/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.ChecksumException; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSOutputSummer; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ExtendedBlock; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.datatransfer.BlockConstructionStage; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.datatransfer.PacketHeader; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.datatransfer.PacketReceiver; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.datatransfer.PipelineAck; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.DataTransferProtos.Status; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.fsdataset.ReplicaInputStreams; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.fsdataset.ReplicaOutputStreams; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeRegistration; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.DataTransferThrottler; import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.io.nativeio.NativeIO; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Daemon; import org.apache.hadoop.util.DataChecksum; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.zip.Checksum; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode.DN_CLIENTTRACE_FORMAT; /** * A class that receives a block and writes to its own disk, meanwhile * may copies it to another site. If a throttler is provided, * streaming throttling is also supported. */ class BlockReceiver implements Closeable { public static final Log LOG = DataNode.LOG; static final Log ClientTraceLog = DataNode.ClientTraceLog; private static final long CACHE_DROP_LAG_BYTES = 8 * 1024 * 1024; private DataInputStream in = null; // from where data are read private DataChecksum clientChecksum; // checksum used by client private DataChecksum diskChecksum; // checksum we write to disk /** * In the case that the client is writing with a different * checksum polynomial than the block is stored with on disk, * the DataNode needs to recalculate checksums before writing. */ private boolean needsChecksumTranslation; private OutputStream out = null; // to block file at local disk private FileDescriptor outFd; private OutputStream cout = null; // output stream for cehcksum file private DataOutputStream checksumOut = null; // to crc file at local disk private int bytesPerChecksum; private int checksumSize; private PacketReceiver packetReceiver = new PacketReceiver(false); protected final String inAddr; protected final String myAddr; private String mirrorAddr; private DataOutputStream mirrorOut; private Daemon responder = null; private DataTransferThrottler throttler; private ReplicaOutputStreams streams; private DatanodeInfo srcDataNode = null; private Checksum partialCrc = null; private final DataNode datanode; volatile private boolean mirrorError; // Cache management state private boolean dropCacheBehindWrites; private boolean syncBehindWrites; private long lastCacheDropOffset = 0; /** * The client name. It is empty if a datanode is the client */ private final String clientname; private final boolean isClient; private final boolean isDatanode; /** * the block to receive */ private final ExtendedBlock block; /** * the replica to write */ private final ReplicaInPipelineInterface replicaInfo; /** * pipeline stage */ private final BlockConstructionStage stage; private final boolean isTransfer; private boolean syncOnClose; BlockReceiver(final ExtendedBlock block, final DataInputStream in, final String inAddr, final String myAddr, final BlockConstructionStage stage, final long newGs, final long minBytesRcvd, final long maxBytesRcvd, final String clientname, final DatanodeInfo srcDataNode, final DataNode datanode, DataChecksum requestedChecksum) throws IOException { try { this.block = block; this.in = in; this.inAddr = inAddr; this.myAddr = myAddr; this.srcDataNode = srcDataNode; this.datanode = datanode; this.clientname = clientname; this.isDatanode = clientname.length() == 0; this.isClient = !this.isDatanode; //for datanode, we have //1: clientName.length() == 0, and //2: stage == null or PIPELINE_SETUP_CREATE this.stage = stage; this.isTransfer = stage == BlockConstructionStage.TRANSFER_RBW || stage == BlockConstructionStage.TRANSFER_FINALIZED; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug( getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + block + "\n isClient =" + isClient + ", clientname=" + clientname + "\n isDatanode=" + isDatanode + ", srcDataNode=" + srcDataNode + "\n inAddr=" + inAddr + ", myAddr=" + myAddr); } // // Open local disk out // if (isDatanode) { //replication or move replicaInfo = datanode.data.createTemporary(block); } else { switch (stage) { case PIPELINE_SETUP_CREATE: replicaInfo = datanode.data.createRbw(block); datanode.notifyNamenodeReceivingBlock(block); break; case PIPELINE_SETUP_STREAMING_RECOVERY: replicaInfo = datanode.data .recoverRbw(block, newGs, minBytesRcvd, maxBytesRcvd); block.setGenerationStamp(newGs); break; case PIPELINE_SETUP_APPEND: replicaInfo = datanode.data.append(block, newGs, minBytesRcvd); if (datanode.blockScanner != null) { // remove from block scanner datanode.blockScanner .deleteBlock(block.getBlockPoolId(), block.getLocalBlock()); } block.setGenerationStamp(newGs); datanode.notifyNamenodeReceivingBlock(block); break; case PIPELINE_SETUP_APPEND_RECOVERY: replicaInfo = datanode.data.recoverAppend(block, newGs, minBytesRcvd); if (datanode.blockScanner != null) { // remove from block scanner datanode.blockScanner .deleteBlock(block.getBlockPoolId(), block.getLocalBlock()); } block.setGenerationStamp(newGs); datanode.notifyNamenodeReceivingBlock(block); break; case TRANSFER_RBW: case TRANSFER_FINALIZED: // this is a transfer destination replicaInfo = datanode.data.createTemporary(block); break; default: throw new IOException("Unsupported stage " + stage + " while receiving block " + block + " from " + inAddr); } } this.dropCacheBehindWrites = datanode.getDnConf().dropCacheBehindWrites; this.syncBehindWrites = datanode.getDnConf().syncBehindWrites; final boolean isCreate = isDatanode || isTransfer || stage == BlockConstructionStage.PIPELINE_SETUP_CREATE; streams = replicaInfo.createStreams(isCreate, requestedChecksum); assert streams != null : "null streams!"; // read checksum meta information this.clientChecksum = requestedChecksum; this.diskChecksum = streams.getChecksum(); this.needsChecksumTranslation = !clientChecksum.equals(diskChecksum); this.bytesPerChecksum = diskChecksum.getBytesPerChecksum(); this.checksumSize = diskChecksum.getChecksumSize(); this.out = streams.getDataOut(); if (out instanceof FileOutputStream) { this.outFd = ((FileOutputStream) out).getFD(); } else { LOG.warn("Could not get file descriptor for outputstream of class " + out.getClass()); } this.cout = streams.getChecksumOut(); this.checksumOut = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(cout, HdfsConstants.SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE)); // write data chunk header if creating a new replica if (isCreate) { BlockMetadataHeader.writeHeader(checksumOut, diskChecksum); } } catch (ReplicaAlreadyExistsException bae) { throw bae; } catch (ReplicaNotFoundException bne) { throw bne; } catch (IOException ioe) { IOUtils.closeStream(this); cleanupBlock(); // check if there is a disk error IOException cause = DatanodeUtil.getCauseIfDiskError(ioe); DataNode.LOG .warn("IOException in BlockReceiver constructor. Cause is ", cause); if (cause != null) { // possible disk error ioe = cause; datanode.checkDiskError(ioe); // may throw an exception here } throw ioe; } } /** * Return the datanode object. */ DataNode getDataNode() { return datanode; } /** * close files. */ @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (packetReceiver != null) { packetReceiver.close(); } IOException ioe = null; if (syncOnClose && (out != null || checksumOut != null)) { datanode.metrics.incrFsyncCount(); } long flushTotalNanos = 0; boolean measuredFlushTime = false; // close checksum file try { if (checksumOut != null) { long flushStartNanos = System.nanoTime(); checksumOut.flush(); long flushEndNanos = System.nanoTime(); if (syncOnClose && (cout instanceof FileOutputStream)) { long fsyncStartNanos = flushEndNanos; ((FileOutputStream) cout).getChannel().force(true); datanode.metrics.addFsyncNanos(System.nanoTime() - fsyncStartNanos); } flushTotalNanos += flushEndNanos - flushStartNanos; measuredFlushTime = true; checksumOut.close(); checksumOut = null; } } catch (IOException e) { ioe = e; } finally { IOUtils.closeStream(checksumOut); } // close block file try { if (out != null) { long flushStartNanos = System.nanoTime(); out.flush(); long flushEndNanos = System.nanoTime(); if (syncOnClose && (out instanceof FileOutputStream)) { long fsyncStartNanos = flushEndNanos; ((FileOutputStream) out).getChannel().force(true); datanode.metrics.addFsyncNanos(System.nanoTime() - fsyncStartNanos); } flushTotalNanos += flushEndNanos - flushStartNanos; measuredFlushTime = true; out.close(); out = null; } } catch (IOException e) { ioe = e; } finally { IOUtils.closeStream(out); } if (measuredFlushTime) { datanode.metrics.addFlushNanos(flushTotalNanos); } // disk check if (ioe != null) { datanode.checkDiskError(ioe); throw ioe; } } /** * Flush block data and metadata files to disk. * * @throws IOException */ void flushOrSync(boolean isSync) throws IOException { long flushTotalNanos = 0; if (checksumOut != null) { long flushStartNanos = System.nanoTime(); checksumOut.flush(); long flushEndNanos = System.nanoTime(); if (isSync && (cout instanceof FileOutputStream)) { long fsyncStartNanos = flushEndNanos; ((FileOutputStream) cout).getChannel().force(true); datanode.metrics.addFsyncNanos(System.nanoTime() - fsyncStartNanos); } flushTotalNanos += flushEndNanos - flushStartNanos; } if (out != null) { long flushStartNanos = System.nanoTime(); out.flush(); long flushEndNanos = System.nanoTime(); if (isSync && (out instanceof FileOutputStream)) { long fsyncStartNanos = flushEndNanos; ((FileOutputStream) out).getChannel().force(true); datanode.metrics.addFsyncNanos(System.nanoTime() - fsyncStartNanos); } flushTotalNanos += flushEndNanos - flushStartNanos; } if (checksumOut != null || out != null) { datanode.metrics.addFlushNanos(flushTotalNanos); if (isSync) { datanode.metrics.incrFsyncCount(); } } } /** * While writing to mirrorOut, failure to write to mirror should not * affect this datanode unless it is caused by interruption. */ private void handleMirrorOutError(IOException ioe) throws IOException { String bpid = block.getBlockPoolId(); LOG.info( datanode.getDNRegistrationForBP(bpid) + ":Exception writing " + block + " to mirror " + mirrorAddr, ioe); if (Thread.interrupted()) { // shut down if the thread is interrupted throw ioe; } else { // encounter an error while writing to mirror // continue to run even if can not write to mirror // notify client of the error // and wait for the client to shut down the pipeline mirrorError = true; } } /** * Verify multiple CRC chunks. */ private void verifyChunks(ByteBuffer dataBuf, ByteBuffer checksumBuf) throws IOException { try { clientChecksum.verifyChunkedSums(dataBuf, checksumBuf, clientname, 0); } catch (ChecksumException ce) { LOG.warn("Checksum error in block " + block + " from " + inAddr, ce); if (srcDataNode != null) { try { LOG.info("report corrupt " + block + " from datanode " + srcDataNode + " to namenode"); datanode.reportRemoteBadBlock(srcDataNode, block); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to report bad " + block + " from datanode " + srcDataNode + " to namenode"); } } throw new IOException( "Unexpected checksum mismatch while writing " + block + " from " + inAddr); } } /** * Translate CRC chunks from the client's checksum implementation * to the disk checksum implementation. * <p/> * This does not verify the original checksums, under the assumption * that they have already been validated. */ private void translateChunks(ByteBuffer dataBuf, ByteBuffer checksumBuf) { diskChecksum.calculateChunkedSums(dataBuf, checksumBuf); } /** * Receives and processes a packet. It can contain many chunks. * returns the number of data bytes that the packet has. */ private int receivePacket() throws IOException { // read the next packet packetReceiver.receiveNextPacket(in); PacketHeader header = packetReceiver.getHeader(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Receiving one packet for block " + block + ": " + header); } // Sanity check the header if (header.getOffsetInBlock() > replicaInfo.getNumBytes()) { throw new IOException("Received an out-of-sequence packet for " + block + "from " + inAddr + " at offset " + header.getOffsetInBlock() + ". Expecting packet starting at " + replicaInfo.getNumBytes()); } if (header.getDataLen() < 0) { throw new IOException("Got wrong length during writeBlock(" + block + ") from " + inAddr + " at offset " + header.getOffsetInBlock() + ": " + header.getDataLen()); } long offsetInBlock = header.getOffsetInBlock(); long seqno = header.getSeqno(); boolean lastPacketInBlock = header.isLastPacketInBlock(); int len = header.getDataLen(); boolean syncBlock = header.getSyncBlock(); // avoid double sync'ing on close if (syncBlock && lastPacketInBlock) { this.syncOnClose = false; } // update received bytes long firstByteInBlock = offsetInBlock; offsetInBlock += len; if (replicaInfo.getNumBytes() < offsetInBlock) { replicaInfo.setNumBytesNoPersistance(offsetInBlock); } // put in queue for pending acks, unless sync was requested if (responder != null && !syncBlock) { ((PacketResponder) responder.getRunnable()) .enqueue(seqno, lastPacketInBlock, offsetInBlock); } //First write the packet to the mirror: if (mirrorOut != null && !mirrorError) { try { packetReceiver.mirrorPacketTo(mirrorOut); mirrorOut.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { handleMirrorOutError(e); } } ByteBuffer dataBuf = packetReceiver.getDataSlice(); ByteBuffer checksumBuf = packetReceiver.getChecksumSlice(); if (lastPacketInBlock || len == 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Receiving an empty packet or the end of the block " + block); } // sync block if requested if (syncBlock) { flushOrSync(true); } } else { int checksumLen = ((len + bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum) * checksumSize; if (checksumBuf.capacity() != checksumLen) { throw new IOException("Length of checksums in packet " + checksumBuf.capacity() + " does not match calculated checksum " + "length " + checksumLen); } /* skip verifying checksum iff this is not the last one in the * pipeline and clientName is non-null. i.e. Checksum is verified * on all the datanodes when the data is being written by a * datanode rather than a client. Whe client is writing the data, * protocol includes acks and only the last datanode needs to verify * checksum. */ if (mirrorOut == null || isDatanode || needsChecksumTranslation) { verifyChunks(dataBuf, checksumBuf); if (needsChecksumTranslation) { // overwrite the checksums in the packet buffer with the // appropriate polynomial for the disk storage. translateChunks(dataBuf, checksumBuf); } } // by this point, the data in the buffer uses the disk checksum byte[] lastChunkChecksum; try { long onDiskLen = replicaInfo.getBytesOnDisk(); if (onDiskLen < offsetInBlock) { //finally write to the disk : if (onDiskLen % bytesPerChecksum != 0) { // prepare to overwrite last checksum adjustCrcFilePosition(); } // If this is a partial chunk, then read in pre-existing checksum if (firstByteInBlock % bytesPerChecksum != 0) { LOG.info("Packet starts at " + firstByteInBlock + " for " + block + " which is not a multiple of bytesPerChecksum " + bytesPerChecksum); long offsetInChecksum = BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize() + onDiskLen / bytesPerChecksum * checksumSize; computePartialChunkCrc(onDiskLen, offsetInChecksum, bytesPerChecksum); } int startByteToDisk = (int) (onDiskLen - firstByteInBlock) + dataBuf.arrayOffset() + dataBuf.position(); int numBytesToDisk = (int) (offsetInBlock - onDiskLen); // Write data to disk. out.write(dataBuf.array(), startByteToDisk, numBytesToDisk); // If this is a partial chunk, then verify that this is the only // chunk in the packet. Calculate new crc for this chunk. if (partialCrc != null) { if (len > bytesPerChecksum) { throw new IOException("Got wrong length during writeBlock(" + block + ") from " + inAddr + " " + "A packet can have only one partial chunk." + " len = " + len + " bytesPerChecksum " + bytesPerChecksum); } partialCrc.update(dataBuf.array(), startByteToDisk, numBytesToDisk); byte[] buf = FSOutputSummer.convertToByteStream(partialCrc, checksumSize); lastChunkChecksum = Arrays.copyOfRange(buf, buf.length - checksumSize, buf.length); checksumOut.write(buf); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Writing out partial crc for data len " + len); } partialCrc = null; } else { lastChunkChecksum = Arrays.copyOfRange(checksumBuf.array(), checksumBuf.arrayOffset() + checksumBuf.position() + checksumLen - checksumSize, checksumBuf.arrayOffset() + checksumBuf.position() + checksumLen); checksumOut.write(checksumBuf.array(), checksumBuf.arrayOffset() + checksumBuf.position(), checksumLen); } /// flush entire packet, sync if requested flushOrSync(syncBlock); replicaInfo .setLastChecksumAndDataLen(offsetInBlock, lastChunkChecksum); datanode.metrics.incrBytesWritten(len); dropOsCacheBehindWriter(offsetInBlock); } } catch (IOException iex) { datanode.checkDiskError(iex); throw iex; } } // if sync was requested, put in queue for pending acks here // (after the fsync finished) if (responder != null && syncBlock) { ((PacketResponder) responder.getRunnable()) .enqueue(seqno, lastPacketInBlock, offsetInBlock); } if (throttler != null) { // throttle I/O throttler.throttle(len); } return lastPacketInBlock ? -1 : len; } private void dropOsCacheBehindWriter(long offsetInBlock) { try { if (outFd != null && offsetInBlock > lastCacheDropOffset + CACHE_DROP_LAG_BYTES) { long twoWindowsAgo = lastCacheDropOffset - CACHE_DROP_LAG_BYTES; if (twoWindowsAgo > 0 && dropCacheBehindWrites) { NativeIO.POSIX.getCacheManipulator() .posixFadviseIfPossible(block.getBlockName(), outFd, 0, lastCacheDropOffset, NativeIO.POSIX.POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); } if (syncBehindWrites) { NativeIO.POSIX.syncFileRangeIfPossible(outFd, lastCacheDropOffset, CACHE_DROP_LAG_BYTES, NativeIO.POSIX.SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE); } lastCacheDropOffset += CACHE_DROP_LAG_BYTES; } } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Couldn't drop os cache behind writer for " + block, t); } } void receiveBlock(DataOutputStream mirrOut, // output to next datanode DataInputStream mirrIn, // input from next datanode DataOutputStream replyOut, // output to previous datanode String mirrAddr, DataTransferThrottler throttlerArg, DatanodeInfo[] downstreams) throws IOException { syncOnClose = datanode.getDnConf().syncOnClose; boolean responderClosed = false; mirrorOut = mirrOut; mirrorAddr = mirrAddr; throttler = throttlerArg; try { if (isClient && !isTransfer) { responder = new Daemon(datanode.threadGroup, new PacketResponder(replyOut, mirrIn, downstreams)); responder.start(); // start thread to processes responses } /* * Receive until the last packet. */ while (receivePacket() >= 0) { } // wait for all outstanding packet responses. And then // indicate responder to gracefully shutdown. // Mark that responder has been closed for future processing if (responder != null) { ((PacketResponder) responder.getRunnable()).close(); responderClosed = true; } // If this write is for a replication or transfer-RBW/Finalized, // then finalize block or convert temporary to RBW. // For client-writes, the block is finalized in the PacketResponder. if (isDatanode || isTransfer) { // close the block/crc files close(); block.setNumBytes(replicaInfo.getNumBytes()); if (stage == BlockConstructionStage.TRANSFER_RBW) { // for TRANSFER_RBW, convert temporary to RBW datanode.data.convertTemporaryToRbw(block); } else { // for isDatnode or TRANSFER_FINALIZED // Finalize the block. datanode.data.finalizeBlock(block); } datanode.metrics.incrBlocksWritten(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.info("Exception for " + block, ioe); throw ioe; } finally { if (!responderClosed) { // Abnormal termination of the flow above IOUtils.closeStream(this); if (responder != null) { responder.interrupt(); } cleanupBlock(); } if (responder != null) { try { responder.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { responder.interrupt(); throw new IOException("Interrupted receiveBlock"); } responder = null; } } } /** * Cleanup a partial block * if this write is for a replication request (and not from a client) */ private void cleanupBlock() throws IOException { if (isDatanode) { datanode.data.unfinalizeBlock(block); } } /** * Adjust the file pointer in the local meta file so that the last checksum * will be overwritten. */ private void adjustCrcFilePosition() throws IOException { if (out != null) { out.flush(); } if (checksumOut != null) { checksumOut.flush(); } // rollback the position of the meta file datanode.data.adjustCrcChannelPosition(block, streams, checksumSize); } /** * Convert a checksum byte array to a long */ static private long checksum2long(byte[] checksum) { long crc = 0L; for (int i = 0; i < checksum.length; i++) { crc |= (0xffL & (long) checksum[i]) << ((checksum.length - i - 1) * 8); } return crc; } /** * reads in the partial crc chunk and computes checksum * of pre-existing data in partial chunk. */ private void computePartialChunkCrc(long blkoff, long ckoff, int bytesPerChecksum) throws IOException { // find offset of the beginning of partial chunk. // int sizePartialChunk = (int) (blkoff % bytesPerChecksum); int checksumSize = diskChecksum.getChecksumSize(); blkoff = blkoff - sizePartialChunk; LOG.info("computePartialChunkCrc sizePartialChunk " + sizePartialChunk + " " + block + " block offset " + blkoff + " metafile offset " + ckoff); // create an input stream from the block file // and read in partial crc chunk into temporary buffer // byte[] buf = new byte[sizePartialChunk]; byte[] crcbuf = new byte[checksumSize]; ReplicaInputStreams instr = null; try { instr = datanode.data.getTmpInputStreams(block, blkoff, ckoff); IOUtils.readFully(instr.getDataIn(), buf, 0, sizePartialChunk); // open meta file and read in crc value computer earlier IOUtils.readFully(instr.getChecksumIn(), crcbuf, 0, crcbuf.length); } finally { IOUtils.closeStream(instr); } // compute crc of partial chunk from data read in the block file. partialCrc = DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(diskChecksum.getChecksumType(), diskChecksum.getBytesPerChecksum()); partialCrc.update(buf, 0, sizePartialChunk); LOG.info("Read in partial CRC chunk from disk for " + block); // paranoia! verify that the pre-computed crc matches what we // recalculated just now if (partialCrc.getValue() != checksum2long(crcbuf)) { String msg = "Partial CRC " + partialCrc.getValue() + " does not match value computed the " + " last time file was closed " + checksum2long(crcbuf); throw new IOException(msg); } } private static enum PacketResponderType { NON_PIPELINE, LAST_IN_PIPELINE, HAS_DOWNSTREAM_IN_PIPELINE } /** * Processed responses from downstream datanodes in the pipeline * and sends back replies to the originator. */ class PacketResponder implements Runnable, Closeable { /** * queue for packets waiting for ack */ private final LinkedList<Packet> ackQueue = new LinkedList<Packet>(); /** * the thread that spawns this responder */ private final Thread receiverThread = Thread.currentThread(); /** * is this responder running? */ private volatile boolean running = true; /** * input from the next downstream datanode */ private final DataInputStream downstreamIn; /** * output to upstream datanode/client */ private final DataOutputStream upstreamOut; /** * The type of this responder */ private final PacketResponderType type; /** * for log and error messages */ private final String myString; @Override public String toString() { return myString; } PacketResponder(final DataOutputStream upstreamOut, final DataInputStream downstreamIn, final DatanodeInfo[] downstreams) { this.downstreamIn = downstreamIn; this.upstreamOut = upstreamOut; this.type = downstreams == null ? PacketResponderType.NON_PIPELINE : downstreams.length == 0 ? PacketResponderType.LAST_IN_PIPELINE : PacketResponderType.HAS_DOWNSTREAM_IN_PIPELINE; final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(getClass().getSimpleName()).append(": ") .append(block).append(", type=").append(type); if (type != PacketResponderType.HAS_DOWNSTREAM_IN_PIPELINE) { b.append(", downstreams=").append(downstreams.length).append(":") .append(Arrays.asList(downstreams)); } this.myString = b.toString(); } /** * enqueue the seqno that is still be to acked by the downstream datanode. * * @param seqno * @param lastPacketInBlock * @param offsetInBlock */ synchronized void enqueue(final long seqno, final boolean lastPacketInBlock, final long offsetInBlock) { if (running) { final Packet p = new Packet(seqno, lastPacketInBlock, offsetInBlock, System.nanoTime()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(myString + ": enqueue " + p); } ackQueue.addLast(p); notifyAll(); } } /** * wait for all pending packets to be acked. Then shutdown thread. */ @Override public synchronized void close() { while (running && ackQueue.size() != 0 && datanode.shouldRun) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { running = false; Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(myString + ": closing"); } running = false; notifyAll(); } /** * Thread to process incoming acks. * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ @Override public void run() { boolean lastPacketInBlock = false; final long startTime = ClientTraceLog.isInfoEnabled() ? System.nanoTime() : 0; while (running && datanode.shouldRun && !lastPacketInBlock) { long totalAckTimeNanos = 0; boolean isInterrupted = false; try { Packet pkt = null; long expected = -2; PipelineAck ack = new PipelineAck(); long seqno = PipelineAck.UNKOWN_SEQNO; long ackRecvNanoTime = 0; try { if (type != PacketResponderType.LAST_IN_PIPELINE && !mirrorError) { // read an ack from downstream datanode ack.readFields(downstreamIn); ackRecvNanoTime = System.nanoTime(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(myString + " got " + ack); } seqno = ack.getSeqno(); } if (seqno != PipelineAck.UNKOWN_SEQNO || type == PacketResponderType.LAST_IN_PIPELINE) { synchronized (this) { while (running && datanode.shouldRun && ackQueue.size() == 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(myString + ": seqno=" + seqno + " waiting for local datanode to finish write."); } wait(); } if (!running || !datanode.shouldRun) { break; } pkt = ackQueue.getFirst(); expected = pkt.seqno; if (type == PacketResponderType.HAS_DOWNSTREAM_IN_PIPELINE && seqno != expected) { throw new IOException( myString + "seqno: expected=" + expected + ", received=" + seqno); } if (type == PacketResponderType.HAS_DOWNSTREAM_IN_PIPELINE) { // The total ack time includes the ack times of downstream nodes. // The value is 0 if this responder doesn't have a downstream // DN in the pipeline. totalAckTimeNanos = ackRecvNanoTime - pkt.ackEnqueueNanoTime; // Report the elapsed time from ack send to ack receive minus // the downstream ack time. long ackTimeNanos = totalAckTimeNanos - ack.getDownstreamAckTimeNanos(); if (ackTimeNanos < 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Calculated invalid ack time: " + ackTimeNanos + "ns."); } } else { datanode.metrics .addPacketAckRoundTripTimeNanos(ackTimeNanos); } } lastPacketInBlock = pkt.lastPacketInBlock; } } } catch (InterruptedException ine) { isInterrupted = true; } catch (IOException ioe) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { isInterrupted = true; } else { // continue to run even if can not read from mirror // notify client of the error // and wait for the client to shut down the pipeline mirrorError = true; LOG.info(myString, ioe); } } if (Thread.interrupted() || isInterrupted) { /* The receiver thread cancelled this thread. * We could also check any other status updates from the * receiver thread (e.g. if it is ok to write to replyOut). * It is prudent to not send any more status back to the client * because this datanode has a problem. The upstream datanode * will detect that this datanode is bad, and rightly so. */ LOG.info(myString + ": Thread is interrupted."); running = false; continue; } // If this is the last packet in block, then close block // file and finalize the block before responding success if (lastPacketInBlock) { BlockReceiver.this.close(); final long endTime = ClientTraceLog.isInfoEnabled() ? System.nanoTime() : 0; block.setNumBytes(replicaInfo.getNumBytes()); datanode.data.finalizeBlock(block); datanode.closeBlock(block, DataNode.EMPTY_DEL_HINT); if (ClientTraceLog.isInfoEnabled() && isClient) { long offset = 0; DatanodeRegistration dnR = datanode.getDNRegistrationForBP(block.getBlockPoolId()); ClientTraceLog.info(String .format(DN_CLIENTTRACE_FORMAT, inAddr, myAddr, block.getNumBytes(), "HDFS_WRITE", clientname, offset, dnR.getStorageID(), block, endTime - startTime)); } else { LOG.info("Received " + block + " size " + block.getNumBytes() + " from " + inAddr); } } // construct my ack message Status[] replies = null; if (mirrorError) { // ack read error replies = new Status[2]; replies[0] = Status.SUCCESS; replies[1] = Status.ERROR; } else { short ackLen = type == PacketResponderType.LAST_IN_PIPELINE ? 0 : ack.getNumOfReplies(); replies = new Status[1 + ackLen]; replies[0] = Status.SUCCESS; for (int i = 0; i < ackLen; i++) { replies[i + 1] = ack.getReply(i); } } PipelineAck replyAck = new PipelineAck(expected, replies, totalAckTimeNanos); if (replyAck.isSuccess() && pkt.offsetInBlock > replicaInfo.getBytesAcked()) { replicaInfo.setBytesAcked(pkt.offsetInBlock); } // send my ack back to upstream datanode replyAck.write(upstreamOut); upstreamOut.flush(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(myString + ", replyAck=" + replyAck); } if (pkt != null) { // remove the packet from the ack queue removeAckHead(); // update bytes acked } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("IOException in BlockReceiver.run(): ", e); if (running) { try { datanode.checkDiskError(e); // may throw an exception here } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("DataNode.checkDiskError failed in run() with: ", ioe); } LOG.info(myString, e); running = false; if (!Thread.interrupted()) { // failure not caused by interruption receiverThread.interrupt(); } } } catch (Throwable e) { if (running) { LOG.info(myString, e); running = false; receiverThread.interrupt(); } } } LOG.info(myString + " terminating"); } /** * Remove a packet from the head of the ack queue * <p/> * This should be called only when the ack queue is not empty */ private synchronized void removeAckHead() { ackQueue.removeFirst(); notifyAll(); } } /** * This information is cached by the Datanode in the ackQueue. */ private static class Packet { final long seqno; final boolean lastPacketInBlock; final long offsetInBlock; final long ackEnqueueNanoTime; Packet(long seqno, boolean lastPacketInBlock, long offsetInBlock, long ackEnqueueNanoTime) { this.seqno = seqno; this.lastPacketInBlock = lastPacketInBlock; this.offsetInBlock = offsetInBlock; this.ackEnqueueNanoTime = ackEnqueueNanoTime; } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(seqno=" + seqno + ", lastPacketInBlock=" + lastPacketInBlock + ", offsetInBlock=" + offsetInBlock + ", ackEnqueueNanoTime=" + ackEnqueueNanoTime + ")"; } } }