package net.sourceforge.mayfly.acceptance.expression; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.acceptance.InsertSubselectTest; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.acceptance.SqlTestCase; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; /** * @internal * See {@link InsertSubselectTest} for insert cases involving subselects */ public class ValueTest extends SqlTestCase { public void testNull() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer)"); execute("insert into foo (a) values (null)"); assertResultSet(new String[] { }, query("select a from foo where a = 5")); { ResultSet results = query("select a from foo"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(0, results.getInt(1)); assertTrue(results.wasNull()); assertFalse(; results.close(); } checkWrongWayToLookForNull(); { // Right way to look for null. ResultSet results = query("select a from foo where a is null"); assertTrue("got null row",; assertEquals(0, results.getInt(1)); assertTrue(results.wasNull()); assertFalse(; results.close(); } { ResultSet results = query("select a from foo where a is not null"); assertFalse(; results.close(); } } public void testNonNull() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer)"); execute("insert into foo (a) values (5)"); { ResultSet results = query("select a from foo"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(5, results.getInt(1)); assertFalse(results.wasNull()); assertFalse(; results.close(); } checkWrongWayToLookForNull(); { ResultSet results = query("select a from foo where a is null"); assertFalse(; results.close(); } { ResultSet results = query("select a from foo where a is not null"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(5, results.getInt(1)); assertFalse(results.wasNull()); assertFalse(; results.close(); } } public void testWasNullGetsClearedForNextColumn() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer, b integer)"); execute("insert into foo (a, b) values (null, 5)"); ResultSet results = query("select a, b from foo"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(0, results.getInt("a")); assertTrue(results.wasNull()); assertEquals(5, results.getInt("b")); assertFalse(results.wasNull()); assertFalse(; } public void testWasNullGetsClearedForNextRow() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer)"); execute("insert into foo (a) values (null)"); execute("insert into foo (a) values (7)"); ResultSet results = query("select a from foo"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(0, results.getInt("a")); assertTrue(results.wasNull()); assertTrue(; assertEquals(7, results.getInt("a")); assertFalse(results.wasNull()); assertFalse(; } private void checkWrongWayToLookForNull() throws SQLException { String wrongWayToLookForNull = "select a from foo where a = null"; if (dialect.disallowNullsInExpressions()) { expectQueryFailure(wrongWayToLookForNull, "To check for null, use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL, not a null literal" ); } else { // Hypersonic behavior. I think SQL specifies that "a = null" // evaluates to null, which then means false, but is this // really useful or just a trap? Until proven otherwise, // I'm going with "trap". ResultSet results = query(wrongWayToLookForNull); assertFalse(; results.close(); } } public void testAssertResultSetAndNull() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer)"); execute("insert into foo (a) values (5)"); execute("insert into foo (a) values (null)"); assertResultSet( new String[] { " 5 ", " null " }, query("select a from foo") ); } public void testEmptyStringAsNull() throws Exception { /* Oracle treats empty string as null (although the documentation claims this may change in some future version of Oracle). Here we test for the standard behavior - '' and null are different. */ execute("create table foo (a varchar(255), b varchar(255))"); execute("insert into foo(a, b) values ('', 'empty string')"); execute("insert into foo(a, b) values (null, 'a null')"); assertResultSet(new String[] { " 'a null' "}, query("select b from foo where a is null")); } public void testExpressionInInsert() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a varchar(255))"); if (dialect.verticalBarsMeanConcatenation()) { execute("insert into foo(a) values ('cat' || 'e' || 'gory')"); } else { execute("insert into foo(a) values (concat('cat', 'e', 'gory'))"); } assertResultSet( new String[] { " 'category' " }, query("select a from foo") ); } public void testNullInInsertExpression() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer)"); String insertNullExpression = "insert into foo(a) values (5 + null)"; if (dialect.disallowNullsInExpressions()) { expectExecuteFailure(insertNullExpression, "Specify a null literal rather than an expression containing one"); assertResultSet(new String[] { }, query("select a from foo")); } else { execute(insertNullExpression); assertResultSet(new String[] { " null " }, query("select a from foo")); } } public void testNullInUpdateExpression() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer)"); execute("insert into foo(a) values(10)"); String nullExpression = "update foo set a = 5 + null"; if (dialect.disallowNullsInExpressions()) { expectExecuteFailure(nullExpression, "Specify a null literal rather than an expression containing one"); assertResultSet(new String[] { " 10 " }, query("select a from foo")); } else { execute(nullExpression); assertResultSet(new String[] { " null " }, query("select a from foo")); } } public void testInsertSomeColumns() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer, b integer)"); execute("insert into foo (b) values (5)"); assertResultSet( new String[] { " null, 5 " }, query("select a, b from foo") ); } public void testInsertAllColumns() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer, b integer)"); execute("insert into foo values (5, 7)"); assertResultSet( new String[] { " 5, 7 " }, query("select a, b from foo") ); } public void testInsertBadColumnName() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer)"); // Do we want to know about all of them, or just the first? // Just the first might be better in terms of avoiding // information overload. expectExecuteFailure("insert into foo (b, c) values (5, 7)", "no column b"); } public void testInsertIntoNonexistentTable() throws Exception { expectExecuteFailure("INSERT INTO FOO (b) values (5)", "no table FOO"); } public void testInsertSetSyntax() throws Exception { execute("create table t(x integer, y integer)"); String sql = "insert into t set x=123, y=456"; if (dialect.haveInsertSetSyntax()) { execute(sql); assertResultSet( new String[] { " 123, 456 " }, query("select x, y from t") ); } else { expectExecuteFailure(sql, "expected VALUES but got SET"); } } public void testReferenceToColumn() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer, b integer)"); String referToValueWeInsert = "insert into foo(a, b) values (5, a + 3)"; String referToUnsetColumn = "insert into foo(a) values (foo.b)"; if (dialect.valuesClauseCanReferToColumn()) { execute(referToValueWeInsert); execute(referToUnsetColumn); assertResultSet(new String[] { "5, 8", "null, null" }, query("select a,b from foo")); } else { expectExecuteFailure(referToValueWeInsert, "values clause may not refer to column: a", 1, 34, 1, 35); expectExecuteFailure(referToUnsetColumn, "values clause may not refer to column: foo.b"); } } public void testTooManyValues() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer)"); // Given a long list of column names, and a long list of values, // it might not be obvious which value/name is missing/surplus. // So printing out the table of both is an attempt to make this // easy to figure out. expectExecuteFailure("insert into foo (a) values (5, 7)", "Too many values.\n" + "Columns and values were:\n" + "a 5\n" + "(none) 7\n", 1, 21, 1, 34 ); } public void testTooFewValues() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer, b integer)"); // Given a long list of column names, and a long list of values, // it might not be obvious which value/name is missing/surplus. // So printing out the table of both is an attempt to make this // easy to figure out. expectExecuteFailure("insert into foo (a, b) values (5)", "Too few values.\n" + "Columns and values were:\n" + "a 5\n" + "b (none)\n", 1, 24, 1, 34 ); } public void testInsertAllColumnsChecksForNumberOfValues() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (a integer, b integer)"); String insertSql = "insert into foo values (5)"; if (dialect.numberOfValuesMustMatchNumberOfColumns()) { expectExecuteFailure(insertSql, "Too few values.\n" + "Columns and values were:\n" + "a 5\n" + "b (none)\n" ); } else { execute(insertSql); assertResultList(new String[] { " 5, null " }, query("select * from foo")); } } public void testDuplicateColumnName() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (Id integer)"); expectExecuteFailure("insert into foo (Id, Id) values (5, 7)", "duplicate column Id"); } public void testNegativeNumber() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x integer)"); execute("insert into foo (x) values (-5)"); execute("insert into foo (x) values (-3)"); execute("insert into foo (x) values (+7)"); assertResultSet(new String[] { " -5 " }, query("select x from foo where x < -4")); } public void testReadInteger() throws Exception { execute("create table foo (x integer)"); execute("insert into foo (x) values (5)"); ResultSet results = query("select x from foo"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(5, results.getInt("x")); assertEquals("5", results.getString("x")); assertEquals(5.0, results.getDouble("x"), 0.00001); assertFalse(; } /** * @internal * In allowing duplicate rows, SQL does not follow the relational model. * But we are probably stuck with allowing the duplicates, I suspect. */ public void testIdenticalRows() throws Exception { execute("create table foo(x integer, y varchar(255))"); execute("insert into foo(x, y) values(5, 'dup')"); execute("insert into foo(x, y) values(5, 'dup')"); assertResultList(new String[] { " 5, 'dup' ", " 5, 'dup' " }, query("select x,y from foo")); } }