement TUNGSTEN = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(74), 74); public final static IElement RHENIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(75), 75); public final static IElement OSMIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(76), 76); public final static IElement IRIDIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(77), 77); public final static IElement PLATINUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(78), 78); public final static IElement GOLD = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(79), 79); public final static IElement MERCURY = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(80), 80); public final static IElement THALLIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(81), 81); public final static IElement LEAD = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(82), 82); public final static IElement BISMUTH = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(83), 83); public final static IElement POLONIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(84), 84); public final static IElement ASTATINE = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(85), 85); public final static IElement RADON = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(86), 86); public final static IElement FRANCIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(87), 87); public final static IElement RADIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(88), 88); public final static IElement ACTINIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(89), 89); public final static IElement THORIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(90), 90); public final static IElement PROTACTINIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(91), 91); public final static IElement URANIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(92), 92); public final static IElement NEPTUNIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(93), 93); public final static IElement PLUTOMNIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(94), 94); public final static IElement AMERICIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(95), 95); public final static IElement CURIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(96), 96); public final static IElement BERKELIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(97), 97); public final static IElement CALIFORNIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(98), 98); public final static IElement EINSTEINIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(99), 99); public final static IElement FERMIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(100), 100); public final static IElement MENDELEVIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(101), 101); public final static IElement NOBELIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(102), 102); public final static IElement LAWRENCIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(103), 103); public final static IElement RUTHERFORDIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(104), 104); public final static IElement DUBNIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(105), 105); public final static IElement SEABORGIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(106), 106); public final static IElement BOHRIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(107), 107); public final static IElement HASSIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(108), 108); public final static IElement MEITNERIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(109), 109); public final static IElement DARMSTADTIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(110), 110); public final static IElement ROENTGENIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(111), 111); public final static IElement UNUNBIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(112), 112); public final static IElement UNUNTRIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(113), 113); public final static IElement UNUNQUADIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(114), 114); public final static IElement UNUNPENTIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(115), 115); public final static IElement UNUNHEXIUM = new Element(PeriodicTable.getSymbol(116), 116); }