/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 JPEXS, All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. */ package com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.helpers; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.configuration.Configuration; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.helpers.hilight.HighlightData; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.helpers.hilight.HighlightSpecialType; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.helpers.hilight.HighlightType; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.helpers.hilight.Highlighting; import com.jpexs.decompiler.graph.GraphSourceItem; import com.jpexs.helpers.Helper; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; /** * Provides methods for highlighting positions of instructions in the text. * * @author JPEXS */ public class HighlightedTextWriter extends GraphTextWriter { private final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); private final boolean hilight; private boolean newLine = true; private int indent = 0; private final Stack<GraphSourceItemPosition> offsets = new Stack<>(); private boolean toStringCalled = false; private int newLineCount = 0; private final Stack<Highlighting> hilightStack = new Stack<>(); public List<Highlighting> traitHilights = new ArrayList<>(); public List<Highlighting> classHilights = new ArrayList<>(); public List<Highlighting> methodHilights = new ArrayList<>(); public List<Highlighting> instructionHilights = new ArrayList<>(); public List<Highlighting> specialHilights = new ArrayList<>(); public HighlightedTextWriter(CodeFormatting formatting, boolean hilight) { super(formatting); this.hilight = hilight; } public HighlightedTextWriter(CodeFormatting formatting, boolean hilight, int indent) { super(formatting); this.hilight = hilight; this.indent = indent; } @Override public boolean getIsHighlighted() { return hilight; } /** * Highlights specified text as instruction by adding special tags * * @param src * @param startLineItem * @param pos Offset of instruction * @param data * @return HighlightedTextWriter */ @Override public HighlightedTextWriter startOffset(GraphSourceItem src, GraphSourceItem startLineItem, int pos, HighlightData data) { GraphSourceItemPosition itemPos = new GraphSourceItemPosition(); itemPos.graphSourceItem = src; itemPos.startLineItem = startLineItem; itemPos.position = pos; itemPos.data = data; offsets.add(itemPos); return this; } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter endOffset() { offsets.pop(); return this; } /** * Highlights specified text as method by adding special tags * * @param index MethodInfo index * @return HighlightedTextWriter */ @Override public HighlightedTextWriter startMethod(long index) { HighlightData data = new HighlightData(); data.index = index; return start(data, HighlightType.METHOD); } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter startFunction(String name) { HighlightData data = new HighlightData(); data.localName = name; return start(data, HighlightType.METHOD); } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter endMethod() { return end(HighlightType.METHOD); } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter endFunction() { return end(HighlightType.METHOD); } /** * Highlights specified text as class by adding special tags * * @param index Class index * @return HighlightedTextWriter */ @Override public HighlightedTextWriter startClass(long index) { HighlightData data = new HighlightData(); data.index = index; return start(data, HighlightType.CLASS); } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter startClass(String className) { HighlightData data = new HighlightData(); data.localName = className; return start(data, HighlightType.CLASS); } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter endClass() { return end(HighlightType.CLASS); } /** * Highlights specified text as trait by adding special tags * * @param index Trait index * @return HighlightedTextWriter */ @Override public HighlightedTextWriter startTrait(long index) { HighlightData data = new HighlightData(); data.index = index; return start(data, HighlightType.TRAIT); } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter endTrait() { return end(HighlightType.TRAIT); } @Override protected HighlightedTextWriter hilightSpecial(String text, HighlightSpecialType type, String specialValue, HighlightData data) { HighlightData ndata = new HighlightData(); ndata.merge(data); ndata.subtype = type; ndata.specialValue = specialValue; start(ndata, HighlightType.SPECIAL); appendNoHilight(text); return end(HighlightType.SPECIAL); } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter append(String str) { return appendWithData(str, null); } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter appendWithData(String str, HighlightData data) { Highlighting h = null; if (!offsets.empty()) { GraphSourceItemPosition itemPos = offsets.peek(); GraphSourceItem src = itemPos.graphSourceItem; int pos = itemPos.position; if (src != null && hilight) { HighlightData ndata = new HighlightData(); ndata.merge(itemPos.data); ndata.merge(data); ndata.offset = src.getAddress() + pos; ndata.fileOffset = src.getFileOffset(); if (itemPos.startLineItem != null) { ndata.firstLineOffset = itemPos.startLineItem.getLineOffset(); } h = new Highlighting(sb.length() - newLineCount, ndata, HighlightType.OFFSET, str); instructionHilights.add(h); } } appendToSb(str); fixNewLineCount(str); if (h != null) { h.len = sb.length() - newLineCount - h.startPos; } return this; } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter append(String str, long offset, long fileOffset) { Highlighting h = null; if (hilight) { HighlightData data = new HighlightData(); data.offset = offset; data.fileOffset = fileOffset; h = new Highlighting(sb.length() - newLineCount, data, HighlightType.OFFSET, str); instructionHilights.add(h); } appendToSb(str); if (h != null) { h.len = sb.length() - newLineCount - h.startPos; } return this; } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter appendNoHilight(int i) { appendNoHilight(Integer.toString(i)); return this; } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter appendNoHilight(String str) { appendToSb(str); return this; } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter indent() { indent++; return this; } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter unindent() { indent--; return this; } @Override public HighlightedTextWriter newLine() { appendToSb(formatting.newLineChars); newLine = true; newLineCount++; return this; } @Override public int getLength() { return sb.length(); } @Override public int getIndent() { return indent; } @Override public String toString() { if (toStringCalled) { throw new Error("HighlightedTextWriter.toString() was already called."); } if (Configuration._debugMode.get()) { long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long time = stopTime - startTime; if (time > 500) { System.out.println("Rendering is too slow: " + Helper.formatTimeSec(time) + " length: " + sb.length()); } } toStringCalled = true; return sb.toString(); } private HighlightedTextWriter start(HighlightData data, HighlightType type) { if (hilight) { Highlighting h = new Highlighting(sb.length() - newLineCount, data, type, null); hilightStack.add(h); } return this; } private HighlightedTextWriter end(HighlightType expectedType) { if (hilight) { Highlighting h = hilightStack.pop(); h.len = sb.length() - newLineCount - h.startPos; if (!expectedType.equals(h.type)) { throw new Error("Hilighting mismatch."); } switch (h.type) { case CLASS: classHilights.add(h); break; case METHOD: methodHilights.add(h); break; case TRAIT: traitHilights.add(h); break; case SPECIAL: specialHilights.add(h); break; case OFFSET: instructionHilights.add(h); break; } } return this; } private void appendToSb(String str) { if (newLine) { newLine = false; appendIndent(); } sb.append(str); } private void fixNewLineCount(String str) { int nl = 0; int rn = 0; char prevChar = 0; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { char ch = str.charAt(i); if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') { rn++; } if (ch == '\r' || (prevChar != '\r' && ch == '\n')) { nl++; } prevChar = ch; } newLineCount += rn - nl; } private void appendIndent() { for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { appendNoHilight(formatting.indentString); } } }