package net.sourceforge.mayfly.acceptance; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Types; public class StatementTest extends SqlTestCase { public void testReturnValueFromExecuteUpdate() throws Exception { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); assertEquals(0, statement.executeUpdate("CREATE Table foo (b integer)")); assertEquals(1, statement.executeUpdate("inSERT into foo (b) values (77)")); statement.close(); PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement("insert into foo (b) values (88)"); assertEquals(1, prepared.executeUpdate()); prepared.close(); } public void testSyntaxErrorDetectedEarly() throws Exception { String sql = "insert into some place or another"; if (dialect.detectsSyntaxErrorsInPrepareStatement()) { try { connection.prepareStatement(sql); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage("expected VALUES or SELECT but got place", e); } } else { PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement(sql); try { prepared.executeUpdate(); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage("expected VALUES but got place", e); } prepared.close(); } } public void testQuestionMarkInPreparedStatement() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (B Integer, a integer)"); PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement("insert into foo (a, b) values (?, ?)"); prepared.setInt(1, 70); prepared.setInt(2, 90); assertEquals(1, prepared.executeUpdate()); prepared.close(); assertResultSet(new String[] { "90, 70" }, query("select b, a from foo")); } public void testStringJdbcParameter() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (s VARCHAR(80))"); PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement("insert into foo (s) values (?)"); prepared.setString(1, "can't"); assertEquals(1, prepared.executeUpdate()); prepared.close(); ResultSet results = query("select s from foo"); assertTrue(; assertEquals("can't", results.getString(1)); assertFalse(; results.close(); } public void testStringInSelect() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (s VARCHAR(80))"); execute("insert into foo (s) values ('can''t')"); PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement("select s from foo where s = ?"); prepared.setString(1, "can't"); ResultSet results = prepared.executeQuery(); assertTrue(; assertEquals("can't", results.getString(1)); assertFalse(; results.close(); prepared.close(); } public void testParameterInNonPreparedStatement() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x integer)"); expectExecuteFailure("insert into foo(x) values (?)", "Attempt to specify '?' outside a prepared statement"); } public void testBadSetIntCalls() throws Exception { execute("create table Foo (B Integer, a integer)"); PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement("insert into foo (a, b) values (?, ?)"); try { prepared.setInt(0, 70); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage("Parameter index 0 is out of bounds", e); } try { prepared.setInt(3, 70); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage("Parameter index 3 is out of bounds", e); } prepared.close(); } public void testSetToNull() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a varchar(80))"); PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement("insert into foo (a) values (?)"); // That passing null should mean the same as setNull sems to be the consensus // of databases tested. prepared.setString(1, null); prepared.executeUpdate(); prepared.close(); assertResultSet(new String[] { " null " }, query("select a from foo")); } public void testSetNull() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x integer)"); PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement( "insert into foo (x) values (?)"); prepared.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER); prepared.executeUpdate(); prepared.close(); assertResultSet(new String[] { " null " }, query("select x from foo")); } public void testSetObjectNull() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x integer)"); PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement( "insert into foo (x) values (?)"); if (dialect.canSetObjectNull()) { prepared.setObject(1, null); prepared.executeUpdate(); prepared.close(); assertResultSet( new String[] { " null " }, query("select x from foo")); } else { try { prepared.setObject(1, null); fail(); } catch (SQLException expected) { assertMessage("expected data type integer but got null", expected); } } } public void testSetObjectNullWithType() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x integer)"); PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement( "insert into foo (x) values (?)"); prepared.setObject(1, null, Types.INTEGER); prepared.executeUpdate(); prepared.close(); assertResultSet( new String[] { " null " }, query("select x from foo")); } public void testSetObjectInteger() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x integer)"); PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement( "insert into foo (x) values (?)"); prepared.setObject(1, new Integer(55)); prepared.executeUpdate(); assertResultSet( new String[] { " 55 " }, query("select x from foo")); } public void testSetObjectMismatchedTypes() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x integer)"); PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement( "insert into foo (x) values (?)"); if (dialect.canSetStringOnDecimalColumn()) { prepared.setObject(1, "66"); prepared.executeUpdate(); assertResultSet( new String[] { " 66 " }, query("select x from foo")); } else { try { prepared.setObject(1, "66"); prepared.executeUpdate(); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage( "attempt to store string '66' into integer column x", e); } } } public void testMissingSetCall() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a Integer, b integer)"); PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement( "insert into foo (a, b) values (?, ?)"); prepared.setInt(2, 90); if (dialect.requiresAllParameters()) { try { prepared.executeUpdate(); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertMessage("Parameter 1 missing", e); } prepared.close(); } else { // Hypersonic behavior. Defaulting to null seems too forgiving, especially given // the way that JDBC, used straightforwardly, tends to turn null into 0. assertEquals(1, prepared.executeUpdate()); prepared.close(); assertResultSet(new String[] { " null , 90 " }, query("select a, b from foo")); } } public void testSelect() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer, b integer, c integer)"); execute("insert into foo (a, b, c) values (4, 5, 6)"); execute("insert into foo (a, b, c) values (7, 8, 9)"); PreparedStatement prepared = connection.prepareStatement( "select a from foo where (? = c and b = ?) or a = ?"); prepared.setInt(1, 9); prepared.setInt(2, 8); prepared.setInt(3, 3); ResultSet results = prepared.executeQuery(); assertResultSet(new String[] { " 7 " }, results); prepared.close(); } }