package net.sourceforge.mayfly.acceptance.expression; import junitx.framework.ArrayAssert; import junitx.framework.ObjectAssert; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.acceptance.SqlTestCase; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; /** * @internal * See also: * {@link StringTest} * {@link DateTest} */ public class DataTypeTest extends SqlTestCase { public void testTextType() throws Exception { checkType(dialect.haveTextType(), "text", "'some text'"); } public void testTinyint() throws Exception { checkType(dialect.haveTinyint(), "tinyint", "127"); } public void testSmallint() throws Exception { checkType(true, "smallint", "32767"); } public void testInt() throws Exception { // A synonym for INTEGER. Specified by SQL92. checkType(true, "Int", "2147483647"); } // Here's a small sample of other types we don't test for yet: //NUMERIC //REAL, FLOAT, DOUBLE - precision can be given in binary digits (24 or 53, typically) // BIT and BIT VARYING; BOOLEAN // BIGSERIAL (see AutoIncrementTest for the auto-increment syntaxes we do look for) // BLOB/CLOB // sorting and comparison (binary for BLOB, Unicode-based or some such for CLOB) // JDBC CLOB for a TEXT column /* Here are some we don't test for (or have in Mayfly), but which I'm not sure are actually used enough to warrant the clutter: CHARACTER VARYING (synonym for VARCHAR) CHARACTER (non-VARYING) - this one seems to be the source of many implementation headaches (trailing spaces and such), and I'm not sure there is any good reason to prefer it over VARCHAR. */ public void testInteger() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (waist integer, inseam integer)"); execute("insert into foo (waist, inseam) values (30, 32)"); { ResultSet results = query("select waist, inseam from foo"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(30, results.getInt(1)); assertEquals(32, results.getInt("inseam")); assertFalse(; results.close(); } { ResultSet results = query("select waist, inseam from foo"); assertTrue(; // Are these supposed to be Integer? Long? Hypersonic says Integer assertEquals(30, ((Number) results.getObject(1)).intValue()); assertEquals(32, ((Number) results.getObject("inseam")).intValue()); assertFalse(; results.close(); } } public void testGetObject() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(x " + (dialect.haveTinyint() ? "tinyint" : "smallint") + ", y smallint, z integer, w bigint)"); execute("insert into foo(x, y, z, w) " + "values (127, 32767, -2147483648, 222111333444)"); execute("insert into foo(x, y, z, w) " + "values (0, 70, 5, 62)"); ResultSet results = query("select x,y,z,w,y+z,z+w from foo"); assertTrue(; assertTypesOfRow(results); assertTrue(; assertTypesOfRow(results); assertFalse(; } private void assertTypesOfRow(ResultSet results) throws SQLException { ObjectAssert.assertInstanceOf( dialect.typeOfTinyint(), results.getObject("x")); ObjectAssert.assertInstanceOf( dialect.typeOfSmallint(), results.getObject("y")); ObjectAssert.assertInstanceOf( dialect.typeOfInteger(), results.getObject("z")); ObjectAssert.assertInstanceOf(Long.class, results.getObject("w")); ObjectAssert.assertInstanceOf( dialect.expressionsAreTypeLong() ? Long.class : Integer.class, results.getObject(5)); ObjectAssert.assertInstanceOf( dialect.typeFromAddingLongs(), results.getObject(6)); } public void testLongDoesNotFit() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x bigint)"); // larger than 2^32 execute("insert into foo(x) values (222111333444)"); ResultSet results = query("select x from foo"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(222111333444L, results.getLong(1)); try { results.getInt(1); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage("Value 222111333444 does not fit in an int", e); } try { results.getShort(1); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage("Value 222111333444 does not fit in a short", e); } try { results.getByte(1); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage("Value 222111333444 does not fit in a byte", e); } assertFalse(; results.close(); } public void testLongWouldFit() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x bigint)"); execute("insert into foo(x) values (42)"); ResultSet results = query("select x from foo"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(42L, results.getLong(1)); assertEquals(42, results.getInt(1)); assertEquals((short)42, results.getShort(1)); assertEquals((byte)42, results.getByte(1)); assertFalse(; results.close(); } public void testSetShort() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(x bigint)"); PreparedStatement insert = connection.prepareStatement("insert into foo(x) values(?)"); insert.setByte(1, Byte.MIN_VALUE); insert.executeUpdate(); insert.setShort(1, Short.MIN_VALUE); insert.executeUpdate(); insert.setInt(1, Integer.MIN_VALUE); insert.executeUpdate(); insert.setLong(1, Long.MIN_VALUE); insert.executeUpdate(); assertResultSet( new String[] { " -128 ", " -32768", " -2147483648 ", " -9223372036854775808 " }, query("select x from foo")); } private void checkType(boolean expectType, String typeName, String sampleValue) throws SQLException { String sql = "create table foo (a " + typeName + ")"; if (expectType) { execute(sql); execute("insert into foo(a) values(" + sampleValue + ")"); assertResultSet(new String[] { sampleValue }, query("select a from foo")); } else { expectExecuteFailure(sql, "expected data type but got " + typeName); } } public void testHexInteger() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(a integer)"); String hexForInteger = "insert into foo(a) values(x'a0')"; if (dialect.allowHexForInteger()) { execute(hexForInteger); execute("insert into foo(a) values(x'ff')"); execute("insert into foo(a) values(x'3fff0000')"); expectExecuteFailure("insert into foo(a) values(x'7')", "hex constant 7 must have an even number of digits"); expectExecuteFailure("insert into foo(a) values(x'7ff')", "hex constant 7ff must have an even number of digits"); expectExecuteFailure("insert into foo(a) values(x'0g')", "invalid character g in hex constant 0g"); assertResultSet(new String[] { "160", "255", "1073676288" }, query("select a from foo")); } else { expectExecuteFailure(hexForInteger, "attempt to store binary data into integer column a"); } } public void testDecimal() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (price decimal(4, 2), list_price decimal(5, 2))"); execute("insert into foo (price, list_price) values (95.0, 99.95)"); { ResultSet results = query("select price, list_price from foo"); assertTrue(; checkDecimal(9500, dialect.decimalScaleIsFromType() ? 2 : 1, results.getBigDecimal(1)); checkDecimal(9995, 2, results.getBigDecimal("list_price")); assertFalse(; results.close(); } /* results.getBigDecimal with a scale intentionally not tested as it is deprecated */ { ResultSet results = query("select price, list_price from foo"); assertTrue(; checkDecimal(9500, dialect.decimalScaleIsFromType() ? 2 : 1, (BigDecimal) results.getObject(1)); checkDecimal(9995, 2, (BigDecimal) results.getObject("list_price")); assertFalse(; results.close(); } } private void checkDecimal(int expectedCents, int expectedScale, BigDecimal actual) { assertEquals(expectedCents, actual.movePointRight(2).intValue()); assertEquals(expectedScale, actual.scale()); } public void testIntegerToFromDecimalColumn() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(price decimal(4,2))"); execute("insert into foo(price) values(5)"); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement( "insert into foo(price) values(?)"); statement.setInt(1, 77); statement.executeUpdate(); ResultSet results = query("select price from foo order by price"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(5, results.getInt(1)); checkDecimal(500, dialect.decimalScaleIsFromType() ? 2 : 0, results.getBigDecimal(1)); assertTrue(; assertEquals(77, results.getInt(1)); assertFalse(; } public void testSetDecimal() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (price decimal(4, 2), y decimal(11,3))"); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement( "insert into foo(price, y) values(?, ?)"); statement.setBigDecimal(1, new BigDecimal("5.95")); statement.setBigDecimal(2, new BigDecimal("197.952").negate()); statement.executeUpdate(); ResultSet results = query("select price, y from foo"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(5.95, results.getDouble(1), 0.000001); assertEquals(-197.952, results.getDouble(2), 0.000001); assertFalse(; } public void testSetDouble() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (factor decimal(4, 2))"); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement( "insert into foo(factor) values(?)"); statement.setDouble(1, 3.14); statement.executeUpdate(); statement.setDouble(1, -0.03); statement.executeUpdate(); ResultSet results = query("select factor from foo"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(314, results.getBigDecimal(1).movePointRight(2).intValue()); assertTrue(; assertEquals(-3, results.getBigDecimal(1).movePointRight(2).intValue()); assertFalse(; } public void testNullInDecimalColumn() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(x decimal(7, 1))"); execute("insert into foo(x) values(null)"); assertResultSet(new String[] { " null " }, query("select x from foo")); ResultSet results = query("select x from foo"); assertTrue(; BigDecimal decimal = results.getBigDecimal("x"); assertNull(decimal); assertTrue(results.wasNull()); assertFalse(; results.close(); } public void testStringColumnAsNumber() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(x varchar(50))"); execute("insert into foo(x) values('not decimal')"); ResultSet results = query("select x from foo"); assertTrue(; try { results.getByte("x"); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage( "attempt to read string 'not decimal' as a byte", e); } try { results.getShort("x"); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage( "attempt to read string 'not decimal' as a short", e); } try { results.getInt("x"); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage( "attempt to read string 'not decimal' as an int", e); } try { results.getLong("x"); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage( "attempt to read string 'not decimal' as a long", e); } try { results.getDouble("x"); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage( "attempt to read string 'not decimal' as a double", e); } try { results.getBigDecimal("x"); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage( "attempt to read string 'not decimal' as a decimal", e); } assertFalse(; } public void testCompareStringWithInteger() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(x integer, y varchar(255))"); execute("insert into foo(x, y) values (5, 'hello')"); String integerColumnStringLiteral = "select y from foo where x < 'zzz'"; if (dialect.dataTypesAreEnforced()) { expectQueryFailure(integerColumnStringLiteral, "attempt to compare string 'zzz' to number 5"); } else { /* The obvious question here is what kind of comparison is done - string or literal. But we don't test that. */ query(integerColumnStringLiteral); } String stringColumnIntegerLiteral = "select y from foo where y < 99"; if (dialect.canMixStringAndInteger()) { /* The obvious question here is what kind of comparison is done - string or literal. But we don't test that. */ query(stringColumnIntegerLiteral); } else { expectQueryFailure(stringColumnIntegerLiteral, "attempt to compare number 99 to string 'hello'"); } } public void testIntegerToFromStringColumn() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(x varchar(255))"); String insertInteger = "insert into foo(x) values(9)"; if (dialect.canMixStringAndInteger()) { execute(insertInteger); } else { expectExecuteFailure(insertInteger, "attempt to store number 9 into string column x"); execute("insert into foo(x) values('9')"); } PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement( "insert into foo(x) values(?)"); statement.setInt(1, 10); if (dialect.canSetIntegerOnStringColumn()) { statement.executeUpdate(); } else { try { statement.executeUpdate(); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage( "attempt to store number 10 into string column x", e); } execute("insert into foo(x) values('10')"); } ResultSet results = query("select x from foo order by x"); assertTrue(; if (dialect.expectMayflyBehavior()) { try { results.getInt(1); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage("attempt to read string '10' as an int", e); } assertEquals("10", results.getString(1)); assertTrue(; assertEquals("9", results.getString(1)); assertFalse(; } else { assertEquals(10, results.getInt(1)); assertTrue(; assertEquals(9, results.getInt(1)); assertFalse(; } } public void testDecimalToFromStringColumn() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(x varchar(255))"); String insertDecimal = "insert into foo(x) values(9.5)"; if (dialect.canMixStringAndInteger()) { execute(insertDecimal); } else { expectExecuteFailure(insertDecimal, "attempt to store decimal 9.5 into string column x"); execute("insert into foo(x) values('9.5')"); } PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement( "insert into foo(x) values(?)"); statement.setBigDecimal(1, new BigDecimal("10.05")); if (dialect.canSetIntegerOnStringColumn()) { statement.executeUpdate(); } else { try { statement.executeUpdate(); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage( "attempt to store decimal 10.05 into string column x", e); } execute("insert into foo(x) values('10.05')"); } ResultSet results = query("select x from foo order by x"); assertTrue(; if (dialect.expectMayflyBehavior()) { try { results.getBigDecimal(1); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage("attempt to read string '10.05' as a decimal", e); } assertEquals("10.05", results.getString(1)); assertTrue(; assertEquals("9.5", results.getString(1)); assertFalse(; } else { checkDecimal(1005, 2, results.getBigDecimal(1)); assertTrue(; checkDecimal(950, 1, results.getBigDecimal(1)); assertFalse(; } } public void testStringToFromDecimalColumn() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(x decimal(10,2))"); String insertString = "insert into foo(x) values('9.5')"; if (dialect.canMixStringAndInteger()) { execute(insertString); } else { expectExecuteFailure(insertString, "attempt to store string '9.5' into decimal column x"); execute("insert into foo(x) values(9.5)"); } PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement( "insert into foo(x) values(?)"); statement.setString(1, "10.05"); if (dialect.canSetStringOnDecimalColumn()) { statement.executeUpdate(); } else { try { statement.executeUpdate(); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage( "attempt to store string '10.05' into decimal column x", e); } execute("insert into foo(x) values(10.05)"); } ResultSet results = query("select x from foo order by x"); assertTrue(; if (dialect.expectMayflyBehavior()) { try { results.getString(1); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage("attempt to read decimal 9.50 as a string", e); } checkDecimal(950, 2, results.getBigDecimal(1)); assertTrue(; checkDecimal(1005, 2, results.getBigDecimal(1)); assertFalse(; } else { assertEquals( dialect.decimalScaleIsFromType() ? "9.50" : "9.5", results.getString(1)); assertTrue(; assertEquals("10.05", results.getString(1)); assertFalse(; } } public void testIntegerToFloat() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x bigint, y smallint)"); // 4503599627370495 is, I believe, the largest integer value which can be // represented exactly in a double. execute("insert into foo(x, y) values (4503599627370495, 32767)"); execute("insert into foo(x, y) values (-4503599627370495, -32767)"); // Likewise for float: execute("insert into foo(x, y) values (8388607, 0)"); execute("insert into foo(x, y) values (-8388607, 0)"); ResultSet results = query("select x, y from foo"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(32767.0, results.getDouble("y"), 0.00001); assertEquals(4503599627370495.0, results.getDouble("x"), 0.00001); assertEquals(32767.0f, results.getFloat("y"), 0.00001f); /* Comparing as doubles rather than floats better shows that bits are lost (although we'd have to pick a different integer(s) to delve into exactly how many bits are lost) */ assertEquals(4503599627370495.0, results.getFloat("x"), 1.0); assertEquals(32767.0, results.getDouble(2), 0.00001); assertEquals(32767.0f, results.getFloat(2), 0.00001f); assertTrue(; assertEquals(- 4503599627370495.0, results.getDouble("x"), 0.00001); assertEquals(- 32767.0f, results.getFloat("y"), 0.00001f); assertTrue(; assertEquals(8388607.0f, results.getFloat("x"), 0.00001f); assertTrue(; assertEquals(- 8388607.0f, results.getFloat("x"), 0.00001f); assertFalse(; results.close(); } public void testDecimalToFloat() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x decimal(10,3))"); execute("insert into foo(x) values(53.904)"); ResultSet results = query("select x from foo"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(53.904, results.getDouble("x"), 0.000001); assertFalse(; results.close(); } public void testBinaryStream() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x " + dialect.binaryTypeName() + ")"); PreparedStatement insert = connection.prepareStatement("insert into foo(x) values(?)"); byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x1, 0x3, (byte)0xff, (byte)0x90 }; /** Requiring the correct length here probably wouldn't be as big a deal as in the {@link StringTest#testCharacterStream} case, although I guess there are cases (e.g. reading from a network stream) in which it could be inconvenient. */ insert.setBinaryStream(1, new ByteArrayInputStream(data), data.length); assertEquals(1, insert.executeUpdate()); insert.close(); ResultSet results = query("select x from foo"); assertTrue(; InputStream stream = results.getBinaryStream(1); byte[] contents = IOUtils.toByteArray(stream); ArrayAssert.assertEquals(data, contents); // We don't realy need to close it; the JDBC javadoc says that // the next call to a getter method will close the stream // for us. stream.close(); byte[] viaBytes = results.getBytes("x"); ArrayAssert.assertEquals(data, viaBytes); assertFalse(; results.close(); } public void testGetBlob() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x " + dialect.binaryTypeName() + ")"); PreparedStatement insert = connection.prepareStatement("insert into foo(x) values(?)"); byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x1, 0x3, (byte)0xff, (byte)0x90 }; /** Requiring the correct length here probably wouldn't be as big a deal as in the {@link StringTest#testCharacterStream} case, although I guess there are cases (e.g. reading from a network stream) in which it could be inconvenient. */ insert.setBinaryStream(1, new ByteArrayInputStream(data), data.length); // TODO: probably want to test setBlob while we're at it. // insert.setBlob(1, blob); assertEquals(1, insert.executeUpdate()); insert.close(); ResultSet results = query("select x from foo"); assertTrue(; if (dialect.blobTypeWorks()) { Blob blob = results.getBlob(1); assertEquals(4L, blob.length()); InputStream stream = blob.getBinaryStream(); byte[] contents = IOUtils.toByteArray(stream); ArrayAssert.assertEquals(data, contents); // Do we need to close this? stream.close(); } else { try { results.getBlob(1); fail("Maybe postgres fixed their Blob bug?"); } catch (SQLException expected) { } } assertFalse(; results.close(); } public void testNumberAsBinary() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(x integer)"); execute("insert into foo(x) values(1)"); ResultSet results = query("select x from foo"); assertTrue(; if (!dialect.canGetBytesOnNumber()) { try { results.getBytes(1); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage("attempt to read number 1 as binary data", e); } } else { byte[] bytes = results.getBytes(1); // 49 is the value of the character '1'. ArrayAssert.assertEquals(new byte[] { 49 }, bytes); } } public void testNonBinaryInBinaryColumn() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(x " + dialect.binaryTypeName() + ")"); String insertOne = "insert into foo(x) values(1)"; if (dialect.dataTypesAreEnforced()) { expectExecuteFailure(insertOne, "attempt to store number 1 into binary column x"); assertResultSet(new String[] { }, query("select x from foo")); } else { execute(insertOne); assertResultSet(new String[] { " 1 " }, query("select x from foo")); } } public void testHexBinary() throws Exception { /* TODO: Also should accept x'00' '01' '02' syntax which allows a long hex literal to be continued over several lines */ execute("create table foo(x " + dialect.binaryTypeName() + ")"); String hexForBinary = "insert into foo(x) values(x'00010203ff7f00')"; if (dialect.allowHexForBinary()) { execute(hexForBinary); execute("insert into foo(x) values (X'00')"); /** See {@link net.sourceforge.mayfly.parser.LexerTest#testHexErrors()} for more tests of these error messages. */ expectExecuteFailure("insert into foo(x) values(x'7ff')", "hex constant x'7ff' must have an even number of digits"); expectExecuteFailure("insert into foo(x) values(x'0g')", "invalid character 'g' in hex constant"); ResultSet results = query("select x from foo"); assertTrue(; ArrayAssert.assertEquals( new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, (byte)0xff, (byte)0x7f, 0 }, results.getBytes(1)); assertTrue(; ArrayAssert.assertEquals( new byte[] { 0 }, results.getBytes(1)); assertFalse(; } else { expectExecuteFailure(hexForBinary, "expected expression but got x'00010203ff7f00'"); } } public void testNullInBinaryColumn() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(x " + dialect.binaryTypeName() + ")"); execute("insert into foo(x) values(null)"); assertResultSet(new String[] { " null " }, query("select x from foo")); ResultSet results = query("select x from foo"); assertTrue(; byte[] bytes = results.getBytes("x"); assertNull(bytes); assertTrue(results.wasNull()); assertFalse(; results.close(); } public void xtestBinaryAsPrimaryKey() throws Exception { /* Derby: this is an error because comparisons are not supported (could also check ORDER BY or <) */ execute("create table foo(x " + dialect.binaryTypeName() + " primary key)"); PreparedStatement insert = connection.prepareStatement("insert into foo(x) values(?)"); insert.setBytes(1, new byte[] { 0x1, 0x3, (byte)0xff, (byte)0x90 }); assertEquals(1, insert.executeUpdate()); insert.setBytes(1, new byte[] { 0x1 }); assertEquals(1, insert.executeUpdate()); insert.close(); } }