/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 JPEXS, All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. */ package com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.exporters.morphshape; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.SWF; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.exporters.commonshape.Matrix; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.exporters.commonshape.Point; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.exporters.shape.CanvasShapeExporter; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.tags.DefineMorphShapeTag; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.tags.base.ImageTag; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.types.ColorTransform; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.types.FILLSTYLE; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.types.GRADIENT; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.types.GRADRECORD; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.types.LINESTYLE2; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.types.RECT; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.types.RGB; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.types.RGBA; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.types.SHAPE; import com.jpexs.helpers.Helper; import com.jpexs.helpers.SerializableImage; /** * * @author JPEXS */ public class CanvasMorphShapeExporter extends MorphShapeExporterBase { protected static final String DRAW_COMMAND_M = "M"; protected static final String DRAW_COMMAND_L = "L"; protected static final String DRAW_COMMAND_Q = "Q"; protected String currentDrawCommand = ""; protected double deltaX = 0; protected double deltaY = 0; protected StringBuilder pathData = new StringBuilder(); protected StringBuilder fillData = new StringBuilder(); protected double unitDivisor; protected StringBuilder shapeData = new StringBuilder(); protected StringBuilder strokeData = new StringBuilder(); protected Matrix fillMatrix = null; protected Matrix fillMatrixEnd = null; protected String lastRadColor = null; protected int repeatCnt = 0; protected SWF swf; protected StringBuilder lineFillData = null; protected String lineLastRadColor = null; protected Matrix lineFillMatrix = null; protected Matrix lineFillMatrixEnd = null; protected int lineRepeatCnt = 0; protected int fillWidth; protected int fillHeight; public CanvasMorphShapeExporter(SWF swf, SHAPE shape, SHAPE endShape, ColorTransform colorTransform, double unitDivisor, int deltaX, int deltaY) { super(shape, endShape, colorTransform); this.deltaX = deltaX; this.deltaY = deltaY; this.unitDivisor = unitDivisor; this.swf = swf; } private String getDrawJs(int width, int height, String id, RECT rect) { return "var originalWidth=" + width + ";\r\nvar originalHeight=" + height + ";\r\n function drawFrame(ctx,ratio){\r\n" + "\tctx.save();\r\n\tctx.transform(canvas.width/originalWidth,0,0,canvas.height/originalHeight,0,0);\r\n" + "\tplace(\"" + id + "\",canvas,ctx,[" + (1 / unitDivisor) + ",0.0,0.0," + (1 / unitDivisor) + "," + (-rect.Xmin / unitDivisor) + "," + (-rect.Ymin / unitDivisor) + "],ctrans,1,0,ratio,0);\r\n" + "\tctx.restore();\r\n}\r\n"; } public String getHtml(String needed, String id, RECT rect) { int width = (int) (rect.getWidth() / unitDivisor); int height = (int) (rect.getHeight() / unitDivisor); return CanvasShapeExporter.getHtmlPrefix(width, height) + getJsPrefix() + needed + getDrawJs(width, height, id, rect) + getJsSuffix(width, height) + CanvasShapeExporter.getHtmlSuffix(); } private static String getJsSuffix(int width, int height) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); int step = Math.round(65535 / 100); int rate = 10; ret.append("var step = ").append(step).append(";\r\n"); ret.append("var ratio = -1;\r\n"); ret.append("function nextFrame(ctx){\r\n"); ret.append("\tctx.clearRect(0,0,").append(width).append(",").append(height).append(");\r\n"); ret.append("\tratio = (ratio+step)%65535;\r\n"); ret.append("\tdrawFrame(ctx,ratio);\r\n"); ret.append("}\r\n"); ret.append("window.setInterval(function(){nextFrame(ctx)},").append(rate).append(");\r\n"); ret.append(CanvasShapeExporter.getJsSuffix()); return ret.toString(); } private static String getJsPrefix() { String ret = CanvasShapeExporter.getJsPrefix(); return ret; } @Override public void beginShape() { } @Override public void endShape() { } @Override public void beginFills() { } @Override public void endFills() { } @Override public void beginLines() { } @Override public void endLines() { finalizePath(); } @Override public void beginFill(RGB color, RGB colorEnd) { finalizePath(); fillData.append("\tctx.fillStyle=").append(useRatioColor(color, colorEnd)).append(";\r\n"); } @Override public void beginGradientFill(int type, GRADRECORD[] gradientRecords, GRADRECORD[] gradientRecordsEnd, Matrix matrix, Matrix matrixEnd, int spreadMethod, int interpolationMethod, float focalPointRatio, float focalPointRatioEnd) { finalizePath(); //TODO: How many repeats is ideal? final int REPEAT_CNT = 5; repeatCnt = spreadMethod == GRADIENT.SPREAD_PAD_MODE ? 0 : REPEAT_CNT; if (type == FILLSTYLE.LINEAR_GRADIENT) { Point start = matrix.transform(new Point(-16384 - 32768 * repeatCnt, 0)); Point end = matrix.transform(new Point(16384 + 32768 * repeatCnt, 0)); start.x += deltaX; start.y += deltaY; end.x += deltaX; end.y += deltaY; Point start2 = matrixEnd.transform(new Point(-16384 - 32768 * repeatCnt, 0)); Point end2 = matrixEnd.transform(new Point(16384 + 32768 * repeatCnt, 0)); start2.x += deltaX; start2.y += deltaY; end2.x += deltaX; end2.y += deltaY; fillData.append("\tvar grd=ctx.createLinearGradient(").append(useRatioPos(start.x, start2.x)).append(",").append(useRatioPos(start.y, start2.y)).append(",").append(useRatioPos(end.x, end2.x)).append(",").append(useRatioPos(end.y, end2.y)).append(");\r\n"); } else { fillMatrix = matrix; fillMatrixEnd = matrixEnd; fillData.append("\tvar grd=ctx.createRadialGradient(").append(useRatioDouble(focalPointRatio * 16384, focalPointRatioEnd * 16384)).append(",0,0,0,0,").append(16384 + 32768 * repeatCnt).append(");\r\n"); } int repeatTotal = repeatCnt * 2 + 1; double oneHeight = 1.0 / repeatTotal; double pos = 0; boolean revert = false; if (type != FILLSTYLE.LINEAR_GRADIENT && spreadMethod == GRADIENT.SPREAD_REFLECT_MODE) { revert = true; } for (int i = 0; i < repeatTotal; i++) { if (spreadMethod == GRADIENT.SPREAD_REFLECT_MODE) { revert = !revert; } for (int j = 0; j < gradientRecords.length; j++) { GRADRECORD r = gradientRecords[j]; GRADRECORD r2 = gradientRecordsEnd[j]; fillData.append("\tvar s = ").append(useRatioDouble( pos + (oneHeight * (revert ? 255 - r.ratio : r.ratio) / 255.0), pos + (oneHeight * (revert ? 255 - r2.ratio : r2.ratio) / 255.0) )).append(";\r\n\tif(s<0) s = 0;\r\n\tif(s>1) s = 1;\r\n"); fillData.append("\tgrd.addColorStop(s,").append(useRatioColor(r.color, r2.color)).append(");\r\n"); lastRadColor = useRatioColor(r.color, r2.color); } pos += oneHeight; } fillData.append("\tctx.fillStyle = grd;\r\n"); } @Override public void beginBitmapFill(int bitmapId, Matrix matrix, Matrix matrixEnd, boolean repeat, boolean smooth, ColorTransform colorTransform) { finalizePath(); ImageTag image = swf.getImage(bitmapId); if (image != null) { SerializableImage img = image.getImageCached(); if (img != null) { fillWidth = img.getWidth(); fillHeight = img.getHeight(); if (colorTransform != null) { colorTransform.apply(img); } if (matrix != null) { fillMatrix = matrix; fillMatrixEnd = matrixEnd; } fillData.append("\tvar fimg = ctrans.applyToImage(imageObj").append(bitmapId).append(");\r\n"); fillData.append("\tvar pat=ctx.createPattern(fimg,\"repeat\");\r\n"); fillData.append("\tctx.fillStyle = pat;\r\n"); } } } @Override public void endFill() { finalizePath(); } @Override public void lineStyle(double thickness, double thicknessEnd, RGB color, RGB colorEnd, boolean pixelHinting, String scaleMode, int startCaps, int endCaps, int joints, float miterLimit) { finalizePath(); thickness /= SWF.unitDivisor; thicknessEnd /= SWF.unitDivisor; strokeData.append("\tvar scaleMode = \"").append(scaleMode).append("\";\r\n"); if (color != null) { //for gradient line fill strokeData.append("\tctx.strokeStyle=").append(useRatioColor(color, colorEnd)).append(";\r\n"); } strokeData.append("\tctx.lineWidth=").append(useRatioDouble(thickness, thicknessEnd)).append(";\r\n"); switch (startCaps) { case LINESTYLE2.NO_CAP: strokeData.append("\tctx.lineCap=\"butt\";\r\n"); break; case LINESTYLE2.SQUARE_CAP: strokeData.append("\tctx.lineCap=\"square\";\r\n"); break; default: strokeData.append("\tctx.lineCap=\"round\";\r\n"); break; } switch (joints) { case LINESTYLE2.BEVEL_JOIN: strokeData.append("\tctx.lineJoin=\"bevel\";\r\n"); break; case LINESTYLE2.ROUND_JOIN: strokeData.append("\tctx.lineJoin=\"round\";\r\n"); break; default: strokeData.append("\tctx.lineJoin=\"miter\";\r\n"); strokeData.append("\tctx.miterLimit=").append(miterLimit).append(";\r\n"); break; } } @Override public void lineGradientStyle(int type, GRADRECORD[] gradientRecords, GRADRECORD[] gradientRecordsEnd, Matrix matrix, Matrix matrixEnd, int spreadMethod, int interpolationMethod, float focalPointRatio, float focalPointRatioEnd) { lineFillData = new StringBuilder(); //TODO: How many repeats is ideal? final int REPEAT_CNT = 5; lineRepeatCnt = spreadMethod == GRADIENT.SPREAD_PAD_MODE ? 0 : REPEAT_CNT; if (type == FILLSTYLE.LINEAR_GRADIENT) { Point start = matrix.transform(new Point(-16384 - 32768 * repeatCnt, 0)); Point end = matrix.transform(new Point(16384 + 32768 * repeatCnt, 0)); start.x += deltaX; start.y += deltaY; end.x += deltaX; end.y += deltaY; Point start2 = matrixEnd.transform(new Point(-16384 - 32768 * repeatCnt, 0)); Point end2 = matrixEnd.transform(new Point(16384 + 32768 * repeatCnt, 0)); start2.x += deltaX; start2.y += deltaY; end2.x += deltaX; end2.y += deltaY; lineFillData.append("\tvar grd=ctx.createLinearGradient(").append(useRatioPos(start.x, start2.x)).append(",").append(useRatioPos(start.y, start2.y)).append(",").append(useRatioPos(end.x, end2.x)).append(",").append(useRatioPos(end.y, end2.y)).append(");\r\n"); } else { lineFillMatrix = matrix; lineFillMatrixEnd = matrixEnd; lineFillData.append("\tvar grd=ctx.createRadialGradient(").append(useRatioDouble(focalPointRatio * 16384, focalPointRatioEnd * 16384)).append(",0,0,0,0,").append(16384 + 32768 * repeatCnt).append(");\r\n"); } int repeatTotal = lineRepeatCnt * 2 + 1; double oneHeight = 1.0 / repeatTotal; double pos = 0; boolean revert = false; if (type != FILLSTYLE.LINEAR_GRADIENT && spreadMethod == GRADIENT.SPREAD_REFLECT_MODE) { revert = true; } for (int i = 0; i < repeatTotal; i++) { if (spreadMethod == GRADIENT.SPREAD_REFLECT_MODE) { revert = !revert; } for (int j = 0; j < gradientRecords.length; j++) { GRADRECORD r = gradientRecords[j]; GRADRECORD r2 = gradientRecordsEnd[j]; lineFillData.append("\tvar s=").append(useRatioDouble(pos + (oneHeight * (revert ? 255 - r.ratio : r.ratio) / 255.0), pos + (oneHeight * (revert ? 255 - r2.ratio : r2.ratio) / 255.0))).append(";\r\n"); lineFillData.append("\tif(s<0) s = 0;\r\n\tif(s>1) s = 1;\r\n"); lineFillData.append("\tgrd.addColorStop(s,").append(useRatioColor(r.color, r2.color)).append(");\r\n"); lineLastRadColor = useRatioColor(r.color, r2.color); } pos += oneHeight; } lineFillData.append("\tctx.fillStyle = grd;\r\n"); String preStrokeData = ""; preStrokeData += "\tvar lcanvas = document.createElement(\"canvas\");\r\n"; preStrokeData += "\tlcanvas.width = canvas.width;\r\n"; preStrokeData += "\tlcanvas.height=canvas.height;\r\n"; preStrokeData += "\tvar lctx = lcanvas.getContext(\"2d\");\r\n"; preStrokeData += "\tenhanceContext(lctx);\r\n"; preStrokeData += "\tlctx.applyTransforms(ctx._matrix);\r\n"; preStrokeData += "\tctx = lctx;\r\n"; strokeData.insert(0, preStrokeData); } @Override public void moveTo(double x, double y, double x2, double y2) { currentDrawCommand = DRAW_COMMAND_M; pathData.append(currentDrawCommand).append(" "); x += deltaX; y += deltaY; x2 += deltaX; y2 += deltaY; pathData.append(Helper.doubleStr(x / unitDivisor)).append(" ") .append(Helper.doubleStr(x2 / unitDivisor)).append(" ") .append(Helper.doubleStr(y / unitDivisor)).append(" ") .append(Helper.doubleStr(y2 / unitDivisor)).append(" "); } @Override public void lineTo(double x, double y, double x2, double y2) { if (!currentDrawCommand.equals(DRAW_COMMAND_L)) { currentDrawCommand = DRAW_COMMAND_L; pathData.append(currentDrawCommand).append(" "); } x += deltaX; y += deltaY; x2 += deltaX; y2 += deltaY; pathData.append(Helper.doubleStr(x / unitDivisor)).append(" ") .append(Helper.doubleStr(x2 / unitDivisor)).append(" ") .append(Helper.doubleStr(y / unitDivisor)).append(" ") .append(Helper.doubleStr(y2 / unitDivisor)).append(" "); } @Override public void curveTo(double controlX, double controlY, double anchorX, double anchorY, double controlX2, double controlY2, double anchorX2, double anchorY2) { if (!currentDrawCommand.equals(DRAW_COMMAND_Q)) { currentDrawCommand = DRAW_COMMAND_Q; pathData.append(currentDrawCommand).append(" "); } controlX += deltaX; anchorX += deltaX; controlY += deltaY; anchorY += deltaY; controlX2 += deltaX; anchorX2 += deltaX; controlY2 += deltaY; anchorY2 += deltaY; pathData.append(Helper.doubleStr(controlX / unitDivisor)).append(" ") .append(Helper.doubleStr(controlX2 / unitDivisor)).append(" ") .append(Helper.doubleStr(controlY / unitDivisor)).append(" ") .append(Helper.doubleStr(controlY2 / unitDivisor)).append(" ") .append(Helper.doubleStr(anchorX / unitDivisor)).append(" ") .append(Helper.doubleStr(anchorX2 / unitDivisor)).append(" ") .append(Helper.doubleStr(anchorY / unitDivisor)).append(" ") .append(Helper.doubleStr(anchorY2 / unitDivisor)).append(" "); } protected void finalizePath() { if (pathData != null && pathData.length() > 0) { shapeData.append("\tvar pathData=\"").append(pathData.toString().trim()).append("\";\r\n"); String drawStroke = "\tdrawMorphPath(ctx,pathData,ratio,true,scaleMode);\r\n"; String drawFill = "\tdrawMorphPath(ctx,pathData,ratio,false);\r\n";; pathData = new StringBuilder(); if (lineFillData != null) { StringBuilder preLineFillData = new StringBuilder(); preLineFillData.append("\tvar oldctx = ctx;\r\n"); preLineFillData.append("\tctx.save();\r\n"); preLineFillData.append(strokeData); preLineFillData.append(drawStroke); preLineFillData.append("\tvar lfcanvas = document.createElement(\"canvas\");\r\n"); preLineFillData.append("\tlfcanvas.width = canvas.width;\r\n"); preLineFillData.append("\tlfcanvas.height = canvas.height;\r\n"); preLineFillData.append("\tvar lfctx = lfcanvas.getContext(\"2d\");\r\n"); preLineFillData.append("\tenhanceContext(lfctx);\r\n"); preLineFillData.append("\tlfctx.applyTransforms(ctx._matrix);\r\n"); preLineFillData.append("\tctx = lfctx;"); if (lineLastRadColor != null) { preLineFillData.append("\tctx.fillStyle=").append(lineLastRadColor).append(";\r\n ctx.fill(\"evenodd\");\r\n"); } preLineFillData.append("\tctx.transform(").append(useRatioDouble(lineFillMatrix.scaleX / unitDivisor, lineFillMatrixEnd.scaleX / unitDivisor)) .append(",").append(useRatioDouble(lineFillMatrix.rotateSkew0 / unitDivisor, lineFillMatrixEnd.rotateSkew0 / unitDivisor)) .append(",").append(useRatioDouble(lineFillMatrix.rotateSkew1 / unitDivisor, lineFillMatrixEnd.rotateSkew1 / unitDivisor)) .append(",").append(useRatioDouble(lineFillMatrix.scaleY / unitDivisor, lineFillMatrixEnd.scaleY / unitDivisor)) .append(",").append(useRatioDouble((lineFillMatrix.translateX + deltaX) / unitDivisor, (lineFillMatrixEnd.translateX + deltaX) / unitDivisor)) .append(",").append(useRatioDouble((lineFillMatrix.translateY + deltaY) / unitDivisor, (lineFillMatrixEnd.translateY + deltaY) / unitDivisor)).append(");\r\n"); lineFillData.insert(0, preLineFillData); lineFillData.append("\tctx.fillRect(").append(-16384 - 32768 * lineRepeatCnt) .append(",").append(-16384 - 32768 * lineRepeatCnt) .append(",").append(2 * 16384 + 32768 * 2 * lineRepeatCnt) .append(",").append(2 * 16384 + 32768 * 2 * lineRepeatCnt).append(");\r\n"); lineFillData.append("\tctx = oldctx;\r\n"); //lcanvas - stroke //lfcanvas - stroke background lineFillData.append("\tvar limgd = lctx.getImageData(0, 0, lcanvas.width, lcanvas.height);\r\n" + "\tvar lpix = limgd.data;\r\n" + "\tvar lfimgd = lfctx.getImageData(0, 0, lfcanvas.width, lfcanvas.height);\r\n" + "\tvar lfpix = lfimgd.data;\r\n" + "\tvar imgd = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);\r\n" + "\tvar pix = imgd.data;\r\n" + "\tfor (var i = 0; i < lpix.length; i += 4) {\r\n" + "\t\tif(lpix[i+3]>0){ pix[i] = lfpix[i]; pix[i+1] = lfpix[i+1]; pix[i+2] = lfpix[i+2]; pix[i+3] = lfpix[i+3];}\r\n" + "\t}\r\n" + "\tctx.putImageData(imgd, 0, 0);\r\n"); lineFillData.append("\tctx.restore();\r\n"); strokeData = new StringBuilder(); } else { pathData.append(strokeData); } if (fillMatrix != null) { pathData.append(drawFill); if (lastRadColor != null) { pathData.append("\tctx.fillStyle=").append(lastRadColor).append(";\r\n\tctx.fill(\"evenodd\");\r\n"); } pathData.append("\tctx.save();\r\n"); pathData.append("\tctx.clip();\r\n"); pathData.append("\tctx.transform(").append(useRatioDouble(fillMatrix.scaleX / unitDivisor, fillMatrixEnd.scaleX / unitDivisor)) .append(",").append(useRatioDouble(fillMatrix.rotateSkew0 / unitDivisor, fillMatrixEnd.rotateSkew0 / unitDivisor)) .append(",").append(useRatioDouble(fillMatrix.rotateSkew1 / unitDivisor, fillMatrixEnd.rotateSkew1 / unitDivisor)) .append(",").append(useRatioDouble(fillMatrix.scaleY / unitDivisor, fillMatrixEnd.scaleY / unitDivisor)) .append(",").append(useRatioDouble((fillMatrix.translateX + deltaX) / unitDivisor, (fillMatrixEnd.translateX + deltaX) / unitDivisor)) .append(",").append(useRatioDouble((fillMatrix.translateY + deltaY) / unitDivisor, (fillMatrixEnd.translateY + deltaY) / unitDivisor)).append(");\r\n"); if (fillWidth > 0) {//repeating bitmap glitch fix //make bitmap 1px wider double s_w = (fillWidth + 1) / (double) fillWidth; double s_h = (fillHeight + 1) / (double) fillHeight; pathData.append("\tctx.transform(").append(s_w).append(",0,0,").append(s_h).append(",-0.5,-0.5);\r\n"); } pathData.append(fillData); pathData.append("\tctx.fillRect(").append(-16384 - 32768 * repeatCnt).append(",").append(-16384 - 32768 * repeatCnt).append(",").append(2 * 16384 + 32768 * 2 * repeatCnt).append(",").append(2 * 16384 + 32768 * 2 * repeatCnt).append(");\r\n"); pathData.append("\tctx.restore();\r\n"); shapeData.append(pathData); } else { if (fillData != null && fillData.length() > 0) { pathData.append(drawFill).append("\r\n\tctx.fill(\"evenodd\");\r\n"); } shapeData.append(fillData).append(pathData); } if (strokeData != null && strokeData.length() > 0) { shapeData.append(drawStroke).append("\r\n"); //"\tctx.stroke();\r\n"; } else if (lineFillData != null) { shapeData.append(lineFillData); } } repeatCnt = 0; pathData = new StringBuilder(); fillData = new StringBuilder(); strokeData = new StringBuilder(); fillMatrix = null; fillMatrixEnd = null; lastRadColor = null; lineRepeatCnt = 0; lineFillData = null; lineLastRadColor = null; lineFillMatrix = null; lineFillMatrixEnd = null; fillWidth = 0; fillHeight = 0; } private String useRatioPos(double a, double b) { return Helper.doubleStr(a / unitDivisor) + "+ratio*(" + Helper.doubleStr((b - a) / unitDivisor) + ")/" + DefineMorphShapeTag.MAX_RATIO; } private String useRatioInt(int a, int b) { return "Math.round(" + a + "+ratio*(" + ((b - a)) + ")/" + DefineMorphShapeTag.MAX_RATIO + ")"; } private String useRatioDouble(double a, double b) { return "" + a + "+ratio*(" + (Helper.doubleStr(b - a)) + ")/" + DefineMorphShapeTag.MAX_RATIO; } public String getShapeData() { return shapeData.toString(); } private String useRatioColor(RGB color, RGB colorEnd) { return "tocolor(ctrans.apply([" + useRatioInt(color.red, colorEnd.red) + "," + useRatioInt(color.green, colorEnd.green) + "," + useRatioInt(color.blue, colorEnd.blue) + ",((" + useRatioInt((color instanceof RGBA) ? ((RGBA) color).alpha : 255, (colorEnd instanceof RGBA) ? ((RGBA) colorEnd).alpha : 255) + ")/255)]))"; } }