package net.sourceforge.mayfly.acceptance; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; public abstract class Dialect { abstract public Connection openConnection() throws Exception; abstract public Connection openAdditionalConnection() throws Exception; public void assertTableCount(int expected) { // Could probably do this with JDBC metadata or database-specific tricks. // Not clear we should bother. } abstract public void shutdown(Connection connection) throws Exception; public void assertMessage(String expectedMessage, SQLException exception) { // To assert on this we'd need to keep lists of messages for many // databases in many versions. That seems hard. // But we would like to see that databases fail for the same // reasons. So we provide the ability to manually inspect // the messages side by side. if (SqlTestCase.SHOW_MESSAGES) { System.out.print("Mayfly message would be " + expectedMessage + "\n"); System.out.print("Actual message was " + exception.getMessage() + "\n\n"); } else if (SqlTestCase.SHOW_STACK_TRACES) { System.out.print("Mayfly message would be " + expectedMessage + "\n"); System.out.print("Actual exception was:\n"); printException(exception); System.out.print("\n\n"); } } public void assertMessage(String expectedMessage, SQLException exception, int expectedStartLine, int expectedStartColumn, int expectedEndLine, int expectedEndColumn) { assertMessage(expectedMessage, exception); } public void checkDump(String expected) { // As with messages, dump formats probably differ too much to test cross-database. } private void printException(SQLException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(System.out); System.out.print("SQL state was: " + exception.getSQLState() + "\n"); System.out.print("Vendor code was: " + exception.getErrorCode() + "\n"); if (exception.getNextException() != null) { // Is it really true that next exceptions are not related to // causes? Or is that just an artifact of libgcj 4.0.2? printException(exception.getNextException()); } } public boolean backslashInAStringIsAnEscape() { // For most SQL dialects (including SQL92 I believe), '\' is just a string // with one character in it. /** Note that there are security considerations to this choice; an application trying to prevent SQL injection must use database-specific quoting (or, setString) */ return false; } public boolean isReservedWord(String word) { // War on reserved words: they can make it quite a pain to // port SQL from one implementation to another. Mayfly's // rule of thumb: Don't put big kluges in the parser to // avoid a reserved word, but make words non-reserved // where feasible. // A few specific cases: // LIMIT needs/wants to be a reserved word, but there is no // particular need for OFFSET to be (unless just for symmetry // with LIMIT or something). return false; } public boolean tableNamesMightBeCaseSensitive() { return false; } public boolean constraintNamesMightBeCaseSensitive() { return false; } public boolean detectsAmbiguousColumns() { return true; } public boolean detectsAmbiguousColumnsInOrderBy() { return true; } /** * @internal * Should a test look for behavior in which Mayfly intentionally diverges * from what other databases do. * * (In most cases it makes more sense to have an individual test for a specific questions * like detectsAmbiguousColumns or whatever). */ public boolean expectMayflyBehavior() { return false; } /** * @internal * This is how we mark things where Mayfly doesn't yet implement the behavior * which is desired for Mayfly. So for non-Mayfly databases, there is no * "wish" to be marked. */ public boolean wishThisWereTrue() { return true; } public boolean crossJoinRequiresOn() { return false; } public boolean crossJoinCanHaveOn() { return false; } public boolean innerJoinRequiresOn() { return true; } public boolean rightHandArgumentToJoinCanBeJoin(boolean withParentheses) { return true; } public boolean onIsRestrictedToJoinsTables() { return true; } public boolean considerTablesMentionedAfterJoin() { return false; } boolean onCanMentionOutsideTable() { return !onIsRestrictedToJoinsTables(); } public boolean allowDuplicateTableInQuery() { return false; } public boolean allowDuplicateTableWithDifferingColumnNames() { return false; } public boolean detectsSyntaxErrorsInPrepareStatement() { return true; } public boolean requiresAllParameters() { return true; } public boolean canSetObjectNull() { return true; } public boolean stringComparisonsAreCaseInsensitive() { return false; } /** * @internal * The SQL Standard is said to specify false. */ public boolean trailingSpacesConsultedInComparisons() { return false; } public boolean notBindsMoreTightlyThanIn() { return false; } public boolean callJavaMethodAsStoredProcedure() { /* Not even H2 supports this syntax. So maybe CREATE ALIAS is considered to be a better way. */ return true; } public boolean haveCreateAlias() { return callJavaMethodAsStoredProcedure(); } public boolean complainAboutDubiousStoredProcedure() { return true; } public boolean complainAboutStoredProcedureOverloadingOnArgumentTypeOrCount() { return true; } public boolean orderByCountsAsWhat() { return false; } public boolean haveLimit() { // Interestingly enough, the majority of my test databases // do have this, in a more or less compatible fashion. return true; } public boolean canHaveLimitWithoutOrderBy() { return false; } public boolean fromIsOptional() { return false; } public boolean verticalBarsMeanConcatenation() { return true; } public boolean haveConcatBuiltIn() { return false; } public boolean haveConcatBuiltInWithOneArgument() { return false; } public boolean haveConcatBuiltInWithZeroArguments() { return false; } public boolean caseExpressionPickyAboutTypes() { return false; } public boolean maySpecifyTableDotColumnToJdbc() { return false; } /** * @internal * Does the database have engines and character sets? * (would be easy enough to separate those two things * if there are any databases which have one and not * the other). */ public boolean haveEngine() { return false; } public boolean schemasMissing() { return false; } public boolean canCreateSchemaAndTablesInSameStatement() { // Not sure how clean/useful/popular this is. return true; } public boolean authorizationAllowedInCreateSchema() { return true; } public boolean authorizationRequiredInCreateSchema() { return false; } public String createEmptySchemaCommand(String name) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("create schema "); sql.append(name); if (authorizationRequiredInCreateSchema()) { sql.append(" authorization dba"); } return sql.toString(); } public boolean aggregateDistinctIsForCountOnly() { return false; } public boolean aggregateAsteriskIsForCountOnly() { return true; } public boolean canSumStrings(boolean rowsPresent) { return false; } public boolean errorIfNotAggregateOrGrouped(boolean rowsPresent) { return true; } public boolean disallowHavingOnUnaggregated() { return true; } public boolean errorIfNotAggregateOrGroupedWhenGroupByExpression(boolean rowsPresent) { return errorIfNotAggregateOrGrouped(rowsPresent); } // Keeping this function for the moment for old version of derby, but // current ones don't need the setting. public boolean canGroupByExpression() { return true; } public boolean groupByExpressionSimpleComparator() { return false; } public boolean canOrderByExpression(boolean isAggregate) { return false; } public boolean canGetValueViaExpressionName() { return false; } public boolean allowCountDistinctStar() { return false; } public boolean allowExplicitAllInAggregate() { return true; } public boolean canQuoteIdentifiers() { return true; } public boolean columnInHavingMustAlsoBeInSelect() { return false; } public boolean canHaveHavingWithoutGroupBy() { return false; } public boolean havingCanReferToEnclosingRow() { return true; } public boolean nullSortsLower() { // I don't know whether there are arguments pro or con on this. // Different databases seem to disagree, and several make it // configurable somehow. return true; } public boolean disallowColumnAndAggregateInExpression() { return true; } public boolean notRequiresBoolean() { return true; } /* I'm not really sure whether IN versus LIKE is really what makes this different from notRequiresBoolean. */ public boolean notRequiresBooleanForLike() { return notRequiresBoolean(); } public boolean numberOfValuesMustMatchNumberOfColumns() { return true; } public boolean valuesClauseCanReferToColumn() { return false; } /** * @internal * Does the syntax "insert into foo() values()" work? * This is an extension from standard SQL, but not having it * leads to craziness like null not meaning null in some * databases. * * Should check Hibernate Dialect class - I think other databases * have this with a different syntax. */ public boolean canInsertNoValues() { return true; } /** * @internal * Do we have INSERT INTO foo SET a = value, b = value... ? * Although this MySQL-ism doesn't provide any more power than * the standard * INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES(value, value) * the latter can get quite cumbersome with a lot of fields. */ public boolean haveInsertSetSyntax() { return false; } public boolean canConcatenateStringAndInteger() { // Most databases seem to allow this. I'm sure there // are larger issues/tradeoffs here (like "do what I // mean" versus avoiding surprises). return true; } public boolean disallowNullsInExpressions() { // If this is true, insist people say "null" rather than // "5 + null". This may reduce confusion over the // "null propagates up" semantics (or might just delay // the time when people discover them :-)). return true; } public boolean disallowNullOnRightHandSideOfIn() { return true; } public boolean canGetValueViaExpression() { return false; } protected boolean constraintCanHaveForwardReference() { return true; } public boolean duplicateConstraintNamesOk() { return false; } // Keeping this function for the moment for old version of derby, but // current ones don't need the setting. public boolean uniqueColumnMayBeNullable() { return true; } public boolean canTurnNullableColumnIntoPrimaryKey() { return true; } public boolean allowMultipleNullsInUniqueColumn() { /* Most databases which allow nulls in unique columns allow more than one null (which is what this setting means by true). (MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, Firebird, SQLlite) It isn't clear what null would mean if you only get one row which gets to omit that columns. On the other hand, false is analogous to the GROUP BY model in which all rows with null go in a single group. (MS-SQL, Informix, Hypersonic). Data from */ return true; } public boolean allowUniqueAsPartOfColumnDeclaration() { return true; } public boolean haveUpdateDefault() { return true; } public boolean errorIfUpdateToAggregate(boolean rowsPresent) { return true; } public boolean canJoinInUpdate() { return false; } public boolean errorIfAggregateInWhere() { return true; } public boolean errorIfBadTableAndNoRows() { return true; } public boolean haveOnUpdateValue() { return false; } public boolean quotedIdentifiersAreCaseSensitive() { // I guess SQL92 says this should be true. // Perhaps a bit tricky to get this true, and still have // messages case-preserving in general. return false; } public boolean likeIsCaseSensitive() { return true; } // Keeping this function for the moment for old version of derby, but // current ones don't need the setting. public boolean haveSlashStarComments() { return true; } public boolean haveTransactions() { /** * @internal * Should we be testing {@link Connection#getTransactionIsolation()} * and {@link Connection#setTransactionIsolation(int)} ? * Need to do more testing, but the issue is whether most/any * databases will indicate what they can do, or change their * behavior based on this setting. In a case like MySQL, * transaction capability is per-table, for one thing. * * Anyway, for now we set the isolation level appropriate for * each test, but in terms of figuring out what the database * can do, we have methods here. */ return true; } public boolean willReadUncommitted() { return false; } public boolean canProvideRepeatableRead() { return true; } public boolean willWaitForWriterToCommit() { return false; } public boolean willWaitForWriterToCommitOnTwoRowInserts() { return false; } public boolean haveForUpdate() { return true; } public String tableTypeForTransactions() { return ""; } public boolean autoCommitMustBeOffToCallRollback() { return true; } /** @internal Do whatever is needed before calling close() on the connection. The whole thing, of what you need to do to the transaction before calling close(), might be worth considering, writing tests for, and reading documentation for various databases. */ public void endTransaction(Connection connection) throws SQLException { // By default, nothing is needed. } public String tableTypeForForeignKeys() { return ""; } public boolean foreignKeyCanReferToAnotherSchema() { return true; } public boolean foreignKeyJustNeedsIndex() { return false; } public boolean canDropTargetOfForeignKey() { return false; } public boolean foreignKeyMustReferToPrimaryKeyOrUnique() { return true; } public boolean haveCheckConstraints() { return true; } public boolean onDeleteSetDefaultMissing(boolean tableCreateTime) { return false; } public boolean haveTinyint() { return true; } public boolean expressionsAreTypeLong() { return true; } public Class typeFromAddingLongs() { // Obvious question here is what about overflow? return Long.class; } public Class typeOfTinyint() { return Integer.class; } public Class typeOfSmallint() { return Integer.class; } public Class typeOfInteger() { return Integer.class; } public boolean allowHexForInteger() { return false; } public boolean allowHexForBinary() { return true; } public boolean haveTextType() { return true; } public String binaryTypeName() { return "blob(255)"; } public boolean blobTypeWorks() { return true; } /** Is there a command DROP TABLE name IF EXISTS (with IF EXISTS after the name)? */ public boolean haveDropTableFooIfExists() { return true; } /** Is there a command DROP TABLE IF EXISTS name (with IF EXISTS before the name)? */ public boolean haveDropTableIfExistsFoo() { return true; } public boolean addingColumnCountsAsAffectedRow() { return false; } /** * Does adding a column with ALTER TABLE require there * to be a default value even if there are no rows? * True is kind of a bogus setting - there is no need * for such a default value to make the add column * work, and perhaps requiring a value to be * specified (that is, no default) is what is desired * for subsequent statements beyond the ALTER TABLE. */ public boolean notNullRequiresDefault() { return false; } public boolean haveAddColumnAfter() { return false; } public boolean haveDropColumn() { return true; } public boolean canDropPrimaryKeyColumn() { return true; } public boolean canDropColumnWithForeignKey() { return true; } public boolean haveDropForeignKey() { return true; } public boolean haveDropConstraint() { return true; } public boolean nameForeignKeysWithIbfk() { return true; } public boolean haveModifyColumn() { return true; } public boolean canDropLastColumn() { return false; } public boolean haveAlterTableRenameTo() { return true; } public boolean defaultValueCanBeExpression() { // Who does this besides postgres? // The postgres manual gives two examples: setting a date to now() (the // SQL92 way seems to be CURRENT_DATE/CURRENT_TIME/CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, // which is specifically allowed as a default value), // and auto-increment (but is the default-value-as-expression way of // doing it one that we want to try to have?). return false; } public boolean canUpdateToDefault() { return true; } public boolean allowJdbcParameterAsDefault() { return false; } public boolean notNullImpliesDefaults() { return false; } public boolean timestampDoesNotRespectNull() { return false; } public boolean allowDateInTimestampColumn() { return false; } public boolean allowTimestampInDateColumn() { return false; } public boolean haveAutoUnderbarIncrement() { return false; } /** * @internal * Is there a type SERIAL which behaves like a sequence? */ public boolean haveSequencySerial() { return false; } /** * @internal * Is there a type SERIAL which behaves like an auto-increment * (relative to last value)? */ public boolean haveAutoIncrementSerial() { return false; } public boolean haveIdentity() { return false; } public boolean haveSql2003AutoIncrement() { return false; } /** * @internal * Return the preferred (or one that will work) way to specify * an identity column, including the type. Only for contexts * where either an auto-increment-style or a sequence-style * column will do. * * Generally should also declare it a primary key, even if your * database allows auto-increment columns which are not primary keys. */ public String identityType() { return "identity primary key"; } /** * @internal * Return a type to specify an auto-increment column, that is one * where values are assigned relative to existing data in the * column, or null if there is no such type. */ public String autoIncrementType() { return null; } public String lastIdentityValueQuery(String table, String column) { return "call identity()"; //hypersonic } public boolean sql2003RelativeToLastValue() { return false; } public boolean decimalScaleIsFromType() { // False is just bugginess, as far as I know. return true; } public boolean datesAreOff() { return false; } /** * @internal * Kind of a catch-all. There are also more specific ones like * {@link #canGetBytesOnNumber}. */ public boolean dataTypesAreEnforced() { return true; } public boolean canGetBytesOnNumber() { return false; } /** * @internal * For cases not covered by {@link #canSetIntegerOnStringColumn()} or * other more specific cases. */ public boolean canMixStringAndInteger() { return false; } public boolean canSetIntegerOnStringColumn() { return !expectMayflyBehavior(); } /** * Also applies to setting a string via setObject. * Also applies to an integer column. * Perhaps should be combined with * {@link #canSetIntegerOnStringColumn()}. */ public boolean canSetStringOnDecimalColumn() { return false; } public boolean onUpdateSetNullAndCascadeMissing() { return false; } public boolean whereCanReferToColumnAlias() { return true; } public boolean canGroupByColumnAlias() { return true; } public boolean allowOrderByOnDelete() { return true; } public boolean deleteAllRowsIsSmartAboutForeignKeys() { return false; } public boolean errorIfOrderByNotInSelectDistinct() { return true; } public boolean metaDataExpectsUppercase() { return false; } public boolean metaDataProblemWithUppercaseTableName() { return false; } public String productName() { return "dialect should override this"; } public boolean createTableCanContainIndex() { return false; } public boolean indexNamesArePerTable() { return false; } public boolean haveDropIndexOn() { return true; } public boolean canDropIndexGivingWrongTable() { return false; } public boolean canIndexPartOfColumn() { return false; } }