/* * Copyright 2015 Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.distributedloadsimulator.sls; /** * * @author sri */ import io.hops.metadata.yarn.dal.util.YARNOperationType; import io.hops.transaction.handler.LightWeightRequestHandler; import io.hops.util.RMStorageFactory; import io.hops.util.YarnAPIStorageFactory; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import static java.lang.Thread.sleep; import java.rmi.NotBoundException; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry; import java.rmi.registry.Registry; import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.distributedloadsimulator.sls.appmaster.AMSimulator; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.ResourceManager; import org.apache.hadoop.distributedloadsimulator.sls.utils.SLSUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonFactory; import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container; import org.apache.hadoop.distributedloadsimulator.sls.conf.SLSConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.distributedloadsimulator.sls.nodemanager.NMSimulator; import org.apache.hadoop.distributedloadsimulator.sls.scheduler.TaskRunner; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.YarnClient; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.resource.Priority; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.utils.BuilderUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.ConverterUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources; public class SLSRunner implements AMNMCommonObject { private ResourceManager rm; private static final TaskRunner nodeRunner = new TaskRunner(); private static final TaskRunner applicationRunner = new TaskRunner(); private final String[] inputTraces; private final Configuration conf; private final Map<String, Integer> queueAppNumMap; // NM simulator private static HashMap<NodeId, NMSimulator> nmMap; private int nmMemoryMB, nmVCores; private int containerMemoryMB; private final String nodeFile; // AM simulator private int AM_ID; private Map<String, AMSimulator> amMap; private final Set<String> trackedApps; private final Map<String, Class> amClassMap; private static AtomicInteger remainingApps = new AtomicInteger(0); // metrics private final String metricsOutputDir; private final boolean printSimulation; private boolean yarnNode = false; private AtomicBoolean firstAMRegistration = new AtomicBoolean(false); private static boolean distributedmode; private final boolean loadsimulatormode; private static boolean stopAppSimulation = false; private static final boolean calculationDone = false; private boolean isNMRegisterationDone = false; // other simulation information private int numNMs, numRacks, numAMs, numTasks; private long maxRuntime; public final static Map<String, Object> simulateInfoMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // logger public final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SLSRunner.class); private int numberOfRT = 0; private int totalJobRunningTimeSec = 0; protected YarnClient rmClient; private static float hbResponsePercentage; private String[] listOfRMIIpAddress = null; private int rmiPort; Map<String, AMNMCommonObject> remoteConnections = new HashMap<String, AMNMCommonObject>(); private static long firstHBTimeStamp = 0; private static boolean isFirstBeat = true; private boolean isLeader = false; private long simulationDuration; int nmHeartbeatInterval; public SLSRunner(String inputTraces[], String nodeFile, String outputDir, Set<String> trackedApps, boolean printsimulation, boolean yarnNodeDeployment, boolean distributedMode, boolean loadSimMode, String resourceTrackerAddress, String resourceManagerAddress, String rmiAddress,int rmiPort, boolean isLeader, long simulationDuration) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { this.rm = null; this.isLeader = isLeader; this.simulationDuration = simulationDuration; this.yarnNode = yarnNodeDeployment; distributedmode = distributedMode; this.loadsimulatormode = loadSimMode; if (resourceTrackerAddress.split(",").length == 1) { // so we only have one RT this.numberOfRT = 1; } else { for (int i = 0; i < resourceTrackerAddress.split(",").length; ++i) { } this.numberOfRT = resourceTrackerAddress.split(",").length; } this.inputTraces = inputTraces.clone(); this.nodeFile = nodeFile; this.trackedApps = trackedApps; this.printSimulation = printsimulation; metricsOutputDir = outputDir; this.listOfRMIIpAddress = rmiAddress.split(","); this.rmiPort = rmiPort; nmMap = new HashMap<NodeId, NMSimulator>(); queueAppNumMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); amMap = new HashMap<String, AMSimulator>(); amClassMap = new HashMap<String, Class>(); // runner configuration conf = new Configuration(); YarnAPIStorageFactory.setConfiguration(conf); RMStorageFactory.setConfiguration(conf); conf.addResource("sls-runner.xml"); // runner int poolSize = conf.getInt(SLSConfiguration.NM_RUNNER_POOL_SIZE, SLSConfiguration.NM_RUNNER_POOL_SIZE_DEFAULT); SLSRunner.nodeRunner.setQueueSize(poolSize); SLSRunner.applicationRunner.setQueueSize(poolSize); // <AMType, Class> map for (Map.Entry e : conf) { String key = e.getKey().toString(); if (key.startsWith(SLSConfiguration.AM_TYPE)) { String amType = key.substring(SLSConfiguration.AM_TYPE.length()); amClassMap.put(amType, Class.forName(conf.get(key))); } } containerMemoryMB = conf.getInt(SLSConfiguration.CONTAINER_MEMORY_MB, SLSConfiguration.CONTAINER_MEMORY_MB_DEFAULT); } public void initializeYarnClientForAMSimulation() { YarnConfiguration yarnConf = new YarnConfiguration(); rmClient = YarnClient.createYarnClient(); rmClient.init(yarnConf); rmClient.start(); } public static void measureFirstBeat() { if (isFirstBeat) { firstHBTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); isFirstBeat = false; } } long lastMonitoring = 0; public void startHbMonitorThread() { LOG.info("start Heartbeat monitor"); Thread hbExperimentalMonitoring = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SLSRunner.class.getName()).log( Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } int hb[] = getHandledHeartBeats(); int nbNM = getNumberNodeManager(); for (String conId : remoteConnections.keySet()) { try{ AMNMCommonObject remoteCon = remoteConnections.get(conId); int remoteHb[] = remoteCon.getHandledHeartBeats(); hb[0] += remoteHb[0]; hb[1] += remoteHb[1]; nbNM += remoteCon.getNumberNodeManager(); }catch(RemoteException e){ LOG.error(e,e); } } int totalHb = hb[0]; int trueTotalHb = hb[1]; if (totalHb != 0) { float hbExperimentailResponsePercentage = (float) ((trueTotalHb - lastLocalSCHB) * 100) / (totalHb - lastLocalRTHB); float runningTime = ((float) (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastMonitoring)); float numberOfIdealHb = ((float) nmMap.size() / nmHeartbeatInterval) * runningTime; float idealHbPer = (float) ((totalHb - lastLocalRTHB) * 100) / numberOfIdealHb; float trueHb = (float) ((trueTotalHb - lastLocalSCHB) * 100) / numberOfIdealHb; LOG.info("HeartBeat Monitor I :" + idealHbPer + " \t Tr : " + trueHb + "\t Ex : " + hbExperimentailResponsePercentage + "\t TotHB : " + (totalHb - lastLocalRTHB) + "\t TrHB : " + (trueTotalHb - lastLocalSCHB) + "\t clusterUsage : " + lastClusterUsage); } lastMonitoring = System.currentTimeMillis(); lastLocalRTHB = totalHb; lastLocalSCHB = trueTotalHb; } } }; hbExperimentalMonitoring.start(); } public void start() throws Exception { if (loadsimulatormode) { // here we only need to start the load and send rt and scheduler startNM(); // this sleep is important, it is possible where registeration time is fater than the simulator starting time :(. so lets give // some time to other instance to start Thread.sleep(3000); getAllRemoteConnections(); initializeYarnClientForAMSimulation(); for (AMNMCommonObject remoteCon : remoteConnections.values()) { while (!remoteCon.isNMRegisterationDone()) { Thread.sleep(1000); } } // start application masters if (!stopAppSimulation) { LOG.info( "Starting the applicatoin simulator from ApplicationMaster traces"); startAMFromSLSTraces(); } numAMs = amMap.size(); remainingApps.set(numAMs); // this method will be used for only experimental purpose. Every 5 sec , it will print the hb handled percentage //just to get some idea about the experiment. startHbMonitorThread(); } else if (distributedmode) { // before start the rm , let rm to read and get to know about number of applications startAMFromSLSTraces(); startRM(); } printSimulationInfo(); nodeRunner.start(); applicationRunner.start(); } private void startRM() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { Configuration rmConf = new YarnConfiguration(); rmConf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_HA_ENABLED, true); rmConf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.DISTRIBUTED_RM, true); rmConf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.AUTO_FAILOVER_ENABLED, true); LOG.info( "HOP :: Load simulator is starting resource manager in distributed mode ######################### "); YarnAPIStorageFactory.setConfiguration(rmConf); RMStorageFactory.setConfiguration(rmConf); String schedulerClass = rmConf.get(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER); rmConf.set(SLSConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, schedulerClass); rmConf.set(SLSConfiguration.METRICS_OUTPUT_DIR, metricsOutputDir); rm = new ResourceManager(); rm.init(rmConf); rm.start(); } private void getAllRemoteConnections() { Registry remoteRegistry = null; for (String rmiIp : listOfRMIIpAddress) { while (true) { try { remoteRegistry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(rmiIp,rmiPort); AMNMCommonObject remoteConnection = (AMNMCommonObject) remoteRegistry. lookup("AMNMCommonObject"); remoteConnections.put(rmiIp, remoteConnection); break; } catch (RemoteException ex) { LOG.error(ex, ex); } catch (NotBoundException ex) { LOG.error(ex, ex); } } } } private void startNM() throws YarnException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException { // nm configuration // 38GB nmMemoryMB = conf.getInt(SLSConfiguration.NM_MEMORY_MB, SLSConfiguration.NM_MEMORY_MB_DEFAULT); nmVCores = conf.getInt(SLSConfiguration.NM_VCORES, SLSConfiguration.NM_VCORES_DEFAULT); nmHeartbeatInterval = conf.getInt( SLSConfiguration.NM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS, SLSConfiguration.NM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS_DEFAULT); // nm information (fetch from topology file, or from sls/rumen json file) Set<String> nodeSet = new HashSet<String>(); if (nodeFile.isEmpty()) { for (String inputTrace : inputTraces) { nodeSet.addAll(SLSUtils.parseNodesFromSLSTrace(inputTrace)); } } else { nodeSet.addAll(SLSUtils.parseNodesFromNodeFile(nodeFile)); } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRT; ++i) { } // create NM simulators int counter = 0; Random random = new Random(); Set<String> rackSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (String hostName : nodeSet) { ++counter; // we randomize the heartbeat start time from zero to 1 interval LOG.info("Init nm: " + hostName + " (" + counter + ")"); NMSimulator nm = new NMSimulator(); nm.init(hostName, nmMemoryMB, nmVCores, random.nextInt(nmHeartbeatInterval), nmHeartbeatInterval, rm, conf); LOG.info("Inited nm: " + hostName + " (" + counter + ")"); nmMap.put(nm.getNode().getNodeID(), nm); nodeRunner.schedule(nm); rackSet.add(nm.getNode().getRackName()); } numRacks = rackSet.size(); numNMs = nmMap.size(); isNMRegisterationDone = true; } /** * parse workload information from sls trace files */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void startAMFromSLSTraces() throws IOException, Exception { // parse from sls traces int heartbeatInterval = conf.getInt( SLSConfiguration.AM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS, SLSConfiguration.AM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS_DEFAULT); JsonFactory jsonF = new JsonFactory(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); for (String inputTrace : inputTraces) { Reader input = new FileReader(inputTrace); try { Iterator<Map> i = mapper.readValues(jsonF.createJsonParser(input), Map.class); while (i.hasNext()) { Map jsonJob = i.next(); long jobStartTime = Long.parseLong( jsonJob.get("job.start.ms").toString()); long jobFinishTime = Long.parseLong( jsonJob.get("job.end.ms").toString()); String user = (String) jsonJob.get("job.user"); if (user == null) { user = "default"; } String queue = jsonJob.get("job.queue.name").toString(); String oldAppId = jsonJob.get("job.id").toString(); totalJobRunningTimeSec = (int) jobFinishTime / 1000;// every time we update the time, so final time is total time int queueSize = queueAppNumMap.containsKey(queue) ? queueAppNumMap.get(queue) : 0; queueSize++; queueAppNumMap.put(queue, queueSize); // tasks List tasks = (List) jsonJob.get("job.tasks"); if (tasks == null || tasks.isEmpty()) { continue; } // create a new AM // appMastersList.add(new AppMasterParameter(queue, inputTrace, AM_ID++, rmAddress, rmiAddress)); // if it is yarn node, don't execute applications String amType = jsonJob.get("am.type").toString(); AMSimulator amSim = (AMSimulator) ReflectionUtils.newInstance( amClassMap.get(amType), new Configuration(conf)); if (amSim != null) { amSim.init(AM_ID++, heartbeatInterval, tasks, rm, this, jobStartTime, jobFinishTime, user, queue, false, oldAppId, listOfRMIIpAddress, rmiPort, rmClient, new Configuration(conf)); applicationRunner.schedule(amSim); maxRuntime = Math.max(maxRuntime, jobFinishTime); amMap.put(oldAppId, amSim); LOG.info("scheduled " + amMap.size()); } } } finally { input.close(); } } numAMs = amMap.size(); remainingApps.set(numAMs); } private void printSimulationInfo() { if (printSimulation) { // node LOG.info("------------------------------------"); LOG.info(MessageFormat.format("# nodes = {0}, # racks = {1}, capacity " + "of each node {2} MB memory and {3} vcores.", numNMs, numRacks, nmMemoryMB, nmVCores)); LOG.info("------------------------------------"); // job LOG.info(MessageFormat.format("# applications = {0}, # total " + "tasks = {1}, average # tasks per application = {2}", numAMs, numTasks, (int) (Math.ceil((numTasks + 0.0) / numAMs)))); LOG.info("JobId\tQueue\tAMType\tDuration\t#Tasks"); for (Map.Entry<String, AMSimulator> entry : amMap.entrySet()) { AMSimulator am = entry.getValue(); LOG.info(entry.getKey() + "\t" + am.getQueue() + "\t" + am.getAMType() + "\t" + am.getDuration() + "\t" + am.getNumTasks()); } LOG.info("------------------------------------"); // queue LOG.info(MessageFormat.format("number of queues = {0} average " + "number of apps = {1}", queueAppNumMap.size(), (int) (Math.ceil((numAMs + 0.0) / queueAppNumMap.size())))); LOG.info("------------------------------------"); // runtime LOG.info(MessageFormat.format("estimated simulation time is {0}" + " seconds", (long) (Math.ceil(maxRuntime / 1000.0)))); LOG.info("------------------------------------"); } // package these information in the simulateInfoMap used by other places simulateInfoMap.put("Number of racks", numRacks); simulateInfoMap.put("Number of nodes", numNMs); simulateInfoMap.put("Node memory (MB)", nmMemoryMB); simulateInfoMap.put("Node VCores", nmVCores); simulateInfoMap.put("Number of applications", numAMs); simulateInfoMap.put("Number of tasks", numTasks); simulateInfoMap.put("Average tasks per applicaion", (int) (Math.ceil((numTasks + 0.0) / numAMs))); simulateInfoMap.put("Number of queues", queueAppNumMap.size()); simulateInfoMap.put("Average applications per queue", (int) (Math.ceil((numAMs + 0.0) / queueAppNumMap.size()))); simulateInfoMap.put("Estimated simulate time (s)", (long) (Math.ceil(maxRuntime / 1000.0))); } public HashMap<NodeId, NMSimulator> getNmMap() { return nmMap; } public static TaskRunner getApplicationRunner() { return applicationRunner; } public static TaskRunner getNodeRunner() { return nodeRunner; } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("inputsls", true, "input sls files"); options.addOption("nodes", true, "input topology"); options.addOption("output", true, "output directory"); options.addOption("trackjobs", true, "jobs to be tracked during simulating"); options.addOption("printsimulation", false, "print out simulation information"); options.addOption("yarnnode", false, "taking boolean to enable rt mode"); options.addOption("distributedmode", false, "taking boolean to enable scheduler mode"); options.addOption("loadsimulatormode", false, "taking boolean to enable load simulator mode"); options.addOption("rtaddress", true, "Resourcetracker address"); options.addOption("rmaddress", true, "Resourcemanager address for appmaster"); options.addOption("parallelsimulator", false, "this is a boolean value to check whether to enable parallel simulator or not"); options.addOption("rmiaddress", true, "Run a simulator on distributed mode, so we need rmi address"); options.addOption("stopappsimulation", false, "we can stop the application simulation"); options.addOption("isLeader", false, "leading slsRunner for the measurer"); options.addOption("simulationDuration", true, "duration of the simulation only needed by the leader"); options.addOption("rmiport",true,"port for the rmi server"); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); String inputSLS = cmd.getOptionValue("inputsls"); String output = cmd.getOptionValue("output"); String rtAddress = cmd.getOptionValue("rtaddress"); // we are expecting the multiple rt, so input should be comma seperated String rmAddress = cmd.getOptionValue("rmaddress"); String rmiAddress = ""; boolean isLeader = cmd.hasOption("isLeader"); System.out.println(isLeader); long simulationDuration = 0; int rmiPort = 0; if (isLeader) { System.out.println(cmd.getOptionValue("simulationDuration")); simulationDuration = Long.parseLong(cmd.getOptionValue( "simulationDuration")) * 1000; } if ((inputSLS == null) || output == null) { System.err.println(); System.err.println("ERROR: Missing input or output file"); System.err.println(); System.err.println("Options: -inputsls FILE,FILE... " + "-output FILE [-nodes FILE] [-trackjobs JobId,JobId...] " + "[-printsimulation]" + "[-distributedrt]"); System.err.println(); System.exit(1); } File outputFile = new File(output); if (!outputFile.exists() && !outputFile.mkdirs()) { System.err.println("ERROR: Cannot create output directory " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); System.exit(1); } Set<String> trackedJobSet = new HashSet<String>(); if (cmd.hasOption("trackjobs")) { String trackjobs = cmd.getOptionValue("trackjobs"); String jobIds[] = trackjobs.split(","); trackedJobSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(jobIds)); } String nodeFile = cmd.hasOption("nodes") ? cmd.getOptionValue("nodes") : ""; String inputFiles[] = inputSLS.split(","); if (cmd.hasOption("stopappsimulation")) { stopAppSimulation = true; LOG.warn("Application simulation is disabled!!!!!!"); } if (cmd.hasOption("parallelsimulator")) { // then we need rmi address rmiAddress = cmd.getOptionValue("rmiaddress"); // currently we support only two simulator in parallel } if (cmd.hasOption("rmiport")) { rmiPort = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("rmiport")); } SLSRunner sls = new SLSRunner(inputFiles, nodeFile, output, trackedJobSet, cmd.hasOption("printsimulation"), cmd.hasOption( "yarnnode"), cmd.hasOption("distributedmode"), cmd. hasOption("loadsimulatormode"), rtAddress, rmAddress, rmiAddress, rmiPort, isLeader, simulationDuration ); if (!cmd.hasOption("distributedmode")) { try { AMNMCommonObject stub = (AMNMCommonObject) UnicastRemoteObject. exportObject(sls, 0); // Bind the remote object's stub in the registry Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(rmiPort); registry.bind("AMNMCommonObject", stub); LOG.info("HOP :: SLS RMI Server ready on port " + rmiPort); sls.start(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Server exception: " + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { sls.start(); } } @Override public boolean isNodeExist(String nodeId) throws RemoteException { NodeId nId = ConverterUtils.toNodeId(nodeId); if (nmMap.containsKey(nId)) { return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public void addNewContainer(String containerId, String nodeId, String httpAddress, int memory, int vcores, int priority, long lifeTimeMS) throws RemoteException { Container container = BuilderUtils.newContainer(ConverterUtils. toContainerId(containerId), ConverterUtils.toNodeId(nodeId), httpAddress, Resources.createResource(memory, vcores), Priority.create(priority), null); // this we can move to thread queue to increase the performance, so we don't need to wait nmMap.get(container.getNodeId()) .addNewContainer(container, lifeTimeMS); } @Override public void cleanupContainer(String containerId, String nodeId) throws RemoteException { nmMap.get(ConverterUtils.toNodeId(nodeId)) .cleanupContainer(ConverterUtils.toContainerId(containerId)); } @Override public int finishedApplicationsCount() { return remainingApps.get(); } long simulationStart = 0; @Override public void registerApplicationTimeStamp() { if (!firstAMRegistration.getAndSet(true)) { simulationStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); startMeasures = simulationStart; if (isLeader) { new Thread(new Measurer(simulationDuration, this)).start(); } LOG.info("Application_initial_registeration_time : " + simulationStart); } } @Override public boolean isNMRegisterationDone() { return isNMRegisterationDone; } @Override public void decreseApplicationCount(String applicationId, boolean failed) throws RemoteException { if (!yarnNode) { int val = remainingApps.decrementAndGet(); LOG.info("SLS decrease finished application - application count : " + val + " " + applicationId); if (failed) { appNotAllocated.incrementAndGet(); } if (remainingApps.get() == 0) { this.simulationFinished(); for (AMNMCommonObject remoteCon : remoteConnections.values()) { remoteCon.simulationFinished(); } LOG.info("Distributed_Simulator_shutting_down_time : " + System. currentTimeMillis()); } } } @Override public int[] getHandledHeartBeats() { int hb[] = {0, 0}; for (NMSimulator nm : nmMap.values()) { hb[0] += nm.getTotalHeartBeat(); hb[1] += nm.getTotalTrueHeartBeat(); } return hb; } @Override public int getNumberNodeManager() { return nmMap.size(); } AtomicInteger nbFinished = new AtomicInteger(0); @Override public void simulationFinished() throws RemoteException { int finished = nbFinished.incrementAndGet(); LOG.info("finish simulation " + finished); if (finished == listOfRMIIpAddress.length + 1) { computAndPrintStats(); System.exit(0); } } private synchronized void computAndPrintStats() throws RemoteException { LOG.info("comput and print stats"); long simulationDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMeasures; int hb[] = this.getHandledHeartBeats(); String rtHbDetail = "this: " + hb[0] + ", "; String scHbDetail = "this: " + hb[1] + ", "; hb[0] -= initialHB[0]; hb[1] -= initialHB[1]; int nbNM = this.getNumberNodeManager(); int nbApplicationWaitTime = this.getNBApplicationMasterWaitTime(); long totalApplicationWaitTime = this.getApplicationMasterWaitTime(); int nbContainers = this.getNBContainers(); long totalContainerAllocationWaitTime = this. getContainerAllocationWaitTime(); long totalContainerStartTime = this.getContainerStartWaitTime(); for (String conId : remoteConnections.keySet()) { AMNMCommonObject remoteCon = remoteConnections.get(conId); int remoteHb[] = remoteCon.getHandledHeartBeats(); hb[0] += remoteHb[0]; hb[1] += remoteHb[1]; rtHbDetail = rtHbDetail + conId + ": " + remoteHb[0] + ", "; scHbDetail = scHbDetail + conId + ": " + remoteHb[1] + ", "; nbNM += remoteCon.getNumberNodeManager(); nbApplicationWaitTime += remoteCon.getNBApplicationMasterWaitTime(); totalApplicationWaitTime += remoteCon.getApplicationMasterWaitTime(); nbContainers += remoteCon.getNBContainers(); totalContainerAllocationWaitTime += remoteCon. getContainerAllocationWaitTime(); totalContainerStartTime += remoteCon.getContainerStartWaitTime(); } float numberOfIdealHb = ((float) nbNM / nmHeartbeatInterval) * simulationDuration; float rtHBRatio = (float) (hb[0] * 100) / numberOfIdealHb; float scHBRatio = (float) (hb[1] * 100) / numberOfIdealHb; float avgApplicationWaitTime = (float) totalApplicationWaitTime / nbApplicationWaitTime; float avgContainerAllocationWaitTime = (float) totalContainerAllocationWaitTime / nbContainers; float avgContainerStartTime = (float) totalContainerStartTime / nbContainers; Integer clusterCapacity = nmMap.size() * nmMemoryMB / containerMemoryMB; Integer usage = clusterUsages.poll(); float usagePercent = (float) usage / clusterCapacity; float totalClusterUsage = usagePercent; String clusterUsageDetail = "" + usagePercent; int counter = 1; usage = clusterUsages.poll(); while (usage != null) { usagePercent = (float) usage / clusterCapacity; totalClusterUsage += usagePercent; clusterUsageDetail = clusterUsageDetail + ", " + usagePercent; counter++; usage = clusterUsages.poll(); } float avgClusterUsage = totalClusterUsage / counter; try { long totalClusterUsageAm = 0; for(AMSimulator am: amMap.values()){ totalClusterUsageAm = totalClusterUsageAm + (am.getTotalContainersDuration()/1000); } File file = new File("simulationsDuration"); if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } FileWriter fileWritter = new FileWriter(file.getName(), true); BufferedWriter bufferWritter = new BufferedWriter(fileWritter); bufferWritter.write(simulationDuration + "\t" + rtHBRatio +/* " (" + rtHbDetail + ")" +*/ "\t" + scHBRatio + /*" (" + scHbDetail + ")" +*/ "\t" + avgApplicationWaitTime + "\t" + avgContainerAllocationWaitTime + "\t" + avgContainerStartTime + "\t" + nbContainers + "\t" + avgClusterUsage + "\n"); bufferWritter.close(); file = new File("clusterUsageDetail"); if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } fileWritter = new FileWriter(file.getName(), true); bufferWritter = new BufferedWriter(fileWritter); bufferWritter.write(clusterUsageDetail + "\n"); bufferWritter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } LOG.info( "================== Result format:hpresponsepercentage,nmsize,amsize,totalhb,truetotalhb,totaljobrunningtieminsec =================="); LOG.info("Simulation: " + simulationDuration + " " + rtHBRatio + " " + scHBRatio); } public void finishSimulation() { try { computAndPrintStats(); } catch (RemoteException e) { LOG.error(e, e); } for (AMNMCommonObject remoteCon : remoteConnections.values()) { try { remoteCon.kill(); } catch (RemoteException e) { LOG.error(e, e); } } try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SLSRunner.class.getName()). log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } System.exit(0); } public void kill() { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SLSRunner.class.getName()). log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } System.exit(0); } }).start(); return; } AtomicLong totalApplicationWaitTime = new AtomicLong(0); AtomicInteger nbApplicationWaitTime = new AtomicInteger(0); AtomicLong totalContainerAllocationWaitTime = new AtomicLong(0); AtomicLong totalContainerStartWaitTime = new AtomicLong(0); AtomicInteger nbContainers = new AtomicInteger(0); AtomicInteger appNotAllocated = new AtomicInteger(0); private long startMeasures; int initialHB[] = {0, 0}; int lastLocalRTHB = 0; int lastLocalSCHB = 0; public void startMeasures() { totalApplicationWaitTime.set(0); nbApplicationWaitTime.set(0); totalContainerAllocationWaitTime.set(0); totalContainerStartWaitTime.set(0); nbContainers.set(0); appNotAllocated.set(0); startMeasures = System.currentTimeMillis(); LOG.info("HeartBeat Monitor reset"); initialHB = this.getHandledHeartBeats(); for (AMNMCommonObject remoteCon : remoteConnections.values()) { while (true) { try { int remoteInitialHB[] = remoteCon.getHandledHeartBeats(); initialHB[0] += remoteInitialHB[0]; initialHB[1] += remoteInitialHB[1]; break; } catch (RemoteException e) { LOG.error(e, e); } } } } @Override public void addApplicationMasterWaitTime(long applicationMasterWaitTime) throws RemoteException { this.totalApplicationWaitTime.addAndGet(applicationMasterWaitTime); this.nbApplicationWaitTime.incrementAndGet(); } public Long getApplicationMasterWaitTime() { return totalApplicationWaitTime.get(); } public int getNBApplicationMasterWaitTime() { return nbApplicationWaitTime.get(); } @Override public void addContainerAllocationWaitTime(long containerAllocationWaitTime) throws RemoteException { this.totalContainerAllocationWaitTime.addAndGet(containerAllocationWaitTime); this.nbContainers.incrementAndGet(); } public Long getContainerAllocationWaitTime() { return totalContainerAllocationWaitTime.get(); } public int getNBContainers() { return nbContainers.get(); } @Override public void addContainerStartWaitTime(long containerStartWaitTime) throws RemoteException { this.totalContainerStartWaitTime.addAndGet(containerStartWaitTime); } public Long getContainerStartWaitTime() { return totalContainerStartWaitTime.get(); } Queue<Integer> clusterUsages = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer>(); float lastClusterUsage = 0; long totalClusterUsageFromStart = 0; private class Measurer implements Runnable { final long xpDuration; final SLSRunner runner; public Measurer(long xpDuration, SLSRunner runner) { this.xpDuration = xpDuration; this.runner = runner; } public void run() { try { LOG.info("Measurer sleep for warmup: " + xpDuration / 4); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < xpDuration / 4) { long startLoop = System.currentTimeMillis(); int clusterUsage = 0; for (NMSimulator nm : nmMap.values()) { clusterUsage += nm.getUsedResources(); } totalClusterUsageFromStart += clusterUsage; Integer clusterCapacity = nmMap.size() * nmMemoryMB / containerMemoryMB; lastClusterUsage = (float) clusterUsage / clusterCapacity; Thread.sleep(1000 - (System.currentTimeMillis() - startLoop)); } LOG.info("Measurer start measures for " + xpDuration / 2); runner.startMeasures(); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < xpDuration / 2) { long startLoop = System.currentTimeMillis(); int clusterUsage = 0; for (NMSimulator nm : nmMap.values()) { clusterUsage += nm.getUsedResources(); } clusterUsages.add(clusterUsage); totalClusterUsageFromStart += clusterUsage; Integer clusterCapacity = nmMap.size() * nmMemoryMB / containerMemoryMB; lastClusterUsage = (float) clusterUsage / clusterCapacity; Thread.sleep(1000 - (System.currentTimeMillis() - startLoop)); } LOG.info("Measurer finish measures"); runner.finishSimulation(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error(e, e); } } } }