/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.fs; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.avro.reflect.Stringable; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.HadoopIllegalArgumentException; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; /** Names a file or directory in a {@link FileSystem}. * Path strings use slash as the directory separator. A path string is * absolute if it begins with a slash. */ @Stringable @InterfaceAudience.Public @InterfaceStability.Stable public class Path implements Comparable { /** The directory separator, a slash. */ public static final String SEPARATOR = "/"; public static final char SEPARATOR_CHAR = '/'; public static final String CUR_DIR = "."; public static final boolean WINDOWS = System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows"); /** * Pre-compiled regular expressions to detect path formats. */ private static final Pattern hasUriScheme = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+-.]+:"); private static final Pattern hasDriveLetterSpecifier = Pattern.compile("^/?[a-zA-Z]:"); private URI uri; // a hierarchical uri /** * Pathnames with scheme and relative path are illegal. */ void checkNotSchemeWithRelative() { if (toUri().isAbsolute() && !isUriPathAbsolute()) { throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported name: has scheme but relative path-part"); } } void checkNotRelative() { if (!isAbsolute() && toUri().getScheme() == null) { throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("Path is relative"); } } public static Path getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(Path path) { // This code depends on Path.toString() to remove the leading slash before // the drive specification on Windows. Path newPath = path.isUriPathAbsolute() ? new Path(null, null, path.toUri().getPath()) : path; return newPath; } /** Resolve a child path against a parent path. */ public Path(String parent, String child) { this(new Path(parent), new Path(child)); } /** Resolve a child path against a parent path. */ public Path(Path parent, String child) { this(parent, new Path(child)); } /** Resolve a child path against a parent path. */ public Path(String parent, Path child) { this(new Path(parent), child); } /** Resolve a child path against a parent path. */ public Path(Path parent, Path child) { // Add a slash to parent's path so resolution is compatible with URI's URI parentUri = parent.uri; String parentPath = parentUri.getPath(); if (!(parentPath.equals("/") || parentPath.isEmpty())) { try { parentUri = new URI(parentUri.getScheme(), parentUri.getAuthority(), parentUri.getPath()+"/", null, parentUri.getFragment()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } URI resolved = parentUri.resolve(child.uri); initialize(resolved.getScheme(), resolved.getAuthority(), resolved.getPath(), resolved.getFragment()); } private void checkPathArg( String path ) throws IllegalArgumentException { // disallow construction of a Path from an empty string if ( path == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Can not create a Path from a null string"); } if( path.length() == 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Can not create a Path from an empty string"); } } /** Construct a path from a String. Path strings are URIs, but with * unescaped elements and some additional normalization. */ public Path(String pathString) throws IllegalArgumentException { checkPathArg( pathString ); // We can't use 'new URI(String)' directly, since it assumes things are // escaped, which we don't require of Paths. // add a slash in front of paths with Windows drive letters if (hasWindowsDrive(pathString) && pathString.charAt(0) != '/') { pathString = "/" + pathString; } // parse uri components String scheme = null; String authority = null; int start = 0; // parse uri scheme, if any int colon = pathString.indexOf(':'); int slash = pathString.indexOf('/'); if ((colon != -1) && ((slash == -1) || (colon < slash))) { // has a scheme scheme = pathString.substring(0, colon); start = colon+1; } // parse uri authority, if any if (pathString.startsWith("//", start) && (pathString.length()-start > 2)) { // has authority int nextSlash = pathString.indexOf('/', start+2); int authEnd = nextSlash > 0 ? nextSlash : pathString.length(); authority = pathString.substring(start+2, authEnd); start = authEnd; } // uri path is the rest of the string -- query & fragment not supported String path = pathString.substring(start, pathString.length()); initialize(scheme, authority, path, null); } /** * Construct a path from a URI */ public Path(URI aUri) { uri = aUri.normalize(); } /** Construct a Path from components. */ public Path(String scheme, String authority, String path) { checkPathArg( path ); // add a slash in front of paths with Windows drive letters if (hasWindowsDrive(path) && path.charAt(0) != '/') { path = "/" + path; } // add "./" in front of Linux relative paths so that a path containing // a colon e.q. "a:b" will not be interpreted as scheme "a". if (!WINDOWS && path.charAt(0) != '/') { path = "./" + path; } initialize(scheme, authority, path, null); } private void initialize(String scheme, String authority, String path, String fragment) { try { this.uri = new URI(scheme, authority, normalizePath(scheme, path), null, fragment) .normalize(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } /** * Merge 2 paths such that the second path is appended relative to the first. * The returned path has the scheme and authority of the first path. On * Windows, the drive specification in the second path is discarded. * * @param path1 Path first path * @param path2 Path second path, to be appended relative to path1 * @return Path merged path */ public static Path mergePaths(Path path1, Path path2) { String path2Str = path2.toUri().getPath(); path2Str = path2Str.substring(startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(path2Str)); // Add path components explicitly, because simply concatenating two path // string is not safe, for example: // "/" + "/foo" yields "//foo", which will be parsed as authority in Path return new Path(path1.toUri().getScheme(), path1.toUri().getAuthority(), path1.toUri().getPath() + path2Str); } /** * Normalize a path string to use non-duplicated forward slashes as * the path separator and remove any trailing path separators. * @param scheme Supplies the URI scheme. Used to deduce whether we * should replace backslashes or not. * @param path Supplies the scheme-specific part * @return Normalized path string. */ private static String normalizePath(String scheme, String path) { // Remove double forward slashes. path = StringUtils.replace(path, "//", "/"); // Remove backslashes if this looks like a Windows path. Avoid // the substitution if it looks like a non-local URI. if (WINDOWS && (hasWindowsDrive(path) || (scheme == null) || (scheme.isEmpty()) || (scheme.equals("file")))) { path = StringUtils.replace(path, "\\", "/"); } // trim trailing slash from non-root path (ignoring windows drive) int minLength = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(path) + 1; if (path.length() > minLength && path.endsWith(SEPARATOR)) { path = path.substring(0, path.length()-1); } return path; } private static boolean hasWindowsDrive(String path) { return (WINDOWS && hasDriveLetterSpecifier.matcher(path).find()); } private static int startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(String path) { if (hasWindowsDrive(path)) { return path.charAt(0) == SEPARATOR_CHAR ? 3 : 2; } else { return 0; } } /** * Determine whether a given path string represents an absolute path on * Windows. e.g. "C:/a/b" is an absolute path. "C:a/b" is not. * * @param pathString Supplies the path string to evaluate. * @param slashed true if the given path is prefixed with "/". * @return true if the supplied path looks like an absolute path with a Windows * drive-specifier. */ public static boolean isWindowsAbsolutePath(final String pathString, final boolean slashed) { int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(pathString); return start > 0 && pathString.length() > start && ((pathString.charAt(start) == SEPARATOR_CHAR) || (pathString.charAt(start) == '\\')); } /** Convert this to a URI. */ public URI toUri() { return uri; } /** Return the FileSystem that owns this Path. */ public FileSystem getFileSystem(Configuration conf) throws IOException { return FileSystem.get(this.toUri(), conf); } /** * Is an absolute path (ie a slash relative path part) * AND a scheme is null AND authority is null. */ public boolean isAbsoluteAndSchemeAuthorityNull() { return (isUriPathAbsolute() && uri.getScheme() == null && uri.getAuthority() == null); } /** * True if the path component (i.e. directory) of this URI is absolute. */ public boolean isUriPathAbsolute() { int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(uri.getPath()); return uri.getPath().startsWith(SEPARATOR, start); } /** True if the path component of this URI is absolute. */ /** * There is some ambiguity here. An absolute path is a slash * relative name without a scheme or an authority. * So either this method was incorrectly named or its * implementation is incorrect. This method returns true * even if there is a scheme and authority. */ public boolean isAbsolute() { return isUriPathAbsolute(); } /** * @return true if and only if this path represents the root of a file system */ public boolean isRoot() { return getParent() == null; } /** Returns the final component of this path.*/ public String getName() { String path = uri.getPath(); int slash = path.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR); return path.substring(slash+1); } /** Returns the parent of a path or null if at root. */ public Path getParent() { String path = uri.getPath(); int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/'); int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(path); if ((path.length() == start) || // empty path (lastSlash == start && path.length() == start+1)) { // at root return null; } String parent; if (lastSlash==-1) { parent = CUR_DIR; } else { parent = path.substring(0, lastSlash==start?start+1:lastSlash); } return new Path(uri.getScheme(), uri.getAuthority(), parent); } /** Adds a suffix to the final name in the path.*/ public Path suffix(String suffix) { return new Path(getParent(), getName()+suffix); } @Override public String toString() { // we can't use uri.toString(), which escapes everything, because we want // illegal characters unescaped in the string, for glob processing, etc. StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); if (uri.getScheme() != null) { buffer.append(uri.getScheme()); buffer.append(":"); } if (uri.getAuthority() != null) { buffer.append("//"); buffer.append(uri.getAuthority()); } if (uri.getPath() != null) { String path = uri.getPath(); if (path.indexOf('/')==0 && hasWindowsDrive(path) && // has windows drive uri.getScheme() == null && // but no scheme uri.getAuthority() == null) // or authority path = path.substring(1); // remove slash before drive buffer.append(path); } if (uri.getFragment() != null) { buffer.append("#"); buffer.append(uri.getFragment()); } return buffer.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Path)) { return false; } Path that = (Path)o; return this.uri.equals(that.uri); } @Override public int hashCode() { return uri.hashCode(); } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { Path that = (Path)o; return this.uri.compareTo(that.uri); } /** Return the number of elements in this path. */ public int depth() { String path = uri.getPath(); int depth = 0; int slash = path.length()==1 && path.charAt(0)=='/' ? -1 : 0; while (slash != -1) { depth++; slash = path.indexOf(SEPARATOR, slash+1); } return depth; } /** * Returns a qualified path object. * * Deprecated - use {@link #makeQualified(URI, Path)} */ @Deprecated public Path makeQualified(FileSystem fs) { return makeQualified(fs.getUri(), fs.getWorkingDirectory()); } /** Returns a qualified path object. */ @InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({"HDFS", "MapReduce"}) public Path makeQualified(URI defaultUri, Path workingDir ) { Path path = this; if (!isAbsolute()) { path = new Path(workingDir, this); } URI pathUri = path.toUri(); String scheme = pathUri.getScheme(); String authority = pathUri.getAuthority(); String fragment = pathUri.getFragment(); if (scheme != null && (authority != null || defaultUri.getAuthority() == null)) return path; if (scheme == null) { scheme = defaultUri.getScheme(); } if (authority == null) { authority = defaultUri.getAuthority(); if (authority == null) { authority = ""; } } URI newUri = null; try { newUri = new URI(scheme, authority , normalizePath(scheme, pathUri.getPath()), null, fragment); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } return new Path(newUri); } }