/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.fs; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.net.URI; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.Token; import org.junit.Assert; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; /** * Helper class for unit tests. */ public class FileSystemTestHelper { private static final int DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024; private static final int DEFAULT_NUM_BLOCKS = 2; private static final short DEFAULT_NUM_REPL = 1; protected final String testRootDir; private String absTestRootDir = null; /** * Create helper with test root located at <wd>/build/test/data */ public FileSystemTestHelper() { this(System.getProperty("test.build.data", "target/test/data") + "/" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(10)); } /** * Create helper with the specified test root dir */ public FileSystemTestHelper(String testRootDir) { this.testRootDir = testRootDir; } public static void addFileSystemForTesting(URI uri, Configuration conf, FileSystem fs) throws IOException { FileSystem.addFileSystemForTesting(uri, conf, fs); } public static int getDefaultBlockSize() { return DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE; } public static byte[] getFileData(int numOfBlocks, long blockSize) { byte[] data = new byte[(int) (numOfBlocks * blockSize)]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = (byte) (i % 10); } return data; } public String getTestRootDir() { return testRootDir; } /* * get testRootPath qualified for fSys */ public Path getTestRootPath(FileSystem fSys) { return fSys.makeQualified(new Path(testRootDir)); } /* * get testRootPath + pathString qualified for fSys */ public Path getTestRootPath(FileSystem fSys, String pathString) { return fSys.makeQualified(new Path(testRootDir, pathString)); } // the getAbsolutexxx method is needed because the root test dir // can be messed up by changing the working dir since the TEST_ROOT_PATH // is often relative to the working directory of process // running the unit tests. String getAbsoluteTestRootDir(FileSystem fSys) throws IOException { // NOTE: can't cache because of different filesystems! //if (absTestRootDir == null) if (new Path(testRootDir).isAbsolute()) { absTestRootDir = testRootDir; } else { absTestRootDir = fSys.getWorkingDirectory().toString() + "/" + testRootDir; } //} return absTestRootDir; } public Path getAbsoluteTestRootPath(FileSystem fSys) throws IOException { return fSys.makeQualified(new Path(getAbsoluteTestRootDir(fSys))); } public Path getDefaultWorkingDirectory(FileSystem fSys) throws IOException { return getTestRootPath(fSys, "/user/" + System.getProperty("user.name")) .makeQualified(fSys.getUri(), fSys.getWorkingDirectory()); } /* * Create files with numBlocks blocks each with block size blockSize. */ public static long createFile(FileSystem fSys, Path path, int numBlocks, int blockSize, short numRepl, boolean createParent) throws IOException { return createFile(fSys, path, getFileData(numBlocks, blockSize), blockSize, numRepl); } public static long createFile(FileSystem fSys, Path path, byte[] data, int blockSize, short numRepl) throws IOException { FSDataOutputStream out = fSys.create(path, false, 4096, numRepl, blockSize); try { out.write(data, 0, data.length); } finally { out.close(); } return data.length; } public static long createFile(FileSystem fSys, Path path, int numBlocks, int blockSize, boolean createParent) throws IOException { return createFile(fSys, path, numBlocks, blockSize, fSys.getDefaultReplication(path), true); } public static long createFile(FileSystem fSys, Path path, int numBlocks, int blockSize) throws IOException { return createFile(fSys, path, numBlocks, blockSize, true); } public static long createFile(FileSystem fSys, Path path) throws IOException { return createFile(fSys, path, DEFAULT_NUM_BLOCKS, DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, DEFAULT_NUM_REPL, true); } public long createFile(FileSystem fSys, String name) throws IOException { Path path = getTestRootPath(fSys, name); return createFile(fSys, path); } public static boolean exists(FileSystem fSys, Path p) throws IOException { return fSys.exists(p); } public static boolean isFile(FileSystem fSys, Path p) throws IOException { try { return fSys.getFileStatus(p).isFile(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return false; } } public static boolean isDir(FileSystem fSys, Path p) throws IOException { try { return fSys.getFileStatus(p).isDirectory(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return false; } } static String writeFile(FileSystem fileSys, Path name, int fileSize) throws IOException { final long seed = 0xDEADBEEFL; // Create and write a file that contains three blocks of data FSDataOutputStream stm = fileSys.create(name); byte[] buffer = new byte[fileSize]; Random rand = new Random(seed); rand.nextBytes(buffer); stm.write(buffer); stm.close(); return new String(buffer); } static String readFile(FileSystem fs, Path name, int buflen) throws IOException { byte[] b = new byte[buflen]; int offset = 0; FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(name); for (int remaining, n; (remaining = b.length - offset) > 0 && (n = in.read(b, offset, remaining)) != -1; offset += n); assertEquals(offset, Math.min(b.length, in.getPos())); in.close(); String s = new String(b, 0, offset); return s; } public FileStatus containsPath(FileSystem fSys, Path path, FileStatus[] dirList) throws IOException { for(int i = 0; i < dirList.length; i ++) { if (getTestRootPath(fSys, path.toString()).equals( dirList[i].getPath())) return dirList[i]; } return null; } public static FileStatus containsPath(Path path, FileStatus[] dirList) throws IOException { for(int i = 0; i < dirList.length; i ++) { if (path.equals(dirList[i].getPath())) return dirList[i]; } return null; } public FileStatus containsPath(FileSystem fSys, String path, FileStatus[] dirList) throws IOException { return containsPath(fSys, new Path(path), dirList); } public static enum fileType {isDir, isFile, isSymlink}; public static void checkFileStatus(FileSystem aFs, String path, fileType expectedType) throws IOException { FileStatus s = aFs.getFileStatus(new Path(path)); Assert.assertNotNull(s); if (expectedType == fileType.isDir) { Assert.assertTrue(s.isDirectory()); } else if (expectedType == fileType.isFile) { Assert.assertTrue(s.isFile()); } else if (expectedType == fileType.isSymlink) { Assert.assertTrue(s.isSymlink()); } Assert.assertEquals(aFs.makeQualified(new Path(path)), s.getPath()); } /** * Class to enable easier mocking of a FileSystem * Use getRawFileSystem to retrieve the mock */ public static class MockFileSystem extends FilterFileSystem { public MockFileSystem() { // it's a bit ackward to mock ourselves, but it allows the visibility // of methods to be increased super(mock(MockFileSystem.class)); } @Override public MockFileSystem getRawFileSystem() { return (MockFileSystem) super.getRawFileSystem(); } // these basic methods need to directly propagate to the mock to be // more transparent @Override public void initialize(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException { fs.initialize(uri, conf); } @Override public String getCanonicalServiceName() { return fs.getCanonicalServiceName(); } @Override public FileSystem[] getChildFileSystems() { return fs.getChildFileSystems(); } @Override // publicly expose for mocking public Token<?> getDelegationToken(String renewer) throws IOException { return fs.getDelegationToken(renewer); } } }