/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AccessControlList; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueACL; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.nodelabels.CommonNodeLabelsManager; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.security.AccessType; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.nodelabels.RMNodeLabelsManager; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.reservation.ReservationSchedulerConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.SchedulerUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DefaultResourceCalculator; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceCalculator; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; public class CapacitySchedulerConfiguration extends ReservationSchedulerConfiguration { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.class); private static final String CS_CONFIGURATION_FILE = "capacity-scheduler.xml"; @Private public static final String PREFIX = "yarn.scheduler.capacity."; @Private public static final String DOT = "."; @Private public static final String MAXIMUM_APPLICATIONS_SUFFIX = "maximum-applications"; @Private public static final String MAXIMUM_SYSTEM_APPLICATIONS = PREFIX + MAXIMUM_APPLICATIONS_SUFFIX; @Private public static final String MAXIMUM_AM_RESOURCE_SUFFIX = "maximum-am-resource-percent"; @Private public static final String MAXIMUM_APPLICATION_MASTERS_RESOURCE_PERCENT = PREFIX + MAXIMUM_AM_RESOURCE_SUFFIX; @Private public static final String QUEUES = "queues"; @Private public static final String CAPACITY = "capacity"; @Private public static final String MAXIMUM_CAPACITY = "maximum-capacity"; @Private public static final String USER_LIMIT = "minimum-user-limit-percent"; @Private public static final String USER_LIMIT_FACTOR = "user-limit-factor"; @Private public static final String STATE = "state"; @Private public static final String ACCESSIBLE_NODE_LABELS = "accessible-node-labels"; @Private public static final String DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL_EXPRESSION = "default-node-label-expression"; public static final String RESERVE_CONT_LOOK_ALL_NODES = PREFIX + "reservations-continue-look-all-nodes"; @Private public static final boolean DEFAULT_RESERVE_CONT_LOOK_ALL_NODES = true; @Private public static final String MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB = "maximum-allocation-mb"; @Private public static final String MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES = "maximum-allocation-vcores"; @Private public static final int DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_SYSTEM_APPLICATIIONS = 10000; @Private public static final float DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_APPLICATIONMASTERS_RESOURCE_PERCENT = 0.1f; @Private public static final float UNDEFINED = -1; @Private public static final float MINIMUM_CAPACITY_VALUE = 0; @Private public static final float MAXIMUM_CAPACITY_VALUE = 100; @Private public static final float DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CAPACITY_VALUE = -1.0f; @Private public static final int DEFAULT_USER_LIMIT = 100; @Private public static final float DEFAULT_USER_LIMIT_FACTOR = 1.0f; @Private public static final String ALL_ACL = "*"; @Private public static final String NONE_ACL = " "; @Private public static final String ENABLE_USER_METRICS = PREFIX +"user-metrics.enable"; @Private public static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_USER_METRICS = false; /** ResourceComparator for scheduling. */ @Private public static final String RESOURCE_CALCULATOR_CLASS = PREFIX + "resource-calculator"; @Private public static final Class<? extends ResourceCalculator> DEFAULT_RESOURCE_CALCULATOR_CLASS = DefaultResourceCalculator.class; @Private public static final String ROOT = "root"; @Private public static final String NODE_LOCALITY_DELAY = PREFIX + "node-locality-delay"; @Private public static final int DEFAULT_NODE_LOCALITY_DELAY = -1; @Private public static final String SCHEDULE_ASYNCHRONOUSLY_PREFIX = PREFIX + "schedule-asynchronously"; @Private public static final String SCHEDULE_ASYNCHRONOUSLY_ENABLE = SCHEDULE_ASYNCHRONOUSLY_PREFIX + ".enable"; @Private public static final boolean DEFAULT_SCHEDULE_ASYNCHRONOUSLY_ENABLE = false; @Private public static final String QUEUE_MAPPING = PREFIX + "queue-mappings"; @Private public static final String ENABLE_QUEUE_MAPPING_OVERRIDE = QUEUE_MAPPING + "-override.enable"; @Private public static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_QUEUE_MAPPING_OVERRIDE = false; @Private public static final String QUEUE_PREEMPTION_DISABLED = "disable_preemption"; @Private public static class QueueMapping { public enum MappingType { USER("u"), GROUP("g"); private final String type; private MappingType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String toString() { return type; } }; MappingType type; String source; String queue; public QueueMapping(MappingType type, String source, String queue) { this.type = type; this.source = source; this.queue = queue; } } @Private public static final String AVERAGE_CAPACITY = "average-capacity"; @Private public static final String IS_RESERVABLE = "reservable"; @Private public static final String RESERVATION_WINDOW = "reservation-window"; @Private public static final String INSTANTANEOUS_MAX_CAPACITY = "instantaneous-max-capacity"; @Private public static final String RESERVATION_ADMISSION_POLICY = "reservation-policy"; @Private public static final String RESERVATION_AGENT_NAME = "reservation-agent"; @Private public static final String RESERVATION_SHOW_RESERVATION_AS_QUEUE = "show-reservations-as-queues"; @Private public static final String RESERVATION_PLANNER_NAME = "reservation-planner"; @Private public static final String RESERVATION_MOVE_ON_EXPIRY = "reservation-move-on-expiry"; @Private public static final String RESERVATION_ENFORCEMENT_WINDOW = "reservation-enforcement-window"; public CapacitySchedulerConfiguration() { this(new Configuration()); } public CapacitySchedulerConfiguration(Configuration configuration) { this(configuration, true); } public CapacitySchedulerConfiguration(Configuration configuration, boolean useLocalConfigurationProvider) { super(configuration); if (useLocalConfigurationProvider) { addResource(CS_CONFIGURATION_FILE); } } static String getQueuePrefix(String queue) { String queueName = PREFIX + queue + DOT; return queueName; } private String getNodeLabelPrefix(String queue, String label) { if (label.equals(CommonNodeLabelsManager.NO_LABEL)) { return getQueuePrefix(queue); } return getQueuePrefix(queue) + ACCESSIBLE_NODE_LABELS + DOT + label + DOT; } public int getMaximumSystemApplications() { int maxApplications = getInt(MAXIMUM_SYSTEM_APPLICATIONS, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_SYSTEM_APPLICATIIONS); return maxApplications; } public float getMaximumApplicationMasterResourcePercent() { return getFloat(MAXIMUM_APPLICATION_MASTERS_RESOURCE_PERCENT, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_APPLICATIONMASTERS_RESOURCE_PERCENT); } /** * Get the maximum applications per queue setting. * @param queue name of the queue * @return setting specified or -1 if not set */ public int getMaximumApplicationsPerQueue(String queue) { int maxApplicationsPerQueue = getInt(getQueuePrefix(queue) + MAXIMUM_APPLICATIONS_SUFFIX, (int)UNDEFINED); return maxApplicationsPerQueue; } /** * Get the maximum am resource percent per queue setting. * @param queue name of the queue * @return per queue setting or defaults to the global am-resource-percent * setting if per queue setting not present */ public float getMaximumApplicationMasterResourcePerQueuePercent(String queue) { return getFloat(getQueuePrefix(queue) + MAXIMUM_AM_RESOURCE_SUFFIX, getMaximumApplicationMasterResourcePercent()); } public float getNonLabeledQueueCapacity(String queue) { float capacity = queue.equals("root") ? 100.0f : getFloat( getQueuePrefix(queue) + CAPACITY, UNDEFINED); if (capacity < MINIMUM_CAPACITY_VALUE || capacity > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal " + "capacity of " + capacity + " for queue " + queue); } LOG.debug("CSConf - getCapacity: queuePrefix=" + getQueuePrefix(queue) + ", capacity=" + capacity); return capacity; } public void setCapacity(String queue, float capacity) { if (queue.equals("root")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot set capacity, root queue has a fixed capacity of 100.0f"); } setFloat(getQueuePrefix(queue) + CAPACITY, capacity); LOG.debug("CSConf - setCapacity: queuePrefix=" + getQueuePrefix(queue) + ", capacity=" + capacity); } public float getNonLabeledQueueMaximumCapacity(String queue) { float maxCapacity = getFloat(getQueuePrefix(queue) + MAXIMUM_CAPACITY, MAXIMUM_CAPACITY_VALUE); maxCapacity = (maxCapacity == DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CAPACITY_VALUE) ? MAXIMUM_CAPACITY_VALUE : maxCapacity; return maxCapacity; } public void setMaximumCapacity(String queue, float maxCapacity) { if (maxCapacity > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal " + "maximum-capacity of " + maxCapacity + " for queue " + queue); } setFloat(getQueuePrefix(queue) + MAXIMUM_CAPACITY, maxCapacity); LOG.debug("CSConf - setMaxCapacity: queuePrefix=" + getQueuePrefix(queue) + ", maxCapacity=" + maxCapacity); } public void setCapacityByLabel(String queue, String label, float capacity) { setFloat(getNodeLabelPrefix(queue, label) + CAPACITY, capacity); } public void setMaximumCapacityByLabel(String queue, String label, float capacity) { setFloat(getNodeLabelPrefix(queue, label) + MAXIMUM_CAPACITY, capacity); } public int getUserLimit(String queue) { int userLimit = getInt(getQueuePrefix(queue) + USER_LIMIT, DEFAULT_USER_LIMIT); return userLimit; } public void setUserLimit(String queue, int userLimit) { setInt(getQueuePrefix(queue) + USER_LIMIT, userLimit); LOG.debug("here setUserLimit: queuePrefix=" + getQueuePrefix(queue) + ", userLimit=" + getUserLimit(queue)); } public float getUserLimitFactor(String queue) { float userLimitFactor = getFloat(getQueuePrefix(queue) + USER_LIMIT_FACTOR, DEFAULT_USER_LIMIT_FACTOR); return userLimitFactor; } public void setUserLimitFactor(String queue, float userLimitFactor) { setFloat(getQueuePrefix(queue) + USER_LIMIT_FACTOR, userLimitFactor); } public QueueState getState(String queue) { String state = get(getQueuePrefix(queue) + STATE); return (state != null) ? QueueState.valueOf(StringUtils.toUpperCase(state)) : QueueState.RUNNING; } public void setAccessibleNodeLabels(String queue, Set<String> labels) { if (labels == null) { return; } String str = StringUtils.join(",", labels); set(getQueuePrefix(queue) + ACCESSIBLE_NODE_LABELS, str); } public Set<String> getAccessibleNodeLabels(String queue) { String accessibleLabelStr = get(getQueuePrefix(queue) + ACCESSIBLE_NODE_LABELS); // When accessible-label is null, if (accessibleLabelStr == null) { // Only return null when queue is not ROOT if (!queue.equals(ROOT)) { return null; } } else { // print a warning when accessibleNodeLabel specified in config and queue // is ROOT if (queue.equals(ROOT)) { LOG.warn("Accessible node labels for root queue will be ignored," + " it will be automatically set to \"*\"."); } } // always return ANY for queue root if (queue.equals(ROOT)) { return ImmutableSet.of(RMNodeLabelsManager.ANY); } // In other cases, split the accessibleLabelStr by "," Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); for (String str : accessibleLabelStr.split(",")) { if (!str.trim().isEmpty()) { set.add(str.trim()); } } // if labels contains "*", only keep ANY behind if (set.contains(RMNodeLabelsManager.ANY)) { set.clear(); set.add(RMNodeLabelsManager.ANY); } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(set); } private float internalGetLabeledQueueCapacity(String queue, String label, String suffix, float defaultValue) { String capacityPropertyName = getNodeLabelPrefix(queue, label) + suffix; float capacity = getFloat(capacityPropertyName, defaultValue); if (capacity < MINIMUM_CAPACITY_VALUE || capacity > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal capacity of " + capacity + " for node-label=" + label + " in queue=" + queue + ", valid capacity should in range of [0, 100]."); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("CSConf - getCapacityOfLabel: prefix=" + getNodeLabelPrefix(queue, label) + ", capacity=" + capacity); } return capacity; } public float getLabeledQueueCapacity(String queue, String label) { return internalGetLabeledQueueCapacity(queue, label, CAPACITY, 0f); } public float getLabeledQueueMaximumCapacity(String queue, String label) { return internalGetLabeledQueueCapacity(queue, label, MAXIMUM_CAPACITY, 100f); } public String getDefaultNodeLabelExpression(String queue) { String defaultLabelExpression = get(getQueuePrefix(queue) + DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL_EXPRESSION); if (defaultLabelExpression == null) { return null; } return defaultLabelExpression.trim(); } public void setDefaultNodeLabelExpression(String queue, String exp) { set(getQueuePrefix(queue) + DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL_EXPRESSION, exp); } /* * Returns whether we should continue to look at all heart beating nodes even * after the reservation limit was hit. The node heart beating in could * satisfy the request thus could be a better pick then waiting for the * reservation to be fullfilled. This config is refreshable. */ public boolean getReservationContinueLook() { return getBoolean(RESERVE_CONT_LOOK_ALL_NODES, DEFAULT_RESERVE_CONT_LOOK_ALL_NODES); } private static String getAclKey(QueueACL acl) { return "acl_" + StringUtils.toLowerCase(acl.toString()); } public AccessControlList getAcl(String queue, QueueACL acl) { String queuePrefix = getQueuePrefix(queue); // The root queue defaults to all access if not defined // Sub queues inherit access if not defined String defaultAcl = queue.equals(ROOT) ? ALL_ACL : NONE_ACL; String aclString = get(queuePrefix + getAclKey(acl), defaultAcl); return new AccessControlList(aclString); } public void setAcl(String queue, QueueACL acl, String aclString) { String queuePrefix = getQueuePrefix(queue); set(queuePrefix + getAclKey(acl), aclString); } public Map<AccessType, AccessControlList> getAcls(String queue) { Map<AccessType, AccessControlList> acls = new HashMap<AccessType, AccessControlList>(); for (QueueACL acl : QueueACL.values()) { acls.put(SchedulerUtils.toAccessType(acl), getAcl(queue, acl)); } return acls; } public void setAcls(String queue, Map<QueueACL, AccessControlList> acls) { for (Map.Entry<QueueACL, AccessControlList> e : acls.entrySet()) { setAcl(queue, e.getKey(), e.getValue().getAclString()); } } public String[] getQueues(String queue) { LOG.debug("CSConf - getQueues called for: queuePrefix=" + getQueuePrefix(queue)); String[] queues = getStrings(getQueuePrefix(queue) + QUEUES); List<String> trimmedQueueNames = new ArrayList<String>(); if (null != queues) { for (String s : queues) { trimmedQueueNames.add(s.trim()); } queues = trimmedQueueNames.toArray(new String[0]); } LOG.debug("CSConf - getQueues: queuePrefix=" + getQueuePrefix(queue) + ", queues=" + ((queues == null) ? "" : StringUtils.arrayToString(queues))); return queues; } public void setQueues(String queue, String[] subQueues) { set(getQueuePrefix(queue) + QUEUES, StringUtils.arrayToString(subQueues)); LOG.debug("CSConf - setQueues: qPrefix=" + getQueuePrefix(queue) + ", queues=" + StringUtils.arrayToString(subQueues)); } public Resource getMinimumAllocation() { int minimumMemory = getInt( YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB); int minimumCores = getInt( YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES); return Resources.createResource(minimumMemory, minimumCores); } public Resource getMaximumAllocation() { int maximumMemory = getInt( YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB); int maximumCores = getInt( YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES); return Resources.createResource(maximumMemory, maximumCores); } /** * Get the per queue setting for the maximum limit to allocate to * each container request. * * @param queue * name of the queue * @return setting specified per queue else falls back to the cluster setting */ public Resource getMaximumAllocationPerQueue(String queue) { String queuePrefix = getQueuePrefix(queue); int maxAllocationMbPerQueue = getInt(queuePrefix + MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB, (int)UNDEFINED); int maxAllocationVcoresPerQueue = getInt( queuePrefix + MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES, (int)UNDEFINED); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("max alloc mb per queue for " + queue + " is " + maxAllocationMbPerQueue); LOG.debug("max alloc vcores per queue for " + queue + " is " + maxAllocationVcoresPerQueue); } Resource clusterMax = getMaximumAllocation(); if (maxAllocationMbPerQueue == (int)UNDEFINED) { LOG.info("max alloc mb per queue for " + queue + " is undefined"); maxAllocationMbPerQueue = clusterMax.getMemory(); } if (maxAllocationVcoresPerQueue == (int)UNDEFINED) { LOG.info("max alloc vcore per queue for " + queue + " is undefined"); maxAllocationVcoresPerQueue = clusterMax.getVirtualCores(); } Resource result = Resources.createResource(maxAllocationMbPerQueue, maxAllocationVcoresPerQueue); if (maxAllocationMbPerQueue > clusterMax.getMemory() || maxAllocationVcoresPerQueue > clusterMax.getVirtualCores()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Queue maximum allocation cannot be larger than the cluster setting" + " for queue " + queue + " max allocation per queue: " + result + " cluster setting: " + clusterMax); } return result; } public boolean getEnableUserMetrics() { return getBoolean(ENABLE_USER_METRICS, DEFAULT_ENABLE_USER_METRICS); } public int getNodeLocalityDelay() { int delay = getInt(NODE_LOCALITY_DELAY, DEFAULT_NODE_LOCALITY_DELAY); return (delay == DEFAULT_NODE_LOCALITY_DELAY) ? 0 : delay; } public ResourceCalculator getResourceCalculator() { return ReflectionUtils.newInstance( getClass( RESOURCE_CALCULATOR_CLASS, DEFAULT_RESOURCE_CALCULATOR_CLASS, ResourceCalculator.class), this); } public boolean getUsePortForNodeName() { return getBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_INCLUDE_PORT_IN_NODE_NAME, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_USE_PORT_FOR_NODE_NAME); } public void setResourceComparator( Class<? extends ResourceCalculator> resourceCalculatorClass) { setClass( RESOURCE_CALCULATOR_CLASS, resourceCalculatorClass, ResourceCalculator.class); } public boolean getScheduleAynschronously() { return getBoolean(SCHEDULE_ASYNCHRONOUSLY_ENABLE, DEFAULT_SCHEDULE_ASYNCHRONOUSLY_ENABLE); } public void setScheduleAynschronously(boolean async) { setBoolean(SCHEDULE_ASYNCHRONOUSLY_ENABLE, async); } public boolean getOverrideWithQueueMappings() { return getBoolean(ENABLE_QUEUE_MAPPING_OVERRIDE, DEFAULT_ENABLE_QUEUE_MAPPING_OVERRIDE); } /** * Returns a collection of strings, trimming leading and trailing whitespeace * on each value * * @param str * String to parse * @param delim * delimiter to separate the values * @return Collection of parsed elements. */ private static Collection<String> getTrimmedStringCollection(String str, String delim) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); if (str == null) return values; StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(str, delim); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String next = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (next == null || next.trim().isEmpty()) { continue; } values.add(next.trim()); } return values; } /** * Get user/group mappings to queues. * * @return user/groups mappings or null on illegal configs */ public List<QueueMapping> getQueueMappings() { List<QueueMapping> mappings = new ArrayList<CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.QueueMapping>(); Collection<String> mappingsString = getTrimmedStringCollection(QUEUE_MAPPING); for (String mappingValue : mappingsString) { String[] mapping = getTrimmedStringCollection(mappingValue, ":") .toArray(new String[] {}); if (mapping.length != 3 || mapping[1].length() == 0 || mapping[2].length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal queue mapping " + mappingValue); } QueueMapping m; try { QueueMapping.MappingType mappingType; if (mapping[0].equals("u")) { mappingType = QueueMapping.MappingType.USER; } else if (mapping[0].equals("g")) { mappingType = QueueMapping.MappingType.GROUP; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unknown mapping prefix " + mapping[0]); } m = new QueueMapping( mappingType, mapping[1], mapping[2]); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal queue mapping " + mappingValue); } if (m != null) { mappings.add(m); } } return mappings; } public boolean isReservable(String queue) { boolean isReservable = getBoolean(getQueuePrefix(queue) + IS_RESERVABLE, false); return isReservable; } public void setReservable(String queue, boolean isReservable) { setBoolean(getQueuePrefix(queue) + IS_RESERVABLE, isReservable); LOG.debug("here setReservableQueue: queuePrefix=" + getQueuePrefix(queue) + ", isReservableQueue=" + isReservable(queue)); } @Override public long getReservationWindow(String queue) { long reservationWindow = getLong(getQueuePrefix(queue) + RESERVATION_WINDOW, DEFAULT_RESERVATION_WINDOW); return reservationWindow; } @Override public float getAverageCapacity(String queue) { float avgCapacity = getFloat(getQueuePrefix(queue) + AVERAGE_CAPACITY, MAXIMUM_CAPACITY_VALUE); return avgCapacity; } @Override public float getInstantaneousMaxCapacity(String queue) { float instMaxCapacity = getFloat(getQueuePrefix(queue) + INSTANTANEOUS_MAX_CAPACITY, MAXIMUM_CAPACITY_VALUE); return instMaxCapacity; } public void setInstantaneousMaxCapacity(String queue, float instMaxCapacity) { setFloat(getQueuePrefix(queue) + INSTANTANEOUS_MAX_CAPACITY, instMaxCapacity); } public void setReservationWindow(String queue, long reservationWindow) { setLong(getQueuePrefix(queue) + RESERVATION_WINDOW, reservationWindow); } public void setAverageCapacity(String queue, float avgCapacity) { setFloat(getQueuePrefix(queue) + AVERAGE_CAPACITY, avgCapacity); } @Override public String getReservationAdmissionPolicy(String queue) { String reservationPolicy = get(getQueuePrefix(queue) + RESERVATION_ADMISSION_POLICY, DEFAULT_RESERVATION_ADMISSION_POLICY); return reservationPolicy; } public void setReservationAdmissionPolicy(String queue, String reservationPolicy) { set(getQueuePrefix(queue) + RESERVATION_ADMISSION_POLICY, reservationPolicy); } @Override public String getReservationAgent(String queue) { String reservationAgent = get(getQueuePrefix(queue) + RESERVATION_AGENT_NAME, DEFAULT_RESERVATION_AGENT_NAME); return reservationAgent; } public void setReservationAgent(String queue, String reservationPolicy) { set(getQueuePrefix(queue) + RESERVATION_AGENT_NAME, reservationPolicy); } @Override public boolean getShowReservationAsQueues(String queuePath) { boolean showReservationAsQueues = getBoolean(getQueuePrefix(queuePath) + RESERVATION_SHOW_RESERVATION_AS_QUEUE, DEFAULT_SHOW_RESERVATIONS_AS_QUEUES); return showReservationAsQueues; } @Override public String getReplanner(String queue) { String replanner = get(getQueuePrefix(queue) + RESERVATION_PLANNER_NAME, DEFAULT_RESERVATION_PLANNER_NAME); return replanner; } @Override public boolean getMoveOnExpiry(String queue) { boolean killOnExpiry = getBoolean(getQueuePrefix(queue) + RESERVATION_MOVE_ON_EXPIRY, DEFAULT_RESERVATION_MOVE_ON_EXPIRY); return killOnExpiry; } @Override public long getEnforcementWindow(String queue) { long enforcementWindow = getLong(getQueuePrefix(queue) + RESERVATION_ENFORCEMENT_WINDOW, DEFAULT_RESERVATION_ENFORCEMENT_WINDOW); return enforcementWindow; } /** * Sets the <em>disable_preemption</em> property in order to indicate * whether or not container preemption will be disabled for the specified * queue. * * @param queue queue path * @param preemptionDisabled true if preemption is disabled on queue */ public void setPreemptionDisabled(String queue, boolean preemptionDisabled) { setBoolean(getQueuePrefix(queue) + QUEUE_PREEMPTION_DISABLED, preemptionDisabled); } /** * Indicates whether preemption is disabled on the specified queue. * * @param queue queue path to query * @param defaultVal used as default if the <em>disable_preemption</em> * is not set in the configuration * @return true if preemption is disabled on <em>queue</em>, false otherwise */ public boolean getPreemptionDisabled(String queue, boolean defaultVal) { boolean preemptionDisabled = getBoolean(getQueuePrefix(queue) + QUEUE_PREEMPTION_DISABLED, defaultVal); return preemptionDisabled; } /** * Get configured node labels in a given queuePath */ public Set<String> getConfiguredNodeLabels(String queuePath) { Set<String> configuredNodeLabels = new HashSet<String>(); Entry<String, String> e = null; Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iter = iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { e = iter.next(); String key = e.getKey(); if (key.startsWith(getQueuePrefix(queuePath) + ACCESSIBLE_NODE_LABELS + DOT)) { // Find <label-name> in // <queue-path>.accessible-node-labels.<label-name>.property int labelStartIdx = key.indexOf(ACCESSIBLE_NODE_LABELS) + ACCESSIBLE_NODE_LABELS.length() + 1; int labelEndIndx = key.indexOf('.', labelStartIdx); String labelName = key.substring(labelStartIdx, labelEndIndx); configuredNodeLabels.add(labelName); } } // always add NO_LABEL configuredNodeLabels.add(RMNodeLabelsManager.NO_LABEL); return configuredNodeLabels; } }