package net.sourceforge.mayfly.dump; import junit.framework.TestCase; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.Database; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.MayflyException; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.MayflyInternalException; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.UnimplementedException; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.acceptance.SqlTestCase; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.DataStore; import; import; import; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; public class SqlDumperTest extends TestCase { private Database database; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { database = new Database(); } public void testEmpty() throws Exception { assertEquals("", new SqlDumper().dump(new Database().dataStore())); } public void testWriter() throws Exception { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); new SqlDumper().dump(new DataStore(), out); assertEquals("", out.toString()); } public void testTable() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer)"); assertEquals("CREATE TABLE foo(\n a INTEGER\n);\n\n", dump()); } public void testTwoColumns() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer, B Integer)"); assertEquals("CREATE TABLE foo(\n" + " a INTEGER,\n" + " B INTEGER\n" + ");\n\n", dump()); } public void testTwoTables() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer)"); database.execute("create table bar(b integer)"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE bar(\n" + " b INTEGER\n" + ");\n" + "\n" + "CREATE TABLE foo(\n" + " a INTEGER\n" + ");\n" + "\n", dump()); } public void testDataTypes() throws Exception { database.execute("create table Foo(" + "b varchar ( 0243 ) ," + "c timestamp," + "d date," + "e text," + "f decimal ( 7 , 5 ), " + "g blob ( 32800)," + "h blob" + ")"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE Foo(\n" + " b VARCHAR(243),\n" + " c TIMESTAMP,\n" + " d DATE,\n" + " e TEXT,\n" + " f DECIMAL(7,5),\n" + " g BLOB(32800),\n" + " h BLOB\n" + ");\n\n", dump() ); } public void testIntegerDataTypes() throws Exception { database.execute("create table Foo(" + "a integer," + "b int ," + "c tinyint," + "d smallint," + "e bigint," + "f identity," + "g serial" + ")"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE Foo(\n" + " a INTEGER,\n" + // The prevailing concept here mostly seems to be to canonicalize. " b INTEGER,\n" + " c TINYINT,\n" + " d SMALLINT,\n" + " e BIGINT,\n" + " f INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT,\n" + " g INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY\n" + ");\n\n", dump() ); } public void testRow() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer)"); database.execute("insert into foo(a) values(5)"); assertEquals("CREATE TABLE foo(\n a INTEGER\n);\n\n" + "INSERT INTO foo(a) VALUES(5);\n\n", dump()); } public void testSeveralColumns() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer, b integer)"); database.execute("insert into foo(a, b) values(5, 8)"); assertEquals("CREATE TABLE foo(\n a INTEGER,\n b INTEGER\n);\n\n" + "INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES(5, 8);\n\n", dump()); } public void testSeveralRows() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer)"); database.execute("insert into foo(a) values(5)"); database.execute("insert into foo(a) values(6)"); assertEquals("CREATE TABLE foo(\n a INTEGER\n);\n\n" + "INSERT INTO foo(a) VALUES(5);\n" + "INSERT INTO foo(a) VALUES(6);\n\n", dump()); } public void testRowsForSeveralTables() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer)"); database.execute("create table empty(a integer)"); database.execute("create table bar(a integer)"); database.execute("insert into foo(a) values(5)"); database.execute("insert into bar(a) values(51)"); database.execute("insert into bar(a) values(52)"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE bar(\n a INTEGER\n);\n\n" + "CREATE TABLE empty(\n a INTEGER\n);\n\n" + "CREATE TABLE foo(\n a INTEGER\n);\n\n" + "INSERT INTO bar(a) VALUES(51);\n" + "INSERT INTO bar(a) VALUES(52);\n" + "\n" + "INSERT INTO foo(a) VALUES(5);\n" + "\n", dump()); } public void testDataOfVariousTypes() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a bigint, b decimal(23,1)," + "c varchar(255), d date, e timestamp)"); database.execute("insert into foo values(" + "888111222333, 999888111222333.5, 'c''est', '2004-11-04'," + " '2000-02-29 13:45:01' )"); assertEquals("INSERT INTO foo(a, b, c, d, e) VALUES(" + "888111222333, 999888111222333.5, 'c''est', '2004-11-04', " + "'2000-02-29 13:45:01');\n\n", dumpData()); } public void testBinaryData() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a blob)"); PreparedStatement statement = database.openConnection().prepareStatement( "insert into foo(a) values(?)"); statement.setBytes(1, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 127, 77, (byte) 200, (byte) 255, 0}); statement.executeUpdate(); assertEquals("INSERT INTO foo(a) VALUES(x'0001027f4dc8ff00');\n\n", dumpData()); } public void testDumpDefinition() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a int)"); database.execute("insert into foo(a) values(5)"); StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); new SqlDumper().definition(database.dataStore(), out); assertEquals("CREATE TABLE foo(\n a INTEGER\n);\n\n", out.toString()); } public void testNullAndDefault() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer default 5, b integer)"); database.execute("insert into foo() values()"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE foo(\n a INTEGER DEFAULT 5,\n b INTEGER\n);\n\n" + "INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES(5, null);\n\n", dump()); } public void testNotNull() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer not null)"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE foo(\n a INTEGER NOT NULL\n);\n\n", dump()); } public void testPrimaryKey() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer primary key)"); database.execute("create table bar(" + "a integer, b integer, primary key(a, b))"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE bar(\n" + " a INTEGER,\n b INTEGER,\n PRIMARY KEY(a, b)\n);\n\n" + "CREATE TABLE foo(\n a INTEGER,\n PRIMARY KEY(a)\n);\n\n", dump()); } public void testUnique() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer, b integer, c integer," + "unique(a), unique(b, c))"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE foo(\n a INTEGER,\n b INTEGER,\n c INTEGER,\n" + " UNIQUE(a),\n UNIQUE(b, c)\n);\n\n", dump()); } public void testUniqueIndex() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer, b integer, c integer)"); database.execute("create unique index x on foo(b, c)"); /* Need to distinguish a unique index from an index and a constraint so that DROP INDEX can drop the constraint for the former but not for the latter. */ assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE foo(\n" + " a INTEGER,\n" + " b INTEGER,\n" + " c INTEGER\n" + ");\n" + "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX x ON foo(b, c);\n\n", dump()); checkRoundTrip(database.dataStore()); } public void testConstraintNames() throws Exception { database.execute("create table name(a integer primary key)"); database.execute("create table name2(" + "a integer, b integer, c integer," + "constraint a_key foreign key(a) references name(a)," + "constraint b_key primary key(b)," + "constraint c_uniq unique(c))"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE name(\n a INTEGER,\n PRIMARY KEY(a)\n);\n\n" + "CREATE TABLE name2(\n a INTEGER,\n b INTEGER,\n c INTEGER,\n" + " CONSTRAINT a_key FOREIGN KEY(a) REFERENCES name(a),\n" + " CONSTRAINT b_key PRIMARY KEY(b),\n" + " CONSTRAINT c_uniq UNIQUE(c)\n);\n\n", dump()); } public void testForeignKeyOnDelete() throws Exception { database.execute("create table refd(a integer primary key)"); database.execute("create table refr(d integer," + "foreign key(d) references refd(a) " + "on delete set null on update no action)"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE refd(\n a INTEGER,\n PRIMARY KEY(a)\n);\n\n" + "CREATE TABLE refr(\n d INTEGER,\n" + " CONSTRAINT refr_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY(d) REFERENCES refd(a) " + "ON DELETE SET NULL\n" + ");\n\n", dump() ); } public void testForeignKeyOnUpdate() throws Exception { database.execute("create table refd(a integer primary key)"); try { database.execute("create table refr(d integer," + "foreign key(d) references refd(a) " + "on update set default)"); // Here's where we'd dump it and assert it came out right. fail(); } catch (MayflyException e) { assertEquals("ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT not implemented", e.getMessage()); } } public void testCheckConstraint() throws Exception { database.execute("create table chk(a integer, check(a <> 55))"); try { assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE chk(\n a INTEGER,\n CHECK(a <> 55)\n);\n\n", dump() ); fail("Hmm, looks like dumping check constaints got implemented"); } catch (UnimplementedException expected) { } } public void testIndex() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer)"); database.execute("create index i on foo(a)"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE foo(\n a INTEGER\n);\n" + "CREATE INDEX i ON foo(a);\n\n", dump() ); checkRoundTrip(database.dataStore()); } public void testTwoIndexes() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer, b integer)"); database.execute("create index a_index on foo(a)"); database.execute("create index b_index on foo(b)"); database.execute("insert into foo(a, b) values(5, 7)"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE foo(\n" + " a INTEGER,\n" + " b INTEGER\n" + ");\n" + "CREATE INDEX a_index ON foo(a);\n" + "CREATE INDEX b_index ON foo(b);\n\n" + "INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES(5, 7);\n\n", dump() ); checkRoundTrip(database.dataStore()); } public void testMysqlSyntaxIndex() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer, index(a))"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE foo(\n a INTEGER\n);\n" + "CREATE INDEX an_index ON foo(a);\n\n", dump() ); } public void testOnUpdateValue() throws Exception { database.execute("create table onup(a integer on update 5)"); assertEquals("CREATE TABLE onup(\n a INTEGER ON UPDATE 5\n);\n\n", dump()); } public void testAutoIncrementNoData() throws Exception { database.execute("create table incr2(a integer auto_increment)"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE incr2(\n a INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT\n);\n\n", dump()); } public void testAutoIncrement() throws Exception { database.execute("create table incr(a integer auto_increment not null," + "b varchar(255))"); database.execute("insert into incr(b) values('before dump')"); database.execute("insert into incr(a, b) values(7, 'seven')"); String dump0 = dump(); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE incr(\n" + " a INTEGER DEFAULT 8 AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" + " b VARCHAR(255)\n" + ");\n\n" + "INSERT INTO incr(a, b) VALUES(1, 'before dump');\n" + "INSERT INTO incr(a, b) VALUES(7, 'seven');\n\n", dump0); Database database2 = load(dump0); database.execute("insert into incr(b) values('after dump')"); database2.execute("insert into incr(b) values('after dump')"); String dump1 = dump(); String dump2 = new SqlDumper().dump(database2.dataStore()); assertEquals(dump1, dump2); SqlTestCase.assertResultSet(new String[] { "1, 'before dump' ", "8, 'after dump' ", "7, 'seven' " }, database.query("select a, b from incr")); } public void testAutoIncrementDoesNotDumpDefaultOnNewTable() throws Exception { database.execute( "create table incr(a integer auto_increment not null," + "b varchar(255))"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE incr(\n" + " a INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" + " b VARCHAR(255)\n" + ");\n\n", dump()); database.execute("insert into incr(b) values('short-lived')"); database.execute("delete from incr"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE incr(\n" + " a INTEGER DEFAULT 2 AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" + " b VARCHAR(255)\n" + ");\n\n", dump()); } public void testAutoIncrementDoesDumpDefaultOnAlteredTable() throws Exception { database.execute( "create table incr(a integer not null," + "b varchar(255))"); database.execute("insert into incr(a, b) values(1, 'a row')"); database.execute("alter table incr modify column " + "a integer auto_increment not null"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE incr(\n" + " a INTEGER DEFAULT 2 AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" + " b VARCHAR(255)\n" + ");\n\n" + "INSERT INTO incr(a, b) VALUES(1, 'a row');\n\n", dump()); database.execute("delete from incr"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE incr(\n" + " a INTEGER DEFAULT 2 AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" + " b VARCHAR(255)\n" + ");\n\n", dump()); } public void testSql2003AutoIncrement() throws Exception { database.execute("create table incr(" + "a integer generated by default as identity not null," + "b varchar(255))"); database.execute("insert into incr(a, b) values(7, 'seven')"); database.execute("insert into incr(b) values('before dump')"); String dump = dump(); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE incr(\n" + " a INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 2) NOT NULL,\n" + " b VARCHAR(255)\n" + ");\n\n" + "INSERT INTO incr(a, b) VALUES(1, 'before dump');\n" + "INSERT INTO incr(a, b) VALUES(7, 'seven');\n\n", dump); Database database2 = load(dump); database.execute("insert into incr(b) values('after dump')"); database2.execute("insert into incr(b) values('after dump')"); String dump1 = dump(); String dump2 = new SqlDumper().dump(database2.dataStore()); assertEquals(dump1, dump2); SqlTestCase.assertResultSet(new String[] { "1, 'before dump' ", "2, 'after dump' ", "7, 'seven' " }, database.query("select a, b from incr")); } public void testAutoIncrementNoNextValue() throws Exception { database.execute("create table incr4(a integer auto_increment)"); String before = new SqlDumper(false).dump(database.dataStore()); database.execute("insert into incr4(a) values(5)"); database.execute("delete from incr4"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE incr4(\n a INTEGER DEFAULT 6 AUTO_INCREMENT\n);\n\n", new SqlDumper().dump(database.dataStore())); String after = new SqlDumper(false).dump(database.dataStore()); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE incr4(\n a INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT\n);\n\n", after); assertEquals(before, after); } /** * See {@link #testAutoIncrementNoNextValue()} for the motivation. */ public void testSql2003IdentityNoNextValue() throws Exception { database.execute("create table incr5(" + "a integer generated by default as identity(start with 7))"); database.execute("insert into incr5() values()"); database.execute("delete from incr5"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE incr5(\n a INTEGER " + "GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 8)\n);\n\n", new SqlDumper().dump(database.dataStore())); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE incr5(\n a INTEGER " + "GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY\n);\n\n", new SqlDumper(false).dump(database.dataStore())); } public void testCurrentTimestamp() throws Exception { database.execute("create table nowish(" + "a timestamp default current_timestamp " + "on update current_timestamp " + ")"); assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE nowish(\n" + " a TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP " + "ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\n" + ");\n\n", dump()); } public void testQuotedIdentifiers() throws Exception { database.execute("create table \"join\" (" + "\"null\" integer, \"=\" integer, \"\u00a1\" integer," + "\"nonquote\" integer)"); assertEquals("CREATE TABLE \"join\"(\n" + " \"null\" INTEGER,\n" + " \"=\" INTEGER,\n" + " \"\u00a1\" INTEGER,\n" + " nonquote INTEGER\n" + ");\n\n", dump()); } public void testIdentifier() throws Exception { assertEquals("\"integer\"", identifier("integer")); assertEquals("foo", identifier("foo")); assertEquals("\"<\"", identifier("<")); assertEquals("\"0foo\"", identifier("0foo")); assertEquals("foo7", identifier("foo7")); assertEquals("foo_bar", identifier("foo_bar")); assertEquals("\"foo&bar\"", identifier("foo&bar")); try { identifier(""); fail(); } catch (MayflyInternalException e) { assertEquals("shouldn't have empty string as identifier", e.getMessage()); } try { identifier("\""); fail(); } catch (MayflyException e) { assertEquals("don't know how to dump identifier " + "containing a double quote", e.getMessage()); } } private String identifier(String in) throws IOException { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); SqlDumper.identifier(in, out); return out.toString(); } public void testRoundTrip() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer default 5," + "b varchar(255) not null," + "c bigint default 88 not null," + "d decimal(7,1)," + "e timestamp default current_timestamp," + "primary key(b, c)," + "unique(d))"); database.execute("insert into foo(b) values('hi')"); database.execute("create table bar(a bigint, b decimal(23,1)," + "c varchar(255), d date, e timestamp)"); database.execute("insert into bar values(" + "888111222333, 999888111222333.5, 'c''est', '2004-11-04'," + " '2000-02-29 13:45:01' )"); database.execute("create table name(a integer primary key)"); database.execute("create table name2(" + "a integer, b integer, c integer," + "constraint a_key foreign key(a) references name(a)," + "constraint b_key primary key(b)," + "constraint c_uniq unique(c))"); database.execute("create table refd(a integer primary key)"); database.execute("create table refr(d integer," + "foreign key(d) references refd(a) " + "on delete set null on update no action)"); database.execute("create table onup(" + "a integer default 7 on update 5 not null)"); database.execute("create table binary_table(a blob)"); database.execute( "insert into binary_table(a) values(x'0001027f4dc8ff00')"); database.execute("create table \"join\" (" + "\"null\" integer, \"=\" integer, \"\u00a1\" integer," + "\"nonquote\" integer)"); database.execute("create table incr(a integer auto_increment not null," + "b varchar(255))"); database.execute("insert into incr(a, b) values(7, 'seven')"); database.execute("insert into incr(b) values('before dump')"); database.execute("create table incr_seq(" + "a integer generated by default as identity not null," + "b varchar(255))"); database.execute("insert into incr_seq(a, b) values(7, 'seven')"); database.execute("insert into incr_seq(b) values('before dump')"); database.execute("create table nowish(" + "a timestamp default current_timestamp " + "on update current_timestamp " + ")"); database.execute("create table incr4(a integer auto_increment)"); database.execute("insert into incr4(a) values(5)"); database.execute("delete from incr4"); database.execute("create table incr5(" + "a integer generated by default as identity(start with 7))"); database.execute("insert into incr5() values()"); database.execute("delete from incr5"); database.execute("create table indexed(b varchar(255), c integer)"); database.execute("create unique index index1 on indexed(b, c)"); // Optionally load the large SQL file of your choice here checkRoundTrip(database.dataStore()); } public void testOrderOfForeignKeys() throws Exception { database.execute("create table aa_refr(a_id integer)"); database.execute("create table bb_refd(a integer primary key)"); database.execute( "alter table aa_refr add foreign key(a_id) references bb_refd(a)"); checkRoundTrip(database.dataStore()); } public void testMoveToEndOnAddForeignKeysDoesNotSuffice() throws Exception { /* bb refers to aa, cc refers to bb */ /* The simple algorithm of just moving bb to after aa, or to * the end, would not suffice. */ database.execute("create table order1_bb(" + "a_id integer, b integer primary key)"); database.execute("create table order2_cc(b_id integer," + "foreign key(b_id) references order1_bb(b))"); database.execute("create table order3_aa(a integer primary key)"); database.execute( "alter table order1_bb add foreign key(a_id) references order3_aa(a)"); checkRoundTrip(database.dataStore()); } public void testCircularForeignKeys() throws Exception { database.execute("create table bb(a_id integer, b integer primary key)"); database.execute("create table aa(b_id integer, a integer primary key)"); database.execute( "alter table bb add foreign key(a_id) references aa(a)"); database.execute( "alter table aa add foreign key(b_id) references bb(b)"); try { new SqlDumper().dump(database.dataStore()); fail(); } catch (MayflyException e) { assertEquals( // "cannot dump: circular reference between tables bb and aa", "cannot dump: circular foreign key references between tables", e.getMessage()); } } public void testSelfReference() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(id integer," + "parent integer," + "foreign key(parent) references foo(id))"); checkRoundTrip(database.dataStore()); } public void testTwoForeignKeysFromBarToFoo() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer unique, b integer unique)"); database.execute("create table bar(a_id integer," + "foreign key(a_id) references foo(a)," + "b_id integer," + "foreign key(b_id) references foo(b))"); checkRoundTrip(database.dataStore()); } public void testRowOrderWithForeignKeys() throws Exception { database.execute("create table aa(a integer primary key, parent integer," + "foreign key(parent) references aa(a))"); database.execute("insert into aa(a, parent) values(31, null)"); database.execute("insert into aa(a, parent) values(1000, null)"); database.execute("insert into aa(a, parent) values(11, 1000)"); database.execute("insert into aa(a, parent) values(12, 1000)"); database.execute("insert into aa(a, parent) values(24, 11)"); database.execute("update aa set parent = 24 where a = 31"); checkRoundTrip(database.dataStore()); } public void testRowSatisfiesItsOwnConstraint() throws Exception { database.execute("create table self(id integer primary key," + "parent integer," + "foreign key(parent) references self(id))"); database.execute("insert into self(id, parent) values(1, 1)"); checkRoundTrip(database.dataStore()); } public void testDifferentConstraintsImplyDifferentOrders() throws Exception { // A particularly odd type of cycle. database.execute("create table foo(a integer unique," + "b integer unique," + "a_ref integer," + "foreign key(a_ref) references foo(a)," + "b_ref integer," + "foreign key(b_ref) references foo(b)" + ")"); database.execute( "insert into foo(a, b, a_ref, b_ref) values (1, 2, null, null)"); database.execute( "insert into foo(a, b, a_ref, b_ref) values (8, 9, 1, null)"); database.execute("update foo set b_ref = 9 where a = 1"); try { dump(); fail(); } catch (MayflyException e) { assertEquals( "cannot dump: circular reference between rows in table foo", e.getMessage()); } } public void testAlterTableUsingAfterDump() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(a integer, b integer, c integer)"); database.execute("insert into foo values(1, 2, 3)"); String before = new SqlDumper().dump(database.dataStore()); database.execute("alter table foo drop column b"); database.execute("alter table foo add column b integer after a"); database.execute("update foo set b = 2"); String after = new SqlDumper().dump(database.dataStore()); assertEquals(before, after); } public void testCircularRowsWithForeignKeys() throws Exception { database.execute("create table aa(a integer primary key, parent integer," + "foreign key(parent) references aa(a))"); database.execute("insert into aa(a, parent) values(1, null)"); database.execute("insert into aa(a, parent) values(2, 1)"); database.execute("update aa set parent = 2 where a = 1"); try { new SqlDumper().dump(database.dataStore()); fail(); } catch (MayflyException e) { assertEquals( // Would be nice to say something about which rows... // "cannot dump: circular reference between " + // "rows with a 1 and 2 in table aa", "cannot dump: circular reference between rows in table aa", e.getMessage()); } } public void testCompare() throws Exception { assertCompareEqual("create TABLE\n aa(a integer)", "CREATE table aa ( a int ) "); } public void testCompareCase() throws Exception { String lowercase = dump(load("create TABLE\n aa(a integer)")); assertEquals("CREATE TABLE aa(\n a INTEGER\n);\n\n", lowercase); String uppercase = dump(load("CREATE table AA ( a int ) ")); assertEquals("CREATE TABLE AA(\n a INTEGER\n);\n\n", uppercase); } public void testTableOrder() throws Exception { assertCompareEqual( "create table aa(a integer);" + "create table bb(b integer);", "create table bb(b integer);" + "create table aa(a integer)"); } public void testCaseDoesNotAffectTableOrder() throws Exception { TableNode aa = new TableNode("aa"); TableNode bb = new TableNode("BB"); TableNode upperAa = new TableNode("AA"); assertTrue(aa.backupOrdering(bb) < 0); assertTrue(bb.backupOrdering(aa) > 0); assertTrue(upperAa.backupOrdering(bb) < 0); assertTrue(bb.backupOrdering(upperAa) > 0); /* We don't find it interesting how aa compares to upperAa, because they won't both be in the same schema. */ } public void testRowOrder() throws Exception { assertCompareEqual( "create table aa(a integer);" + "insert into aa(a) values(7);" + "insert into aa(a) values(4);" + "insert into aa(a) values(5);" + "insert into aa(a) values(2);" + "insert into aa(a) values(3);" + "insert into aa(a) values(1);", "create table aa(a integer);" + "insert into aa(a) values(5);" + "insert into aa(a) values(1);" + "insert into aa(a) values(3);" + "insert into aa(a) values(7);" + "insert into aa(a) values(4);" + "insert into aa(a) values(2);" ); } public void testIdenticalRows() throws Exception { try { dump(load( "create table aa(a integer, b varchar(255));" + "insert into aa(a, b) values(7, 'hi');" + "insert into aa(a, b) values(7, 'hi');" )); fail(); } catch (MayflyException e) { assertEquals("cannot dump: table aa has duplicate rows", e.getMessage()); } } private void assertCompareEqual(String first, String second) { assertEquals(dump(load(first)), dump(load(second))); } private Database load(String second) { Database aDatabase = new Database(); aDatabase.executeScript(new StringReader(second)); return aDatabase; } /** * From a datastore, dump it, then load from that dump, * dump again, and compare the two dumps. * * This is a somewhat weak test in that if the dump does something wrong, * it quite possibly will do the same thing wrong in both dumps. But it * does catch things like dump files which won't load because tables/rows * are not in the order which will work with foreign keys. */ private static void checkRoundTrip(DataStore inputStore) { String dump = new SqlDumper().dump(inputStore); Database database2 = new Database(); try { database2.executeScript(new StringReader(dump)); } catch (MayflyException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "failure in command: " + e.failingCommand() + "\ndump was:\n" + dump , e); } String dump2 = new SqlDumper().dump(database2.dataStore()); assertEquals(dump, dump2); } private String dumpData() throws IOException { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); new SqlDumper().data(database.dataStore(), out); return out.toString(); } private String dump() { return dump(database); } private String dump(Database aDatabase) { return new SqlDumper().dump(aDatabase.dataStore()); } }