/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.fs.http.server; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileChecksum; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.GlobFilter; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.http.client.HttpFSFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.lib.service.FileSystemAccess; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * FileSystem operation executors used by {@link HttpFSServer}. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public class FSOperations { @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation"}) private static Map fileStatusToJSONRaw(FileStatus status, boolean emptyPathSuffix) { Map json = new LinkedHashMap(); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.PATH_SUFFIX_JSON, (emptyPathSuffix) ? "" : status.getPath().getName()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.TYPE_JSON, HttpFSFileSystem.FILE_TYPE.getType(status).toString()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.LENGTH_JSON, status.getLen()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.OWNER_JSON, status.getOwner()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.GROUP_JSON, status.getGroup()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.PERMISSION_JSON, HttpFSFileSystem.permissionToString(status.getPermission())); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.ACCESS_TIME_JSON, status.getAccessTime()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.MODIFICATION_TIME_JSON, status.getModificationTime()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.BLOCK_SIZE_JSON, status.getBlockSize()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.REPLICATION_JSON, status.getReplication()); return json; } /** * Converts a FileSystemAccess <code>FileStatus</code> object into a JSON * object. * * @param status * FileSystemAccess file status. * @return The JSON representation of the file status. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation"}) private static Map fileStatusToJSON(FileStatus status) { Map json = new LinkedHashMap(); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.FILE_STATUS_JSON, fileStatusToJSONRaw(status, true)); return json; } /** * Converts a <code>FileChecksum</code> object into a JSON array * object. * * @param checksum * file checksum. * @return The JSON representation of the file checksum. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private static Map fileChecksumToJSON(FileChecksum checksum) { Map json = new LinkedHashMap(); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM_JSON, checksum.getAlgorithmName()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.CHECKSUM_BYTES_JSON, org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils .byteToHexString(checksum.getBytes())); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.CHECKSUM_LENGTH_JSON, checksum.getLength()); Map response = new LinkedHashMap(); response.put(HttpFSFileSystem.FILE_CHECKSUM_JSON, json); return response; } /** * Converts a <code>ContentSummary</code> object into a JSON array * object. * * @param contentSummary * the content summary * @return The JSON representation of the content summary. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private static Map contentSummaryToJSON(ContentSummary contentSummary) { Map json = new LinkedHashMap(); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.CONTENT_SUMMARY_DIRECTORY_COUNT_JSON, contentSummary.getDirectoryCount()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.CONTENT_SUMMARY_FILE_COUNT_JSON, contentSummary.getFileCount()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.CONTENT_SUMMARY_LENGTH_JSON, contentSummary.getLength()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.CONTENT_SUMMARY_QUOTA_JSON, contentSummary.getQuota()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.CONTENT_SUMMARY_SPACE_CONSUMED_JSON, contentSummary.getSpaceConsumed()); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.CONTENT_SUMMARY_SPACE_QUOTA_JSON, contentSummary.getSpaceQuota()); Map response = new LinkedHashMap(); response.put(HttpFSFileSystem.CONTENT_SUMMARY_JSON, json); return response; } /** * Converts a FileSystemAccess <code>FileStatus</code> array into a JSON * array * object. * * @param status * FileSystemAccess file status array. * <code>SCHEME://HOST:PORT</code> in the file status. * @return The JSON representation of the file status array. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Map fileStatusToJSON(FileStatus[] status) { JSONArray json = new JSONArray(); if (status != null) { for (FileStatus s : status) { json.add(fileStatusToJSONRaw(s, false)); } } Map response = new LinkedHashMap(); Map temp = new LinkedHashMap(); temp.put(HttpFSFileSystem.FILE_STATUS_JSON, json); response.put(HttpFSFileSystem.FILE_STATUSES_JSON, temp); return response; } /** * Converts an object into a Json Map with with one key-value entry. * <p/> * It assumes the given value is either a JSON primitive type or a * <code>JsonAware</code> instance. * * @param name * name for the key of the entry. * @param value * for the value of the entry. * @return the JSON representation of the key-value pair. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static JSONObject toJSON(String name, Object value) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put(name, value); return json; } /** * Executor that performs an append FileSystemAccess files system operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSAppend implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<Void> { private InputStream is; private Path path; /** * Creates an Append executor. * * @param is * input stream to append. * @param path * path of the file to append. */ public FSAppend(InputStream is, String path) { this.is = is; this.path = new Path(path); } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return void. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public Void execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { int bufferSize = fs.getConf().getInt("httpfs.buffer.size", 4096); OutputStream os = fs.append(path, bufferSize); IOUtils.copyBytes(is, os, bufferSize, true); os.close(); return null; } } /** * Executor that performs an append FileSystemAccess files system operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSConcat implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<Void> { private Path path; private Path[] sources; /** * Creates a Concat executor. * * @param path * target path to concat to. * @param sources * comma seperated absolute paths to use as sources. */ public FSConcat(String path, String[] sources) { this.sources = new Path[sources.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { this.sources[i] = new Path(sources[i]); } this.path = new Path(path); } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return void. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public Void execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { fs.concat(path, sources); return null; } } /** * Executor that performs a content-summary FileSystemAccess files system * operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSContentSummary implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<Map> { private Path path; /** * Creates a content-summary executor. * * @param path * the path to retrieve the content-summary. */ public FSContentSummary(String path) { this.path = new Path(path); } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return a Map object (JSON friendly) with the content-summary. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public Map execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { ContentSummary contentSummary = fs.getContentSummary(path); return contentSummaryToJSON(contentSummary); } } /** * Executor that performs a create FileSystemAccess files system operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSCreate implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<Void> { private InputStream is; private Path path; private short permission; private boolean override; private short replication; private long blockSize; /** * Creates a Create executor. * * @param is * input stream to for the file to create. * @param path * path of the file to create. * @param perm * permission for the file. * @param override * if the file should be overriden if it already exist. * @param repl * the replication factor for the file. * @param blockSize * the block size for the file. */ public FSCreate(InputStream is, String path, short perm, boolean override, short repl, long blockSize) { this.is = is; this.path = new Path(path); this.permission = perm; this.override = override; this.replication = repl; this.blockSize = blockSize; } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return The URI of the created file. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public Void execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { if (replication == -1) { replication = fs.getDefaultReplication(path); } if (blockSize == -1) { blockSize = fs.getDefaultBlockSize(path); } FsPermission fsPermission = new FsPermission(permission); int bufferSize = fs.getConf().getInt("httpfs.buffer.size", 4096); OutputStream os = fs.create(path, fsPermission, override, bufferSize, replication, blockSize, null); IOUtils.copyBytes(is, os, bufferSize, true); os.close(); return null; } } /** * Executor that performs a delete FileSystemAccess files system operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSDelete implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<JSONObject> { private Path path; private boolean recursive; /** * Creates a Delete executor. * * @param path * path to delete. * @param recursive * if the delete should be recursive or not. */ public FSDelete(String path, boolean recursive) { this.path = new Path(path); this.recursive = recursive; } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return <code>true</code> if the delete operation was successful, * <code>false</code> otherwise. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public JSONObject execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { boolean deleted = fs.delete(path, recursive); return toJSON(HttpFSFileSystem.DELETE_JSON.toLowerCase(), deleted); } } /** * Executor that performs a file-checksum FileSystemAccess files system * operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSFileChecksum implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<Map> { private Path path; /** * Creates a file-checksum executor. * * @param path * the path to retrieve the checksum. */ public FSFileChecksum(String path) { this.path = new Path(path); } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return a Map object (JSON friendly) with the file checksum. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public Map execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { FileChecksum checksum = fs.getFileChecksum(path); return fileChecksumToJSON(checksum); } } /** * Executor that performs a file-status FileSystemAccess files system * operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSFileStatus implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<Map> { private Path path; /** * Creates a file-status executor. * * @param path * the path to retrieve the status. */ public FSFileStatus(String path) { this.path = new Path(path); } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return a Map object (JSON friendly) with the file status. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public Map execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(path); return fileStatusToJSON(status); } } /** * Executor that performs a home-dir FileSystemAccess files system operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSHomeDir implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<JSONObject> { /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return a JSON object with the user home directory. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public JSONObject execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { Path homeDir = fs.getHomeDirectory(); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.HOME_DIR_JSON, homeDir.toUri().getPath()); return json; } } /** * Executor that performs a list-status FileSystemAccess files system * operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSListStatus implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<Map>, PathFilter { private Path path; private PathFilter filter; /** * Creates a list-status executor. * * @param path * the directory to retrieve the status of its contents. * @param filter * glob filter to use. * @throws IOException * thrown if the filter expression is incorrect. */ public FSListStatus(String path, String filter) throws IOException { this.path = new Path(path); this.filter = (filter == null) ? this : new GlobFilter(filter); } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return a Map with the file status of the directory * contents. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public Map execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { FileStatus[] status = fs.listStatus(path, filter); return fileStatusToJSON(status); } @Override public boolean accept(Path path) { return true; } } /** * Executor that performs a mkdirs FileSystemAccess files system operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSMkdirs implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<JSONObject> { private Path path; private short permission; /** * Creates a mkdirs executor. * * @param path * directory path to create. * @param permission * permission to use. */ public FSMkdirs(String path, short permission) { this.path = new Path(path); this.permission = permission; } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return <code>true</code> if the mkdirs operation was successful, * <code>false</code> otherwise. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public JSONObject execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { FsPermission fsPermission = new FsPermission(permission); boolean mkdirs = fs.mkdirs(path, fsPermission); return toJSON(HttpFSFileSystem.MKDIRS_JSON, mkdirs); } } /** * Executor that performs a open FileSystemAccess files system operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSOpen implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<InputStream> { private Path path; /** * Creates a open executor. * * @param path * file to open. */ public FSOpen(String path) { this.path = new Path(path); } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return The inputstream of the file. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public InputStream execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { int bufferSize = HttpFSServerWebApp.get().getConfig() .getInt("httpfs.buffer.size", 4096); return fs.open(path, bufferSize); } } /** * Executor that performs a rename FileSystemAccess files system operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSRename implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<JSONObject> { private Path path; private Path toPath; /** * Creates a rename executor. * * @param path * path to rename. * @param toPath * new name. */ public FSRename(String path, String toPath) { this.path = new Path(path); this.toPath = new Path(toPath); } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return <code>true</code> if the rename operation was successful, * <code>false</code> otherwise. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public JSONObject execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { boolean renamed = fs.rename(path, toPath); return toJSON(HttpFSFileSystem.RENAME_JSON, renamed); } } /** * Executor that performs a set-owner FileSystemAccess files system * operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSSetOwner implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<Void> { private Path path; private String owner; private String group; /** * Creates a set-owner executor. * * @param path * the path to set the owner. * @param owner * owner to set. * @param group * group to set. */ public FSSetOwner(String path, String owner, String group) { this.path = new Path(path); this.owner = owner; this.group = group; } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return void. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public Void execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { fs.setOwner(path, owner, group); return null; } } /** * Executor that performs a set-permission FileSystemAccess files system * operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSSetPermission implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<Void> { private Path path; private short permission; /** * Creates a set-permission executor. * * @param path * path to set the permission. * @param permission * permission to set. */ public FSSetPermission(String path, short permission) { this.path = new Path(path); this.permission = permission; } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return void. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public Void execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { FsPermission fsPermission = new FsPermission(permission); fs.setPermission(path, fsPermission); return null; } } /** * Executor that performs a set-replication FileSystemAccess files system * operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSSetReplication implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<JSONObject> { private Path path; private short replication; /** * Creates a set-replication executor. * * @param path * path to set the replication factor. * @param replication * replication factor to set. */ public FSSetReplication(String path, short replication) { this.path = new Path(path); this.replication = replication; } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return <code>true</code> if the replication value was set, * <code>false</code> otherwise. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public JSONObject execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { boolean ret = fs.setReplication(path, replication); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put(HttpFSFileSystem.SET_REPLICATION_JSON, ret); return json; } } /** * Executor that performs a set-times FileSystemAccess files system * operation. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public static class FSSetTimes implements FileSystemAccess.FileSystemExecutor<Void> { private Path path; private long mTime; private long aTime; /** * Creates a set-times executor. * * @param path * path to set the times. * @param mTime * modified time to set. * @param aTime * access time to set. */ public FSSetTimes(String path, long mTime, long aTime) { this.path = new Path(path); this.mTime = mTime; this.aTime = aTime; } /** * Executes the filesystem operation. * * @param fs * filesystem instance to use. * @return void. * @throws IOException * thrown if an IO error occured. */ @Override public Void execute(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { fs.setTimes(path, mTime, aTime); return null; } } }