/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CreateFlag; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.client.HdfsDataInputStream; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.EnumSet; public class TestWriteRead { // Junit test settings. private static final int WR_NTIMES = 350; private static final int WR_CHUNK_SIZE = 10000; private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 8192 * 100; private static final String ROOT_DIR = "/tmp/"; private static final long blockSize = 1024 * 100; // command-line options. Different defaults for unit test vs real cluster String filenameOption = ROOT_DIR + "fileX1"; int chunkSizeOption = 10000; int loopOption = 10; private MiniDFSCluster cluster; private Configuration conf; // = new HdfsConfiguration(); private FileSystem mfs; // = cluster.getFileSystem(); private FileContext mfc; // = FileContext.getFileContext(); // configuration private boolean useFCOption = false; // use either FileSystem or FileContext private boolean verboseOption = true; private boolean positionReadOption = false; private boolean truncateOption = false; private boolean abortTestOnFailure = true; static private Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestWriteRead.class); @Before public void initJunitModeTest() throws Exception { LOG.info("initJunitModeTest"); conf = new HdfsConfiguration(); conf.setLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY, blockSize); // 100K // blocksize cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(3).build(); cluster.waitActive(); mfs = cluster.getFileSystem(); mfc = FileContext.getFileContext(); Path rootdir = new Path(ROOT_DIR); mfs.mkdirs(rootdir); } @After public void shutdown() { cluster.shutdown(); } // Equivalence of @Before for cluster mode testing. private void initClusterModeTest() throws IOException { LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestWriteRead.class); LOG.info("initClusterModeTest"); conf = new Configuration(); mfc = FileContext.getFileContext(); mfs = FileSystem.get(conf); } /** * Junit Test reading while writing. */ @Test public void testWriteReadSeq() throws IOException { useFCOption = false; positionReadOption = false; String fname = filenameOption; long rdBeginPos = 0; // need to run long enough to fail: takes 25 to 35 seec on Mac int stat = testWriteAndRead(fname, WR_NTIMES, WR_CHUNK_SIZE, rdBeginPos); LOG.info("Summary status from test1: status= " + stat); Assert.assertEquals(0, stat); } /** * Junit Test position read while writing. */ @Test public void testWriteReadPos() throws IOException { String fname = filenameOption; positionReadOption = true; // position read long rdBeginPos = 0; int stat = testWriteAndRead(fname, WR_NTIMES, WR_CHUNK_SIZE, rdBeginPos); Assert.assertEquals(0, stat); } /** * Junit Test position read of the current block being written. */ @Test public void testReadPosCurrentBlock() throws IOException { String fname = filenameOption; positionReadOption = true; // position read int wrChunkSize = (int) (blockSize) + (int) (blockSize / 2); long rdBeginPos = blockSize + 1; int numTimes = 5; int stat = testWriteAndRead(fname, numTimes, wrChunkSize, rdBeginPos); Assert.assertEquals(0, stat); } // equivalent of TestWriteRead1 private int clusterTestWriteRead1() throws IOException { long rdBeginPos = 0; int stat = testWriteAndRead(filenameOption, loopOption, chunkSizeOption, rdBeginPos); return stat; } /** * Open the file to read from begin to end. Then close the file. * Return number of bytes read. * Support both sequential read and position read. */ private long readData(String fname, byte[] buffer, long byteExpected, long beginPosition) throws IOException { long totalByteRead = 0; Path path = getFullyQualifiedPath(fname); FSDataInputStream in = null; try { in = openInputStream(path); long visibleLenFromReadStream = ((HdfsDataInputStream) in).getVisibleLength(); if (visibleLenFromReadStream < byteExpected) { throw new IOException(visibleLenFromReadStream + " = visibleLenFromReadStream < bytesExpected= " + byteExpected); } totalByteRead = readUntilEnd(in, buffer, buffer.length, fname, beginPosition, visibleLenFromReadStream, positionReadOption); in.close(); // reading more data than visibleLeng is OK, but not less if (totalByteRead + beginPosition < byteExpected) { throw new IOException( "readData mismatch in byte read: expected=" + byteExpected + " ; got " + (totalByteRead + beginPosition)); } return totalByteRead + beginPosition; } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException( "##### Caught Exception in readData. " + "Total Byte Read so far = " + totalByteRead + " beginPosition = " + beginPosition, e); } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } } /** * read chunks into buffer repeatedly until total of VisibleLen byte are * read. * Return total number of bytes read */ private long readUntilEnd(FSDataInputStream in, byte[] buffer, long size, String fname, long pos, long visibleLen, boolean positionReadOption) throws IOException { if (pos >= visibleLen || visibleLen <= 0) { return 0; } int chunkNumber = 0; long totalByteRead = 0; long currentPosition = pos; int byteRead = 0; long byteLeftToRead = visibleLen - pos; int byteToReadThisRound = 0; if (!positionReadOption) { in.seek(pos); currentPosition = in.getPos(); } if (verboseOption) { LOG.info("reader begin: position: " + pos + " ; currentOffset = " + currentPosition + " ; bufferSize =" + buffer.length + " ; Filename = " + fname); } try { while (byteLeftToRead > 0 && currentPosition < visibleLen) { byteToReadThisRound = (int) (byteLeftToRead >= buffer.length ? buffer.length : byteLeftToRead); if (positionReadOption) { byteRead = in.read(currentPosition, buffer, 0, byteToReadThisRound); } else { byteRead = in.read(buffer, 0, byteToReadThisRound); } if (byteRead <= 0) { break; } chunkNumber++; totalByteRead += byteRead; currentPosition += byteRead; byteLeftToRead -= byteRead; if (verboseOption) { LOG.info("reader: Number of byte read: " + byteRead + " ; totalByteRead = " + totalByteRead + " ; currentPosition=" + currentPosition + " ; chunkNumber =" + chunkNumber + "; File name = " + fname); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException( "#### Exception caught in readUntilEnd: reader currentOffset = " + currentPosition + " ; totalByteRead =" + totalByteRead + " ; latest byteRead = " + byteRead + "; visibleLen= " + visibleLen + " ; bufferLen = " + buffer.length + " ; Filename = " + fname, e); } if (verboseOption) { LOG.info("reader end: position: " + pos + " ; currentOffset = " + currentPosition + " ; totalByteRead =" + totalByteRead + " ; Filename = " + fname); } return totalByteRead; } private void writeData(FSDataOutputStream out, byte[] buffer, int length) throws IOException { int totalByteWritten = 0; int remainToWrite = length; while (remainToWrite > 0) { int toWriteThisRound = remainToWrite > buffer.length ? buffer.length : remainToWrite; out.write(buffer, 0, toWriteThisRound); totalByteWritten += toWriteThisRound; remainToWrite -= toWriteThisRound; } if (totalByteWritten != length) { throw new IOException( "WriteData: failure in write. Attempt to write " + length + " ; written=" + totalByteWritten); } } /** * Common routine to do position read while open the file for write. * After each iteration of write, do a read of the file from begin to end. * Return 0 on success, else number of failure. */ private int testWriteAndRead(String fname, int loopN, int chunkSize, long readBeginPosition) throws IOException { int countOfFailures = 0; long byteVisibleToRead = 0; FSDataOutputStream out = null; byte[] outBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; byte[] inBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { outBuffer[i] = (byte) (i & 0x00ff); } try { Path path = getFullyQualifiedPath(fname); long fileLengthBeforeOpen = 0; if (ifExists(path)) { if (truncateOption) { out = useFCOption ? mfc.create(path, EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.OVERWRITE)) : mfs.create(path, truncateOption); LOG.info( "File already exists. File open with Truncate mode: " + path); } else { out = useFCOption ? mfc.create(path, EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.APPEND)) : mfs.append(path); fileLengthBeforeOpen = getFileLengthFromNN(path); LOG.info("File already exists of size " + fileLengthBeforeOpen + " File open for Append mode: " + path); } } else { out = useFCOption ? mfc.create(path, EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.CREATE)) : mfs.create(path); } long totalByteWritten = fileLengthBeforeOpen; long totalByteVisible = fileLengthBeforeOpen; long totalByteWrittenButNotVisible = 0; boolean toFlush; for (int i = 0; i < loopN; i++) { toFlush = (i % 2) == 0; writeData(out, outBuffer, chunkSize); totalByteWritten += chunkSize; if (toFlush) { out.hflush(); totalByteVisible += chunkSize + totalByteWrittenButNotVisible; totalByteWrittenButNotVisible = 0; } else { totalByteWrittenButNotVisible += chunkSize; } if (verboseOption) { LOG.info( "TestReadWrite - Written " + chunkSize + ". Total written = " + totalByteWritten + ". TotalByteVisible = " + totalByteVisible + " to file " + fname); } byteVisibleToRead = readData(fname, inBuffer, totalByteVisible, readBeginPosition); String readmsg = "Written=" + totalByteWritten + " ; Expected Visible=" + totalByteVisible + " ; Got Visible=" + byteVisibleToRead + " of file " + fname; if (byteVisibleToRead >= totalByteVisible && byteVisibleToRead <= totalByteWritten) { readmsg = "pass: reader sees expected number of visible byte. " + readmsg + " [pass]"; } else { countOfFailures++; readmsg = "fail: reader see different number of visible byte. " + readmsg + " [fail]"; if (abortTestOnFailure) { throw new IOException(readmsg); } } LOG.info(readmsg); } // test the automatic flush after close writeData(out, outBuffer, chunkSize); totalByteWritten += chunkSize; totalByteVisible += chunkSize + totalByteWrittenButNotVisible; totalByteWrittenButNotVisible += 0; out.close(); byteVisibleToRead = readData(fname, inBuffer, totalByteVisible, readBeginPosition); String readmsg2 = "Written=" + totalByteWritten + " ; Expected Visible=" + totalByteVisible + " ; Got Visible=" + byteVisibleToRead + " of file " + fname; String readmsg; if (byteVisibleToRead >= totalByteVisible && byteVisibleToRead <= totalByteWritten) { readmsg = "pass: reader sees expected number of visible byte on close. " + readmsg2 + " [pass]"; } else { countOfFailures++; readmsg = "fail: reader sees different number of visible byte on close. " + readmsg2 + " [fail]"; LOG.info(readmsg); if (abortTestOnFailure) { throw new IOException(readmsg); } } // now check if NN got the same length long lenFromFc = getFileLengthFromNN(path); if (lenFromFc != byteVisibleToRead) { readmsg = "fail: reader sees different number of visible byte from NN " + readmsg2 + " [fail]"; throw new IOException(readmsg); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException( "##### Caught Exception in testAppendWriteAndRead. Close file. " + "Total Byte Read so far = " + byteVisibleToRead, e); } finally { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } return -countOfFailures; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // helper function: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private FSDataInputStream openInputStream(Path path) throws IOException { FSDataInputStream in = useFCOption ? mfc.open(path) : mfs.open(path); return in; } // length of a file (path name) from NN. private long getFileLengthFromNN(Path path) throws IOException { FileStatus fileStatus = useFCOption ? mfc.getFileStatus(path) : mfs.getFileStatus(path); return fileStatus.getLen(); } private boolean ifExists(Path path) throws IOException { return useFCOption ? mfc.util().exists(path) : mfs.exists(path); } private Path getFullyQualifiedPath(String pathString) { return useFCOption ? mfc.makeQualified(new Path(ROOT_DIR, pathString)) : mfs.makeQualified(new Path(ROOT_DIR, pathString)); } private void usage() { LOG.info("Usage: [-useSeqRead | -usePosRead] [-append|truncate]" + " -chunkSize nn -loop ntimes -f filename"); System.out.println("Usage: [-useSeqRead | -usePosRead] [-append|truncate]" + " -chunkSize nn -loop ntimes -f filename"); System.out.println( "Defaults: -chunkSize=10000, -loop=10, -f=/tmp/fileX1, " + "use sequential read, use append mode if file already exists"); System.exit(0); } private void dumpOptions() { LOG.info(" Option setting: filenameOption = " + filenameOption); LOG.info(" Option setting: chunkSizeOption = " + chunkSizeOption); LOG.info(" Option setting: loopOption = " + loopOption); LOG.info(" Option setting: posReadOption = " + positionReadOption); LOG.info(" Option setting: truncateOption = " + truncateOption); LOG.info(" Option setting: verboseOption = " + verboseOption); } private void getCmdLineOption(String[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("-f")) { filenameOption = args[++i]; } else if (args[i].equals("-chunkSize")) { chunkSizeOption = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); } else if (args[i].equals("-loop")) { loopOption = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); } else if (args[i].equals("-usePosRead")) { positionReadOption = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-useSeqRead")) { positionReadOption = false; } else if (args[i].equals("-truncate")) { truncateOption = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-append")) { truncateOption = false; } else if (args[i].equals("-verbose")) { verboseOption = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-noVerbose")) { verboseOption = false; } else { usage(); } } if (verboseOption) { dumpOptions(); } return; } /** * Entry point of the test when using a real cluster. * Usage: [-loop ntimes] [-chunkSize nn] [-f filename] * [-useSeqRead |-usePosRead] [-append |-truncate] [-verbose |-noVerbose] * -loop: iterate ntimes: each iteration consists of a write, then a read * -chunkSize: number of byte for each write * -f filename: filename to write and read * [-useSeqRead | -usePosRead]: use Position Read, or default Sequential Read * [-append | -truncate]: if file already exist, Truncate or default Append * [-verbose | -noVerbose]: additional debugging messages if verbose is on * Default: -loop = 10; -chunkSize = 10000; -f filename = /tmp/fileX1 * Use Sequential Read, Append Mode, verbose on. */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { TestWriteRead trw = new TestWriteRead(); trw.initClusterModeTest(); trw.getCmdLineOption(args); int stat = trw.clusterTestWriteRead1(); if (stat == 0) { System.out.println("Status: clusterTestWriteRead1 test PASS"); } else { System.out.println( "Status: clusterTestWriteRead1 test FAIL with " + stat + " failures"); } System.exit(stat); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.info("#### Exception in Main"); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-2); } } }