package com.jpexs.proxy; import; import; public class ByteArray { public byte[] bytes; public int offset = 0; /** * Create a ByteArray with the default size. */ public ByteArray() { this(512); } /** * Create a ByteArray with a specific default size. */ public ByteArray(int size) { bytes = new byte[size]; } /** * Create a ByteArray from a String. */ public ByteArray(String s) { this(s.length()); append(s); } /** * Create a ByteArray from an array of bytes. */ public ByteArray(byte[] b) { this(b.length); append(b); } /** * Append a byte. */ public void append(byte ch) { if (offset == bytes.length) { byte[] tmpbytes = bytes; bytes = new byte[tmpbytes.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(tmpbytes, 0, bytes, 0, offset); } bytes[offset++] = ch; } /** * Append a ByteArray. */ public void append(ByteArray b) { if (bytes.length - offset < b.length()) { byte[] tmpbytes = bytes; bytes = new byte[tmpbytes.length + b.length()]; System.arraycopy(tmpbytes, 0, bytes, 0, offset); } System.arraycopy(b.bytes, 0, bytes, offset, b.length()); offset += b.length(); } /** * Append an array of bytes. */ public void append(byte[] b) { if (bytes.length - offset < b.length) { byte[] tmpbytes = bytes; bytes = new byte[tmpbytes.length + b.length]; System.arraycopy(tmpbytes, 0, bytes, 0, offset); } System.arraycopy(b, 0, bytes, offset, b.length); offset += b.length; } /** * Append a String. */ public void append(String s) { append(s.getBytes()); } /** * Convert to String. */ public String toString() { return new String(bytes, 0, offset); } /** * Return the bytes. */ public byte[] getBytes() { return bytes; } public void writeTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException { out.write(bytes, 0, offset); } public byte get(int i) { return bytes[i]; } /** * Return the number of bytes. */ public int length() { return offset; } public void erase() { offset = 0; } public void chop() { chop(1); } public void chop(int i) { offset -= i; if (offset < 0) { offset = 0; } } }