package net.sourceforge.mayfly.dump; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.MayflyException; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.MayflyInternalException; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.Cell; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.Column; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.Columns; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.DataStore; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.Index; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.Indexes; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.LongCell; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.Row; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.TableData; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.constraint.Constraint; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.constraint.Constraints; import; import; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.graph.CycleDetectedException; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.graph.Graph; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.parser.Lexer; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.parser.TokenType; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * The SQL dumper is able to dump a database as an SQL script which can * be run to create the database. The script will order the statements * so that foreign key constraints, for example, will be satisfied in * reloading. However, it is not yet able to handle circular foreign * keys (in which neither row or table can be inserted first, but * something fancier with UPDATE or ALTER TABLE is needed). */ public class SqlDumper { private final boolean dumpSequenceValues; /** * Construct a dumper with default settings. In particular, the * dumper will be designed to produce dumps which re-create the * state of the database as of the dump, rather than just part of it. */ public SqlDumper() { this(true); } /** * Construct a dumper specifying the settings. * @param dumpSequenceValues * Should the dumper dump the next value for auto-increment * columns and SQL 2003 identity columns? The default is * true, which means that the dump will restore the full * state of the database if reloaded. Set this to false * if you want to compare two dumps and consider * a difference in sequence values unimportant. */ public SqlDumper(boolean dumpSequenceValues) { this.dumpSequenceValues = dumpSequenceValues; } /** * Convenience method, which returns a string rather than writing * to a writer. Otherwise the same as {@link #dump(DataStore, Writer)}. */ public String dump(DataStore store) { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); try { dump(store, out); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return out.toString(); } /** * Dump both the schema and the data of store to out. */ public void dump(DataStore store, Writer out) throws IOException { List sortedTables = sortTables(store); definition(store, sortedTables, out); data(store, sortedTables, out); } /** * Dump only the data (not the schema) of store to out. */ public void data(DataStore store, Writer out) throws IOException { List sortedTables = sortTables(store); data(store, sortedTables, out); } /** * Dump only the schema (not the data) of store to out. */ public void definition(DataStore store, Writer out) throws IOException { List sortedTables = sortTables(store); definition(store, sortedTables, out); } private void definition(DataStore store, List sortedTables, Writer out) throws IOException { for (Iterator iter = sortedTables.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String tableName = (String); createTable(tableName, store.table(tableName), out); } } private List sortTables(final DataStore store) { Set tableNames = store.anonymousSchema().tables(); List tableNodes = namesToNodes(tableNames); Graph graph = new Graph(); graph.addNodes(tableNodes); addEdgesForForeignKeys(graph, tableNodes, store); List sortedNodes = topologicalSortOnTables(graph); return nodesToNames(sortedNodes); } private List topologicalSortOnTables(Graph graph) { try { return graph.topologicalSort(); } catch (CycleDetectedException e) { throw new MayflyException( "cannot dump: circular foreign key references between tables"); } } private void addEdgesForForeignKeys(Graph graph, List tableNodes, DataStore store) { Evaluator evaluator = new StoreEvaluator( store, DataStore.ANONYMOUS_SCHEMA_NAME); for (Iterator iter = tableNodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TableNode referringTable = (TableNode); List referenced = store.table( .referencedTables(evaluator); for (Iterator iterator = referenced.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String referencedTable = (String); TableNode referencedNode = findInList(tableNodes, referencedTable); graph.addEdge(referencedNode, referringTable); } } } TableNode findInList(List nodes, String name) { for (Iterator iter = nodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TableNode candidate = (TableNode); if ( { return candidate; } } throw new MayflyInternalException("should have added " + name); } private List namesToNodes(Collection tableNames) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = tableNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String name = (String); result.add(new TableNode(name)); } return result; } private List nodesToNames(Collection tableNodes) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = tableNodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TableNode node = (TableNode); result.add(; } return result; } private void createTable(String tableName, TableData table, Writer out) throws IOException { out.write("CREATE TABLE "); identifier(tableName, out); out.write("(\n"); columns(table, out); constraints(table.constraints, out); out.write(");\n"); indexes(tableName, table.indexes, out); out.write("\n"); } public static void identifier(String text, Writer out) throws IOException { if (TokenType.lookupKeyword(text) != null) { out.write("\""); out.write(text); out.write("\""); } else if (looksLikeIdentifier(text)) { out.write(text); } else { out.write("\""); out.write(text); out.write("\""); } } private static boolean looksLikeIdentifier(String text) { if (text.indexOf('\"') != -1) { throw new MayflyException( "don't know how to dump identifier containing a double quote" ); } if (text.length() == 0) { throw new MayflyInternalException( "shouldn't have empty string as identifier"); } if (!Lexer.isIdentifierStart(text.charAt(0))) { return false; } for (int i = 1; i < text.length(); ++i) { if (!Lexer.isIdentifierCharacter(text.charAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } private void columns(TableData data, Writer out) throws IOException { for (Iterator iter = data.columns().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Column column = (Column); column(column, out); if (iter.hasNext() || data.constraints.constraintCount() > 0) { out.write(","); } out.write("\n"); } } private void column(Column column, Writer out) throws IOException { out.write(" "); identifier(column.columnName(), out); out.write(" "); out.write(column.type.dumpName()); if (column.hasDefault() && !column.isSequence() && dumpSequenceValues) { out.write(" DEFAULT "); out.write(column.defaultValueAsSql()); } if (column.hasOnUpdateValue()) { out.write(" ON UPDATE "); out.write(column.onUpdateValueAsSql()); } if (column.isAutoIncrement()) { out.write(" AUTO_INCREMENT"); } else if (column.isSequence()) { out.write(" GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY"); Cell startWith = column.defaultValue(); if (!startWith.sqlEquals(new LongCell(1)) && dumpSequenceValues) { out.write("(START WITH "); out.write(column.defaultValueAsSql()); out.write(")"); } } if (column.isNotNull) { out.write(" NOT NULL"); } } private void constraints(Constraints constraints, Writer out) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < constraints.constraintCount(); ++i) { Constraint constraint = constraints.constraint(i); out.write(" "); if (constraint.constraintName != null) { out.write("CONSTRAINT "); out.write(constraint.constraintName); out.write(" "); } constraint.dump(out); if (i < constraints.constraintCount() - 1) { out.write(","); } out.write("\n"); } } private void indexes(String tableName, Indexes indexes, Writer out) throws IOException { for (Index index : indexes) { out.write("CREATE "); if (index.unique) { out.write("UNIQUE "); } out.write("INDEX "); if (index.hasName()) { identifier(, out); } else { out.write("an_index"); } out.write(" ON "); identifier(tableName, out); out.write("("); index.columns.dump(out); out.write(");\n"); } } public void data(DataStore store, List sortedTables, Writer out) throws IOException { for (Iterator iter = sortedTables.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String tableName = (String); rows(tableName, store.table(tableName), out); } } private void rows(String tableName, TableData table, Writer out) throws IOException { Collection rows = sortRows(table, tableName); Columns columns = table.columns(); for (Iterator iter = rows.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Row row = (Row); row(tableName, columns, row, out); } if (rows.size() > 0) { out.write("\n"); } } private Collection sortRows(final TableData table, String tableName) { List rowNodes = rowNodes(table, tableName); Graph graph = new Graph(); graph.addNodes(rowNodes); addEdgesForRows(graph, rowNodes, table); List sortedNodes = topologicalSortOnRows(graph, tableName); return nodesToRows(sortedNodes); } private void addEdgesForRows(Graph graph, List rowNodes, TableData table) { for (Iterator i = rowNodes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { RowNode left = (RowNode); for (Iterator j = rowNodes.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { RowNode right = (RowNode); if (table.constraints.mustInsertBefore(left.row, right.row)) { graph.addEdge(left, right); } } } } private List rowNodes(final TableData table, String tableName) { Columns columns = table.columns(); List result = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < table.rowCount(); ++i) { Row row = table.row(i); result.add(new RowNode(row, tableName, columns)); } return result; } private List topologicalSortOnRows(Graph graph, String tableName) { try { return graph.topologicalSort(); } catch (CycleDetectedException e) { throw new MayflyException( "cannot dump: circular reference between rows in table " + tableName); } } private List nodesToRows(Collection rowNodes) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = rowNodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { RowNode node = (RowNode); result.add(node.row); } return result; } private void row(String tableName, Columns columns, Row row, Writer out) throws IOException { out.write("INSERT INTO "); out.write(tableName); out.write("("); for (int i = 0; i < columns.columnCount(); ++i) { out.write(columns.columnName(i)); if (i < columns.columnCount() - 1) { out.write(", "); } } out.write(") VALUES("); for (int i = 0; i < columns.columnCount(); ++i) { out.write(row.cell(columns.columnName(i)).asSql()); if (i < columns.columnCount() - 1) { out.write(", "); } } out.write(");\n"); } }