package net.sourceforge.mayfly; import junit.framework.TestCase; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.acceptance.SqlTestCase; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.datastore.DataStore; import net.sourceforge.mayfly.dump.SqlDumper; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; public class DatabaseTest extends TestCase { private Database database; @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { database = new Database(); } public void testCreateAndDrop() throws Exception { database.execute("CREATE TABLE FOO (A integer)"); assertEquals(Collections.singleton("FOO"), database.tables()); database.execute("DROP TABLE Foo"); assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_SET, database.tables()); } public void testCreateWithOneColumn() throws Exception { database.execute("CREATE TABLE Foo (A integer)"); assertEquals(Collections.singleton("Foo"), database.tables()); assertEquals(Collections.singletonList("A"), database.columnNames("fOo")); } public void testInsert() throws Exception { database.execute("CREATE TABLE FOO (A integer)"); assertEquals(0, database.rowCount("foo")); database.execute("INSERT INTO FOO (A) values (5)"); assertEquals(1, database.rowCount("foo")); } public void testSnapshot() throws Exception { Database original = new Database(); original.execute("create table foo (a integer)"); original.execute("insert into foo(a) values(6)"); DataStore dataStore = original.dataStore(); Database snapshot = new Database(dataStore); snapshot.execute("insert into foo (a) values (70)"); snapshot.execute("create table bar (b integer)"); original.execute("create table foo2 (c integer)"); assertEquals(new TreeSet(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"foo", "bar"})), snapshot.tables()); assertEquals(2, snapshot.rowCount("Foo")); assertEquals(new TreeSet(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"foo", "foo2"})), original.tables()); assertEquals(1, original.rowCount("Foo")); } public void testTables() throws Exception { database.execute("create table inAnonymousSchema (x integer)"); database.execute("create schema mars authorization dba create table foo (x integer)"); assertEquals(Collections.singleton("inAnonymousSchema"), database.tables()); database.execute("set schema mars"); assertEquals(Collections.singleton("foo"), database.tables()); } public void testColumnNames() throws Exception { database.execute("create table inAnonymousSchema (x integer)"); database.execute("create schema mars authorization dba create table foo (y integer)"); assertEquals(Collections.singletonList("x"), database.columnNames("inAnonymousSchema")); database.execute("set schema mars"); assertEquals(Collections.singletonList("y"), database.columnNames("foo")); try { database.columnNames("nosuch"); fail(); } catch (MayflyException e) { assertEquals("no table nosuch", e.getMessage()); } } public void testIndexesOnNonexistentTable() throws Exception { try { database.indexes("nosuch"); fail(); } catch (MayflyException e) { assertEquals("no table nosuch", e.getMessage()); } } public void testNoIndexes() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(x integer)"); assertEquals(0, database.indexes("foo").size()); } public void testReturnIndexes() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(x integer)"); database.execute("create index an_index_name on foo(x)"); List<String> indexes = database.indexes("foo"); assertEquals(1, indexes.size()); assertEquals("an_index_name", indexes.get(0)); } public void testQueryAndSchema() throws Exception { database.execute("create table inAnonymousSchema (x integer)"); database.execute("create schema mars authorization dba create table foo (y integer)"); String fooQuery = "select * from foo"; try { database.query(fooQuery); fail(); } catch (MayflyException e) { assertEquals("no table foo", e.getMessage()); } database.execute("set schema mars"); SqlTestCase.assertResultSet(new String[] { }, database.query(fooQuery)); } public void testSchemas() throws Exception { database.execute("create schema MARS authorization dba create table foo (x integer)"); database.execute("create schema Venus authorization dba create table foo (x integer)"); Set expected = new TreeSet(); expected.add("MARS"); expected.add("Venus"); assertEquals(expected, database.schemas()); } public void testScript() throws Exception { Reader script = new StringReader( "create table foo (x integer); insert into foo(x) values(5)" + ";insert into foo(x)values(7)" ); database.executeScript(script); SqlTestCase.assertResultSet( new String[] { "5", "7" }, database.query("select x from foo") ); } public void testScriptError() throws Exception { String command = "create table foo\n" + " (x integer,\n" + " y not)"; Reader script = new StringReader( command + ";" + "create table otherTable(a integer);"); try { database.executeScript(script); fail(); } catch (MayflyException e) { assertEquals("expected data type but got NOT", e.getMessage()); assertEquals(3, e.startLineNumber()); assertEquals(7, e.startColumn()); assertEquals(3, e.endLineNumber()); assertEquals(10, e.endColumn()); assertEquals(command, e.failingCommand()); } } public void testFailingCommandFromDatabase() throws Exception { database.execute("create table foo(x integer not null)"); try { database.execute("insert into foo(x) values(null)"); fail(); } catch (MayflyException e) { assertEquals("column x cannot be null", e.getMessage()); assertEquals("insert into foo(x) values(null)", e.failingCommand()); } } public void testRenameColumn() throws Exception { Database database = new Database(); database.execute( "create table foo(a integer, b integer, c integer, " + "primary key(a, b))"); database.execute("create index an_index on foo(c)"); database.execute("alter table foo change column a aa integer"); database.execute("alter table foo change column c cc integer"); String dump = new SqlDumper().dump(database.dataStore()); assertEquals("CREATE TABLE foo(\n" + " aa INTEGER,\n" + " b INTEGER,\n" + " cc INTEGER,\n" + " PRIMARY KEY(aa, b)\n" + ");\n" + "CREATE INDEX an_index ON foo(cc);\n\n", dump); } public void testRenameForeignKeyTarget() throws Exception { Database database = new Database(); database.execute("create table foo(id integer primary key)"); database.execute("create table bar(foo_id integer," + "foreign key(foo_id) references foo(id))"); String rename = "alter table foo change column id identifier integer"; if (false) { database.execute(rename); String dump = new SqlDumper().dump(database.dataStore()); assertEquals("CREATE TABLE foo(\n" + " identifier INTEGER,\n" + " PRIMARY KEY(identifier)\n" + ");\n\n" + "CREATE TABLE bar(\n" + " foo_id INTEGER,\n" + " FOREIGN KEY(foo_id) REFERENCES foo(identifier)\n" + ");\n\n", dump); } else { /* We wish we were able to just rename the identifier in the foreign key. But at a minimum, throw an exception rather than leave the foreign key dangling and pointing at a nonexistent column. */ try { database.execute(rename); fail(); } catch (MayflyException e) { assertEquals( "the column id is referenced by " + "a foreign key in table bar, column foo_id", e.getMessage()); } } } }