package net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.constraint; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.MayflyException; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.MayflyInternalException; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.Cell; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.DataStore; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.NullCell; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.Row; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.Rows; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.TableData; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.TableReference; import; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.parser.Location; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class ForeignKey extends Constraint { /** * @internal * True if a foreign key can point to not just a primary key * or a column with a unique constraint, but also to a column * which itself is a foreign key pointing elsewhere. True * for compatibility with MySQL; false for compatibility with * most other databases. */ private static final boolean FOREIGN_KEY_CAN_POINT_TO_FOREIGN_KEY = true; private final String referencerSchema; final String referencerTable; final String referencerColumn; final TableReference targetTable; final String targetColumn; private final Action onDelete; private final Action onUpdate; public ForeignKey(String referencerTable, String referencerColumn, String targetTable, String targetColumn) { this(DataStore.ANONYMOUS_SCHEMA_NAME, referencerTable, referencerColumn, new TableReference(DataStore.ANONYMOUS_SCHEMA_NAME, targetTable), targetColumn, new NoAction(), new NoAction(), null); } public ForeignKey( String referencerSchema, String referencerTable, String referencerColumn, TableReference targetTable, String targetColumn, Action onDelete, Action onUpdate, String constraintName) { super(constraintName); this.referencerSchema = referencerSchema; this.referencerTable = referencerTable; this.referencerColumn = referencerColumn; this.targetTable = targetTable; this.targetColumn = targetColumn; this.onDelete = onDelete; this.onUpdate = onUpdate; if (onUpdate instanceof Cascade) { throw new MayflyException("ON UPDATE CASCADE not implemented"); } else if (onUpdate instanceof SetNull) { throw new MayflyException("ON UPDATE SET NULL not implemented"); } else if (onUpdate instanceof SetDefault) { throw new MayflyException("ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT not implemented"); } } @Override public void checkExistingRows(DataStore store, TableReference table) { checkWeAreInTheRightPlace(table.schema(), table.tableName()); TableData tableData = store.schema(table.schema()).table(table.tableName()); for (int i = 0; i < tableData.rowCount(); ++i) { Row row = tableData.row(i); checkInsert(store, row, Location.UNKNOWN); } } @Override public void checkInsert(DataStore store, String schema, String table, Row proposedRow, Location location) { checkWeAreInTheRightPlace(schema, table); checkInsert(store, proposedRow, location); } private void checkInsert(DataStore store, Row proposedRow, Location location) { TableData foundTable = store.table(targetTable); Cell value = proposedRow.cell(referencerColumn); if (!(value instanceof NullCell) && !foundTable.hasValue(targetColumn, value)) { /* Check for the case in which the row we are in the process of inserting satisfies the constraint. */ if (refersToSameTable()) { Cell newPossibleTarget = proposedRow.cell(targetColumn); if (newPossibleTarget.sqlEquals(value, location)) { return; } } throwInsertException(referencerSchema, value, location); } } /** * @internal * Return -1 if first must be inserted before second, * 1 if second must be inserted before first, * or 0 if they can be inserted in either order (as * far as can be determined by just looking at those two). */ @Override public boolean mustInsertBefore(Row first, Row second) { if (first == second) { // A row which satisfies its own constraint is OK. return false; } if (refersToSameTable()) { if (second.cell(referencerColumn) .sqlEquals(first.cell(targetColumn))) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } private boolean refersToSameTable() { return targetTable.matches(referencerSchema, referencerTable); } private void checkWeAreInTheRightPlace(String schema, String table) { if (!referencerSchema.equalsIgnoreCase(schema) || !referencerTable.equalsIgnoreCase(table)) { throw new MayflyInternalException( "I'm confused about what tables foreign key constraints" + " are attached to"); } } private void throwInsertException(String schema, Cell value, Location location) { String targetTableName = targetTable.displayName(schema); throw new MayflyException("foreign key violation: attempt in table " + referencerDisplayName(schema) + ", column " + referencerColumn + " to reference non-present value " + value.asBriefString() + " in table " + targetTableName + ", column " + targetColumn, location); } @Override public DataStore checkDelete(DataStore store, String schema, String table, Row rowToDelete, Row replacementRow) { if (tableIsMyTarget(schema, table)) { Cell oldValue = rowToDelete.cell(targetColumn); TableData referencer = store.table(referencerSchema, referencerTable); if (replacementRow != null) { Cell newValue = replacementRow.cell(targetColumn); if (oldValue.sqlEquals(newValue)) { return store; } if (referencer.hasValue(referencerColumn, oldValue)) { return onUpdate.handleUpdate(oldValue, newValue, store, referencerSchema, referencerTable, referencerColumn, targetTable, targetColumn); } } else { if (referencer.hasValue(referencerColumn, oldValue)) { return onDelete.handleDelete(oldValue, store, referencerSchema, referencerTable, referencerColumn, targetTable, targetColumn); } } } return store; } @Override public void checkDropTable(DataStore store, String schema, String table) { if (tableIsMyTarget(schema, table) && !refersToSameTable()) { throw new MayflyException( "cannot drop " + table + " because a foreign key in table " + referencerDisplayName(schema) + " refers to it" ); } } private String referencerDisplayName(String schema) { return TableReference.formatTableName(schema, referencerSchema, referencerTable); } private boolean tableIsMyTarget(String schema, String table) { return targetTable.matches(schema, table); } /** * @internal * @returns should we keep this key? */ public boolean checkDropReferencerColumn(TableReference table, String column) { checkWeAreInTheRightPlace(table.schema(), table.tableName()); if (refersTo(column)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean refersTo(String column) { return column.equalsIgnoreCase(referencerColumn); } @Override public void checkDropTargetColumn(TableReference table, String column) { if (tableIsMyTarget(table.schema(), table.tableName()) && column.equalsIgnoreCase(targetColumn)) { throw new MayflyException("the column " + column + " is referenced by a foreign key in table " + //formatTableName(defaultSchema, referencerSchema, referencerTable) referencerTable + ", column " + referencerColumn ); } } @Override public Constraint renameColumn(String oldName, String newName) { if (oldName.equalsIgnoreCase(referencerColumn)) { return new ForeignKey( referencerSchema, referencerTable, newName, targetTable, targetColumn, onDelete, onUpdate, constraintName); } else { return this; } } @Override public Constraint renameTable(String oldName, String newName) { if (oldName.equalsIgnoreCase(referencerTable)) { return new ForeignKey( referencerSchema, newName, referencerColumn, targetTable, targetColumn, onDelete, onUpdate, constraintName); } else if (oldName.equalsIgnoreCase(targetTable.tableName())) { TableReference newTable = new TableReference( targetTable.schema(), newName); return new ForeignKey( referencerSchema, referencerTable, referencerColumn, newTable, targetColumn, onDelete, onUpdate, constraintName); } else { return this; } } /** * @internal * Doesn't apply for foreign key; instead we check in * {@link #checkDelete(DataStore, String, String, Row, Row)} * and * {@link #checkInsert(DataStore, String, String, Row, Location)}. */ @Override public void check(Rows existingRows, Row proposedRow, TableReference table, Location location) { } /** * @internal * For foreign key we currently check in * {@link #checkDropReferencerColumn(TableReference, String)}. */ @Override public boolean checkDropColumn(TableReference table, String column) { return checkDropReferencerColumn(table, column); } @Override public boolean canBeTargetOfForeignKey(String targetColumn) { if (FOREIGN_KEY_CAN_POINT_TO_FOREIGN_KEY) { return targetColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(referencerColumn); } return super.canBeTargetOfForeignKey(targetColumn); } @Override public boolean refersTo(String table, Evaluator evaluator) { return targetTable.matches(DataStore.ANONYMOUS_SCHEMA_NAME, table); } @Override public List referencedTables() { if (refersToSameTable()) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } else { return Collections.singletonList(targetTable.tableName()); } } @Override public void dump(Writer out) throws IOException { out.write("FOREIGN KEY("); out.write(referencerColumn); out.write(") REFERENCES "); out.write(targetTable.displayName(DataStore.ANONYMOUS_SCHEMA_NAME)); out.write("("); out.write(targetColumn); out.write(")"); if (!(onDelete instanceof NoAction)) { out.write(" ON DELETE "); onDelete.dump(out); } } }