package com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.iggy; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.iggy.annotations.FieldPrinter; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.iggy.annotations.IggyFieldType; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.iggy.streams.ReadDataStreamInterface; import com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.iggy.streams.WriteDataStreamInterface; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; /** * * @author Jindra * * Based of works of somebody called eternity. */ public class IggyFlashHeader64 implements IggyFlashHeaderInterface { @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long off_base; // 0 Relative offset to first section (matches sizeof header); @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long off_sequence_end; // 8 Relative offset to as3 file names table... @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long off_font_end; // 0x10 relative offset to something @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long off_sequence_start1; // 0x18 relative offset to something @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long off_sequence_start2; // 0x20 relative offset to something @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long off_sequence_start3; // 0x28 names_offset; 0x50 relative pointer to the names/import section of the file @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint32_t) long xmin; // 0x30 in pixels @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint32_t) long ymin; // 0x34 in pixels @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint32_t) long xmax; // 0x38 in pixels @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint32_t) long ymax; // 0x3C in pixels @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint32_t) long unk_40; // probably numer of blocks/objects after header @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint32_t) long unk_44; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint32_t) long unk_48; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint32_t) long unk_4C; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint32_t) long unk_50; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint32_t) long unk_54; @IggyFieldType(DataType.float_t) float frame_rate; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint32_t) long unk_5C; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long imported_guid; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long my_guid; // same for some fonts (eng + chinese) @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long off_names; // 0x70 relative offset to the names/import section of the file - end of fonts @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long off_unk78; // 0x78 relative offset to something @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long unk80; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long off_last_section; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long off_flash_filename; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long off_decl_strings; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long off_type_of_fonts; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint64_t) long flags; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint32_t) long font_count; @IggyFieldType(DataType.uint32_t) long zero2; // Offset 0xB8 (outside header): there are *unk_40* relative offsets that point to flash objects. // The flash objects are in a format different to swf but there is probably a way to convert between them. // After the offsets, the bodies of objects pointed above, which apparently have a code like 0xFFXX to identify the type of object, followed by a (unique?) identifier // for the object. // A DefineEditText-like object can be easily spotted and apparently uses type code 0x06 (or 0xFF06) but as stated above, // it is written in a different way. public IggyFlashHeader64(ReadDataStreamInterface stream) throws IOException { readFromDataStream(stream); } private long base_address; private long sequence_end_address; private long font_end_address; private long sequence_start_address1; private long sequence_start_address2; private long sequence_start_address3; private long names_address; private long unk78_address; private long last_section_address; private long flash_filename_address; private long decl_strings_address; private long type_fonts_address; private long base_ofs_pos; private long sequence_end_ofs_pos; private long font_end_ofs_pos; private long sequence_start1_ofs_pos; private long sequence_start2_ofs_pos; private long sequence_start3_ofs_pos; private long names_ofs_pos; private long unk78_ofs_pos; private long last_section_ofs_pos; private long flash_filename_ofs_pos; private long decl_strings_ofs_pos; private long type_fonts_ofs_pos; public long getBase_ofs_pos() { return base_ofs_pos; } public long getSequence_end_ofs_pos() { return sequence_end_ofs_pos; } public long getFont_end_ofs_pos() { return font_end_ofs_pos; } public long getSequence_start1_ofs_pos() { return sequence_start1_ofs_pos; } public long getSequence_start2_ofs_pos() { return sequence_start2_ofs_pos; } public long getSequence_start3_ofs_pos() { return sequence_start3_ofs_pos; } public long getNames_ofs_pos() { return names_ofs_pos; } public long getUnk78_ofs_pos() { return unk78_ofs_pos; } public long getLast_section_ofs_pos() { return last_section_ofs_pos; } public long getFlash_filename_ofs_pos() { return flash_filename_ofs_pos; } public long getDecl_strings_ofs_pos() { return decl_strings_ofs_pos; } public long getType_fonts_ofs_pos() { return type_fonts_ofs_pos; } /** * Updates all addresses by inserting gap * * @param pos Position to insert bytes * @param size Number of bytes */ public void insertGapAfter(long pos, long size) { for (Field f : IggyFlashHeader64.class.getDeclaredFields()) { if (f.getName().endsWith("_address")) { try { long val = f.getLong(this); if (val > pos) { long newval = val + size; f.setLong(this, newval); } } catch (IllegalAccessException iex) { //should not happen } } } } public long getImported_guid() { return imported_guid; } public long getBaseAddress() { return base_address; } public long getSequenceEndAddress() { return sequence_end_address; } public long getFontEndAddress() { return font_end_address; } public void setFontEndAddress(long val) { this.font_end_address = val; } public long getSequenceStartAddress1() { return sequence_start_address1; } public long getSequenceStartAddress2() { return sequence_start_address2; } public long getSequenceStartAddress3() { return sequence_start_address3; } public long getNamesAddress() { return names_address; } public long getUnk78Address() { return unk78_address; } public long getLastSectionAddress() { return last_section_address; } public long getFlashFilenameAddress() { return flash_filename_address; } public long getDeclStringsAddress() { return decl_strings_address; } public long getTypeFontsAddress() { return type_fonts_address; } @Override public void readFromDataStream(ReadDataStreamInterface stream) throws IOException { base_ofs_pos = stream.position(); off_base = stream.readUI64(); base_address = off_base == 1 ? 0 : off_base + stream.position() - 8; sequence_end_ofs_pos = stream.position(); off_sequence_end = stream.readUI64(); sequence_end_address = off_sequence_end == 1 ? 0 : off_sequence_end + stream.position() - 8; font_end_ofs_pos = stream.position(); off_font_end = stream.readUI64(); font_end_address = off_font_end == 1 ? 0 : off_font_end + stream.position() - 8; sequence_start1_ofs_pos = stream.position(); off_sequence_start1 = stream.readUI64(); sequence_start_address1 = off_sequence_start1 == 1 ? 0 : off_sequence_start1 + stream.position() - 8; sequence_start2_ofs_pos = stream.position(); off_sequence_start2 = stream.readUI64(); sequence_start_address2 = off_sequence_start2 == 1 ? 0 : off_sequence_start2 + stream.position() - 8; sequence_start3_ofs_pos = stream.position(); off_sequence_start3 = stream.readUI64(); sequence_start_address3 = off_sequence_start3 == 1 ? 0 : off_sequence_start3 + stream.position() - 8; xmin = stream.readUI32(); ymin = stream.readUI32(); xmax = stream.readUI32(); ymax = stream.readUI32(); unk_40 = stream.readUI32(); // probably number of blocks/objects after header unk_44 = stream.readUI32(); unk_48 = stream.readUI32(); unk_4C = stream.readUI32(); unk_50 = stream.readUI32(); unk_54 = stream.readUI32(); frame_rate = stream.readFloat(); unk_5C = stream.readUI32(); imported_guid = stream.readUI64(); my_guid = stream.readUI64(); names_ofs_pos = stream.position(); off_names = stream.readUI64(); names_address = off_names == 1 ? 0 : off_names + stream.position() - 8; unk78_ofs_pos = stream.position(); off_unk78 = stream.readUI64(); unk78_address = off_unk78 == 1 ? 0 : off_unk78 + stream.position() - 8; unk80 = stream.readUI64(); //Maybe number of imports/names pointed by names_offset last_section_ofs_pos = stream.position(); off_last_section = stream.readUI64(); last_section_address = off_last_section == 1 ? 0 : off_last_section + stream.position() - 8; flash_filename_ofs_pos = stream.position(); off_flash_filename = stream.readUI64(); flash_filename_address = off_flash_filename == 1 ? 0 : off_flash_filename + stream.position() - 8; decl_strings_ofs_pos = stream.position(); off_decl_strings = stream.readUI64(); //relative offset to as3 code (16 bytes header + abc blob) decl_strings_address = off_decl_strings == 1 ? 0 : off_decl_strings + stream.position() - 8; type_fonts_ofs_pos = stream.position(); off_type_of_fonts = stream.readUI64(); //relative offset to as3 file names table (or classes names or whatever) type_fonts_address = off_type_of_fonts == 1 ? 0 : off_type_of_fonts + stream.position() - 8; flags = stream.readUI64(); font_count = stream.readUI32(); zero2 = stream.readUI32(); } @Override public void writeToDataStream(WriteDataStreamInterface stream) throws IOException { off_base = base_address == 0 ? 1 : base_address - stream.position(); stream.writeUI64(off_base); off_sequence_end = sequence_end_address == 0 ? 1 : sequence_end_address - stream.position(); stream.writeUI64(off_sequence_end); off_font_end = font_end_address == 0 ? 1 : font_end_address - stream.position(); stream.writeUI64(off_font_end); off_sequence_start1 = sequence_start_address1 == 0 ? 1 : sequence_start_address1 - stream.position(); stream.writeUI64(off_sequence_start1); off_sequence_start2 = sequence_start_address2 == 0 ? 1 : sequence_start_address2 - stream.position(); stream.writeUI64(off_sequence_start2); off_sequence_start3 = sequence_start_address3 == 0 ? 1 : sequence_start_address3 - stream.position(); stream.writeUI64(off_sequence_start3); stream.writeUI32(xmin); stream.writeUI32(ymin); stream.writeUI32(xmax); stream.writeUI32(ymax); stream.writeUI32(unk_40); stream.writeUI32(unk_44); stream.writeUI32(unk_48); stream.writeUI32(unk_4C); stream.writeUI32(unk_50); stream.writeUI32(unk_54); stream.writeFloat(frame_rate); stream.writeUI32(unk_5C); stream.writeUI64(imported_guid); stream.writeUI64(my_guid); off_names = names_address == 0 ? 1 : names_address - stream.position(); stream.writeUI64(off_names); off_unk78 = unk78_address == 0 ? 1 : unk78_address - stream.position(); stream.writeUI64(off_unk78); stream.writeUI64(unk80); off_last_section = last_section_address == 0 ? 1 : last_section_address - stream.position(); stream.writeUI64(off_last_section); off_flash_filename = flash_filename_address == 0 ? 1 : flash_filename_address - stream.position(); stream.writeUI64(off_flash_filename); off_decl_strings = decl_strings_address == 0 ? 1 : decl_strings_address - stream.position(); stream.writeUI64(off_decl_strings); off_type_of_fonts = type_fonts_address == 0 ? 1 : type_fonts_address - stream.position(); stream.writeUI64(off_type_of_fonts); stream.writeUI64(flags); stream.writeUI32(font_count); stream.writeUI32(zero2); stream.getIndexing().writeLengthCustom(184, new int[]{0x00, 0x08, 0x10, 0x18, 0x20, 0x28, 0x30, 0x34, 0x38, 0x3C, 0x40, 0x44, 0x48, 0x4C, 0x50, 0x58, 0x70, 0x78, 0x80, 0x84, 0x88, 0x90, 0x98, 0xA0, 0xB0}, new int[]{2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5}); } @Override public String toString() { return FieldPrinter.getObjectSummary(this); } @Override public long getXMin() { return xmin; } @Override public long getYMin() { return ymin; } @Override public long getXMax() { return xmax; } @Override public long getYMax() { return ymax; } @Override public float getFrameRate() { return frame_rate; } }