package net.sourceforge.mayfly.acceptance; import java.sql.Connection; public class SchemaTest extends SqlTestCase { public void testWithAuthorizationKeyword() throws Exception { if (dialect.schemasMissing()) { return; } String sql = "create schema mars authorization dba"; if (dialect.authorizationAllowedInCreateSchema()) { assertEquals(0, execute(sql)); assertEquals(0, execute("set schema mars")); assertEquals(0, execute("create table foo (x integer)")); assertEquals(1, execute("insert into foo(x) values (5)")); assertResultSet(new String[] { " 5 " }, query("select x from foo")); } else { expectExecuteFailure(sql, "expected end of file but got AUTHORIZATION"); } } // TODO: Probably want to just ignore the user in Mayfly // That appears to be what Derby is doing public void xtestWithAuthorizationOtherUser() throws Exception { if (dialect.schemasMissing()) { return; } if (!dialect.authorizationAllowedInCreateSchema()) { return; } // In hypersonic, the user has to be "dba". // Is this really any more sensible than ignoring the user? expectExecuteFailure("create schema mars authorization shivaji", "Can only specify user dba in create schema but was shivaji"); } public void testBasicSyntax() throws Exception { if (dialect.schemasMissing()) { return; } String sql = "create schema mars"; if (dialect.authorizationRequiredInCreateSchema()) { expectExecuteFailure(sql, "expected AUTHORIZATION but got end of file"); } else { assertEquals(0, execute(sql)); assertEquals(0, execute("set schema mars")); } } public void xtestMySqlSyntax() throws Exception { // This turns out to be a headache. I don't know how to give myself the right // permissions to create databases and use them in this way. //assertEquals(0, execute("create schema mars")); // MySQL 5.0.2+ allows this assertEquals(0, execute("create database mars")); // MySQL 4.x assertEquals(0, execute("create table (x integer)")); assertEquals(0, execute("set schema mars")); assertEquals(1, execute("insert into foo(x) values (5)")); assertResultSet(new String[] { " 5 " }, query("select x from foo")); assertEquals(0, execute("drop database mars")); } public void testBadSetSchema() throws Exception { expectExecuteFailure("set schema nonexistent", "no schema nonexistent"); } public void testTwoSchemasEachHaveTheirOwnTables() throws Exception { if (dialect.schemasMissing()) { return; } createEmptySchema("mars"); assertEquals(0, execute("create table foo (x integer)")); createEmptySchema("venus"); assertEquals(0, execute("create table bar (x integer)")); assertEquals(0, execute("set schema mars")); assertEquals(1, execute("insert into foo(x) values (5)")); // Or "no table"? But that might be noise where schemas aren't at issue. expectExecuteFailure("insert into bar(x) values (5)", "no table bar"); } public void testSchemaAndTablesInSameStatementWithAuthorization() throws Exception { if (dialect.schemasMissing()) { return; } String sql = "create schema mars authorization dba create table foo (x integer) create table bar (x integer)"; if (dialect.canCreateSchemaAndTablesInSameStatement() && dialect.authorizationAllowedInCreateSchema()) { execute(sql); execute("set schema mars"); assertEquals(1, execute("insert into bar(x) values (5)")); } else { expectExecuteFailure(sql, "syntax error at CREATE TABLE"); } } public void testSchemaAndTablesInSameStatementWithoutAuthorization() throws Exception { if (dialect.schemasMissing()) { return; } String sql = "create schema mars create table foo (x integer) create table bar (x integer)"; if (dialect.canCreateSchemaAndTablesInSameStatement() && !dialect.authorizationRequiredInCreateSchema()) { execute(sql); execute("set schema mars"); assertEquals(1, execute("insert into bar(x) values (5)")); } else { expectExecuteFailure(sql, "syntax error at CREATE TABLE"); } } public void testSchemaAlreadyExists() throws Exception { if (dialect.schemasMissing()) { // Would like to test this case including the IF NOT EXISTS on CREATE DATABASE // (Meaning the MySQL case?) return; } execute(dialect.createEmptySchemaCommand("mars")); expectExecuteFailure( dialect.createEmptySchemaCommand("mars"), "schema mars already exists" ); } public void testSetSchemaIsCaseInsensitive() throws Exception { if (dialect.schemasMissing()) { return; } createEmptySchema("mars"); execute("create table foo (x integer)"); execute("set schema MARS"); assertResultSet(new String[] { }, query("select * from foo")); // If this message were to include the schema name, I think we'd want it to // say mars not MARS. expectQueryFailure("select * from nonexist", "no table nonexist"); // Test that error message is case preserving expectExecuteFailure("set schema Venus", "no schema Venus"); } public void testSchemaNameDotTable() throws Exception { if (dialect.schemasMissing()) { return; } createEmptySchema("mars"); execute("create table foo (x integer)"); execute("insert into (x) values (7)"); assertResultSet(new String[] { " 7 " }, query("select x from")); assertResultSet(new String[] { " 7 " }, query("select foo.x from")); } public void testCurrentSchemaIsPerConnection() throws Exception { if (dialect.schemasMissing()) { return; } execute(dialect.createEmptySchemaCommand("mars")); execute(dialect.createEmptySchemaCommand("venus")); Connection connection2 = dialect.openAdditionalConnection(); execute("set schema mars", connection); execute("set schema venus", connection2); execute("create table foo(x integer)", connection); execute("create table foo(y integer)", connection2); execute("set schema venus", connection); execute("set schema mars", connection2); execute("insert into foo(y) values(77)", connection); execute("insert into foo(x) values(5)", connection2); } // test syntax (where is this legal?) // case insensitive on // world?.col where ? is JDBC parameter (int or string) // CREATE TABLE ... - this actually is legal, and currently mishandled by mayfly. }