/* * Copyright 2008 Ayman Al-Sairafi ayman.alsairafi@gmail.com * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License * at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jsyntaxpane; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import javax.swing.text.Segment; import javax.swing.text.TabExpander; /** * This class represents the Style for a TokenType. This class is responsible * for actually drawing a Token on the View. * * @author Ayman Al-Sairafi */ public final class SyntaxStyle { private Color color; private int fontStyle; public SyntaxStyle() { super(); } public SyntaxStyle(Color color, boolean bold, boolean italic) { super(); this.color = color; setBold(bold); setItalic(italic); } public SyntaxStyle(Color color, int fontStyle) { super(); this.color = color; this.fontStyle = fontStyle; } public SyntaxStyle(String str) { String[] parts = str.split("\\s*,\\s*"); if (parts.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("style not correct format: " + str); } this.color = new Color(Integer.decode(parts[0])); this.fontStyle = Integer.decode(parts[1]); } public boolean isBold() { return (fontStyle & Font.BOLD) != 0; } public void setBold(Boolean bold) { if (bold) { fontStyle |= Font.BOLD; } else { int mask = -1 ^ Font.BOLD; fontStyle = (fontStyle & (mask)); } } public String getColorString() { return String.format("0x%06x", color.getRGB() & 0x00ffffff); } public void setColorString(String color) { this.color = Color.decode(color); } public Boolean isItalic() { return (fontStyle & Font.ITALIC) != 0; } public void setItalic(Boolean italic) { if (italic) { fontStyle |= Font.ITALIC; } else { fontStyle = (fontStyle & (-1 ^ Font.ITALIC)); } } public int getFontStyle() { return fontStyle; } public Color getColor() { return color; } /** * Draw text. This can directly call the Utilities.drawTabbedText. * Sub-classes can override this method to provide any other decorations. * @param segment - the source of the text * @param x - the X origin >= 0 * @param y - the Y origin >= 0 * @param graphics - the graphics context * @param e - how to expand the tabs. If this value is null, tabs will be * expanded as a space character. * @param startOffset - starting offset of the text in the document >= 0 * @return */ public int drawText(Segment segment, int x, int y, Graphics graphics, TabExpander e, int startOffset) { graphics.setFont(graphics.getFont().deriveFont(getFontStyle())); FontMetrics fontMetrics = graphics.getFontMetrics(); int a = fontMetrics.getAscent(); int h = a + fontMetrics.getDescent(); //JPEXS: UniTools for multi fonts int w = UniTools.getTabbedTextWidth(graphics,segment,0, e, startOffset); int rX = x - 1; int rY = y - a; int rW = w + 2; int rH = h; if ((getFontStyle() & 0x10) != 0) { graphics.setColor(Color.decode("#EEEEEE")); graphics.fillRect(rX, rY, rW, rH); } graphics.setColor(getColor()); //JPEXS: UniTools for multi fonts x = UniTools.drawTabbedText(segment, x, y, graphics, e, startOffset); if ((getFontStyle() & 0x8) != 0) { graphics.setColor(Color.RED); graphics.drawRect(rX, rY, rW, rH); } return x; } }