/* $Revision$ $Author$ $Date$ * * Copyright (C) 2007 Ola Spjuth <ola.spjuth@farmbio.uu.se> * * Contact: cdk-devel@lists.sourceforge.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * All we ask is that proper credit is given for our work, which includes * - but is not limited to - adding the above copyright notice to the beginning * of your source code files, and to any copyright notice that you may distribute * with programs based on this work. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ package org.openscience.cdk.io.cml; import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom; import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IChemFile; import org.openscience.cdk.libio.md.ChargeGroup; import org.openscience.cdk.libio.md.MDMolecule; import org.openscience.cdk.libio.md.Residue; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; /** * * Implements a Convention for parsing an MDMolecule from CML. * * @cdk.module libiomd * @cdk.githash * * @author Ola Spjuth <ola.spjuth@farmbio.uu.se> * */ public class MDMoleculeConvention extends CMLCoreModule { private Residue currentResidue; private ChargeGroup currentChargeGroup; public MDMoleculeConvention(IChemFile chemFile) { super(chemFile); } public MDMoleculeConvention(ICMLModule conv) { super(conv); } /** * Add parsing of elements in mdmolecule: * * mdmolecule * chargeGroup * id * cgNumber * atomArray * switchingAtom * residue * id * title * resNumber * atomArray * * @cdk.todo The JavaDoc of this class needs to be converted into HTML */ public void startElement(CMLStack xpath, String uri, String local, String raw, Attributes atts) { // <molecule convention="md:mdMolecule" // xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" // xmlns:md="http://www.bioclipse.org/mdmolecule"> // <atomArray> // <atom id="a1" elementType="C"/> // <atom id="a2" elementType="C"/> // </atomArray> // <molecule dictRef="md:chargeGroup" id="cg1"> // <scalar dictRef="md:cgNumber">5</scalar> // <atomArray> // <atom ref="a1"/> // <atom ref="a2"><scalar dictRef="md:switchingAtom"/></atom> // </atomArray> // </molecule> // <molecule dictRef="md:residue" id="r1" title="resName"> // <scalar dictRef="md:resNumber">3</scalar> // <atomArray> // <atom ref="a1"/> // <atom ref="a2"/> // </atomArray> // </molecule> // </molecule> // let the CMLCore convention deal with things first if ("molecule".equals(local)) { // the copy the parsed content into a new MDMolecule if (atts.getValue("convention") != null && atts.getValue("convention").equals("md:mdMolecule")) { // System.out.println("creating a MDMolecule"); super.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); currentMolecule = new MDMolecule(currentMolecule); } else { DICTREF = atts.getValue("dictRef") != null ? atts.getValue("dictRef") : ""; //If residue or chargeGroup, set up a new one if (DICTREF.equals("md:chargeGroup")){ // System.out.println("Creating a new charge group..."); currentChargeGroup = new ChargeGroup(); } else if (DICTREF.equals("md:residue")){ // System.out.println("Creating a new residue group..."); currentResidue = new Residue(); if (atts.getValue("title")!=null) currentResidue.setName(atts.getValue("title")); } } } else //We have a scalar element. Now check who it belongs to if ("scalar".equals(local)) { DICTREF = atts.getValue("dictRef"); //Switching Atom if ("md:switchingAtom".equals(DICTREF)){ //Set current atom as switching atom System.out.println("Adding Switching atom: " + currentAtom); currentChargeGroup.setSwitchingAtom(currentAtom); } else { super.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } } else if ("atom".equals(local)) { if (currentChargeGroup != null) { String id = atts.getValue("ref"); if (id != null) { // ok, an atom is referenced; look it up currentAtom = null; // System.out.println("#atoms: " + currentMolecule.getAtomCount()); for (IAtom nextAtom : currentMolecule.atoms()) { if (nextAtom.getID().equals(id)) { currentAtom = nextAtom; } } if (currentAtom == null) { logger.error("Could not found the referenced atom '" + id + "' for this charge group!"); } else { currentChargeGroup.addAtom(currentAtom); } } } else if (currentResidue != null) { String id = atts.getValue("ref"); if (id != null) { // ok, an atom is referenced; look it up IAtom referencedAtom = null; // System.out.println("#atoms: " + currentMolecule.getAtomCount()); for (IAtom nextAtom : currentMolecule.atoms()) { if (nextAtom.getID().equals(id)) { referencedAtom = nextAtom; } } if (referencedAtom == null) { logger.error("Could not found the referenced atom '" + id + "' for this residue!"); } else { currentResidue.addAtom(referencedAtom); } } } else { // ok, fine, just add it to the currentMolecule super.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } } else { super.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } } /** * Finish up parsing of elements in mdmolecule */ public void endElement(CMLStack xpath, String uri, String name, String raw) { if (name.equals("molecule")){ // System.out.println("Ending element mdmolecule"); // add chargeGroup, and then delete them if (currentChargeGroup != null) { if (currentMolecule instanceof MDMolecule) { ((MDMolecule)currentMolecule).addChargeGroup(currentChargeGroup); } else { logger.error("Need to store a charge group, but the current molecule is not a MDMolecule!"); } currentChargeGroup = null; } else // add chargeGroup, and then delete them if (currentResidue != null) { if (currentMolecule instanceof MDMolecule) { ((MDMolecule)currentMolecule).addResidue(currentResidue); } else { logger.error("Need to store a residue group, but the current molecule is not a MDMolecule!"); } currentResidue = null; } else { // System.out.println("OK, that was the last end mdmolecule"); super.endElement(xpath, uri, name, raw); } } else if ("atomArray".equals(name)) { if (xpath.length() == 2 && xpath.endsWith("molecule", "atomArray")) { storeAtomData(); } else if (xpath.length() > 2 && xpath.endsWith("cml", "molecule", "atomArray")) { storeAtomData(); } } else if ("bondArray".equals(name)) { if (xpath.length() == 2 && xpath.endsWith("molecule", "bondArray")) { storeBondData(); } else if (xpath.length() > 2 && xpath.endsWith("cml", "molecule", "bondArray")) { storeBondData(); } } else if ("scalar".equals(name)) { //Residue number if ("md:resNumber".equals(DICTREF)){ int myInt=Integer.parseInt(currentChars); currentResidue.setNumber(myInt); } //ChargeGroup number else if ("md:cgNumber".equals(DICTREF)){ int myInt=Integer.parseInt(currentChars); currentChargeGroup.setNumber(myInt); } } else { super.endElement(xpath, uri, name, raw); } } }