/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 JPEXS, All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. */ package com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.avm2.instructions.localregs; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.ABC; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.AVM2LocalData; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.avm2.AVM2ConstantPool; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.avm2.LocalDataArea; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.avm2.instructions.AVM2Instruction; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.avm2.instructions.InstructionDefinition; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.avm2.model.ClassAVM2Item; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.avm2.model.LocalRegAVM2Item; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.avm2.model.ScriptAVM2Item; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.avm2.model.ThisAVM2Item; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.types.Multiname; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.types.traits.Trait; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.ecma.Undefined; import com.jpexs.decompiler.graph.GraphTargetItem; import com.jpexs.decompiler.graph.NotCompileTimeItem; import com.jpexs.decompiler.graph.TranslateStack; import java.util.List; /** * * @author JPEXS */ public abstract class GetLocalTypeIns extends InstructionDefinition { public GetLocalTypeIns(int instructionCode, String instructionName, int[] operands, boolean canThrow) { super(instructionCode, instructionName, operands, canThrow); } @Override public boolean execute(LocalDataArea lda, AVM2ConstantPool constants, AVM2Instruction ins) { Object value = lda.localRegisters.get(getRegisterId(ins)); lda.operandStack.push(value == null ? Undefined.INSTANCE : value); return true; } @Override public void translate(AVM2LocalData localData, TranslateStack stack, AVM2Instruction ins, List<GraphTargetItem> output, String path) { int regId = getRegisterId(ins); if (regId == 0) { if ((localData.classIndex >= localData.getInstanceInfo().size()) || localData.classIndex < 0) { stack.push(new ScriptAVM2Item(localData.scriptIndex)); return; } if (localData.isStatic) { stack.push(new ClassAVM2Item(localData.getInstanceInfo().get(localData.classIndex).getName(localData.getConstants()))); } else { List<Trait> ts = localData.getInstanceInfo().get(localData.classIndex).instance_traits.traits; boolean isBasicObject = localData.thisHasDefaultToPrimitive; Multiname m = localData.getInstanceInfo().get(localData.classIndex).getName(localData.getConstants()); stack.push(new ThisAVM2Item(ins, localData.lineStartInstruction, m, m.getNameWithNamespace(localData.getConstants(), true), isBasicObject)); } return; } GraphTargetItem computedValue = localData.localRegs.get(regId); int assignCount = 0; if (localData.localRegAssignmentIps.containsKey(regId)) { assignCount = localData.localRegAssignmentIps.get(regId); } if (assignCount > 5) { //Do not allow change register more than 5 - for deobfuscation computedValue = new NotCompileTimeItem(ins, localData.lineStartInstruction, computedValue); } /*if (!isRegisterCompileTime(regId, ip, refs, code)) { computedValue = new NotCompileTimeAVM2Item(ins, localData.lineStartInstruction, computedValue); } if (computedValue == null) { if (!localRegNames.containsKey(regId)) { computedValue = new UndefinedAVM2Item(null); //In some obfuscated code there seems to be reading of undefined registers } }*/ stack.push(new LocalRegAVM2Item(ins, localData.lineStartInstruction, regId, computedValue)); } @Override public int getStackPushCount(AVM2Instruction ins, ABC abc) { return 1; } public abstract int getRegisterId(AVM2Instruction ins); }